wiki info:

Imjin War 1592-1598

Korea: 40,000 Korean Army,
(at the beginning)
at least 22,600 Korean volunteers and insurgents

Ming-China: 1st.(1592–1593) ~150,000
2nd.(1597–1598) ~100,000

Japan: 1st.(1592–1593) ~160,000
2nd.(1597–1598) ~140,000




"A common Korean soldier wore a heavy vest (usually black) over his normal white clothes.[verification needed] A strictly ceremonial felt hat gave some limited protection as well. This uniform allowed easy movement and speed but no protection against bullets and arrows, and little against swords. Korean soldiers often used a short spear called dangpa-chang as their main weapon.

A Japanese foot soldier wore iron or leather chest plate and/or chainmail over his chest, arms, and legs. Shin guards added protection to the lower legs and feet. A round conical hat was worn by the Japanese, usually painted with an insignia of a samurai's crest. Shoes were not usually worn among the foot soldiers.

A Chinese Ming dynasty soldier wore a steel helmet and brigandine armor which covered his chest and arms, and hung over his legs."

I'll provide pics of the armors if I can find them from other sites.