The simple question is this: why does the editor -- which I now use as I type -- always act strangely if it's the WYSIWYG one? The trouble is that the cursor always seems to be misplaced, and often there appear unwanted empty lines or smaller spaces of characters.

For example:

Just now I pressed the Right and Down keys after the word 'example' above. I then pressed Backspace and it took more than one time to get to the 'e' of it.

Sometimes I press Enter and have to do so twice in order to -- visually -- relocate the cursor one time. But most likely when I then post there would appear two lines.

I have been using only the basic editor but am now forced to use the WYSIWYG editor regarding the story I write in the Mead Hall to easily copy my text without having to to take care of bolded lines, or italic ones, etc., again, with tags, separately.


I have noticed roughly the same thing in my e-mail account when using a WYSIWYG editor and I take extra -- and annoyingly so -- care to not ruin the text I write. This extra care I take should not have to be.