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Thread: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

  1. #1
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Munich, Germany

    Default Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV) DLV 4.0 + bugfixer_02

    Deus lo Vult Kingdoms 5.0 is out + Patch 5.3

    Only for Kingdoms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    fKings Stuff:banner,..

    **Forum: Total War Center, Hosted Mods
    **Download DLV 5.0 Kingdoms: 614 (586) MB
    **Download Patch DLV 5.3 : 372 (355) MB

    Torrents for downloading the patch:

    Handbook english for DLV 5.0 Patch 5.3

    DLV 5.3 works only with Kingdoms installed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ----------------Attention Patch 5.3 necessary----------------

    Changelog Patch 5.3 not save compatible to 5.2 or older
    - new faction Georgia: thanks to Harry Lime integrate the russian "Knights of Honour Mod 5.0" (Skinner NeoUA)

    - new strat models for captains: thanks to Isilendil

    - integrated more skins from Lithuania mod: thanks to Isilendil+MadTao

    - reworked skins Teuton Order: thanks to Isilendil
    - reworked campaign map texture files
    - more aggressive mongols
    - faster campaign turns
    - included in Campaign AI: religious buildings influence faction standings with other factions (see XAI mod 2.20D from Xeryx\Naimad)
    - interactive medieval events with player decision effects: adapted from Anno Domini mod:
    Royal Hunt (stables), Royal Banquet(Townhall), Trade Fair(Market), Holy Council(Church,o_church(masjii), Royal Tournament(Knight stables)
    Yes: give positive traits, no: declining the event give negative traits in a certain distance to the capital

    includes old changelog 5.2
    - new strat models for sea blockade, siege and trade routes thanks to riczu74
    - some reskin of teutons thanks to Rex Cobalt
    - new strat models for Faction leader, heir, general, captain thanks to Isilendil and Tyre
    - new religion judaism: merchants require 20% judaism (only for the player), jewish synagogues available to convert (but will create unrest in the mother factions... so you have to decide where to build them..)
    - all priests have fieldcosts on enemy territories :300
    - reduced\semitransparent flag symbols on the campaign map: strength of armies no more visible
    - small battle parameter changes
    - double ressources in capitals: monopoly traits,....(idea from Averroës)
    includes old change log 5.1
    - bugfixing: SiegeEngines, oil,......
    - update + minimal modify Campaign UAI 1.6 (+bugfixer) von GrandViz
    - all recruitement is religion dependent: normal units > 60% (corresponding religion), generals and Navy Seals > 80%
    - new province Santiago de Compostella, Visby
    - includes 3 units from Lithuania Mod (recruitable in temple): thanks to MadTao and Team
    - transfer of building textures from Kingdoms: teutonic forts, ....
    - music from Kingdoms Teutonic Campaign
    - fixed age mod (with kingdom scripts)
    - refined the map: roads, textures...
    - techtree buildings: included highway for greeks, amber_route for northern,eastern factions, Hanseatic League
    - fixed all Custom- Quick, Historical Battles
    includes old Changelog 5.0 bugfixer_01:
    - bugfixing: sea trade, scottish princess, denmark death,... thanks to Harry Lime
    - new faction norway + new region Bergen: thanks to Harry Lime
    - small changes to campaign AI
    - transfer units from kingdoms: thanks to Harry Lime, Ordensritter
    .mounted calivermen

    Changelog DLV_50 :
    - newest Artfixer + Interfaces: Tokus*Maximus, Wirapuru
    - Triumph and Tragedy: thanks to Tokus*maximus, Abrocomos
    - includes all Sambos skins
    - bugfixing : thanks to Abrocomos
    - Kingdom Features: Menue adaptions, Permanent Forts, Oil (?), AI (campaign,battle) parameter,...
    - Retrofit mod: thanks to unspoken knight
    - some AI Adaptions

    Installation 5.0: not save compatibel to 4.0...only works with kingdoms.exe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    - Install MTW II
    - Install Kingdoms
    · IMPORTANT: Make sure there is no old DLV_ext folder in your Medieval II Total War folder before attempting to install (Uninstall and Delete them !!!!!)
    . Delete any old DLV_ext folders or stuff !!!!
    · Not save compatible with DLV4.0 or earlier versions
    · Your original M2TW files will not be changed, DLV_5.0 creates a seperate installation path which includes nearly all changed files: except a necessary new small folder DLV_ext in the standard data path
    · Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_50_Kingdoms_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)
    · The automatic setup creates a desktop icon, a program icon and an uninstall option
    · To start the game doubleclick
    on the Deus lo Vult 5.0 desktop icon
    or the program icon
    or the Launch_DLV_ext.bat in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War (default may have changed this to your custom path during installation)

    Installation: Patch 5.3 not save compatible to DLV 5.0 or patch 5.2
    - Install MTW II
    - Install Kingdoms
    - If you have older versions as 5.1 or 5.2 installed, then uninstall all old DLV versions + delete all DLV_ext folders (whole 5.0 +5.1 or 5.0 + 5.2)
    in C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    in C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\data
    - Install DLV 5.0
    - no DLV Addons installed
    · Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_Patch53_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)

    Ignore the warnings of write protected files !

    Important Language Versions !!!!

    During the Installation Process on the last page you are asked if you have an english or non-english (german, french,...) Version. For english people you have to unclick the Launch-nonenglish-Version Button, the other can continue. The program loads the correct language version files from the folders sound_english or sound_non-english and copies them into the path DlV_ext\data. During the next step the files events.dat, events.idx, Music.dat, Music.idx under the path DLV_ext\data\sounds are deleted and the game regenerates the correct language version + new music during the first game start. You can do it manually later by yourself if you have messed something during installation.


    Ignore the warnings of write protected files !

    Don't close the pop-up windows even if takes minutes to perform, wait until they close by themselves.

    If the game is not starting on the first turn then delete the bin files in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\DLV_ext\data\text !!


    Sincerest thanks to all the folks who have contributed to Deus lo Vult

    Repman (the "Creator")
    - TheDrakken: Traits\Ancilliary System
    - Tokus Maximus: Graphical Artwork and Ideas (Artist Maximus Augustus)
    - Wirapuru: graphics
    - Miak : america map
    - Unspoken Knight: Retrofit + custom campaign mods
    - Harry Lime: bugfixing, minimods, betatesting
    - Gaius Baltar: betatesting
    - juggernawt: skinning Teutonics
    - DeZzErX: Flanders
    - SB2ean: Armenia, Desert Tribes
    - Boicote: Kiev Rus, Lithuania, Crusader
    - Joedreck: banner, shields, graphics
    - Renown: Traits/Ancillaries
    - Darth Vader: BATTLE AI + EDU balancing
    - Pinko: Battle AI tweaks + edb file elements
    - Oda Nobunaga: Traits/Ancillaries Enhancements
    - GrandViz: Ultimate AI mod 1.5
    - Spurius: Big Map 1.06
    - Rawghi: Heraldic mod
    - Kobal2: Traits Bugfixer
    - Marcus Camillus: old Career System, refined by Drakken
    - GAFH modder: Age simulation
    - Dearmad : smoke mod, cannon fix; traits/ancillary system
    - Kivals: adjusting parameters and optimizing russian\kiev faction
    - Rob the celt: ireland faction
    - Zapppa: Career System
    - Hephaistos: naval addon 1.1
    - Zaid: islamic enhancements
    - gladiatort, madtao: Lithuania mod
    - character names: deRougemont, finneys13
    - byg: Grim (supply) mod
    - Belgae: trait optimization
    - Belgae, StrikeQ : Student System
    - deRougemont, finneys13: characternames project
    - Byg: Grim (supply) mod
    - LAca's: Byzantine spearman
    - Megalos: english skins
    - Sambo: reskinning
    - gfortune: KoJ tweaking
    - riczu74: strat models: siege, sea blocade
    - Rex Cobalt: ordo teutonicus reskin
    - Isilendil and Tyre: strat models: leader, heir,...
    - Averroës: ressources
    - NeoUA: georgian skins from Knights of Honour Mod

    - Ordensritter
    - Burrek
    - Eternal cocoon
    - Himmelsfeuer
    - Horsearcher
    - Salty
    - plasticfigurine
    - WhiteWolf
    - zhumin1978
    - ziher
    - Maced0n
    - Silent Resident

    DLV Features:
    Roleplay as a real Knight, Prince or King in a true medieval atmosphere and face unique strategic challenges due to many scripted elements on a big map and get beaten up on the battlefield...Deus lo Vult!
    It's not for Blitzkrieg but for strategic slow playing players (2 turns per year ) who like micromanagement !
    We retooled the event timing so more happens when the game is still interesting...a little ahistorical but a lot more fun. DLV starts in 1180, the Mongols arrive in ~1210 (~turn 60), the Black Plague in ~1270 (~turn 180) and the third great scourge, the Timurids, shortly thereafter.

    1. Campaign

    1.1 Campaign Map
    DLV uses the bigmap from Spurius but with more new regions (baltic, spain,...)

    - more space results in more field battles
    - adapted many elements as rivers, climates,....
    - nice RTW like layout of the campaign map with real wooden settlements (thanks to Silent Resident)
    - new models for Resources (thanks to Maced0n from MetroNavalMod)
    - historical provinces names: thanks to wanderingwayne
    - reduced winter movements

    1. 2. New DLV Factions:

    Historically accurate Character Names (CNP 3.0)

    Flanders: strong unique infantry units thanks to DeZzErX

    Kievan Rus: thanks to Boicote

    Ireland: very unique units thanks to Rob the celt and sb2ean

    Lithuania: pagan with priests and perkunas temple: thanks to Boicote, MadTao

    Teutonic Order: recruiting only in castles....:thanks to Juggernawt..

    Cilicia Armenia

    Kingdom of Jerusalem

    Desert Tribes (not playable)

    Modified Factions:
    - mongols: pagan with priests and temples

    1.3 More Mercenaries!
    We've adjusted the merc recruiting files so now you'll be able to hire more advanced and more interesting mercenaries sooner in the game. Welsh longbows are available at game start...just one example.

    1.4 Campaign AI
    uses GrandViz Ultimate AI 1.5:
    - special win conditions; factions have specific goals
    - survival money infusion script for very small factions
    - Added a little money inflation effect for player and AI
    - More effective and active rebels

    1.5 Roleplay Elements
    Regional Heraldic Titles
    Tokus has crafted new Heraldic ancillaries for all Regions (vanilla and Big Map expanded), Swords, Crowns and Royal Banners, and Banners for the Heraldic Rank System (Catholic, Greek and Islamic). These are beautiful in game…here’s a screenie:

    Career Decision: Governor or General : thanks to Zappa
    What this sub-mod does is it will force the player to choose a career path for each of his family- members. The paths are either General or Governor. The idea behind this mod is that there is only so much time to raise a child into a certain career. You cannot have him squire a knight on campaigns and have him apprentice a governor at the same time during his childhood.
    To choose a path, in the very first turn after coming of age put the character inside a city/castle to become a 'Governor' or outside in the field to become a 'General'. Once the path is chosen, the character will remain in that path forever. A career general will get bonusses to command and morale, but penalties to governing and a career Governor the other way around.
    If a legendary general has a son, he will force him to tread in his footsteps and become a general as well. Depending on the traits of the son, he will resist, or relish in his forced career. However, even the greatest dork can become a real commander with enough experience.
    Characters that are adopted or married to a princess will have their careers chosen for them. Traits are taken into account, so natural military geniusses will always be generals and pencil pushers will be governors

    Heraldic Rank System
    Available for European Factions (Squire-Knight-Knight Banneret-Knight Commander- Knight Grand Cross) and expanded to now include Byzantine, Moors, Egyptian and Turkish factions. Byzantine and Islamic factions have unique rank names.
    a. Ranks of low station (Squire & Knight) have negative morale effect
    b. Knight Bannerets and above get positive traits and banners (Imperial Army Banner or Banner of the Prophet) at Rank 4 (Knight Commander equivalent)Banners with positive morale boost -- 54 unique banner ancillaries by Tokus*Maximus: 40 for Knight Bannerets, 10 for Knight Commanders, 4 for Knights Grand Cross

    c. Epithets for Knight Commanders and KGCs
    Promotions to the next rank can now come through three means:
    - Campaign Experience (time in the saddle),
    - Heroic Victory (%chance),
    - Command Experience (more battles where led, higher % chance of promotion). Here's a screenie that gives the full description of the Heraldic Rank System :

    Crowns and Royal Banners
    The “Faction Leader” and “Faction Heir” traits have been changed to confer only a Personal Security benefit. Command, Authority, Piety, Morale, etc. benefits are now conferred by the Crown and Royal Banner. Both the Faction Leader and Heir receive a Royal Banner ancillary at time of promotion (the Heir keeps the one he has when promoted to Faction Leader). The Royal Banner confers a morale bonus, and possibly other goodies depending on faction (the Russian royal banner gives a movement bonus to speed crossing those wide expanses).

    Crowns have unique names and benefits per faction. The French king wears the Crown of Charlemagne. For the player (only), the Faction Leader must end his turn in the faction’s original capitol to be crowned. The new English king would have to return to London, the French king to Paris, etc. Since I can’t teach the AI to do this, new AI Faction leaders have a % chance each turn to be crowned King (Emperor, Caliph, etc.) If you lose your original capitol, you can’t have new kings crowned until you retake it. If you destroy an enemy faction, your faction leader can take its crown by ending his turn in its former capitol (Catholic Kings [+Russia] can take Catholic crowns, Islamic leaders can take Islamic crowns…only the Greeks can be Byzantine Emperor). You might also take a faction’s crown if you take its capitol and its new faction leader has not yet been crowned…all sorts of interesting possibilities open: “Hey, Louis, I’ve got your capitol and your crown…come take it back.” NOTE: leaving your king uncrowned can lead to rebellion! (Can trigger the "Offensive to Nobles" trait from Blood, Broads and Bastards! 1.9)

    Legendary Swords
    Twenty new legendary sword ancillaries for your generals to wield including Mohammed's swords Al- Battar "the Beater", Dhu'l Fakar "the Trenchant", Halef "the Deadly", and Medham "the Keen"; El Cid's swords Colada and Tizona; and Charlemagne's Joyeuse. Swords can be taken from enemy generals defeated in battle or inherited from a father that has shuffled off this mortal coil. One restriction, a general can only possess one legendary sword at a time. More role playing goodness than ever before.

    Another reason I need to take Valencia...

    Command Experience
    by Oda Nobunaga. Generals now have a trait that records number of battles in which they have led the army. Generals which have never or seldom led an army in battle get Authority and Hit Point penalties (they don't know how to handle themselves on the battlefield..."My liege, don't ride in front of the archers when they're firing...Doh!"). This trait improves by commanding more battles. Royal heirs who just sit in their castles waiting to be crowned King start off with an Authority penalty as a result..."get out there and lead boy!"

    Age Mod
    By GAFH modder, with some DLV twists. Characters lose initiative (movement points) as they age (god, I know I do). Of course young characters have the least campaign experience and lowest heraldic there are benefits to the wisdom age brings. Characters are also more likely to have children when young. age and traits are not correlated 100 % corrct because of game engine restrictions
    Misery and Misfortune
    Generals in the field can fall prey to illness from the rigors of campaigning. Generals with the trait "Hypochondriac" fall ill more often, while those with Hale and Hearty traits seem never to fall ill. Disease carries with it command, movement and fertility penalties. Generals can recover from illness, particularly if they seek out a settlement for treatment and recuperation. In addition, wives can experience difficult births which can decrease their chances of ever having another child. And sometimes couples have no children for some reason known only to the Almighty.

    Revised Trait System:
    - Blood Broad Bastard 2.0 (not all): thanks to Dearmad's and Pnutmaster
    - Naval mod: 1.1: thanks to Hephaistos
    - Zapppa's Death mod: Added death of natural causes variability mod. Any character can now die of natural causes as early as 30 years old leading up to 110 max. No more predictable characters deaths at 62 y/o.

    DLV AI Garrisons
    All settlements now raise garrisons for their defense when besieged, depending on the faction owner. Garrisons are raised only on AI side if they are attacked by another AI or by the player. No Garrison if the player is sieged !!
    In fact, every settlement has a unique garrison scheme. The garrison is raised at the time an invading army lays siege so having a spy open the gates or bringing up your own siege equipment does not bypass the garrison. This simulates the idea that the feudal system was basically a system for defense (standing armies being very expensive) and on the approach of an invading army, the knights, yeomanry and peasantry in the settlement and surrounding countryside rally to the defense. The size of the garrison depends not only on the importance of the settlement but the local zeal of the citizenry. [I’ll use the English faction to illustrate.]
    Garrison sizes:
    ·Great Cities (including capitols): 12+ companies; [London]
    ·Homelands (usually starting regions for the faction): 9+ companies; [Nottingham, Caen]
    ·Strongly Aligned: 6+ companies; [York, Southampton]
    ·Weakly Aligned: 3+ companies; [Wales, Southern Ireland, Rennes (Brittany), Burges]

    Before: Bonnie Prince Edward marches on Nottingham defended by 8 English companies

    After: 9 more English companies join in the defense as Prince Edward's Scots lay siege -- this all occurs during the same turn
    Alexandria, Cairo, Edessa, Jerusalem, Antioch…those are all “Great Cities,” so crusading armies’ victories will be hard won. Garrisons are generated only once per siege (at the instant the settlement is besieged), but will respawn if the siege is broken and the city is besieged again later (more defenders pour in from the hinterlands). Garrisons usually consist of early-era units to simulate every able bodied (and some not so able bodied) man being pressed into action. However that doesn’t mean they’ll be a pushover…Constantinople has two hardened companies of Varangian Guards as part of the garrison that will defend the city for the Emperor.
    The garrison script owes much to Niko’s Hard Mod garrison script, but has been streamlined to keep the overhead low.

    Civil War simulation thanks to BBB mod + Drakkens enhancements
    Rebellion: Nobels can rebel, create unrest and become quite immobile and don't obey orders if
    - a King gets his Faction excommunicated and his piety is not high
    - a King runs his Kingdom's treasury into the ground
    - the larger an Empire the greater the chance: those further afield from the capital are getting more unloyal (Crusaders are immune) which is reversible
    - stripping your nobles of their titles
    - a new King ascends to the throne, particularly if he has low Authority -- DLV2.0 addition
    - a new King is uncrowned (has not returned to the capitol or already has 8 ancillaries [transfer some of them to another character])-- DLV2.0 addition
    The key is to look for the Faction Leader trait: "Offends the Nobility." You'll get an announcement in the Faction Announcements when/if this occurs. At that point you must move quickly. As long as the Faction Leader has the Offends trait, generals will choose sides either becoming loyal or disloyal to their Liege (this includes any Coming of Age, Adopted or Married in Generals that join your royal family later).
    - Get the disloyal generals out of army command and governor positions.
    - pair them with loyal generals
    - send them to the battlefield: will slowly increase their loyalty
    - Assassinate them, make them Commodores (passengers) of 1 ship navies and send them out to hunt pirates...just get rid of them, or sit on them (put them under a loyal governor) and hope they come to their senses at the next change of King.
    - Don't let them marry, because their children can carry on the Father's disloyalty to the King.
    - Civil war can now be headed off with quick action (at least there's a chance):If your King is in the capitol, is crowned & and has Authority >5*, there is a % chance each turn that he will lose the trait "Offends the Nobility". Nobles that have the trait "Disloyal" must travel to the capitol to seek an audience with the King to receive a pardon. If they end their turn in the capitol, and the King is present, there is a % chance each turn that they will be pardoned (lose the trait "Disloyal"). However, there is also a % chance that the disloyal Noble will receive the trait "Thrown in the Dungeon"...essentially immobile + other bad traits, until released (% chance of release each turn, with average stay in the Dungeon being 5 years (10 turns).
    *There is a new trait "At the Seat of Power" that gives Faction Leaders +1 Authority when they end their turn in the capitol. Crown, Heraldic Titles, Legendary Swords and winning battles can all boost Authority to reach the required level.[/I]

    Armed Insurrections (Changed in 2.11)
    Keep your capitol city, and any captured capitols, content (yellow face). If the happiness falls to blue or lower, you could soon be facing an armed insurrection from a strong rebel army in that capitol's province. So there is a 25% chance of both spawning!)[/I]

    1.6 Strategical and logistical elements

    Field Army Costs
    So why not keep your generals in the field all the time so they can gain campaign experience? Because it costs cold hard florins. Armies in enemy territory can cost a king's ransom, particularly if they are besieging. Here are the costs:
    a. Besieging Army costs 2000fl + 500fl each additional Named General beyond the first
    b. Army in Enemy Territory costs 500fl + 500fl each additional Named General beyond the first
    c. Army in Friendly Territory (outside a settlement) costs 200fl +200fl each additional Named General beyond the first
    d. Army in Fort (captain-led) zero cost (so you can set up forts on the frontier as a defensive strategy)
    e. Army in Fort led by Named General costs 500fl (enemy lands) or 200fl (friendly lands) +500/200 for each additional Named General beyond the first

    Assassin and Spy Network Costs
    Assassins and spies now cost 500 Florins per turn when operating outside of friendly territory. This represents bribes to petty officials, pay offs to the gate guards, palm greasing of informants, gratuities for traitors and other sundry expenses incurred when operating in unfriendly territory. Might still be a good investment to send a spy ahead into a target settlement to shorten the siege...and then maybe not. More choices for thee.

    Growing Settlement Penalty
    The player incurs increasing costs per settlement as the settlements increase in size. For settlements: level 1 -50fl, level 2 -100fl, level 3 -200fl, level 4 -400fl, level 5 -800fl (only cities have a level 5). This simulates the greater amount of graft, waste and corruption as cities expand.

    Supply Simulation (thanks to Byg)

    Currently an army will begin with and can get fully supplied by spending time in a settlement of greater than 50% own religion, making it not so easy for some newly conquered places.
    Supplies are carried with armies, which decrease with time spent in the field
    Resupply via settlements and Supply Ships. Marching along the coast being supplied from ships is now a reality.
    Foraging. Before you need to consume a portion of your armies supplies you may live off the land - foraging for 2 turns in foreign region and 4 turns in one of your own regions.
    In any foreign territory your army will take supplies from that region, but after 4 turns in any foreign region you will have stolen all there is to steal.
    Your own supplies will then begin to drop by 1/4 and for every further 4 turns you spend in that region.
    If you move to another enemy territory then you can ravage that for 4 turns too.
    If you move rapidly through foreign territory you will not need to use your own supplies. e.g. you could spend 3 turns in enemy territory then move on to greener pastures in another enemy territory.

    1.7 Historical and Dynamic Game Events
    We've created new historic events and new event graphics by Tokus*Maximus

    - dynamic economic events in random steps for : markets, roads, ports, mines with positive\negative effects on income
    - new pop up's for foreign_king_is_death and new_foreign_princess_available events (from BBB mod)

    1.8 Building's Techtree
    - enhanced building times (for 2 turns per year),
    - Reduced starting settlement levels
    - More differences between cities\castles and their buildings, both economy and military
    - metropolis mod feature:
    Each faction has two settlements (original capital + ) that can grow to the highest level (plus of course, any you capture from other factions). For factions that only start with one region, a nearby rebel-
    - building correlations: higher level markets need paved roads, higher levelsmiths need resource iron, higher level siege/cannon need higher level smith
    - ports differenciation: markets are necessary for ports
    city_harbour: big trading plus + simple ships
    castle harbours: small trading plus + better ships
    - Changed techtree: no more troop recruitment in the core buildings, only in military buildings.
    - Only first level cavalry (hobilars, scouts, mounted sergeants, etc. and dismounted units) are available from the castle sans stable. Higher level cavalry require appropriate stables to be built.

    2. Battle Mechanics

    - new custom battle maps
    - mixed elements from all important AI Battle Developers: Darth Vader, Grandviz, Lusted,
    - many infantry \archer units can deploy stakes
    - Ballista/Cannon Tower fix
    - more strenght for gates and walls
    - generally higher moral for all units

    3 Graphical enhancements

    all Symbols\Menuv Screens done by Tokus*Maximus

    this has been implemented by Ordensritter

    -burrek's Knights and Knaves v0.95
    -burrek's Blood and Dirt v0.91
    -burrek's Unique Europeans, High Period v0.3
    -burrek's Unique Europeans, Early Period v0.91
    Eternal cocoon:
    -Turk Reskin 1.1
    -Retextured French Shields
    -Retextured English Shields
    -Skymod Vers 2 alpha
    -Sicilian Shields
    -Alternate Crusader Shields
    -Milanese Shields
    -Papal States Shields
    -Early Generals Mod v0.2
    -Byzantine Armor Progression V 0.7
    -Dismounted Knights Orders Mod
    -Danish shields retexture
    -HRE shields retexture
    -Scotland shields retexture
    -Spain shields retexture
    -Rebels shields
    -Darker nights


    Repman, Tokus*Maximus, DerDrakken
    Last edited by repman; 01-23-2008 at 20:27.

    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  2. #2
    Insanity perhaps is inevitable Member shifty157's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    It looks like the MTW2 modding is off to a good start. Well done, repman. Hopefully in about two weeks Ill be able to get my hands dirty as well.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Hi repman, congrats

    So what's the ethos behind the field cost script? Are you making map changes as well that require the deletion of the .rwm file?
    Epistolary Richard's modding Rules of Cool
    Cool modders make their mods with the :mod command line switch
    If they don't, then Cool mod-users use the Mod Enabler (JSGME)
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  4. #4
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    the field costs (only for the player ) restricts you to plan carefully your army moves and simulates surplus costs in the field as food, camp, transport....outside of settlements

    i deleted the map.rwm file because of the changes in the script and descr_strat.txt file (only to be on the sure side)

    I'm playing now a turkish campaign on S/S,
    Little fights with Byzanz, now we are allied. Some trading with Egypt
    Attacked and got a rebell settlement
    The army field cost script forces me to plan my military moves exactly

    Screenies (sorry in german)

    Like it ,going to neclect Rome ;)


    Last edited by repman; 11-07-2006 at 14:15.

    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    I don't think it would be necessary to remove the map.rwm file just for changes to the script and descr_strat file. Certainly for Rome (and the .rwm file isn't any different I believe) both files could be changed freely without needing to regenerate the .rwm file.

    BTW don't forget to add your mod to the Mod Downloads database.
    Last edited by Epistolary Richard; 11-07-2006 at 21:09.
    Epistolary Richard's modding Rules of Cool
    Cool modders make their mods with the :mod command line switch
    If they don't, then Cool mod-users use the Mod Enabler (JSGME)
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  6. #6
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Grats repman to the first mod for M2TW. Did you consider joining any larger modding projects in the future?

    Mann bin ich froh, dass ich mir nicht die Deutsche Version gekauft hab... Volks Wachstum? Königliches Geld? Kaufmannshandel? Hallo, wenn mir CA 2000 Euro gibt kann ich ihnen den Spieltext aber mal locker besser übersetzen...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Very good news, seems like you did that rather quickly (and it's working well!).

    Good job, repman! Also, that's a very good idea - perhaps it's possible to determine the "upkeep" of the unit depending on the distance from its home?


  8. #8
    Seii Taishōgun 征夷大将軍 Member PROMETHEUS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    It shoud be "Deus Vult" , in correct terms....

    Creator of Ran no Jidai mod
    Creator of Res Gestae
    Original Creator of severall add ons on RTW from grass to textures and Roman Legions
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  9. #9
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    I'm jealous. He has M2TW and he also modded it..

    Lucky, but congrats.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  10. #10
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    new in 1.1 (compared to 1.0): save compatible to 1.0
    - fixed bugs and reduced cost by the half in the script
    - reduced very subtle the aggressive behaviour between the factions, more reliability of alliances

    enjoy the game !


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  11. #11
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    new in DLV 1.2 (compared to 1.1): save compatible to 1.1 (look first post)
    - little campaign balancing + win conditions: russia expands more, slaves have more money
    - additional money survival support for very small factions



    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  12. #12
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    New Release "Deus lo vult" 1.3 : DLV 1.3

    new in 1.3 (compared to 1.2): save compatible to 1.2 (look into first post for details)
    - little campaign balancing + change in win conditions:denmark-england, mongols, timurids
    - landbridges: england-continent, corsica-sardinia-italy
    - campaign end : 1630

    Enjoy the game :popcorn:

    England is now playing a role on the continent. Denmark is a little hostile to England to protect a little France. but the main direction of Denmark is now the Coast and Scandinavia



    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  13. #13
    Shaidar Haran Senior Member SAM Site Champion Myrddraal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    I really like this idea, if I ever get around to modding M2TW, I'll be including something similar. Thanks repman!

  14. #14
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Deus lo vult 1.4 is out !!

    New in 1.4 (compared to 1.3): not save compatible to 1.3 !!!!!!!!!!!
    - new big099e (metric) map from Spurius
    - reduced population growth,
    - aztecs, timurids, mongols playable
    - rebalancing of factions / win conditions

    all information in the first posting

    Gameplay hints:
    - playing aztecs you have mercenary boats to sail to europe
    - playing timurids or mongols you have only some units and you have to survive until the larger invasions arrive at the normal CA dates
    - if you are not playing the aztecs, timurids or mongols all the factions have an AI/movement freeze until the normal invasion time or discovering time

    landbridge england-france


    play mongols

    play aztecs and build boats

    Thank you goes to:
    - Burebista (Cain, Callatian), Spartan, bdtj1815 from mod MTW2 Regnum Dei: Ideas for timurids, mongols
    INC: Incorporation in case of third party use pls. request permission from the RDM team.
    - Spurius (Big Map 099d)
    - Hanny (Ideas)
    - Epistolary Richard: aztecs mod
    - Xerces: ideas win conditions (Royal Arms Mod)

    have fun

    Last edited by repman; 11-29-2006 at 13:46.

    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  15. #15
    Yorkist Senior Member NagatsukaShumi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Developing very nicely there. Good to see that the factions have been activated in an inventive manner. Good to see some more landbridges too.
    RIP TosaInu
    Ja Mata

  16. #16

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    repman I will appreciate it if you could add this at the mongol timurids part.

    Modding Arts Inc.
    Lead Producer for :
    EAW Warlord Demo Mod - 2489 downloads
    SWR ProtectorateTSB TC, SWR AN II,III Series - 20.340 total downloads

  17. #17

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Would you be so kind as to continue to support the smaller original map please. Te big one makes slower computers rattle.

  18. #18
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    no i concentrate on the big map. You could play the Regnus Dei mod if you like the smaller map


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  19. #19
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    New in DLV 1.5 (compared to 1.4, includes all previous patches): save compatible to 1.4 !!!!!!!!!!!
    - new bugfixed/polished big099g (metric) map from Spurius
    - new loading screens
    - new loading sword as in BBW: thanks to snake_IV
    - rebalancing of factions / win conditions
    - using mod switcher
    - enhanced construction times for buildings: +20 %
    - enhanced movement points: + 40%

    Installation: using mod switcher
    - install clean MTWII
    - Executing file Deus_lo_vult_15.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (don't enter data here !!!!)
    - check that a folder named DLV15 is in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    - copy your medieval2.preference.cfg and rename it to DLV15.cfg
    - open DLV15.cfg and insert
    editor = true
    mod = DLV15
    - To start the game always go into path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War and double click on the batch file Launch_DLV15.bat

    For download go to first post

    have fun


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  20. #20
    Shaidar Haran Senior Member SAM Site Champion Myrddraal's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Out of curiosity since I'm not playing atm, how well does the field cost script work? I mean in terms of how great is it's effect. I'm keen on these kinds of effects and I'm almost certain to use them in any mod I make. What I want to know is how you end up playing as a result.

  21. #21
    Member Member Yossarian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    I can tell you that I'm personally less likely to go on a multi-front offensive as a result of the mod. I'm playing as the Byzantines and am only starting to come to grips with the new system. The field costs, my struggling economy and the distances involved (longer time travelling between cities/castles = higher costs) combines to become a huge factor in my ability to wage an efficient large scale war against any opponent. And to make matters worse Hungary have just declared war on me meaning all three neighbours, Turkey, Venice and Hungary are now my enemies...

  22. #22

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrddraal
    Out of curiosity since I'm not playing atm, how well does the field cost script work? I mean in terms of how great is it's effect. I'm keen on these kinds of effects and I'm almost certain to use them in any mod I make. What I want to know is how you end up playing as a result.
    I've ended up lowering the penalty at the 1/5, because it was way too tedious... I like a good challenge, but being constantly in the reds is not challenging, just annoying... but it's a matter of playing style and preferences. For a builder like myself, and with the tendancy of the AI to wage war on you out of the blue, it's rather too tedious. Even on 1/5 of the cost, any multifront war gets you to the reds in notime.

    Apart from that, the rest of the mod playes great, is much better than vanilla and the combination large map-upped movement makes gameplay much better. Now, to add some more provinces and it's gonna be a charm...
    When the going gets tough, the tough shit their pants

  23. #23
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    i think more provinces are not positive for the gameplay, but i will wait and see...

    DLV 1.6 is out

    new installation path DLV: so no save games DLV15 are compatible

    all information/download in the first post

    new in 1.6 (compared to 1.5): not
    - 1 year = 2 turn (winter and summer changing each turn=6 month) and you see the year instead of the turnnumber (factor 0.5)
    - refined splash/loading screens
    - age simulation for characters: 4 level: young, middle aged, elder, near grave with effects on movement points, charm, health,....: thanks to GAFH mod
    - new career system for north europiaen factions: 5 level: knave -> knight -> Count -> Duke -> Generalissimo (thanks to Marcus Camillus)
    - changed tech tree/buildings: doubled building times, higher level markets need paved roads, higher level smith need ressource iron, higher level siege/cannon need higher level smith, negativ boni for core building+higher boni for additional buildings, higher boni for agents/diplomats/assasins in higher buildings
    - included unit balancing (edu file) similar as in LTQ 1.1: thanks to Lusted
    (added dismounted+crusader units, 2 handed bug fix, increased costs cavalry/artillery, more powerful eastern cavalry+longbow+ billman,..)
    - reduced a little the inqusitors
    - cavalry charge fix: thanks to Horse Archer
    - changed faction names (mostly original languages except the kyrillic): thanks to Shaba Wangy
    - included campaign AI mod 1.1( more reliable alliances,..): thanks to Shaba Wangy
    - Ai command star accelerator as in BBW or SPQR: thanks to lt1956
    - historical factions+cities names: thanks to johan217

    Installation: using mod switcher
    - the original game files in the original installation path will not be changed, the mod creates a seperate installation path
    - Executing file Deus_lo_Vult_1.6.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (don't enter data here !!!!)
    - check that a folder named DLV is in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    - in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War: doubleclick on cfgfixer.bat to merge the cfg files
    - To start the game doubleclick on Launch_DLV.bat in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  24. #24
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    There are two versions: total separate installations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    - DLV_1.8: bigmap vanilla spurius 099i
    - DLV_1.8_ext: bigmap extension spurius 103 with additional regions

    new in 1.8 (compared to 1.71): not savecompatibel to 1.71 !!!!!
    - refined splash/loading screens
    - included campaign AI mod 0.6 (balance: aggressivity + multifaction alliances+religion relations+.....): thanks to GrandViz (Mesut)
    - shield_ wall added to certain infantry units: thanks to Yogi Bear
    - ballista tower cannon bug fix: thanks to dearmad
    - added traits/ancillaries (privy concil, bishop,..), except the heraldic part: thanks to Dearmad
    - included Battle mechanic 0.8: thanks to DariusEG
    - late era units are only available after certain events: thanks to Zeph

    look in the 1. post


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  25. #25
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Updated for Deus lo Vult 2.11 and Addon 2.1
    infos : look into 1. post

    have fun


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  26. #26
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    updated for 3.0 + bugfixer_03
    look into first post

    enjoy the game


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  27. #27
    Member Member Gaiseric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Hey Repman, Great Mod!!! I just installed v3.1 + bugfixer and it is working great. No ctds at all. I love the ranking system for generals, the new map layout, and new titles, items, and ancilleries.

    I just read through the bug report at twcenter and I just have a few small things to add:
    I am playing Denmark and when I capture Stettin, I cannot upgrade the walls when I reach the population requirement. I am about to start a new campaign as Denmark and I'll see if it happens again.

    Also not many rebels are spawning except the stack at the start. Is rebel spawn tied to settlement happiness, is it automatic, or is it just tied to the capitols happiness?

    And finally, Traits seem a little severe, but I think that I'll just download an addon to fix these for now.

    Other then that, your mod is working great!!! I do have a few other questions though:

    What settlements count as enemy territory for my knights to gain full campaign experiance? Will they get full exp. if I march them through a nation that I have a military access treaty with?

    Is it true that I can only have 1 Huge city and 1 Citadel, and are these locations predetermined at the game start.

    How does loyalty affect a generals movement points?

    Thanks in advance and thanks again for such a Great Mod!!!

  28. #28

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    First of all Repman, Love the mod. Normally I'm sort of a purist, but I imagine I will find it hard to go back to vanilla now!

    Now, if I may offer some minor minor minor points of criticism: The Scots seem to be linked to the English voice-set (ergo 'For England!'), and I couldn't help but noticing that all the factions have their names in their language, except for the 'County of Flanders', which is in English. Maybe you could change it to 'Graafschap Vlaanderen' (Flemish, language of the people) or 'Comté de Flandre' (French, the language of the ruling class).

    Just minor niggles though, ina sea of goodness! Keep up the great work!

  29. #29
    Honner et Fidelite Member repman's Avatar
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    Munich, Germany

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    DLV updated to Release 3.1 + enhancer_01 (see 1. post)

    as you wish...look above


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 5.3 for MTW II 1.2
    All factions playable, Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+TeutonicOrder+Armenia+Crusader +Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6.1, big map, military career system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  30. #30

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    You work in fast and mysterious ways Repman. I'd like to say again how much I'm enjoying your mod!

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