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Thread: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

  1. #1

    Default How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    I for one am not at all happy that the powers that be decided to make this game as absolutely complicated as possible to mod!

    Now that I have that off my chest, how can you get the thing to tell you what's wrong? -show_err makes the game refuse to launch, citing a fatal error.

    Stumbler amongst files

  2. #2
    blaaaaaaaaaarg! Senior Member Lusted's Avatar
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    Feb 2005

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    -show_err isn't in M2Tw, instead CA have given us modders the much more useful system.log.txt, located in the main M2TW folder. It gives much more useful info on errors, and reports multiple errors at once.

  3. #3
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    Moved to modding questions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    Might be best if you read the tutorials for setting the game up for modding before you start lambasting the creators.

  5. #5

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    Actually, Casuir, I did read up on how to set the game up for do you suppose I got this far? I stand by my statement that they made it just as complicated as possible. I'm sorry we can't all be computer whizzes as no doubt you are.

    Thank you Lusted for the heads-up on the system log text. However, on a tottally re-installed clean game with no changes, I get all kinds of warnings and missing this and missing that...and on the prior problem the last line said something about an unknown system error. So I'm not sure exactly what you mean about much more useful information on errors, but I'm sure you know what you are talking about-maybe I'll find out as I go on.

    Stumbler amongst files

  6. #6

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    It is more useful than show_err but it may not be immediately obvious, especially with some errors. You do get a lot more specific type errors as you mod but it doesn't include everything and it does include a ton of warning level messages. (I think alpaca posted something that showed how to tweak the level of error messages you get but i forget where.)

    Some errors just give the unknown error message thing. In my case these were mostly errors in the text files. As in rtw these are generally insta-crash type errors, things like no city/region name in the settlements bin file.
    It's not a map.

  7. #7
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by nikolai1962
    It is more useful than show_err but it may not be immediately obvious, especially with some errors. You do get a lot more specific type errors as you mod but it doesn't include everything and it does include a ton of warning level messages. (I think alpaca posted something that showed how to tweak the level of error messages you get but i forget where.)

    Some errors just give the unknown error message thing. In my case these were mostly errors in the text files. As in rtw these are generally insta-crash type errors, things like no city/region name in the settlements bin file.
    The error log levels are (iirc):

    If you use one level you'll get all messages of higher levels, so trace will give you everything whereas always will be pretty useless unless you throw custom messages via script.

  8. #8

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    Thank you all for the patience you've shown. I was able to find out the error that was making the game crash by going to replace the files that I had changed. When I went to replace the edu.txt, I noticed that it was quite a bit smaller than the original. It made no sense-I didn't delete anything, I merely edited a few existing lines. So I opened up the files and compared the few I had made changes to, and lo and behold, many lines were missing from each, and some spaces were missing in lines.

    I'll explain that in a minute, but what I found fascinating (the crash happens as I try to go to the battle screen) none of these units were present-they are later units, this was the first battle. The game obviously accesses every single unit whether or not they are present each time it goes to the battle screen.

    Anyway, what I found out, that no doubt most of you already know, is that you cannot use Caligula in this game. It doesn't just edit lines, (and even if it did, as I said, spaces were missing-not sure it that is crucial), but it replaces the whole thing with of course the old RTW format which is very similar but is missing parameters.

    I thought for sure the problem must be in the edb.txt, but that seems to be fine-I edited that by hand.

    Anyway, thanks again for your help. Don't know what I would do without this community-oh wait!-yes I do...I'd only be playing vanilla! heh heh

    Stumbler amongst files

  9. #9

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    So is there no such thing as -ne or -nm either? To remove movies or play on a part of your window?

  10. #10
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    Such a thing is to be written into the config, it reads:
    windowed = 1
    movies = 0

  11. #11

    Default Re: How you manage the -show_err in this stupid modding nightmare of a game?!!!

    Thanks alpaca! Your work has been exceedingly helpful and is much appreciated.


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