This poll is for players in the King of the Romans PBM only. The text of the motions is as follows:

5.1 We should seek allies in England and Russia. This will force our enemies to a two front war if they dare attack us or our ally, especially as we currently do not share borders with these nations. At the same time, the alliances should only be decided if they shall pay us tribute for it, for we are the more superior nation. (aim for barely accepted)
Proposed: Fifth Elector of Swabia
Seconded: Count Otto von Kassel, 6th Elector of Bavaria

5.2 We need to move out all superfluous troops out from the heartland and leave just enough there to keep public order. These troops should be used to reinforce our borders and fronts.
Proposed: Fifth Elector of Swabia
Seconded: Steward Maximillian Mandorf, Duke Leopold

5.3 The elimination of Milan
Proposed: Fifth Elector of Swabia
Seconded: Count Otto von Kassel, 2nd Elector of Austria

5.4 Driving Venice back to at least Ragusa, leaving them with this region and Iraklion at the most
Proposed: Fifth Elector of Swabia
Seconded: Sixth Elector of Franconia, Duke Otto

5.7 The training of additional clergy to root out heresy and allow more of our cardinals into the college.
Proposed: Fifth Elector of Swabia
Seconded: Sixth Elector of Franconia, Count Otto von Kassel

5.8 Training of at least 2 good assassins to take care of high profile political targets
Proposed: Fifth Elector of Swabia
Seconded: Jonas von Mahren; Count Otto von Kassel

Edict 5.9 Reich will start offensive against Poland by taking Magdeburg and continuing the offensive untill either Poland sues for peace or Papal warning of excommunication is given.
Proposed: Duke Dietrich von Saxony
Seconded: Sixth Elector of Franconia, Count Otto von Kassel

Edict 5.10 Holy Roman Empire suggests an alliance to Hungary.
Proposed: Duke Dietrich von Saxony
Seconded: Sixth Elector of Franconia, Count Otto von Kassel

Edict 5.12: The Empire is to adopt a defensive posture in the west in an attempt to lead to the excommunication of France. When France is excommunicated, the posture is to switch to an offensive one - aiming at Rheims and then Paris.
Proposed: Prinz Henry
Seconded: Duke Dietrich von Saxony, Count Otto von Kassel

Edict 5.13: All Milanese forces remaining in Italy are to be destroyed.
Proposed: Count Otto von Kassel
Seconded: Duke Dietrich von Saxony, Prinz Henry

5.14 If England does not accept an Alliance on reasonable terms that favor us, we ally with Scotland instead, of course only if they are more reasonable than the English.
Proposed: 5th Elector of Swabia
Seconded: Count Otto von Kassel, Steward Maximillan Mandorf

Edict 5.15: The large Milanese army outside Florence will be destroyed. After this is accomplished, we will seek to establish a ceasefire with Milan, so long as one can be obtained without cost to the Reich.
Proposed: Steward Maximillian Mandorf
Seconded: Duke Leopold, Dietrich Von Saxony

Edict 5.16: The nobility of our foes are subject to assassination.
Proposed: 4th Elector of Bavaria
Seconded: Emperor Heinrich; 5th elector of Swabia

Edict 5.20: All cities with access to the sea must build the needed facilities to encourage and boost commerce.
Proposed: Jonas von Mahren
Seconded: 6th Elector of Austria; Count Sigismund