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Thread: Htw Spin-off Mod - Ancient: TW

  1. #31
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    I would be careful with cathedral income buildings. Too many cause CTD when checking for province's income.
    I don't know how many, but I suggest to pack the maximum number of thos you want to add and check for yourself.
    Perhaps it is a good idea to keep some of those unique this way they will not appear all together in one place.

    I had a look in my Osprey books from ancient period and made a caouple of notes.

    So I might have some suggestions for usnits.


    a number of infantry used throwing sticks so perhaps a kind of skirmishing infantry with this weapon can be added - something like darts in VI I guess ( Ethipian army later used similar weapons with special sharpened boomerangs and many-edged knives).

    Makhtu-aa close combat infantry might have two versions :
    one - assault infantry without missiles,
    two - same, but with throwing spears/javelins - but this one only allowed by 'dismounting' the first one, AI doesn't dismount units and it cannot use javelins properly anyway so recruitable shock infantry with throwing weapons would be wasted by it.

    Stave bows - were cheaper and more popular + better in rainy weather conditions and were used by infantry together with later and more expensive composite bows.
    Perhaps two types of archers to show it ?

    Chariot runners - in my opinion a MUST in the mod.

    Two versions with bows and javelins - perhaps only one recruitable and another 'dismountable' only ?
    Were used to destroy enemy chariots and support egyptian ones so are perfect to cause fear in enemy chariotry without similar fears themselves. Could receive a charge and destroy the vehicles, though not without losses.
    Should be very fast (for infantry)

    Mittanian auxilia - Mariyannu hevavy, noble chariots with armoured crews and horses were used by egyptians too as allies after numerous conflicts with their state.


    Apparently heavier chariots appeared later after wars with Mitanni.
    Remained quite light, but got some armour and got faster thanks to better use of horses.


    3 levels of army.

    Levies called Sab Sharry - peasant infantry archers, spearmen, slingers and shild bearers to protect archers.
    Auxilia - cheap cannon fodder.
    Bad or no armour + shields.

    Kisir Sharruti - reformed army ( around 900 BC).

    It included chariots and (later) cavalry).
    Infantry was called Zuku sa sheppe - as the levies divided into all 4 infantry types.
    Certainly armoured.

    Royal guards -Qurubti sha shepe - all types of infantry and cavalry/chariots.
    All armoured, but not havily. Disciplined elite of the army.

    Assyrian chariots and cavalry.

    According to the osprey about Assyrians cavalry started as either horse archers or lance armed support.

    Both would act separately as different units.

    Later they merged, got a little more armour and their steeds got some protection from cloth half-barding - a kind of extended cloth under the saddle and protecting steed's chest.

    Something like a mini-skirt for a horse without protection over the head.

    So the final Assyrian cavalry would be a hybrid lancer/archer.

    As usual it might cause problems for the AI so perhaps it should be recrutable as light lancers with little arrows with dismountable version with larger number of arrows too ?

    Assyrian chariots - simple heavy (getting heavier as the time passed) line breaker with archers aboard.

    Overall I would propose the following roster

    Sab Sharry - peasant infantry archers, spearmen, slingers and shield bearers to protect archers.

    shield bearers either separate or in the same units as archers to give them some ranged protection.

    Kisir Sharruti - reformed army

    the core of the army - all infantry types, includes cavalry when it appears with reformed version in 'mini-skirt' in the last era ( 700 BC).

    Perhaps should have chariots too ?

    Royal guards -Qurubti sha shepe

    guard infantry so harder to get ( maybe only in the royal court so unique building in one province ?)

    Chariots for sure.

    Cavalry for sure.

    Some infantry too, but maybe without all choices.

    I hope you will make the rosters ore diverse - the information might help.

    Remember you can use 256 units and it DOESN'T include mounts, agents and ships.

  2. #32
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Some useful ideas, cegorach, thanks I keep on seeing references to Osprey books -- think I might as well invest in some myself...

    Couple of questions for you: chariot-runners sounds good - any idea what melee weapons? I guess spears but that's just a guess! I haven't implemented the "feared units" yet, but I like your suggestions about chariots (I think that's something I'll do when I have a full unit roster).

    I'm not ready to do it quite yet, but I will need to look at the Steppes eventually (I'm still reading up on early history of horse riding) and think I might like to use some of your steppe cavalry animations etc from PMTW (nogay asker, budiak asker etc) if that's okay? There's a lot of "rebel grey" up there at the moment, so I need to set up appropriate units and possibly factions - obviously in later periods I'll put in the Scyths, but for the early era I'm not quite sure yet...


    New unit -- tribal swordsmen - taking on a few axemen:

    The first level of barbarian livestock farming:

    More at lunchtime...


    ... I've added more offices for the Egyptians - basically using four levels of temple (Set, Ra, Ptah and Amun) to give office titles to the "Leader of (insert god) Division", and tieing in the morale upgrades and happiness bonuses. As these are unique, they'll only ever be built in Egypt, so foreign-raised troops will always have lower morale (max +1 morale from Shrines in foreign provinces).

    I've succesfully moved the slingers into the new animation, so now there's a "spare" animation folder.

    The unit roster will grow as research allows, and of course era divisions will be implemented. Meanwhile, I'm concentrating on early era. I also have a spare culture as yet, as none of the factions have been labelled "orthodox" - I might use this for the non-Indo-europeans in western Europe (Iberians, Etruscans and "Atlantic" culture areas, incuding British Isles, as rebels or possibly new factions).

    I think that's all for today, cheers
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 03-15-2007 at 13:44.

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  3. #33
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by macsen rufus
    Some useful ideas, cegorach, thanks I keep on seeing references to Osprey books -- think I might as well invest in some myself...

    They are very useful, though when doing some more in-depth research I discovered much more mistakes than I assumed in the beginning.

    Still 'if there is no fish even a lobster is a fish' - old polish saying
    Couple of questions for you: chariot-runners sounds good - any idea what melee weapons?
    Spears were too large I think, so daggers of some sort are better. These guys eliminated horses and later dispatched immobilised crews alone or already crippled by their chariot mounted 'cousins'.

    I might like to use some of your steppe cavalry animations etc from PMTW (nogay asker, budiak asker etc) if that's okay?
    If you like it is not a problem.

    ONE note I found that Egyptians used small units of cavalry as scouts so maybe little regiments of very fast horsemen can be added too ?

    I guess 12 men units are all you will need - and of course available only from later periods.

  4. #34
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Cavalry is a difficult one, as the sources are all contradictory - from some things I've read, I believe Ramses II had cavalry scouts before Kadesh (not that he used them, of course ), and there are mentions of "Libyan horsemen" around that era. Same problems surround chariots -- many sources say they originated in Mesopotamia, but I believe the archaeology suggests they (like so many other equestrian developments) came from the steppes with the Aryans. Either way, we will need some steppe chariots

    Certainly by my "high" era, Assyria will have cav archers, and possibly melee cav.

    Likely eras:
    early - 1275BC to 1100BC (175yrs)
    high - 1100BC to 900BC (200yrs) - Iron becomes available, some cav
    late - 900BC to 700BC (200yrs) - cavalry widespread, chariots in decline

    575 years should be more than enough for even the slowest conquerors

    I've done a bit more reading on chariot runners - pity most of the Google searches end up with WarHammer sites - but generally it seems bows and javelins were commonly used to disable the horses, then daggers or swords for close-quarter killing of crews. I think I'll stick to javelins. Apparently the Egyptians used their Sherdan troops for chariot running, so I will make my Sherdan mercenary unit dismountable into a light chariot runner with sword and javelin, and no shield. In their "heavy infantry" mode, I will keep sword and shield, but no javelin. For later periods there's also good evidence for "horse slasher" units - it will certainly add some variety to the standard spear/polearm options (good anti-cav attack, fear to horses, and less defence than spears).

    More later ...

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  6. #36
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Thanks, Axel! Some useful info in there

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  7. #37
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Hi mate,
    I hope so, ill be looking for more mate

  8. #38

  9. #39

  10. #40
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Somme info

    ca 1552-1085 vC Egypte 18/20 Dynasty
    ca 1479-1425 vC Farao Toetmosis III on top of Egypte power
    ca 1364-1347 vC Farao Achnaton
    ca 1347-1337 vC Farao Toetanchamon
    ca 1289-1224 vC Farao Ramses II
    ca 1085-664 vC 21/25 Egypte Dynasty

    ca 1600-1100 vC Myceners rules on the main lands of Greece capitol Mycene
    ca 1100-800 vC Dark age`s of Greece

    ca 1140 vC Feniciërs make kolonie`s: Utica in North-africa
    ca 814 vC city of Carthago is made in North-africa

    ca 1200 vC Mozes leads the Hebreeërs out of Egypte (There are 12 Tribes )
    ca 1010 vC David became king of Israël after Saul
    ca 960 vC Salomo built`s first tempel in Jeruzalem
    ca 923 vC The death of salomo: His empire splits in 2
    ca 722 vC The Assyriërs conquer Israël

    ca 1285 vC Battle of Kadesh between Hettiëten and Egypte no winners
    ca 1200 vC Hettitische empire kalaps under pressure of the sea people
    ca 1000-612 vC Assyrische new empire takes lot of land
    ca 883-859 vC King AssoernasirpalII built s a big paleis in Nimrod
    ca 745-727 vC King Tiglatpileser conquers Israël
    ca 721-705 vC King Sargon II Built s paleis in Khorsabad

    ca 1595-1155 vC Kassieten rules over Babylon
    ca 1126-1105 vC Coverment of Neboekadnessar
    ca 731-626 vC Assyriërs and Chaldeeën fight over power Babylon

    ca 900 vC The citystate Sparta is made of the people: the Doriërs
    ca 800-500 vC The periode of Archaisch (dark age`s of Greece)
    ca 775 vC First Olympic games
    ca 750-550 vC A lot of Greek kolonie`s are made over the middlelands sea

    ca 800 vC A lot of Celtic tribes move`s to the west of Europe them are little tribe s in forts on hills

    ca 753 vC The beginning of Rome

    ca 900 vC Kingdom of Kush in Nubië (now North of Soedan and North Nigeria)
    in war with Egypte

    Somme names i saw in a book:
    Iberiërs = Spain
    Kelts = West Europe (France, Belgium, A part of Germany )
    Liguriërs = North Italy
    Etrusken = Middle Italy
    Italiërs = South Italy
    Sicilië = Sicilië
    Illyriërs = Balklands (Servie and Croatie and more)
    Thraciërs = North Greece
    Getae = Lands on the west of the Black sea
    Scythen = Lands on the North of the Black sea ( horse people)
    Phrygië = West Turkey
    Libyërs = Egypte
    Numidiërs = North africa ( Tunesie and Marroko )
    Slaven = Middle Russia
    Balten = North - west Russia
    Germanen = From Denmark to Holland to North Germany and somme more )
    Hittieten = East black sea and then moved to Turkey
    Sarmaten = moved from the North - east of the lands of the Black sea

    Well thats it for now i hope i did nt make any misstake s and i hope this will help you


  11. #41
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Quick update:

    * Sherdan chariot-runners added (dismounted Sherdan mercs)
    * Cimmerian horse archers added to steppe rebel provinces
    * Celtic swordsmen and Slav warriors added to relevant factions
    * Trade goods and resources placed on map
    * Chariot dismounts added for some factions/chariot types
    * Shaman agent added for pagans (emissary with faith propagation)
    * Medianite cameliers now dismount to eastern archers
    * Hittites, Assyrians and Egyptians start with historical kings (Muwatilis I, Adad-Nirari I, and Ramses II)

    Found out some interesting things in the prod_files: units can come from different buildings - ie trainable in EITHER building A OR building B by using this in the building dependency column:

    { {buildingA},{buildingB} }

    whereas using {buildingA, buildingB} means that BOTH buildings must be present to train that unit.

    I've used this for making "muslim" emissaries in the "mosque" (Temple), and "catholic" ones in the Court of Law, and it seems to work Which means that I can have multiple tech-trees where different factions can train the same units but in different buildings.

    The next problem I want to solve is to make iron-dependent buildings only available in High and Late periods, but there doesn't seem to be anyway to do it, other than stacking up the pre-requisite buildings and build times It's easy to make iron-dependent UNITS high/late only, but buildings don't have an era column... The only other option is to try to use "historical events" eg gunpowder becomes iron, or have some invention requirement, but I don't know how, yet.

    Still loads to do, but it is quite playable so far, hope to have a BETA (or more probably a GAMMA) release before too long.

    Edit: also found some things which have caused problems with HTW - earliest possible start date is year 40 - any earlier than this you run the risk of kings with an age of -64,000 years! Needless to say they die the next turn, game over..... However, as I wanted to start in year 25 (to be 1275BC - year 0 =1300BC), I decided instead to change it to 125 (year 0 = 1400BC) and found that the old HTW habit of kings marrying commoners in the first two turns has now stopped. Obviously something to do with the early start date making the kings a bit too eager to procreate. Now there is TIME to go looking for foreign princesses. Yippee!
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 03-20-2007 at 15:16.

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  12. #42
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Another great leap forward Macsen ! ... Your updates are inspiring ,, do check your email as I sent the first batch of Sea-People pics to you ,, I'll send you Syrians and some other goodies 2mrow ,, I look forward to beta-release when ready ,, cheers for now ,, DTS

  13. #43
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Cheers, Dimitrios - safely downloaded the pics

    A lot of the figures look just right to use the same animation as the Greek militia from HTW BA (which is fine as that's what I've already used for my Sherdan mercenaries!) I can feel a few new units coming on....

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  14. #44
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by macsen rufus

    Found out some interesting things in the prod_files: units can come from different buildings - ie trainable in EITHER building A OR building B by using this in the building dependency column:

    { {buildingA},{buildingB} }

    whereas using {buildingA, buildingB} means that BOTH buildings must be present to train that unit.

    I've used this for making "muslim" emissaries in the "mosque" (Temple), and "catholic" ones in the Court of Law, and it seems to work Which means that I can have multiple tech-trees where different factions can train the same units but in different buildings.
    IN PMTW I have up to 5-6 different sets of required buildings - I don't know if there are any limits in this matter, actually, but 6 is perfectly enough I believe.

    The next problem I want to solve is to make iron-dependent buildings only available in High and Late periods, but there doesn't seem to be anyway to do it, other than stacking up the pre-requisite buildings and build times

    It is impossible. The only thing MTW VI engine really lacks - at least other flaws hurt less than this one...

  15. #45
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Hi mate
    check out this link :
    i think there s a lot of info here

  16. #46
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe


    Historical empires
    Early empires
    Elamite Empire (c. 2700 BC - 539 BC)
    Akkadian Empire (c. 2350 BC - 2150 BC)
    Ur III Empire (c. 2100 BC - 2000 BC)
    Babylonian Empire (c. 1900 BC - 1600 BC)
    Egyptian Empire (1550 BC - 1070 BC)
    Hittite Empire (c. 1460 BC - 1180 BC)
    Israelite Empire (1050 BC - 920 BC)
    Assyrian Empire (c. 900 BC - 612 BC)
    Achaemenid Empire (Persian Empire, c. 550 BC - 330 BC)
    Magadhan Empire (500 BC - 300/139 BC?)
    Macedonian Empire (c. 338 BC - 309 BC)
    Mauryan Empire (321 BC - 185 BC)
    Seleucid Empire (323 BC - 60 BC)
    Chinese Empire (221 BC - 1912) (Various inter-Imperial periods excluded)
    Parthian Empire (c. 200 BC – 224)
    Armenian Empire (190 BC - 165)
    Roman Empire (27 BC - 476)

  17. #47
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Glad you like em Mac ,, I'll get those Assyrians , Egyptians , Syrians & other biblicals to you as well as the web address of where i got em ,, I also have some really great pictures of fortifications & such which are ideal for parchments / scripts & review panel bifs ,, You will get those as well ,, " Are you creating new figures/animations now ? " ... I have Paintshop Pro5 and would like to start helping out somehow/ if possible ,, If the threads & tools are available I would like to try my hand at making Campaign map peices , those Samurai ones are brilliant , I also liked Cegorach bifs in the review panel ,, cheers for now ,, DTS

  18. #48
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Great site Axel ,,, Really well laid out should the mod retrace its steps into the golden age of Mesopotamian ,, cheers ,, DTS

  19. #49
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Morning all, I'm a bit groggy at work today -- was up til 3am trying to pin down a CTD after I changed my faction shields for the Germanic faction

    Needless to say, I'd saved them in all the right folders, changed the colour indexing, checked bit depth, sizes, transparent colours, took them out of the startpos one-by-one etc, and finally found one file that hadn't been copied into every folder it was needed in....

    Anyway -- here it is. The symbol is based on a religious (solar) motif from a Germanic Bronze age site found in Denmark

    EDIT: a bit more on the Germanic faction

    This is turning into one of my favourite pagan factions. You'll see from the image above that the King is not a chariot unit. There is no archaeological evidence for Germanic chariots in this era (although they did know about chariots as per the "Sun chariot" statuette). Their unit roster so far:

    Tribal axemen (BG unit - valour bonus in Norway - starts as rebel province)
    Tribal warriors ('club-wielding nutters' )
    Tribal archers
    Tribal spears (faction advantage - cheaper to train)
    Tribal swordsmen
    Berserkers (now with older, downgraded BRONZE swords)
    Shaman (new AGENT - emissary with faith propagation)

    Starting provinces are Sweden, Scania and Denmark. The names are a mix of German and Scandinavian with all obviously Biblical names removed. Pagan tech tree, which includes livestock farming and pagan shrines.

    They're certainly different to the other pagan factions due to the lack of chariots, and a different fighting style is called for because of that. That's why they have the spear advantage. I'm not sure whether I'll keep the berserkers as a purely Germanic unit, as it seems there was a widespread and ancient "berserker tradition" amongst Indo-Europeans, and they even turn up as mercenaries/subject peoples in Assyrian records. For now, only the Germanics have them...
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 03-21-2007 at 13:47.

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  20. #50
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Hi Dts
    Wot do you meen mate?? change names or wrong links??
    please tell me

  21. #51
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Thanks for all the links and info everyone, I'm really getting some material together (last night I checked my "research" folder on the PC - 1.2GB, of assorted images, text, webpages etc )

    @Cegorach - six options for training sounds very good! I really can't see me needing more than four at most (one for each culture) but it's good to know I can take it further if need be. I've also followed your lead on "dismounting" and renamed it to "Can change battle mode" - sounds so much better...

    Something else I'm going to try is "battle mode chains" - if it works it could be real fun - ie Unit A --> Unit B, but what happens if also Unit B --> Unit C? I want to find out if the engine will allow Unit A --> Unit B --> Unit C. Okay, I'm not sure how many uses they might go to, but I was thinking in particular about chariots dismounting. What I would like is for Egyptian chariots --> Armoured archers --> Egyptian archers (ie can go a step further and take off their armour for the desert )

    I currently have Eg chariots dismountable as Eg archers, but as chariot crews wore some armour, there really should be an armoured archer unit as well (which I'll need to make).

    @Dimitrios: as far as unit animations go, I don't really have the tools or the time to make my own from scratch (I'm amazed at how many units Cegorach has made for PMTW ) but what I can do fairly easily is add in new weapons and shields to exisiting bodies. (I have some ideas in store for the Celts, especially....)

    Later ...

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  22. #52
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by macsen rufus

    @Cegorach - six options for training sounds very good! I really can't see me needing more than four at most (one for each culture) but it's good to know I can take it further if need be. I've also followed your lead on "dismounting" and renamed it to "Can change battle mode" - sounds so much better...

    Something else I'm going to try is "battle mode chains" - if it works it could be real fun - ie Unit A --> Unit B, but what happens if also Unit B --> Unit C? I want to find out if the engine will allow Unit A --> Unit B --> Unit C. Okay, I'm not sure how many uses they might go to, but I was thinking in particular about chariots dismounting. What I would like is for Egyptian chariots --> Armoured archers --> Egyptian archers (ie can go a step further and take off their armour for the desert )
    Nothing. It is either it or the other option - there is no chain of dismounts so it will be A or B - if B dismounts as well it matters not to A.

    (I'm amazed at how many units Cegorach has made for PMTW )
    It wasn't me, but other people (strreety, duke John, YanTraken + stuff from other mods) , mainly YanTraken from Poland.

    Of course I gave detailed instructionsin amny cases learning how to create the animations on my own actually.
    Increadible how many options were not used at all by some paople.

  23. #53
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Morning Cegorach - hats off to Yan TRaken & the rest of the team anyway! You have certainly pushed the limits with unit types and novel ideas though which is a good part of the appeal of PMTW

    I didn't actually get around to checking out the multiple dismount idea, but I suspected it would be as you said. I need to debug my Germanic princess names as they were causing CTDs last night - first noted as CTD when opening the "heirs" panel, then waited til my first princess emerged and a right-click on her caused another CTD, and the heirs panel still caused CTD. So I married her off, which worked fine... after which the heirs panel worked properly. All I can think is that if the princess "works" on the camp map, but I can't access her parchment or the heirs panel, it HAS to be related to the names, it's all that's left ..... or maybe ages? Hmmm, will have to think more. No the age must be fine as she emerged properly.

    All of which meant that this new unit didn't get finished off last night, but it's coming along - the lowest of the low on Bronze Age battlefields - the Egyptian Djamu. These are mace-wielding militia units, with lousy stats, but available from musterfields everywhere. I hope by tonight I'll be able to give them shields, so they might stand more of a chance against these tower-shield spearmen

    More later...

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  24. #54
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Okay! I went down to the Pharaoh's armoury last night and gave them the design for the shield. It is my great pleasure to report that Djamu militiamen now enter battle duly protected:

    Just for a bit of practice I used faction colours, and it seems to have worked - even with shading

    Also re-did the review panel bits for them, so we don't have old-style urban militia images (although I haven't done the battle icon yet, as I haven't installed Ultimate Paint - I'll do all the new ones in a big batch as it's limited-use shareware).

    And whilst I was playing around with shields and animations, thought I'd redo the Sherdan shield - as you can tell from the pics, I found out how the two-sided shields are implemented...

    Back at lunchtime
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 03-23-2007 at 10:26.

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  25. #55
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    >> You are spoiling us Macsen !!!! << Looking forward with vigour & enthusiasm to beta-test these troops ,, More images coming your way tonite ,, cheers for now ,, DTS

  26. #56
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    @DTS - latest batch of pics received - there are some awesome forts in there And I might remake some details of the hittites, too.

    Looking at those shields again, I'm not totally happy with the bosses, and I reckon I could also make it two-sided as well.... Then maybe get on with a few more Egyptian units - heavy spears springs to mind, and some kophesh swordsmen (need to make a new weapon for that). And I might redo the shield for the Assyrian spears, too.

    I've also pretty much decided that for the "High" era (1100 - 900BC) I shall be including the Phoenicians and Kingdom of Israel. By 800BC Carthage had been established, so the Phoenicians really need to be included...

    The Minoans will be removed as they'd gone by 1300BC, and I will use their slot for Alisya (Cyprus) and see if they can avoid becoming Hittite vassals this time around I had a little play with the 'Minoans' on Cyprus, and it is a viable start position, though not without challenges. Its historical role as a major exporter of copper will play a significant part for that faction.

    Thanks to some of Axel's links I have loads of info on Egyptian administration, and some good material for titles and offices.

    More later, lunch break over...

    A mod for Medieval:TW (with VI)

    Discussion forum thread

    Download A Game of Thrones Mod v1.4

  27. #57
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    macsen rufus,
    It looks great
    you let me know if i cane do sommething more mate!
    I am glad i could help out

  28. #58
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Hi Axel, yes, keep the links coming - saves me a lot of time on Google during my lunch break

    What I really need is a good selection of Egyptian male portraits for Generals (I've got plenty of Pharaohs now) and a few more for princesses.

    Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement - it will be worth it!
    Cheers - I'm taking Saturday off work this weekend, so an extra 24hrs modding time!!!

    A mod for Medieval:TW (with VI)

    Discussion forum thread

    Download A Game of Thrones Mod v1.4

  29. #59
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Htw Spin-off Mod - Bronze Age Europe

    Hi mate
    ill trye to find somme potraits and links mate

  30. #60

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