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Thread: The Release Date of MTW

  1. #1
    Member Member SomeYoungGuy's Avatar
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    Mar 2002


    I would like to take this opportunity to express my newbieness by asking the question titled.

    It seems that there are no info or recent thread regarding to the subject, I fear that it must be a far away target. However, would anyone know:

    When is the released date please.

    "Magic No-Dachi Chi Chi Chi"
    "Magic No-Dachi"

  2. #2


    21 posts below this one is a thread on the release date. Last updated 2/20 - no more traffic than this site gets, try setting your display options a bit longer.

    The short answer is: it's planned for a fall 2002 release.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Senior Member Kraellin's Avatar
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    Nov 2000


    you wont see a release date given in exact terms for M:TW, at least not for a while. the company was given so much grief in their last releases about missing the target date of the former releases, that they've now opted to NOT give out expected release dates other than in very vague terms. and frankly, i dont blame them. gamers can be such *rses when they dont get their 'fix' on time ;)

    and like SM says, the best bet is currently 'fall 2002'. i saw one date of around sept 7th, 2002, but that's strictly rumor at the moment. take it as such. all we've seen so far from CA itself is that they've done most of the preliminary work on the engine and are moving into the tweak and test phase of things. i've also heard nothing about the 'out of house' testing, so we're still a good ways off on really even predicting a near release date.


    The only absolute is that there are no absolutes.

  4. #4
    Toda Nebuchadnezzar
    Guest Toda Nebuchadnezzar's Avatar


    SomeYoungGuy, you realise if you put CreamOf infrony of your name, you would get a nice soup that my girlfriend drinks often when she is round!

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Senior Member Rath's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


    lol that is sick man

  6. #6
    Senior Member Senior Member Dark Phoenix's Avatar
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    Perth, WA, Australia


    I am always suspicious when young guys put stuff like that on forums coz it normally isnt true.

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    DP is correct - Shiro

  7. #7
    Senior Member Senior Member Sir Kuma of The Org's Avatar
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    Montreal, Canada


    Ok this thread is going nowhere near something game related, in fact nowhere anything related but spamming (Not that i do not appreciate good spamming, it's an art form

    Thread closed

    [This message has been edited by Sir Kuma of The Org (edited 03-05-2002).]
    What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger


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