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Thread: Two small complaints

  1. #1

    Default Two small complaints

    I really appreciated RTR a great deal, however there were two things that really irritated me and I would like to note them so that MTR may not have the same failings.

    One is a minor complaint, that the unit icons of some units added to the game were somewhat distorted, or at the very least didn't look right pared next to other unit icons. This is a very small, nit picky thing, but worth noticing.

    The second is a somewhat major complaint. On the battle map, when zoomed in, all the units added looked fine, but upon zooming out to get a better view all of the units would reskin to look as though they were rebels. Druids wearing blue hoods and robes for instance would become a sea of gray hoods and robes, this would lead to some confusing commanding armies, but mostly just detracted from the experience of seeing one's army crashing through the gates and what not.

    Like I said, two minor things, but I do think they can be avoided in MTR.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Two small complaints

    These are both issues with the games art. Firstly drawing new unit cards and secondly sprites. These often get overlooked or left out because of time pressures and the incredible amount of other work that goes into these mods. Im certain the teams were very aware of these issues on release but by then were probably sick of looking at the thing.


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