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Thread: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

  1. #121
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    I've sent her a PM and she hasn't read it yet, her profile also says she hasn't been online since she posted that. I would impose a time limit but I don't have anyone's passwords so I can't get a replacement or skip the turn. I'm asking you all now to PM me your passwords in case something like this happens again, don't worry I swear on my honour I will not enter it unless there is no alternative.

  2. #122
    King Philippe of France Senior Member _Tristan_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    So we are ?

    Hope not

    Come on Prole...
    King Baldwin the Tyrant, King of Jerusalem, Warden of the Holy Sepulchre, Slayer of Sultans in the Crusades Hotseat (new write-up here and previous write-up here)
    Methodios Tagaris, Caesar and Rebelin LotR
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    Philippe 1er de France
    in King of the Franks

  3. #123
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    *sigh* she has completely ignored my post in the Pub Crawl Massacre thread :(, we may have to start afresh if she continues to be like this.

  4. #124
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Hey guys!

    Love the new screen name BTG. ^_^

    I caved and bought Kingdoms despite the whole Securom thing. No one's computer exploded so I figured it would be safe to get.

    The up side is the Crusade game has been the most fun that I have ever had with a TW series. If you ever start up a new Crusade PBM hotseat, I might consider joining.

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  5. #125
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    there is still a chance you can join this one if I can only squeeze the password out of Proletariat, she has now read one of my PMs but not replied yet, maybe she'd listen to you

    btw well done on getting over the non-existent SecuROM issue (hang on a sec! Is this the sound a computer makes when SecuROM causes it to explo.....*BOOOOOOOOM*)-sorry got a bit carried away there.

  6. #126
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Seeing as I don't know her, I don't think I'll be sending a random PM. lol

    But, I might consider taking her place if she gave up the password and no longer wanted to continue the PBM.

    As for securom, I still am uneasy. But Crusades is just so fun! (Playing Jerusalem of course in my sp game. It's basically the Kingdom of Heaven movie with most of the same characters.)

    So I'm not "over it", I am just ignoring it for now. ^_^

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  7. #127
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    lol ok, and yes I agree, the Crusades campaign has been my favourite one so far, seen any Jans yet?

  8. #128
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    No, unfortunatly no Jan von Hamburg in the Crusade campaign. But I have been having fun playing the character's I recognize.

    Of the 5 starting Jerusalem characters, 4 are represented in the movie, Kingdom of Heaven (which is itself "loosely" based on historic events). Raymond of Tripoli was represented by Tiberius in the movie and played by Jeremy Irons. Bailan of Ibelin was the main character in the movie played by Orlando Bloom. Prince Guy in the game was Guy the "evil Templar guy" in the movie. And of course King Baldwin was in the movie as well played by Ed Norton. Only Gerard the Crusader seems to be without it's movie equivalant.

    So, I get to move them around and pretend their the people from the movie. It helps to have faces and mannerisms to put with the avatars. I haven't gotten to far yet because I keep restarting in order to perfect my "opening moves" with Jerusalem. I wish I could get to those two Egyptian bridges by turn one but I can't. I can only get an army on the north bridge by turn 2 and an all cav force on the south bridge at the same time. Defending a bridge with only heavy cav is tons of fun but very very nerve wracking...


    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  9. #129
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    wow I never noticed those names before! I just started by marching straight down with a large army led by Baldwin to kill the 2 jihading stacks that appear there (even though that was a fluke seeing as I didn't know they were there) and then fought my way into their homeland. Then it was a case of using some men to hold the bridges which stopped their armies from protecting the northern cities (the castle really helped me later) and then I used Richard to pop down and finish off Cairo and the town next to it. After Cairo fell it was just mopping up really .

  10. #130
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Yeah, my only beef is a small one. I wish Richard came with English armies instead of generic Jerusalem ones. Same with the French King who comes to Antioch. They went through the trouble to give the English and French their own faction specific units for the Teutonic Campaign and the American Campaign but they cheap out for the Crusades campaign.

    Some longbowman would have been nice... :D

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  11. #131
    King Philippe of France Senior Member _Tristan_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Welcome PKev

    I hope you'll be able to play Proletariat's turn... If she ever surrender her password... Seeing as she is ignoring us at the moment...
    King Baldwin the Tyrant, King of Jerusalem, Warden of the Holy Sepulchre, Slayer of Sultans in the Crusades Hotseat (new write-up here and previous write-up here)
    Methodios Tagaris, Caesar and Rebelin LotR
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    Philippe 1er de France
    in King of the Franks

  12. #132
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat


    If she doesn't cough up the password, you guys might want to consider starting over. The save has been ready for her since October 15th. It's now November 6th. That makes it over 3 weeks. Something about that is really not cool. It's the death knell to a game like this when someone can hold the whole game up for weeks on end.

    So yeah, if you can get the password, I'll take her spot. If you can't, I'll be more than happy to play in a new Crusade game.

    I only advise that the person running the game demands passwords from everyone before starting up the initial save. And people should be advised to not pick a password that they use for everything else, which may explain her refusal to give hers up.

    There should also be some reasonable time limit for how long you can keep the save. It shouldn't take more than a couple days to find the time to play one turn, especially if your auto resolving all PvP battles. 3 weeks is too long.

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  13. #133
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    AHA! I have the password! Proletariat has apologized for holding up the game and I will pass the password onto PK through a PM, also while you are joining this hotseat we also have a vacancy in the Teutonic hotseat so if you are interested...

  14. #134
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Alright, I'll take the Turks. I have to do a couple things at work before I can go home. I'll try to have the save up in a few hours so as to get this game moving again.

    Basically there is a change of leadership in the Turkish court. Anything the previous Turkish chancellor told you, is no longer valid. All previous deals are off. New ones can be made though. :D

    Since I'm taking up one PBM, I might as well take up the other. I'll go post in the Teutonic thread.

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  15. #135
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    what about the alliance with Egypt and the war with me? You can't change them :P

  16. #136
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    I can change how the Turks interact with people. If I am taking over then I am taking over the faction completely. How other factions react to that is their decision. ^_^

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  17. #137
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Alright, here is the save.

    Prole left me in quite a situation... o_O

    I'll try to do what I can with what I have.

    Sabotage is fun though...

    Stig and EF will notice some buildings missing.

    Also, some of my Jihad armies did not have any MP when I got to them. weird.

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  18. #138
    King Philippe of France Senior Member _Tristan_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Nice to know it is finallay under way again

    King Baldwin the Tyrant, King of Jerusalem, Warden of the Holy Sepulchre, Slayer of Sultans in the Crusades Hotseat (new write-up here and previous write-up here)
    Methodios Tagaris, Caesar and Rebelin LotR
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    Philippe 1er de France
    in King of the Franks

  19. #139
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Yeah, I PM'd Doug to let him know that he can finally play again. ^_^

    Hmm... I bet the Kingdom of Jerusalem has churches...

    (churches are unbelievably easy to sabotage)

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  20. #140
    King Philippe of France Senior Member _Tristan_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    We have churches.....and a fine network of spies and assassins...

    Just ask Doug...
    King Baldwin the Tyrant, King of Jerusalem, Warden of the Holy Sepulchre, Slayer of Sultans in the Crusades Hotseat (new write-up here and previous write-up here)
    Methodios Tagaris, Caesar and Rebelin LotR
    Mexica Sunrise : An Aztec AAR

    Philippe 1er de France
    in King of the Franks

  21. #141
    Guest Stig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Right, I don't play with certain people anymore, I'm out

  22. #142
    King Philippe of France Senior Member _Tristan_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Stig, what is the matter ?

    Can't you put your diffrences with PK aside ?

    It is a totally different game from KOTR
    King Baldwin the Tyrant, King of Jerusalem, Warden of the Holy Sepulchre, Slayer of Sultans in the Crusades Hotseat (new write-up here and previous write-up here)
    Methodios Tagaris, Caesar and Rebelin LotR
    Mexica Sunrise : An Aztec AAR

    Philippe 1er de France
    in King of the Franks

  23. #143
    Typing from the Saddle Senior Member Doug-Thompson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Got the news. Will make my moves tonight.
    "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns."

  24. #144
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Let Stig be like that if he wants (he doesn't have to play), Zim is interested in joining and he may take up the Byzantines, I'll PM him. Oh and about movement points that's because I beat all of your armies the last turn so they had to retreat and use up all their move :P. You can destroy churches for now but soon you won't have any settlements so I guess we'll be even.

    Edit: and it's nice to see that this thing is rolling again :) thanks everyone

  25. #145
    King Philippe of France Senior Member _Tristan_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Too bad about Stig ( or maybe not...)

    Welcome Zim (or anyone else)

    Thx also to keep the ball rolling...
    King Baldwin the Tyrant, King of Jerusalem, Warden of the Holy Sepulchre, Slayer of Sultans in the Crusades Hotseat (new write-up here and previous write-up here)
    Methodios Tagaris, Caesar and Rebelin LotR
    Mexica Sunrise : An Aztec AAR

    Philippe 1er de France
    in King of the Franks

  26. #146
    Member Member Ferret's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Hey Tristan how come you know about what happened in KotR?
    If you have been reading the threads then you should join, it's really fun .

  27. #147
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    I'm sorry guys that the KotR drama had to spill over into here. I had naively hoped that a game that is less political, and more international warfare, would create a situation where Stig and I could put stuff aside and play together. But, he doesn't want to and that is his decision.

    I won't rehash the drama on here but if someone wants to know what this is about, just shoot me a PM.

    And to agree with EF, KotR is awesome and we could always use more players. It doesn't have to take up a lot of your time but you may find yourself sucked into it because it is so much fun.

    also, with regards to my sabo-trash talk, I am simply making due with what I have. I was not left in... the best strategic position. So, I'll have to sabo-spam for awhile. Plus it's fun.

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  28. #148
    King Philippe of France Senior Member _Tristan_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    @ Bob and PK : I followed a bit of KOTR up until the cataclysm event then things in RL (like a bay being born) led me away from things but the way Stig dropped out made me wonder and a quick search on the most probable thread (KOTR OOC then Duchy of Franconia) gave me some answers...

    Joining KOTR would be great but it would taking too much of my time and I've other things to consider : taking care of my baby girl, finishing my Aztec AAR, playing the PBMs I'm involved in (3 to that day), doing lots of other things...
    At one point, I was on the brink of joining but the cataclysm reared its head and I did not want to spoil your game but acting the noob...

    Maybe some time later...
    Anyway, it really makes a great game...
    King Baldwin the Tyrant, King of Jerusalem, Warden of the Holy Sepulchre, Slayer of Sultans in the Crusades Hotseat (new write-up here and previous write-up here)
    Methodios Tagaris, Caesar and Rebelin LotR
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    Philippe 1er de France
    in King of the Franks

  29. #149
    Makedonios Ksanthopoulos Member Privateerkev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    Real life is more important. Though I disagree with your assumption that you would have spoiled anything. ^_^

    There are always openings if you want to join later. Even if there are no family members open, we can just create a general. Or you could be an elector with no avatar until a family member opens up. So, you have options.

    Knight of the Order of St. John
    Duke of Nicosia

  30. #150
    Guest Stig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kingdoms-Crusades hotseat

    But, he doesn't want to and that is his decision.
    Don't blame me for starting it.

    If you won't stop (posting in the Franconia thread after being politely asked) I won't stop.

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