I think the usuegi are extremely good because of theryre low cost archers but not exactly noob friendly( to the TW series not the game its self) But continuing on an extremely good strategy with them is get some Yari Cavalry and some archers then attack in Winter/Fall Where there is a high chance for fog and when they get set up move your yari in front then move your archers to the side of the map get them to chase your yari to your archers and the have your archers take care of there units (unless cav)(but u dont have to worry to much in early game about cav) then have them pick off enemy units and since ur archers are outa their units LOS you can fire and not worry bout your archers.(to much) now in late game accept your invite to christains then make muskets not arbs to weak bu have a bunch ashguri stand infront of the muskets as they pound away at the enemy very usefull for taking out enemy cavarly these strategies work uptill hard mode then the enemy gets wise to it