Rome Total War Alexander Kosak4 Multiplayer Improovments MOD

Rome Total War Alexander El MOD Multijugador mejorado de Kosak4

The essence: The Historical Maps become available in the mods of Custom and Online Battles, in the mods, earlier hidden factions and units become available.

La esencia: Ahora, Los Mapas Históricos están disponibles en los modos de Las Batallas Personalizadas y En Línea (OnLine), en los modos, las facciones que eran ocultas, ahora están disponibles.

Yandex Disk

VirusTotal lies !!! There is not any virus!

1. Open the installator
2. In the windows of the app, select the folder of Rome Total War Alexander (The root folder of the game where the alexander folder is)
3. Install accepted replaced files

Paths for instalation of the steam game version
Steam\your steam login\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Alexander

The changes in comparison with the original Rome Total War Alexander:
1. Now the maps from The Historical Battles are available in Online and Custom Battles, in particular:
- Battle of Chaeronea
- Battle of Granicus
- Battle of Halicarnassus
- Battle of Issus
- Battle of Gaugamela
- Battle of Hydaspes

2. Now, next factions are available in Online and Custom Battles:
- Macedon (Was available in the Original)
- Persia (Was available in the Original)
- The Greek Cities
- Dahae (Was available in the Original)
- Illyria
- Thrace
- Scythia
- India (Was available in the Original)
- Rebels

3. Next units become available in Online and Custom battles with factions:
- The Greek Cities. Theban Sacred Band Spearmen, Mardian Archers, Rhodian Slingers, Cretan Archers
- Illyria. Illyrian Mercenaries
- Thrace. Thracian Mercenaries
- Scythia. Steppe Horsemen

[spoilers='Screenshots of Battles'][/spoilers]
This MOD is part of the TWRome Launcher Edition by kosak4 project. It is a RePack of Rome Total War (+BI + ALX) with the opportunity to play free on STEAM servers.
Official page of the project

P.S.+. The page with my works, including this one
P.S.+.+. Carlo Delgado helped to improve the spanish version of the description

A fan group of Total War games (The official language is Russian). FAQ of Total War (Russian), in which you can find links to Total War series mods.
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