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Thread: The Last EB Music Preview

  1. #1

    Default The Last EB Music Preview

    Greetings Europa Barbarorum fans. Today we have our last music preview, showcasing more of the work of our composers:

    As shown in our earlier music previews, EB v0.8 features new music for our different culture groups. We have replaced *all* the music from the vanilla version of the mod at this point with new music from our composers. We are releasing today the last two culture sets to give a better idea of where the music for EB is going (or maybe "has gone") and to free up even more songs that our composers can include on their own personal websites (Morgan Casey and Nick Wylie).

    We would like to thank Morgan and Nick yet again for their work and we can't wait to release all of the pieces with the 0.8 build (yes, there are still more, most importantly including the main theme for Europa Barbarorum, as well as victory, defeat, general tension, load screen loops, etc.). We are also very happy to suggest that folks out there take a closer look at their other work on their websites and their pages too.

    And now for the part you've been waiting on, here are the previewed songs (click on each "button" individually to hear them - if you are going to listen to them multiple times, we would advise saving bandwith by just right clicking and choosing "Save as..." to save the songs to your desktop):

    Semitic Music Set:

    Barbarian Music Set:

    Teleklos: Very glad to have you here to answer a few questions Nick. I think that maybe starting out with a bit of an explanation of how you teamed up with EB would be a good idea. Could you fill everyone in on that a little and about why you decided to join up also?

    Nick: Glad I could be here. I was approached by Morgan to co-compose the EB soundtrack with her and after looking into it, it felt like something I wanted to be involved with. The attention to historical accuracy in EB, both in story and in graphics, was also a supporting factor in my decision.

    Teleklos: Had you played Rome: Total War before?

    Nick: I had not actually. The game being only for PC, that sadly leaves me out of the picture because I'm a Mac user.

    Teleklos: Oops! Well, do you think you will try it out at some point to see how your music actually works in the game?

    Nick: I would really like to try it someday, yes.

    Teleklos: Since this was your first foray into the world of scoring game themes, do you think you would like to try this again?

    Nick: After going through co-composing in EB, video game scoring is something I would definitely like to be involved with again.

    Teleklos: About the collaborative aspect: Have you and Morgan teamed up with anything else in the past? Do you have any plans yet to work on anything together in the future?

    Nick: This is our first collaborative project together. I would like to think that if the right project becomes available to either one of us, there's a possibility we could team up again.

    Teleklos: We are releasing two of your theme sets in this preview (the barbarian and semitic ones). Since the barbarian culture group has a wide variety of factions it must represent, how did you attempt to deal with that problem in creating the theme?

    Nick: Because the barbarian group does cover such a wide range of factions and cultures, I wanted to focus on the feeling of what the barbarians represented. After getting feedback and suggestions from the EB team, I was able to get a good enough picture of what the theme would look like.

    Teleklos: What about the direction you went with the Semitic theme; what sort of instruments and ideas was it built around?

    Nick: The Semitic theme was talked about among everyone and a similar consensus was it being more of a meditative and more "drone" quality than the rest of the factions. One of my earlier ideas I had for a theme was a flute, hammered instrument and solo vocals. This felt like a great theme to adapt that to.

    Teleklos: As a musician and composer, what do you see as your strengths, and how is that reflected in the themes you've created?

    Nick: Some of my strengths are in sound designing and percussion. Sound design played an important part in creating the faction specific instruments, since most were created from scratch or from existing instruments. EB's overall theme of war and history I felt needed to have a good percussion bed in it to help drive things along.

    Teleklos: What about any weaknesses that you are still working on?

    Nick: I have too many weaknesses to list here that I'm always working at getting better on. But the best I can do is to continue to do better to improve them and myself in the process.

    Teleklos: Although it hasn't been released yet, I'm sure there are some folks out there who are very interested in what the main EB theme is going to be like. Can you give any hints about it or what sort of style you went with?

    Nick: The main theme will have a few different flavors to reflect some of the different factions. It has uplifting, solemn and epic feelings throughout the piece and opens with a carnyx-like horn.

    Teleklos: If you had to pick your favorite piece from the ones you have worked on, which would it be and why?

    Nick: My favorite piece I worked on would have to be the Semitic theme. Everything clicked really well when I was writing it, and it still finds its way into my iTunes playlists on a regular basis.

    Teleklos: Like Morgan, you also seem to have some pretty varied musical interests. What sort of music do you prefer working on?

    Nick: I like working with a few different styles quite similar to some EB themes, but slower, more reflective soundtrack music would be the most preferred to work with.

    Teleklos: Will you concentrate on that in the future, or do you have any plans that you'd like to fill us in on? It would be great if some fans of your music here became interested in your next project(s).

    Nick: Stylistically wise, I love that kind of music. However, that gets tricky because I have to keep my creative palette open from project to project. I plan to continue looking into video games as well as working with films. There is also a possibility that I may make my own album in the future as well. Everything will be updated on my website, so be sure to check in often.

    Teleklos: Thanks Nick! We really do appreciate you taking the time to talk with us and we hope everyone enjoys the music previewed today!

    You can listen to more of Nick's work on his page also. Be sure to visit it, at:

    We hope you have enjoyed this brief preview.

    As always, if you have questions or comments, the best place to post them is here, where the EB team is most active:

    Europa Barbarorum ORG forum

    Europa Barbarorum TWC forum

    We give special thanks to Imageshack that provides us with a simple, foolproof, and free way to show you all these pictures each week.

    Have a great day!


    The Europa Barbarorum team.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Someone just asked on the TWC board about the "Semitic" title of the music. I should have mentioned that in the preview itself, but this is a good place to do it: this is the carthaginian music. But we don't have any carthaginian music left, and very little idea what the heck it was like. So most of our cues and ideas came from music through the Levant, traditional Jewish and Arabian music basically to give us ideas (after all, that is what Carthaginian music had to have been like, since they were from there).

  3. #3
    Now sporting a classic avatar! Member fallen851's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Wow the Barbarian music sounds EVIL!

    EDIT: I like it, kinda remind me of the music from the Orc scenes of LOTR or Darth Vader's music or something.

    The Carthie music very well done as well reminds me of music from TA: Kingdoms.
    Last edited by fallen851; 09-28-2006 at 18:16.
    "It's true that when it's looked at isolated, Rome II is a good game... but every time I sit down to play it, every battle, through every turn, I see how Rome I was better. Not unanimously, but ultimately." - Dr. Sane

  4. #4

    Thumbs up Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    I love the music, particularly the barbarian main theme. For some reason it makes me think of some sort of dark and sinister Casse swamp. Brilliantly and excelently done!

    And if this is the last music preview does that mean that 0.8 is not far off?
    Last edited by MSB; 09-28-2006 at 18:18.

  5. #5
    Member Member paullus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    aw man, i saw semitic and thought "AHA! but why would they let out the last faction in such a wimpy way?"

    btw, were the Phoenicians semitic? learn something new every day

    and i like the music, great job!
    "The mere statement of fact, though it may excite our interest, is of no benefit to us, but when the knowledge of the cause is added, then the study of history becomes fruitful." -Polybios

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Quote Originally Posted by paullus
    aw man, i saw semitic and thought "AHA! but why would they let out the last faction in such a wimpy way?"

    btw, were the Phoenicians semitic? learn something new every day

    and i like the music, great job!
    I don't know exactly what the relationship is (not my area), but I do know translator either uses Hebrew to arrive at some of the words or is always drawing parallels (names for Carthaginian buildings, units, etc.). Also Punic doesn't use vowels in written text, like Hebrew (or however this should be explained - again I don't know the details - but I love the theme ).

  7. #7
    Imperialist Brit Member Orb's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    I assume the two remaining nomad pieces are coming out with 0.8?

    Also, the music deserves at least two

    Edit - having heard the Barbarian music, I can only class it as GOD-DAMN AWESOME! Seriously, I think you guys are deities.
    Last edited by Orb; 09-28-2006 at 22:26.

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  8. #8
    Son of Lusus Member Lusitani's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Grrrr i can´t download it...everytime i try a blank page comes up...damnit i wanna hear the musicsssssss !!!!!!!!!!!

    Ignore this post plz...problem solved...heheheh delete it even :P thanks
    Last edited by Lusitani; 09-28-2006 at 22:26.
    "Deep in Iberia there is a tribe that doesn't rule itself, nor allows anyone to rule it" - Gaius Julius Caesar.

  9. #9
    Member Member paullus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Quote Originally Posted by Teleklos Archelaou
    I don't know exactly what the relationship is (not my area), but I do know translator either uses Hebrew to arrive at some of the words or is always drawing parallels (names for Carthaginian buildings, units, etc.). Also Punic doesn't use vowels in written text, like Hebrew (or however this should be explained - again I don't know the details - but I love the theme ).
    true, its a great theme; makes me want to start a new Karthadast campaign when .8 comes out, even though, as far as I know, they aren't getting any new units. (brazen attempt at pulling out some more info)
    "The mere statement of fact, though it may excite our interest, is of no benefit to us, but when the knowledge of the cause is added, then the study of history becomes fruitful." -Polybios

  10. #10
    Gangrenous Member Justiciar's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Not sure what to make of the Barbarian music. It definately sounds good, but it seems a little out of character for EB. All the other music attempts to recreate the cultural sound of each faction, this just sounds like generic fantasy evil/savage horde. Just doesn't seem right.

    It's good though.
    When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman? From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men. For if God would have had any bondsmen from the beginning, he would have appointed who should be bound, and who free. And therefore I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recover liberty. - John Ball

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    The barbarian culture group is the one that spans the widest variety of peoples. Trying to come up with one theme for them was not easy - sort of like the GUI, there's no one way to do it that would represent well the varied factions. It's *not* just fantasy evil horde music. Specific instruments had samples provided and modern instruments were used to imitate the sounds, and especially ideas of the celtic faction guys on military music that had the most influence I think, but it wasn't just fantasy. It's a theme that is more martial than others for sure.

    For the barbs, some of the elements that were requested were (some excerpts I'm pinching from the discussion here): deep rythmic shield bashing, crowd cheers / singing, Carnyx's / horns, drums...and yes, it was requested that they be put together in a way that was "wild, dark, and scary". Several sample sounds of types of horns/etc. were supplied, photos of intstrument types.

    So it's probably got a lot to do with the coordinators that were giving advice on what the music should sound like.

  12. #12
    Guest Dayve's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    My computer still won't allow links or pictures to show in this forum. If someone could PM me the links or tell me why the hell this is happening, that'd be wonderful.

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  13. #13

    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Well, go here then:

    ftp dot europabarbarorum dot org/music/

    Those are some huge problems if not even links are showing up. What good is the internet without them!?

  14. #14
    Guest Dayve's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    They sometimes do but sometimes don't. Like in the campaign map pictures thread in which i have posted pictured a while ago, they all show up... I see the pictures of the music artists, but i see no links.

    It's gay i tell you. GAY!

  15. #15
    Prodder of Stuff Member Musopticon?'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Wow, barbarian battle is amazingly macho. Machismo I tell you!

    I also adore the semitic main theme. Keep's hope up from Axum.

  16. #16
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Nice work .

    Why is the main barbarian theme not included in the previews? It is available on your ftp servers.
    Last edited by Ludens; 09-29-2006 at 20:21.
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  17. #17

    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    The image must not have loaded for you, Ludens. Hit refresh - it's there.

  18. #18
    Crazy Russian Member Zero1's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    I really like the Semitic Mobilization theme myself
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  19. #19
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Quote Originally Posted by Teleklos Archelaou
    The image must not have loaded for you, Ludens. Hit refresh - it's there.
    I thought of that, but it didn't work. The image didn't load at the TWC preview either. However, it has loaded correctly this time.

    I guess it's somehow related to Imageshack: my browser sometimes is unable to download certain pictures of Imageshack servers, no matter how often I hit refresh.
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  20. #20
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    THe main Barbarian theme is brilliant. To me it represents a warlike people who are just preparing for war. It is something big and there seems to be a sense of glory, and somewhat innevitability to it.

    Great music
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  21. #21
    Member Member Birka Viking's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    great work EB!!...Now I want to play 0.8 even

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    Must...Play.. Barbarians...CANNOT RESIST.
    Last edited by Olaf The Great; 10-03-2006 at 07:00.
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  23. #23

    Default AW: The Last EB Music Preview

    I always thought of R:TW music to be a big dissapointment in the game, at least compared to the fanctastic work done on the music in M:TW.. However this EB music has absolutley blown me away, particuarly the barbarian music.

    to the composers.

  24. #24
    Evil Sadist Member discovery1's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    I must say, this work is BRILLIANT!

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  25. #25

    Default Re: The Last EB Music Preview

    You guys should drop over onto Nick's page or myspace and leave a comment if you really like it. He'd be happy to hear I'm sure.


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