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Thread: What type of MIC building should I build?

  1. #1
    Member Member Intranetusa's Avatar
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    Default What type of MIC building should I build?

    Should I always build the lowest number possible (highest faction tech) for each conquered province?

    Or am I missing the really good native auxillary units so should I just build #3 (regional control) or #4 (allied state) faction buildings?

    I'm asking cuz I've conquered most of Gaul, and built almost all #2 faction buildings. Should I build #3-4 or continue with #2?
    "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind...but there is one thing that science cannot accept - and that is a personal God who meddles in the affairs of his creation."
    -Albert Einstein

  2. #2

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    That really depends what faction you are and how close the conquered faction culture is to your own. For example, If you just conquered all of Gaul as the Aedui, then you should'nt bother with Type III or IV governments.

    If you are playing as the Romans (which I have a funny feeling you are), then you should install Type IV governments and upgrade your regional MICs. Then, once the Marian Reforms come around, dissolve the Type IV and make a Type II government. That way, you will have a full Regional MIC, and be able to upgrade your Factional MIC and create legionaires out of Romanized Gauls if you so wish.

    With pretty much all factions except Pre-Marian Romans, you will want to build Type I and II Governments wherever possible, and then build Type IV's in the rest.


  3. #3
    Member Member Intranetusa's Avatar
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    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    yeh, I'm playing Romans. :D I really want to build type 3 & 4 MICs in the Greece region cuz I really want the hoplite units.

    Are the auxillary units for the regions generally the same?
    Or should I build the #3 or #4 MICs in specific cities because they might offer more aux units?
    "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind...but there is one thing that science cannot accept - and that is a personal God who meddles in the affairs of his creation."
    -Albert Einstein

  4. #4

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    I'm playing as Koinon Hellenon and oddly, Sparta, with a type I government, is producing less factional troops than Athens, which is a type II government. (both have the same level barracks) Under such circumstances is there any reason to even use a Greek type I government style?

    (I'm not trying to hijack the the thread from the original poster, I just didn't want to make another post when my question is relevent here)
    Last edited by HopliteElite; 03-08-2007 at 01:25. Reason: addition of text

  5. #5

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Sparta itself is just a little funny, with low and high level units, but not as much in between. That's not a restriction of the type1 govt itself.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Quote Originally Posted by Intranetusa
    yeh, I'm playing Romans. :D I really want to build type 3 & 4 MICs in the Greece region cuz I really want the hoplite units.
    You can always hire many Hoplite units as mercenaries in abundance, remember. However, I think it would be worth it to build Type IV Governments in Greece for now and upgrade the Regional MIC. That way you can build a Type II when the Marians' take effect and still have your hoplites available should you need them.

    As you expand further and further from Italy in your Pre-Marian campaign, Type IV becomes more and more necessary to support the legions with local troops, so you don't need to ship new factional from Italy all the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Intranetusa
    Are the auxillary units for the regions generally the same?
    It depends on the region of course, but I think that the auxiliaries for Greece are generally the same (I'm just in the process of conquering it myself, actually). In africa, You will only get elephants in Numidia and Nubia. In Western africa you generally gain the same Numidian units no matter what city. Generally the aux. units in a general "culture area" are the same. Look at the mercenaries available in each reagion to get an idea of what might be recruitable from the local MIC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Intranetusa
    Or should I build the #3 or #4 MICs in specific cities because they might offer more aux units?
    There is some thread that discusses specific cities that offer more in the way of unique auxiliary recruitment, but I forget what it is so I can't give a link, sorry.

    Quote Originally Posted by HopliteElite
    I'm playing as Koinon Hellenon and oddly, Sparta, with a type I government, is producing less factional troops than Athens, which is a type II government. (both have the same level barracks) Under such circumstances is there any reason to even use a Greek type I government style?
    Well aside from the benefits of a Type I Government like increased morale etc., Sparta is the only city that you can recruit Spartans from ;)


  7. #7
    Member Member Intranetusa's Avatar
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    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Quote Originally Posted by CaesarAugustus

    Well aside from the benefits of a Type I Government like increased morale etc., Sparta is the only city that you can recruit Spartans from ;)

    k thxs. Can you still get Spartans or upper hoplie units with #2 MIC or do ypu have to go to 3/4?

    And are the #3 & #4 MIC generally the same? or does #4 offer more aux? (this wasn't in the MIC help topic)
    "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind...but there is one thing that science cannot accept - and that is a personal God who meddles in the affairs of his creation."
    -Albert Einstein

  8. #8

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Sparta itself is just a little funny, with low and high level units, but not as much in between. That's not a restriction of the type1 govt itself.
    Thanks. I'll just use Sparta as a Spartan hoplite factory and train my mainstay soldiers from my other homeland territories.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Quote Originally Posted by Intranetusa
    k thxs. Can you still get Spartans or upper hoplie units with #2 MIC or do ypu have to go to 3/4?

    And are the #3 & #4 MIC generally the same? or does #4 offer more aux? (this wasn't in the MIC help topic)
    I think that Spartans are recruitable only from the highest level Factional MIC in Sparta (KH only), but none of my KH campaigns have lasted more than ten years so I'm not really sure.

    The difference between Type III and IV Governments is that Type IV allows the Regional MIC to be developed to its maximum, whereas Type III allows for Regional MIc's to be developed to the second highest level. This is why I prefer type IV over type III, but be aware that Type IV has a small negative effect on public order, and Type III is much more beneficial to the economy and hapiness. You could always upgrade to the max Regional MIC with a type IV, then switch to a Type III, and then finally build a Type II when the Marian Reforms occur.
    Last edited by CaesarAugustus; 03-08-2007 at 02:35.


  10. #10

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    sounds like an exploit though, building up the regional MIC under type IV then switching to type II to build the factions MIC. If the units are not restricted by the government type, then you would have access to way more units than you should. Unless the EB team planned on this, not sure

  11. #11
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elthore
    sounds like an exploit though, building up the regional MIC under type IV then switching to type II to build the factions MIC. If the units are not restricted by the government type, then you would have access to way more units than you should. Unless the EB team planned on this, not sure
    Not really anything we can do about this.

    EBII Mod Leader
    Hayasdan Faction Co-ordinator

  12. #12

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    but is it something thats supposed to happen or not?

  13. #13
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elthore
    but is it something thats supposed to happen or not?
    Well no, not really. It is an exploit.

    EBII Mod Leader
    Hayasdan Faction Co-ordinator

  14. #14

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    I am not sure why it would be an exploit ... you are paying the price in time and money to have all these buildings afterall ... and you are talking about an awfull lot of buildings and gov't conversions. Also from the historical perspective I am not sure it is even so far off the mark ... in Greece it was in Rome's early interest to have free Greek cities and not under the yoke of a resurgent Macedonia or Epirus ... the same with Gaul they allied with many tribes in their conquest and when it suited them they turned on their allies. I think if you initially make these conquests and make alliances and then in time as the might of Rome gains momentum that you seek to change the allignment with these cities it is a fair thing!

    I also like variety in my troops especially since i play with 8 unit legions adding some variety with allies gives my army flexibility. This is one thing I loved about the RTRPE MN mod is it gave you three different allied armies of 3types of units each in Italy in their repective region ... the Marsi, Etruscan, and Samnite.

  15. #15
    EBII Mod Leader Member Foot's Avatar
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    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Quote Originally Posted by dutch81
    I am not sure why it would be an exploit ... you are paying the price in time and money to have all these buildings afterall ... and you are talking about an awfull lot of buildings and gov't conversions. Also from the historical perspective I am not sure it is even so far off the mark ... in Greece it was in Rome's early interest to have free Greek cities and not under the yoke of a resurgent Macedonia or Epirus ... the same with Gaul they allied with many tribes in their conquest and when it suited them they turned on their allies. I think if you initially make these conquests and make alliances and then in time as the might of Rome gains momentum that you seek to change the allignment with these cities it is a fair thing!

    I also like variety in my troops especially since i play with 8 unit legions adding some variety with allies gives my army flexibility. This is one thing I loved about the RTRPE MN mod is it gave you three different allied armies of 3types of units each in Italy in their repective region ... the Marsi, Etruscan, and Samnite.
    Yeh but when you romanise population (post-marian of course), you don't still raise local troops equipped in the local manner, you recruit legionaires or auxilaries. But if you put a gov4 and then raise your local mic to the highest level, then you'll still be able to recruit the original local troops once you've romanised it.

    There is a way round it, I guess. You can add to the factional mic requirement lines "and not xxx", where xxx is a certain level in the opposing regional mic for that faction. So, for example, as the romans you have a gov4 and maxed out regional MIC in a greek province (post-marian), and you destroy the gov4 and put in a gov2. You are able to build the first level of the factional MIC, but all further levels are unavaliable because factional MIC2has the requirement "and not regional MIC5). That would work.

    EBII Mod Leader
    Hayasdan Faction Co-ordinator

  16. #16

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    But Romans enlisted Barbarians into their ranks till the end of the empire I just don't think it is so wrong other then that they are not mercenaries but that is exactly the way I would think of them. The only difference between these 'mercenaries' and the ones you recruit in the countryside would be that you can retrain them and possibly upgrade them ... also more realistic. It is true ofcourse that by this time certain people practically didn't exist anymore having been replaced by others ... but I just don't know how you could simulate this in this existing game afterall EB already stretches the capabilities of the RTW engine to the extreme. I actually really like the idea mentioned by a previous post of making them allied at first and then as your reforms trigger then make a transition to a more heavy handed occupation.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    im no expert but, i think the samnites would be a good example of a local troop type becoming extinct due to romanization

  18. #18
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Maybe the Romans should just go back to having 'one' MIC. Roman units in Italia, and regional units outside of Italia. After upgrading to the Marian and Imperial MICs, the Romans can no longer recruit regionals at all.

    And it would destroy the "Allied Faction" role playing aspect post-Marian. Or it could me complex, like you need at least type2 to get Marian MICs (as well as the Marian Era building) and at least type3 to get Imperial MICs (as well as the Imperial Era building). This whole thing wouldn't solve the exploit for other factions...

  19. #19

    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    I wasn't aware that keeping your fully upgraded Regional MIC was an exploit. I guess it makes sense though, because the population would have been Romanized.


  20. #20
    Member Member Kugutsu's Avatar
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    Default Re: What type of MIC building should I build?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elthore
    im no expert but, i think the samnites would be a good example of a local troop type becoming extinct due to romanization
    The samnites are available to the romans through the factional Polybian and Camillan MICs. They disappear along with the hastati, principes and triarii when you get the Marian reforms. Can you get them again as a roman player if you downgrade to a level III or IV MIC? Would anyone actually downgrade their homeland provinces as the romans just for the samnites? The cohors are better than them, and you get the evocata in Italy too, along with other toys like scorpions and ballistas...


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