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Thread: ProblemFixer Pure V1.0

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    Senior Member Senior Member Carl's Avatar
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    Default ProblemFixer Pure V1.0

    This is the Same thing as my Old BugFixer, it's just under a diffrent name.

    I decided to change the name after learning that a well known RTW was present under this name, i didn't want to cause any confusion by making anyone belve I had anything to do with that mod or the team behind it. Indeed until I was told of it I was unaware of said mod. However In the intrestes of not causing confusion or offending the origional members of that RTW mod team i've changed the name to:

    Carl's ProblemFixer

    As a result of this and the old thread once again becoming over long i've decided to create a new thread.

    Where now at V1.13, Links Below:

    FileFront Link

    FileFactory Link

    SaveFile Link

    You only need to Download the contents of ONE of the links, each link contains the same file, i've simply mirriored them so that if one download site goes down, people can still get this.

    README below:


    Below is a list of the various things done in each version of this fix.


    All animation bugged 2-Handers eithier use the Halberd-Militia, (Bills and DEK/DPK only), or Voulgier, (all others), animation set now. No units have been re-priced so a few units, (mostly Bills and DEK/DPK), are underpriced ATM.

    The Pike fix simply removes all Pike units secondery weapons.

    The Sheild fix is the same as Foz's, and move the sheild value into the armour, then zeros the sheild.

    2-Handed Swords have been found to be weak with their Vanillia stats once the Bugged 2-Handers where fixed, (in relation to the price diffrances between the two), so the Changes listed in the next line have been applied/

    2-Handed Swords have been given +4 Attack, increased to 8 Charge Stat, and have been given the AP attribute.


    Dismounted French Noble Knights, (DFNK), have now had the 2-Hander animation Fix applied to them. I missed them the first time round

    All 2-Handed Swords have had their extra attack raised from +4 to +6 as DEK/DPK/DFNK where still beating them too hard considering their reletive prices.

    JHI have now had the 2-Handed Sword Fix applied to them as they, like 2-handed Swords, they where proving underpowered vs. Animation Fixed 2-Handers of a similar or lower price.


    Sheild Fix updated to the same as that used in the 1.2 version of "THE_FOZ_4's Sheild Fix".


    Animation Bugged 2-Handers have had their animation changed to that of ME_Halberd_Militia as apposed to the old Halberd_Militia animation. This produces more natural looking animations that the origonal fix.

    2-Handed Swords have had their animation changed to the ME_Halberd_Militia animation as it looks as good as their defualt animation, and raises their animation speed to the same as the bugged Animation 2-Handers.

    2-Handed Swords have had the re-balancing fix applied to them changed to the following, AP attribute added, +10 attack added, Charge Stat increased to 8, they where fopund to still be wanting in terms of opower for price.

    All Eastern Halberds, (those Halberds that lack the Spear Wall ability), have also had the 2-Handed Sword Fix listed above applied to them, (with the exception of the AP attribute as they allready had this), as they where found to be underperforming.

    All Western Halberd units, (those with the Spear Wall ability), where found to be underperforming for their price in relation to every unit in the game now as they where also balanced against the Bugged 2-Handers/Pikes, (which they are a Hybrid of),

    Western Halberds have had their unit size increased to 60, have gained +5 attack, have had the Spear attribute Aapplied to their primiary "pike" weapon, and the Light_Spear attribute applied to their secondery weapon. Due to the nature of the "Pike" part of their weapon, and the Light_Spear attribute they suffer no penalties when fighting infantry.


    Furthar Formation tweaking has taken place to improve the defualt formation performance of units, and thus the AI.

    An Eastern Halberd unit, (Transylvanian Peasants), was omitted from the 1.1 changes to Eastern Halberds. This error has been corrected.

    Cav Charge distances have been tweeked to make formed cav charges easier for the player.

    Infantry cav charge distances have ben tweaked to increase AI countercharge response sucsess rates.

    The spears of Spear Units have had their Skeleton oCmponsation Factor tweaked to raise cav charge resistance to a level matching that implied in the advisor descriptions.

    The changes to Skeleton Componsation factor should also aid them vs. peseants.


    Western Halberds and Pikes have had their attack reduced by 2 points when compared to V1.11. This should hopefully reduce their kill rates somewhat and make them somewhat more vulnrable to attack by non-pike units.

    Western Halberds Have had their secondery Weapon removed, thus transforming them into AP Pikemen. They have also had their animation changed to the same one used by Pikes. The result of these changes is that they can now compete on an even footing with Pikemen, who, before, where quite soundly beating Western halberds in-spite of the better supiriour stats and highier cost of Western Halberds in general.

    A modified "Descr_Pathfinding" file has been included, changes to this should somewhat help with formation keeping for all units.


    Orientis's Vices & Virtues Fix v1.2 for Medieval 2: Total War have been included.

    See the "TRAIT README" file for more info, this is a slightly modified verison of Orientis's own README.


    To install copy the SEGA Folder into C:/Program Files:

    If it asks you if you want to Overwrite, click "yes to all". Then Copy the Medievil 2 Total War Mod Shortcut to your desktop and use that to play the game with the fixes in place. No data is overwritten, it mearly places the contents of the SEGA folder into the existing SEGA folder in Program Files automaticly.


    For the purposes of MedManager, the only file that has been modified is the "export_descr_unit" file.


    You can Find my online thread relating to this fix at the following web address:



    THE_FOZ_4 (For the Sheild Fix)

    DOPP (For the Pike Fix)

    LUSTED (For charge distance changes)

    STLAIND (For help with testing)

    ORIENTIS (Trait and Ancillary Fixes)

    AND EVERYONE ELSE AT THE GUILD (For the 2-Hander Fix and Support)

    Also the TRAIT README

    Orientis's Vices & Virtues Fix v1.2 for Medieval 2: Total War



    Two new versions of the ancillaries files, for those mods/players which set the game at a different number of years per turn. This ensures many ancillaries will appear at the correct times in modded games.
    To check and use:
    Go to medieval2/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign
    Open descr_strat.txt
    Read the value for "timescale" near the top of file.
    If timescale 1.0 RENAME the enclosed file export_descr_ancillaries[TURN=1.0].txt to export_descr_ancillaries.txt and place it in your medieval2/data/ folder (or modswitch /data folder)
    If timescale 0.50 RENAME the enclosed file export_descr_ancillaries[TURN=0.50].txt to export_descr_ancillaries.txt and place it in your medieval2/data/ folder (or modswitch /data folder)
    NOTE: the standard export_descr_ancillaries.txt file included with the mod is set for a timescale of 2.0


    Added hereditary triggers for wives as well as generals (ie if general marries a beautiful princess, his children are more likely to be beautiful)
    Stopped Faction Leaders being loyal / disloyal to, er, themselves.
    Lots of little adjustments to previous fixes (including: BadDisciplinarian again (bloody autoresolve), princesses ageing & becoming desperate less quickly, etc)
    Removed antitraits for StrategyChivalry and StrategyDread - this is a hotfix, but will stop the two traits being constantly wiped out. You will get them both at the same time, sorry, there are too many triggers for these two to do by hand. There is a better fix on the way...
    Added non-existant triggers for Hates N Fears vs religions
    Fixed all hates n fears copy & paste errors, they all have the same effects now (with one deliberate exception)


    Fixed princesses tended to give many more positive traits than negative. To rebalance, I've developed and linked some ancilliaries and traits to make an 'unhappy marriage' function over time. This includes:
    Cuckold trait now based more on princess traits
    Changed adultress ancilliary triggers: the more charming a general's wife, the less likely he is to wander. Of course, if he's looking for Narnia, finding himself unexcited by such a desirable wife may hasten his journey out of the closet.
    Cuckolded generals more likely to look for adultresses
    Generals with adultresses more likely to become cuckolded
    Self-perpetuating relationship between the above
    Shouldn't be game-changing (but the probabilities are very low) just take a little edge off your uber-general as he ages; but the possibility is there for things to get quite nasty, so I would check the traits of eligible princesses carefully, charm alone might not tell the whole story.


    Re-wrote armour ancillary triggers
    Fixed broken condition for adultress triggers
    Created trigger for Taticius (byzantine military ancillary)
    Fixed trigger for Copernicus to give him to agents instead of generals, as his effects suggest
    Checked complete ancillary file for errors & corrected minor fluff errors (text etc)


    Many relic triggers won't work because the hardcode conditions seem to be broken:

    Characters cannot inherit relics when their father dies
    Characters cannot take relics from generals who die in a battle where they were present

    Sorry, tried many alternative solutions for quite some time, no luck. Ask CA to fix their code ;)


    Fixes / rebalance for some of the previous alterations
    1/3 of ancillary file fixed


    BadDisciplinarian coming up too much from autoresolve - raised % of soldiers routed to trigger, and disabled trigger if battle was won
    Balanced Good/Bad Disciplinarian traits from activity / inactivity
    Fixed GoodCommander / BadCommander antitraits like GoodAssassin/BadAssassin and agents etc. Who knows how I missed that, perhaps I win too much.
    FactionKiller trait not working. Seems to be problem with hardcode event condition 'LeaderDestroyedFaction' - does anyone know where I can find the event triggers which define this? Or are they hardcoded and unalterable?
    Tried making FactionKiller work with other conditions (ie taking faction capital when factionsettlements = 1, linking trait to message Faction Destroyed appearing), but no luck. Annoying.
    Restored original Factionleader / Factionheir changeover triggers. They don't actually make sense, but my amended triggers somehow allowed characters to have both Factionheir and Factionleader. Will try again in 1.2
    Activated AdoredByPope trait rewards for papal missions (incomplete triggers in original)
    Deleted duplicate Berserker trigger, upped thresholds a little
    Deleted governing9 trigger - this was a 'moral corruption' trigger that meant no generals could keep Fair In Rule / Noble In Rule traitline for more than a few turns when treasury > 50000. Those traits have plenty balanced against them as it is, this was stupid imo.


    Checked all standard ancillaries to make sure they work etc.
    Making many more standard ancilliaries transferable: my tests were this: 1) Is it a family member? 2) Is it linked or specific to the character? 3) Is it unique enough to control its own destiny? 4) Does the owner have reason to hide/disown it (ie criminal)? If the answer to any of those were YES, then it's not transferable. The transferable questions were: 1) Is it an item? 2) Is it professional military or servant & thus under orders? If the answer was YES, then they were transferable (aside from some unique relics etc). Most historical/fictional figures left alone & non-transferable. In the end, it is YOUR CHOICE to use transferability or not (ie don't bitch at me about changing it, just don't transfer them!). Some ancillaries have been kept non-transferable for balance reasons (ie priest ancillaries mostly non-transferable as they can seriously influence chance of becoming Pope).
    Made common ancillaries slightly less common, rare ancillaries slightly less rare - you should now see more variety, instead of 100s of artists, alchemists, etc and nothing else. Unique / named ancillaries still v rare, but you will see a larger range of standard ancillaries.
    Removed some odd trigger conditions (ie triggers which rewarded for winning battles when slightly outnumbered, but not when more outnumbered)
    Removed some bizarre blocks to northern_european cultures having some basic ancillaries


    Apothecary trigger now gives apothecary instead of alchemist
    Added triggers for two armour ancillaries: characters coming of age may recieve a gift of armour from their father, if the father has an ancillary skilled enough for the job.
    Biographers now only pay attention to slightly more accomplished generals
    Added black stallion triggers for assassins and dreaded generals
    Added bodyguard triggers for assassination attempts
    Counterfeiter now appears for merchants created in settlement with alchemists lab OR BETTER
    Added trigger for eunuch for Islamic generals in cities with advanced administration
    Changed trigger for explosives, so they appear only after the gunpowder discovered event, instead of based on turn (which will be wrong if you or a mod have altered the number of years per turn)
    Added faithful servant trigger - princesses coming of age with a noble or charming mother now may gain a loyal family servant from her
    Fixed knight reward imbalance from crusades: previously hre, spain, portugal only got 1 knight (santiago or teutonic) and everyone else got 2 (templar + stjohn). Now France & England only get 1 Templar, and everyone else gets 1 StJohn.
    Removed anti-ancillary condition from 'master' ancillaries (no logical reason you can't have more than one)
    Added triggers for FactionLeaders with guild HQ in kingdom, they have a small chance to get the appropriate master ancillary as an advisor
    Inappropriate ancillaries no longer given to princesses (ie mentors, tutors)
    Added trigger for nun on priest creation from Abbey or above (Same for orthodox)
    Fixed trigger for pet bloodhound, now can be given to spies and assassins on creation
    Added triggers for royal escort for princesses
    Made siege and military engineers mutually exclusive (they double up too much and waste space)
    Added trigger for slaver for Byzantine & middle eastern cultures (because they don't get much unique to themselves)
    Added triggers for smothering bodyguard for princesses


    Not my area, but if you look in descr_missions.txt and descr_faction_standings.txt you will find that faction standing rewards for regicide missions don't exist. Might be of some interest to diplomacy modders (or heaven forbid CA actually fix something in a patch)


    This version has now (hopefully) fixed 99% of the traits file. Ancilliaries & fluff (typos etc) to come in v1.2


    Added many fixes I missed from KOBAL2's traits fix, so big thanks to KOBAL at Find his mod at:
    Ambush triggers created.
    Added missing/eliminated DiscontentGeneral triggers: renowned generals in charge of great cities in far off lands might start entertaining thoughts of independence, unless they are very loyal...on the other hand, less skilled generals might be happy that you gifted them with walls. PLAYTEST & FEEDBACK PLEASE!
    Crusader/Jihad levels now harder to get. Becoming a Grand Crusader/Holy Warrior now requires generals to do more than simply win one crusade.
    Added new self-perpetuating "education" triggers for some traits which were near impossible to reach top levels: characters who ALREADY possess academic / culture traits who spend time in settlements with appropriate academic / cultural buildings may spend some time educating themselves.
    Fixed Sobriety / Prim trigger thresholds to a) make them appear correctly on birth / marriage, b) eliminate anti-traits (Drink and Arse/Girls/Feck/etc) as intended on marriage / fatherhood. NEEDS PLAYTESTING
    BETAing a new gain/loss code for GoodDenouncer/BadDenouncer, please see how your priests move up and down the scale from Good/Bad on killing heretics/witches. This should work better than the current gain/loss code for other agents, but I don't want to risk breaking those until this has been thorougly tested. NEEDS PLAYTESTING


    Added new Berserker battle trigger.
    Changed 'HatesX' birth triggers to see them appear a little more often. Hates'n'fears a little more common.
    Insane and Angry generals can now become Berserkers
    Left corruption alone (though severely tempted to remove doubling up of traits such as Epicurean from having theatres etc & large treasury)
    Castles now REALLY don't give BadTaxman
    Added 10% chance for Sane on birth to make mad traits a little less common
    Added 10% chance on birth for Objective/Subjective and assigned various anti-traits to them. Effect should be to ensure random births don't produce too many characters with conflicting traits. If this works, will expand these traits further in v1.2. PLAYTEST!
    Added trigger to GloriousFool, generals who narrowly lose a battle where the odds are against them may get this trait.
    Made adultresses slightly less common, especially for men with charming wives.
    Added HasAdultress trait. Doesn't have any extra effects than the ancilliary, just for sake of completion.
    Removed Ignorance as anti-trait to tactical & logistical skill (plenty of great generals with no education in medieval times). Increased chance of trait appearing in military generals to balance.
    Added trigger for non-faction leaders to get PoliticsSkill
    Generals whose troops rout often are liable to be blamed for bad discipline. (general note about Disciplinarian & BadDisciplinarian: generals who keep their troops active will gain the former, generals who leave them idle will get the latter)
    AssassinMaster slightly harder to get (in line with SpyMaster).
    Last level of AssassinCatcher slighty easier to get (in line with CounterSpy)
    Checked & fixed all trait thresholds in triggers - should see more coming of age traits
    Many more trait and trigger fixes


    Princesses now convert their traits into General traits on marriage correctly.
    Fixed merchants gaining / losing GoodMerchant/Badmerchant
    Lowered thresholds for Monopolist (because I've never seen it in higher levels)
    Created trigger for ExoticTastes for merchants trading exotic goods
    Priests who become heretics should now base their hereticskill level on their previous piety rating. NEEDS PLAYTESTING
    InquisitorFailure will now activate when intended (if this was meant to be the patch fix for inquisitors, well they bugged the fix too...)



    Assasssins / Princesses / Diplomats losing all Good- traits instead of one point on unsuccessful mission: Now working as intended, failed missions now only reduce trait by one point.
    Princesses completely fixed, see below.
    All generals/family start with base Piety of 3 (ReligionStarter trait now fixed)
    Many traits assigned to incorrect character types have been corrected or replaced (ie triggers trying to give family members SmoothTalker trait, a diplomat trait, have been replaced with RhetoricSkill).
    Many trait errors giving incorrect values fixed.
    Restored trait triggers for generals who are active & leading armies to balance traits triggered by sitting around in cities


    All now spawn with default Charm 3 (neutral traits to character on marriage)
    Princesses now get random traits at coming-of-age like characters
    Appropriate Princess traits now self-perpetuating
    Secret Love ancillary slightly less common
    Inital Princessess on starting a new campaign WILL have +2 Charm too much. To change this I would have to alter the descr_strat.txt file, which would then conflict with most other mods.
    (Princesses may in fact now have too much charm, feedback welcome for v1.1)


    Non-family generals can now get traits for administration / tax etc while governor. Since non-family generals only seem to exist at the start of the game, it hardly matters. Correct me if I'm wrong.
    Good / Bad Taxman trait now linked tax level of city that general is governing. Castles unaffected (since tax level unalterable).
    GoodAdministrator trait now linked to being an active governor
    BadAdministrator trait now linked to having an unneccessarily unhappy population. Trait now is opposite of GoodAdministrator, instead of opposite of GoodTrader...
    Being an InspiringSpeaker once again inspires your soldiers as well as your population (possibly this wasn't a mistake by CA, please complain if you want this removed from the fix mod)
    Being a BoringSpeaker now actually has consequences
    No more 20 yr old 'Scarface's, BattleScarred trait now takes considerably longer to max
    FertileWife trait now given to family members on marriage (if appropriate to Princess married) instead of, er, admirals...
    Radically reduced likelyhood of brothels or above to give Drink/Feck/Girls traits
    Fixed threshold for Prim trait so it works correctly with triggers
    PublicAtheism trait now working, generals who wander too long among heretics or slaughter innocent co-religionists beware...
    Balanced ExpensiveTastes trait thresholds (Extravagent, Royally Extravagent etc) to be more in line with similar traits & antitraits.
    Balanced Ignorance trait to be more in line with Intelligence anti-trait.
    GoodDiplomacy and BadDiplomacy traits now active in limited way, more to come.
    VictorVirtue trait triggers fixed, generals can now develop the Victor line of traits correctly.
    Admirals now gain command stars more reliably, and gain retinues from winning battles.
    Admirals no longer gain command stars or retinue on creation (no more 1star fleets appearing from training and being unable to merge)


    Good/BadArtilleryCommander and Good/BadGunpowderCommander seem to be unfixable, as there are no unittype parameters for those units. Please PM me (site details below) if you know otherwise.

    ==v1.3 (FINAL) COMING SOON==

    Bug-fixing for current versions
    Hopefully a permanent solution to the anti-traits problem - no more traits being wiped out by earning one point in an antitrait!

    ==QUESTIONS for fellow modders==

    Some things I haven't worked out yet which would really help. If you can help, please PM me (Orientis) at, or post in this thread:

    Is there any code / condition to find out whether character married within family?
    Anyone know where MissionID & PaybackID parameters can be found? (not in docudemon_conditions files from CA)
    Is there any code / condition which defines a character's age?
    Something very strange: character leading army outside settlement getting Corrupt trait regularly...tested to see if this is from corruption triggers, it's not. No idea what is was happening. Please bug report if you see this occurring (no general without Corrupt trait (first level: Dubious) should ever get the trait without being in a city)


    Please post feedback & bugs in this thread at forums:
    Tell me what I have missed or what you think needs fixing so I can include it in future versions.

    I'm going to do furthar experimenting with the Pikes to try and get them to be less Uber for the next release. Lusted has given me some ideas, many thanks to him for those.

    Now Download, Enjoy, and tell me what i've got wrong.
    Last edited by Carl; 02-24-2007 at 17:33.
    Find my ProblemFixer Purehere.

    This ProblemFixer fixes the following: 2-Hander bug, Pike Bug, Shield Bug, Chasing Routers, Cav not Charging, Formation Keeping Improved, Trait Bugs, and Ancillary Bugs.

    BETA Testers needed for the current version of RebuildProblemFixer. Thread here


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