So I've been working on a custom battle and I have run into a very big, very annoying problem.

The battle I am working on has two plateaus (northern theater and southern theater) with a ravine between them. There are four armies on the field, two in each theater that are supposed to fight each other; however, this isn't happening. The armies in the southern theater move to the northern theater rather than fight each other. They're practically holding hands as they march down a very steep incline. They will fight, but only because the lines run into each other on accident.

The main army of each side, the ones the player should at least command, are in the northern theater. I would have preferred all armies be playable by the player, but if the forces in the southern theater don't behave themselves that can't happen. So, how do I get the armies to fight where and how they are supposed to? I figured the answer was scripting, but will scripting work during play? The only examples I have seen are during the intros.

Any help or direction to help would be greatly appreciated.