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Thread: Beta testing volunteers for 2.0

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  1. #1
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Beta testing volunteers for 2.0

    I ma quite sure it is necessary to test 2.0 before it is released so I will need a couple of men willing to spend some time performing that, boring task.

    I have reserved two weeks for beta testing which will start when I have 2.0 up and running i.e. before February.

    Any volunteer will need to be able to download from rapidshare because I am going to use that uploader to send testing version.

    The second condition is that you will need to choose two factions from each of 4 major campaigns (can be the same) and play in ECW and Armada campaign a bit.

    Your main task will be to look for any CTDs, animation glitches and most important to find out if any battlefield and especially castle map isn't working properly.
    More details will be added with the release of the 2.0 for testing.

    Here is the list of the factions available to play in single player.
    I haven't decided yet if I will release MP install for testing.

    Lion of the North

    The Thirty Yars War is starting with the beginning of the Bohemian Rebellion (joined by Silesia and Moravia) - numerous states of the HRE will take their sides in the forthcoming conflict. Brandenburg has just secured its foothold in Eastern Prussia, but local authonomy is strong and supported by the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, still it is a god beginning - besides weakening Duchy of Pomerania might be a perfect, future acquisition. Sweden and Denmark are after war won by Denmark and their strenght seems to be at the same level - the real test will come with the war in Germany. Sweden engaged in conflict with Poland under the reign of Gustav Adolph is preparing to break the deadlock in Livonia and hopefully to rise to the status of a great power. Poland won the chaotic war with Russia, but needs time to recover from debts and other burdens created by the recent war - its neighbours might not allow that, though. Russia will try to re-take the provinces lost to Poland, but that will take years for sure - it will take time to create an army able to fight both Swedes and Poles. Crimean Tartars see the time of opportunity in the weakness of its enemies, but raiding them for slaves is a different matter than expanding the borders of the state. Georgia is under terrible pressure from Persia and the Ottomans - it is a difficult time to that country, but maybe a conflict between the Ottomans and Persia will allow reaching for something more than mere survival. Persia is now powerful enough to seriously endanger the Ottoman Empire - but it is now or never since the large neighbour is able to rebuild its armies quickly... Venice and other Italian states will try to keep their distance from the grand european war, but pressure from the Spanish might not allow that. Savoy is even in worse situation - the French might try to open a new front in their soon to start war against Spain and that will be over dead body of Savoy itself. Switzerland keeps its precious neutrality, but with all the chaos around it it might be a good idea to actually reach for something more now ? The Ottoman Empire weakened by crisis of power is still a powerful state and surely can affor a major war on its own, but the growing danger from Persia might give litte choice where to fight...
    Ragusa manages to keep its distance from the affairs of the rest of Europe, but this merchant republic finds its trade disturbed by spiteful competition from Venice... Transylvania might be an Ottoman vassal, but it is its Golden Age and the line of weak rulers in Wallachia and Modavia gives its a chance to expand in that direction, still involvement of the Habsburgs in the new conflict allows regaining the old Hungarian territories in so called Royal Hungary and after that maybe even the Ottomans will not be able to stop an ambitious ruler of the carpathian duchy. France will see a dramatic rise to power under the wise guidiance of cardinal de Richelieu, but Spain - its main enemy will not wait for that doing nothing for sure. Spain itself will see the new war in Europe as the final opportunity to best the Dutch and end the decades long war, and perhaps to humilate the French as welll... The Dutch will have to react to the danger caused by Spanish and Habsburg victories if those will come at all, most likely it means rather sooner than later or at all. Habsburgs are now in the most serious danger in time of whole decades - Bohemian rebellion is just the begining, but the support of the Catholic League it enjoys should help a lot and who knows, maybe even bring order to chaos in the entire HRE. Finally England - even if for now it is more or less united with Scotland the union is fragile and poor shape of its army might not be enough if the Scots will decide to go their separate way and invade England to help them securing their independence.

    Crimean Tartars (macsen rufus), Denmark, England (Rick), France(William Waller), Habsburgs (Rick), Venice, Poland , Russia (kamikhaan), Spain (William Waller), the Ottomans, the Netherlands (lukesmaximuse), Georgia, Hungary (Henry Ireton), Sweden (Warluster), Switzerland, Scotland, Florence, Persia (macsen rufus), Bavaria (lukesmaximuse), Saxony (marsal), Brandenburg (Warluster), Ragusa (Henry Ireton), Hessen, Pomerania, Courland (bob23), Palatinate (bob23), Bohemia (marsal), Munster, Savoy,

    Age of Exploration

    Crimean Tartars (macsen rufus), Denmark, Egypt(Henry Ireton), England (kamikhaan), France(William Waller), Habsburgs, Venice, Poland, Russia (Rick), Spain(William Waller), the Ottomans (Rick), Portugal (kamikhaan), Georgia, Hungary, Sweden, the Knights (bob23), Switzerland (macsen rufus), Scotland, Moldavia, Livonian Confederation (marsal), Genoa, Florence (bob23), Milan (Warluster), Navarre, Bavaria, Saxony (lukesmaximuse), Brandenburg (Warluster), Granada (marsal), Kazan(Henry Ireton),

    Religious Turmoil

    Crimean Tartars (macsen rufus), Denmark (bob23), England (Warluster), France (Henry Ireton), Habsburgs (Rick), Venice (lukesmaximuse), Poland, Russia, Spain (Warluster), the Ottomans (kamikhaan), Portugal (lukesmaximuse), the Netherlands (kamikhaan), Georgia, Hungary, Sweden (bob23), the Knights, Switzerland, Scotland(William Waller), Wallachia, Ireland, Genoa, Florence, Persia, Hugenots (macsen rufus), Bavaria, Saxony (marsal), Brandenburg (Rick), Morocco (Henry Ireton), Hessen,

    Sun King's Ambition

    Crimean Tartars (macsen rufus), Cossacks (marsal), Denmark(William Waller), England, France (bob23), Habsburgs (Rick), Venice (lukesmaximuse), Poland, Russia (kamikhaan), Spain (Rick), the Ottomans, Portugal (lukesmaximuse), the Netherlands (bob23), Georgia, Hungary, Sweden (kamikhaan), the Knights (marsal), Switzerland(William Waller),
    Covenant Scotland (Henry Ireton), Genoa, Florence, Bavaria (Warluster), Saxony, Brandenburg, Barbary States (macsen rufus), Savoy (Warluster), Circassia, Wurtemberg, Montenegro (Henry Ireton),

    Spanish Armada

    Spain (Army of Flandres), England


    Covenant Scots, Confederate Irish, Roundheads, Cavaliers,

    PLease, chose your two factions after you decide to volunteer - you are free to chose factions not taken by anybody at the moment you post your message so read what others chose.

    Remember - it will demand some of your spare time, because you will HAVE TO PLAY if you volunteer - I will not be able to re-check every single faction which will have its dedicated testers.
    Last edited by cegorach; 02-18-2008 at 12:32.

  2. #2
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beta testing volunteers for 2.0

    I was asked what is necessary to be a capable beta tester.

    So here it is.

    Ability to play, previous experience with MTW VI - preferably with patched PMTW 1.5 too (though that might be gained RIGHT NOW i.e. before you will receive 2.0).
    You will also need to have enough spare time to play the game for a couple of hours every day to test those 2 factions in each major campaign for at least 50 turns each.

    Obviously you will have to write down the errors, problems and things you will find 'not right'.

    Of course each time you should be able to point out what is a mistake noting down a unit's/buildings name, faction's name or the province where a problem with a map appears.

    The final thing would be to quicksave each turn in case of a problem to repeat a turn if you encounter a major problem ('spy rebellions', CTDs etc) or to make a screenshot or write down more details.

    So in general to go bug hunting.

  3. #3
    Spirit King Senior Member seireikhaan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beta testing volunteers for 2.0

    Ceg, I'd love to volunteer to test it out.

    LotN: Poland, Russia

    AoE: Portugal, England

    Religious Turmoil: Ottomans, Netherlands

    SK'sA: Sweden, Russia
    Last edited by seireikhaan; 01-12-2008 at 23:48.
    It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then, the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

  4. #4
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beta testing volunteers for 2.0

    Sign me up, too! I wanna see that new map everyone's talking about And I need the occasional change of scenery

    Lion of the North

    Crimean Tartars, Persia

    Age of Exploration

    Crimean Tartars, Switzerland

    Religious Turmoil

    Crimean Tartars, Hugenots

    Sun King's Ambition

    Crimean Tartars, Barbary States

    Did I ever mention the Crimean Khanate was one of my favourite factions in v1.5?

    A mod for Medieval:TW (with VI)

    Discussion forum thread

    Download A Game of Thrones Mod v1.4

  5. #5
    Just your average Senior Member Warmaster Horus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beta testing volunteers for 2.0

    So it's coming soon? Great! This looks incredible.

    There's a full-blown grand campaign too? Even better!
    I'm just sorry I can't beta-test at the moment. But I will keep a close look on this.
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  6. #6
    Savaran Commander Member Hound of Ulster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beta testing volunteers for 2.0

    I can't beta test either (school etc.) but if you were to release the 2.0 soon, I will be the first to notify you of any issues I encounter.
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