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Thread: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

  1. #481

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    switch #4 with #6

    Quote Originally Posted by Misconstruction View Post
    Hi, i'm also having a bit of trouble getting this installer to work. Currently i get an "item not found" message when i try to start a campaign.

    Maybe i have not installed everything in the right order, this i what i did:

    1) Install RTW
    2) Install BI
    3) Patch BI to 1.6
    4) Install this
    5) Install EB
    6) Patch EB

    I'm running Windows 7 and RTW is not in program files.

    Any suggestions?
    Those who would give up essential liberties for a perceived sense of security deserve neither liberty nor security--Benjamin Franklin

  2. #482

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Hi, there is a way to change the battle map brightness AFTER installing EB for BI, or i have to a) manually change files or b) run the installer again (i suppose the trivial script would not work)?
    Thank you

  3. #483

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Hi. Sorry if this has been answered already. Does this mod work on Mac?

  4. #484

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    I cannot get this to work, was wondering if someone could help.

    I installed RTW, BI, BI- patch 1.6, EB 1.1, EB 1.2, and then this mod. Outside of Program Files in the C drive. I also turned off my anti-virus, windows firewall, and spy-bot resident (only programs I know of that would mess with a program running).

    This is my fourth attempt, still can't get it going. Here is the output file:

    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\sprites
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\sprites\african
    Extract: ebsprite_missile_african_slingers_all.spr
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\sprites\carthaginian
    Extract: ebsprite_carthaginian_infantry_elite_african_infantry_egypt.spr
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\sprites\dacian
    Extract: ebsprite_dacian_infantry_galathraikes_carthage.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_dacian_infantry_galathraikes_dacia.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_dacian_infantry_galathraikes_macedon.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_dacian_infantry_galathraikes_merc.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_dacian_infantry_galathraikes_thrace.spr
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\sprites\greek
    Extract: ebsprite_rhodian_slingers_all.spr
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\sprites\iberian
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_infantry_dunaminaca_all.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_infantry_dunaminaca_merc.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_infantry_dunaminaca_slave.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_infantry_ilergeta_all.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_infantry_ilergeta_egypt.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_infantry_ilergeta_seleucid.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_infantry_ilergeta_spain.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_missile_celtiberian_skirmishers_all.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_missile_celtiberian_skirmishers_slave.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_iberian_missile_lusitanian_skirmishers_all.spr
    Extract: ebsprite_missile_iberian_slingers_all.spr
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\descr_model_battle.txt
    Copy to eb_before_bi_descr_model_battle.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\export_descr_buildings.txt
    Copy to Data\eb_before_bi_export_descr_buildings.txt
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\scripts\show_me\EBBS_SCRIPT.TXT
    Copy to Data\scripts\show_me\eb_before_bi_EBBS_SCRIPT.TXT
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War
    Copy to EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\text\barbarian_invasion_regions_and_settlement_names.txt
    Copy failed
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion\descr_strat.txt
    Copy failed
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\LOOKUP_CAMPAIGN_DESCRIPTIONS.txt
    Copy to eb_before_bi_LOOKUP_CAMPAIGN_DESCRIPTIONS.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\text
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\text\campaign_descriptions.txt
    Copy to eb_before_bi_campaign_descriptions.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\barbarian\interface\battlepage_03.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\nomad\interface\battlepage_03.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\roman\interface\battlepage_03.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\carthaginian\interface\battlepage_03.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\EASTERN\interface\battlepage_03.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\EGYPTIAN\interface\battlepage_03.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\GREEK\interface\battlepage_03.tga
    Copy failed
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\export_descr_unit.txt
    Copy to eb_before_bi_export_descr_unit.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\sp game edu backup
    calling dll to fix EB\sp game edu backup\export_descr_unit.txt
    Copy to eb_before_bi_export_descr_unit.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War
    Copy to eb\data\descr_skydome.txt
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\carthaginian\eventpics\prebattle_night.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\egyptian\eventpics\prebattle_night.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to EB\Data\ui\nomad\eventpics\prebattle_night.tga
    Copy failed
    Copy to eb\data\models_building\textures\glowing
    Copy failed
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\export_descr_character_traits.txt
    Copy to eb_before_bi_export_descr_character_traits.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data
    Copy to eb_before_bi_export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    calling dll to fix EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion\descr_strat.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War
    Copy to eb\data\models_unit\attachments
    Copy failed
    Copy to eb\data\models_engine
    Copy failed
    Copy to eb\data\models_effects
    Copy failed
    Copy to eb\data\descr_effects.txt
    Copy failed
    Copy to eb\data\descr_effects_engine_torch.txt
    Copy failed
    Copy to eb\data\descr_effects_torch_fire.txt
    Copy failed
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\preferences
    calling dll to fix EB\preferences\preferences.txt
    Copy to eb_before_bi_preferences.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\world\maps
    Copy to eb_before_bi_MAP_CLIMATES.TGA
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion
    Copy to eb_before_bi_descr_win_conditions.txt
    Extract: descr_win_conditions.txt
    Output folder: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War
    Create folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Ghost\Start Menu\Programs\Europa Barbarorum for Barbarian Invasion
    Create shortcut: C:\Documents and Settings\Ghost\Start Menu\Programs\Europa Barbarorum for Barbarian Invasion\Europa Barbarorum for Barbarian Invasion.lnk
    Create shortcut: C:\Documents and Settings\Ghost\Desktop\Europa Barbarorum for Barbarian Invasion.lnk
    Create shortcut: C:\Documents and Settings\Ghost\Start Menu\Programs\Europa Barbarorum for Barbarian Invasion\Uninstall.lnk
    Created uninstaller: C:\Games\Activision\Rome - Total War\Uninstall_EB_For_BI.exe

    Is there anyway to just copy the failed objects manually? And what the dll file was trying to write to the one file it failed on. Thanks for any help.

  5. #485
    Member Member helenos aiakides's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Hi, when i run the installer it just stops/ freezes when copying\eb_before_bi_export_descr_buildings.txt,
    Can anyone help with this?

    edit;Actually I've just realised I have a similar problem to the post above
    Last edited by helenos aiakides; 07-16-2012 at 18:30.

  6. #486

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    I'm still not sure either, tried again with the same process as above and got about the same result. It doesn't fail on the same items, but it will on a few different things.

  7. #487

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Quote Originally Posted by Ferromancer View Post
    @Friedrich Barbarossa:

    If you could find out what the error messages said, that would help a lot.

    It could be because it's failing to detect .net on your machine, and the code in the installer that's supposed to download it for you isn't being run. Did it ever come up with a message saying you needed to download the .net framework?
    Hi Ferromancer, and many thanks for your installer. I had a message saying I needed to download .net , but I said no to it and the message disappeared, then I pressed the install button. There were a number of "copy failed" error messages during installation but at the end it said installation was completed. Now I'm playing with the BI shortcut; the game has naval invasions and no giant trees (so far), although unit banners are still showing up despite checking for them to be removed before setup. Unfortunately, battle crashes are quite frequent--practically every turn (I'm playing a Lusotanni campaign started with RTW exe.). Do you think the .net issue is responsible?

    Update: Never mind the unit banners. Battle crashes have stopped and my interrupted Lusotanni campaign has passed the critical year 175 BCE. Don't wanna jinx it but there seems cause for rejoicing. Bless you Ferromancer!
    Last edited by Jive; 09-02-2012 at 06:34. Reason: update

  8. #488

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Thanks for the installer, sorry I did not say that before. I got it working after first copying some of the folders manually as explained in this thread: , then running the installer. Some of the folders related to unit banners and night battles seemed to have failed (there were more copy failed's with those selected), but I'm not sure where those folders are going and I don't mind right now. So thanks again for the installer.

  9. #489
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    So, um... I have an RTW Gold installation with Steam [Windows 7], which puts everything in C:\Program Files\Steam\ directories. Does this mean, I am out of luck for installing this mod?

  10. #490

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Hi, Slaists,
    This thread might help you
    - 10 mov. points :P

  11. #491
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Quote Originally Posted by vollorix View Post
    Hi, Slaists,
    This thread might help you
    Hi Vollorix

    Thanks for the response. However, my problem does not lie with installing EB for Steam [even though Steam RTW is inside Program Files directory which is not recommended by EB]. In summary, EB 1.2 installs just fine [or, I hope so; since checking the install does find several file irregularities; I assume they're due to me running RTW gold].

    My real problem lies with installing the sub-mod of this thread: the one allowing to use BI.exe. Before running, the sub-mod installer is checking whether RTW is installed inside "program files" or not. If the installer finds RTW inside "program files", it stops the install... (does not allow me to select the proper RTW directory under steam; the proceed button stays grayed out).
    Last edited by Slaists; 10-30-2012 at 16:41.

  12. #492

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    So I've just installed this, I'm using Steam. Everything seems to work until I choose a faction and start a game, then this error pops up and the game crashes. Any help?

    ::EDIT:: Eh, nevermind, I figured I needed a reinstall anyway, that cleared it up.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	KODag.png 
Views:	329 
Size:	23.0 KB 
ID:	7751  
    Last edited by Blooo; 11-11-2012 at 05:36.

  13. #493
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Quote Originally Posted by Blooo View Post
    So I've just installed this, I'm using Steam. Everything seems to work until I choose a faction and start a game, then this error pops up and the game crashes. Any help?

    ::EDIT:: Eh, nevermind, I figured I needed a reinstall anyway, that cleared it up.
    How did you get the installer to work with Steam?

  14. #494

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    I don't have Steam in Program Files. Seems the installer doesn't like it when Steam is in the Program Files directory. I'm curious as to the reasoning for that. Maybe a permissions issue?

    I would suggest maybe moving the whole RTW folder to a directory outside of program files, then point the installer to that location, and move the folder back once it's installed.
    Last edited by Blooo; 11-27-2012 at 06:05.

  15. #495
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Quote Originally Posted by Blooo View Post
    I don't have Steam in Program Files. Seems the installer doesn't like it when Steam is in the Program Files directory. I'm curious as to the reasoning for that. Maybe a permissions issue?

    I would suggest maybe moving the whole RTW folder to a directory outside of program files, then point the installer to that location, and move the folder back once it's installed.
    Hmm, if the installer does any registry entries [it might not...] based on the temporary location of the RTW folder (outside the Steam directory), this might introduce some extra CTD's after the RTW folder is moved back to its proper place... Anyone know of a way to get the installer working with the default RTW location inside the Steam directories?

  16. #496

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaists View Post
    Hmm, if the installer does any registry entries [it might not...] based on the temporary location of the RTW folder
    I can't imagine it would touch the registry.

  17. #497

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Hi ferromancer.

    a -foolish- question:
    i am using your mod, together with EB 1.2 MINI MOD PACK.
    I noticed the Jirisys mega-mod-pack, and would like to try it.
    but it is probably concerning only the RTW version, without BI.
    so i guess that, installing jirisys mega-pack-mod, it will erase your mod, or at least, will conflict with.

    I have to assume that it does not work with 'eb for BI', does it?
    if i paste Jirisys's mod, your will be overwritten (and in fact lost), correct?
    is there anyway to make both the mods cooperate?

    Nec sine Marsis nec contra Marsos triumphari posse

  18. #498

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Hi all!
    I have the same problem with activemoviewindow as this person, but I don't know how to eliminate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by stratigos vasilios View Post
    Hello chaps,

    I have briefly searched this thread and I didn't find any similar problems to the one I am having.

    Firstly I have RTW Gold Edition and followed the correct steps to install this mod. When the game loads it up says 1.1 in the bottom left corner...which I found strange as I installed EB 1.2 correctly? Anyways, the custom and historical battles work fine, but I cannot start a campaign with any faction other than the Saka. When I click another faction (i.e. Rome) it goes to desktop, minimises EB and opens 'Active Movie Window'. It's just a blank black screen...which can be closed down, then reappears when you click EB to maximise. Has anyone else experiences this problem? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and I keep encountering this problem.

    I'm not sure if this helps but I am running Vista, I was always playing EB on the normal RTW disc but since I bought the Gold Edition I thought I'd try this mod.

    Many thanks,
    Any opinions?
    Last edited by uhmhelloworld; 03-23-2013 at 14:24.

  19. #499

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Everything is fixed now.

    Here is the link:

    Here is an original speech of author, which helped me (in case that thread may disappear somewhere):
    Originally Posted by Casual Tactician
    I had the same problem after a recent reinstallation of my WinXP OS (I don't have RSII installed btw). I tried what XSamatan said - didn't work. I searched the support and googled/binged/yahooed the entire web... deinstalled Windows Media Player 11 (using the default WMP 9), reinstalled the WMP 11, downloaded and installed the newest and final DircetX 9.29-Jun2010, played around with all kind of Windows and WMP settings - but nothing worked (for me). Then I found this lifesaver here at TWC.

    Well to get to the point, the following worked for me:

    Go to the folder EB\Data\fmv\lose and deactivate all video files (.wmv) there, by moving them into a newly created folder named '[DISABLED]' (or the like) in the same folder
    I.E. cut and paste all video files in EB\Data\fmw\lose into EB\Data\fmv\lose\[DISABLED].
    So now the EB\Data\fmv\lose folder should only contain the tga-files and the '[DISABLED]' folder (which contains the video files).

    That worked for me at least. If you still get the ActiveMovie window my guess is to additionally try this:

    In EB\Data\fmv\lose additionally cut and paste all tga-files into the [DISABLED] folder, so that the EB\Data\fmv\lose folder only contains the '[DISABLED]' folder
    And/or do the above to the EB\Data\fmv\intros folder perhaps

    Good luck everyone!


  20. #500

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Apologies if anyone's already asked this...I recently returned to the EB fold, but have only just relocated my BI disk, so I was wondering: would I be able to continue my current savegames through the BI .exe after I've installed BI, even though these savegames were started through vanilla (i.e. 'pre-BI') .exe?

  21. #501

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Sorry to disturb, but Itried to download your mod from this free site (freeformatics), but it seems impossible. No trigger for download, only 'add-chart', but no resolutive icons to press... don't understand (sorry) how to downlòoad...!
    it is 15 minutes i am trying to 'translate this strange site.

    can you/anyone help me with?
    Nec sine Marsis nec contra Marsos triumphari posse

  22. #502

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    sorry. I succeeded. sorry i disturbed all!
    Nec sine Marsis nec contra Marsos triumphari posse

  23. #503

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    I have the game installed separate but the downloader gives me an error about it being in program files which it isnt and then doesn't let me pick a folder. Any fixes?

  24. #504

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Hello everybody. I am unable to continue supporting my own website to host this installer, and as you've probably gathered, I do not have time to actively update this installer. I have therefore decided to release my installer into the public domain, and I have moved the hosting to Sourceforge (

    Now that I'm logged back on, let me try and address some of the questions posted above:
    1) If you decline to install the .net framework, this installer will not work, and EB will not work.
    2) Installing to program files for a game as old as RTW is not a good idea, as old games tend to want elevated permissions. As of windows Vista, any files written to program files without proper permissions get redirected to another directory, causing the game to no longer find them. That is why the installer will refuse to install to program files. However, you can install steam to an alternate directory to avoid this issue. On my windows 7 box I use C:\Games\Steam.
    3) If you would like to use EB with BI with another mod, run my installer LAST, as it will try to weave in settings with any other modifications that may exist. Running it first will cause unpredictable weirdness to happen.
    Currently playing as:

    Want to play Europa Barbarorum on Barbarian Invasion? Read all about it!
    Thanks for the balloons!

    Big Brother got you down? Join the Freedom Group on the .org!

  25. #505
    Sage of Bread Member Rilder's Avatar
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    EB Tavern, Professing my superiority.

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    2) Installing to program files for a game as old as RTW is not a good idea, as old games tend to want elevated permissions. As of windows Vista, any files written to program files without proper permissions get redirected to another directory, causing the game to no longer find them. That is why the installer will refuse to install to program files. However, you can install steam to an alternate directory to avoid this issue. On my windows 7 box I use C:\Games\Steam.

    Of course this only comes into effect if you have UAC on I think, as I have no issues with games installed in program files that save in the install directory with windows 7. Including Total War.

  26. #506

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion


    I'm getting this error during install.

  27. #507
    Think different! Member Matteo's Avatar
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    Sep 2014

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Anyone still alive out there?

    I've RTW and BI installed, both patched to 1.5 and 1.6. EB is 1.2. What if I install this?

  28. #508
    Member Member b0Gia's Avatar
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    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

  29. #509
    Member Member Christianus's Avatar
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    Nidarosiensis, Norway

    Default Re: New installer for Europa Barbarorum with Barbarian Invasion

    Is there any patch that makes EB 1.3 availible for Barbarian Invasion, and not only -Alex?

    Edit: Sorry, found this tread:
    Last edited by Christianus; 10-26-2017 at 13:37.
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