Also know as The Elmohead Missile Army of Doom.
It has been used succesfully more then once, and it is hard to break. It's designed to counter armies that are Cavalry heavy ... ie. if you play no rules 1v1 and your opponent is Timurids, Mongols, Russia or Poland expect him to have loads of cav.

Now this army can easely be perfected to your own choice, one likes to take some cav with it, the other wants some good infantry units, but the main part of it is this:
Spam Longbowmen (ie. Longbowmen, Yeamen Archers and Retinue Longbowmen)

Place your Longbowmen in a circle on the battlefield and deploy stakes, make sure the stakes are adjected to eachother, leave no gaps.

Here's a replay of the succesfull use of an army of this kind

However note some things:
1. This army won't work in games that have rules. If your opponent has a normal amount of Infantry units he can easely walk through the stakes and attack you, you who have a penalty for units placed so closely on eachother.
2. This army won't work if your opponents has Musketeers, they will kill loads of men per volley, which isn't worth it.

In other words, only use it if you're sure that your opponent has loads of Cavalry.
Or use it in teamgames, but do consult your allies first, they might not like it when they have to take the deads while you get the kills ... and they will have to line up at your side.