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Thread: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

  1. #1
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I have made some changes to the trait file, if you like:

    The file export_descr_character_traits is to be placed in the data folder of your EB copy. The file export_vnvs in the text folder (optional. it has the changed descriptions).

    Not to be used with saved games!


    1. Added a command star to every level of combat experience (blooded 1 command, veteran 2 command, grizzeld 3 command, STHE 4 command)

    2. Removed the command penality from all leves of the "lover of beatuy" trait.

    Now characters have a fair chance to gain, and hold, command stars by fighting battles. This effects in most of the times one or two command stars because it is rare that a single character will command much more than five battles in his live, unless you are blitzing the map, or are at war with a hughe empire and have one character for some reason fight all battles.

    It also makes it more likely for senior officers to command armies, because command stars from other traits are more often gained by sitting around in a town (for example with a "temple of war") than by fighting battles (see below).

    The "lover of beatuy" trait is responsible for most the command stars beeing lost again after some time. That makes it impossible for a character to keep his stars without beeing at war all the time.

    3. Changes to the cursus honorum: Raised both the requirements and the chances to be elected.

    4. Changed effects of some offices

    This is only of importance when you are playing the Romani faction. I have raised significantly the chance to be eleceted to an office. To prevent spamming of praetors and consuls I had also raised the requirements, that is the number of laurels to be have and added management scrolls as requirement for the offices below the consul (quaestor 1, aedil 2, praetor 3). The 1 command star as a must have for a consul remained, while to be re-elected consul the character now needs 2 command.

    The 3 influence penality of the "Plebeivs" trait had been removed. In addition a +1 Influence was added to the "Patricivs" trait (a settlement was more likely to rebell under a Plebian governor than under a Patrician one with this penality). Plebeians and Patricians still have different chances to be elected. That should ensure nobile Patricians, like the Cornelii Scipio, to make the cursus honorum without much problems, provided they have at least some mamangement skills and commanded at least one battle (for example a minor skirmish as military tribune or a border battle as provincial praetor) without starting to drink themselves to death thereafter.

    I have also removed the turn requirement to the "Senatore" trait, so you'll have Senators right from the start.

    Some effects of the offices had been changed to (what I think, and what must not be correct) fits the office more. For example, the Plebeian Tribune now has -1 personal security instead of a +1. Even though he was sacrosant it was more likely to be lynched beeing a Plebeian Tribune than beeing a Praetor. And such changes the like.


    Some conceptual ideas "on the way to the Forum":

    I have a lot of "green" characters that gain the "good leader", and the like, trait without taking part in any battle but sitting around as governor. On the other hand, I am missing positive effects of battles won on the characters that are actually leading my armies.

    That means that either the chain of "inter-traits" between the battle and the command star is broken somewhere, that is one of these traits is not triggered as intended, or that at one point, or at all, a unrealistic high number of battles and/or unrealistic bad odds are required.

    Another thing are the effects of the command traits: We have the "good tactican", the "good strategican" and the "good leader". All three give command stars. It might be better (according to Clausewitz ;-.) to have command stars from the "good tactican" only, moral boni from the "good leader" and campaign map boni (movement, foraging, LOS etc) from the "good strategican". These always triggered from the circumstances and outcome of the battle and the experince and talents of the character. That is much the same as it is now, but on a "shorter way" and with lesser chances to characters that do not fight to improve in that direction.

    The conceptual idea is to trigger

    - the "good tactican" from battles won in particular against odds and when beeing the attacker. Characters that are energetic and have combat experince are more likely to advandce in this trait

    - the "good strategican" from battles won in particular with odds and when beeing the defender. Characters that are intelligent and have a good management ranking are more likely to advandce in this trait

    - the "good leader" from decisive victories (crushing or heroic). Characters that are charismatic and have a good influence ranking are more likely to advandce in this trait

    And only from at least medium size battles (would be 1,600 men on hughe settings) to prevent spamming of good tratis by crushing "1x Velites"-Brigand armies with full stacks of Marian Legionairs.


    For the cursus honorum the conceptual idea is to make it more likely for characters to advandce in office when their fathers are high ranking magistrates (may be, 100% to become Quaestor when father has the trait "consular"). This would add the important nepotism to the offices by trait.

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  2. #2
    Urwendur Ûrîbêl Senior Member Mouzafphaerre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Ja mata Tosa Inu-sama, Hore Tore, Adrian II, Sigurd, Fragony

    Mouzafphaerre is known elsewhere as Urwendil/Urwendur/Kibilturg...

  3. #3
    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    This looks really good konny, and I was just thinking about starting a new Romani campaign.

  4. #4
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    In this case I would recommend this mini-mod. I had even the rare event of two Consuls beeing elected in one year (Balsio and Asina). Later in the game it might happen that three or more Consuls are elected when you have a lot of able characters in the right age. But that's nothing that a march on Rome and a refreshing civil war can't settle.

    The nepotism isn't part of this file. I had the idea after uploading it.

    would be something like this:

    Trigger Father_Is_Consul_Quaestor
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart

    Condition FactionType seleucid
    and FatherTrait notConsul > 0
    and Trait Season = 1
    and Trait TurnsAlive > 2
    and Trait Quaestor < 1
    and Trait notQuaestor < 1

    Affects Quaestor 1 Chance 100


    Trigger Father_Is_Consul_Aedile
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart

    Condition FactionType seleucid
    and FatherTrait notConsul > 0
    and Trait Season = 1
    and Trait Patrician = 1
    and Trait TurnsAlive > 2
    and Trait notQuaestor > 0
    and Trait Aedile < 1
    and Trait notAedile < 1

    Affects Aedile 1 Chance 50


    Trigger Father_Is_Consul_PlebeianAedile
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart

    Condition FactionType seleucid
    and FatherTrait notConsul > 0
    and Trait Season = 1
    and Trait Plebeian = 1
    and Trait TurnsAlive > 2
    and Trait notQuaestor > 0
    and Trait PlebeianAedile < 1
    and Trait notPlebeianAedile < 1

    Affects PlebeianAedile 1 Chance 50

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  5. #5

    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Does this mean the romani AI will perform better due to the higher command abilities of their characters?

  6. #6
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    The command stars are not only triggered for the Romans, but for every faction - AI and human alike. The changes to the cursus honorum are, of course, only for the Romans, but won't change the preformance of the faction if run by the AI. They are first of all for human roleplaying of that faction.

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  7. #7
    Member Member TWFanatic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I will certainly download this and have me a look around the file.

    Good work!

    EDIT: How do I download the file? I clicked on everything that might lead me to the download but to no avail.
    Last edited by TWFanatic; 02-25-2008 at 16:18.
    It would be a violation of my code as a gentleman to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.-Veeblefester
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  8. #8
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Quote Originally Posted by TWFanatic
    EDIT: How do I download the file? I clicked on everything that might lead me to the download but to no avail.

    It's under "File URL"

    "Save file to your PC: click here"

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  9. #9
    Member Member TWFanatic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Thanks, downloading right now.
    It would be a violation of my code as a gentleman to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.-Veeblefester
    Ego is the anesthetic for the pain of stupidity.-me
    It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.-Sir Winston Churchill
    ΔΟΣ ΜΟΙ ΠΑ ΣΤΩ ΚΑΙ ΤΑΝ ΓΑΝ ΚΙΝΑΣΩ--Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth.-Archimedes on his work with levers
    Click here for my Phalanx/Aquilifer mod

  10. #10
    Barely a levy Member overweightninja's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Hi Konny, had to reinstall EB and starting a new Romani campaign so I went to download your work again yesterday (hurah for custom stickies) but unfortunately it appears to have been removed :(

    "The file link that you requested is not valid. Please contact link publisher or try to make a search"
    Any chance you could upload again or failing that just e-mail or something please? And if so will it include the changes made to the traits file in the fixes section?
    Cheers mate

  11. #11
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I don't know why it has been removed, because I didn't do so. But this is for EB 1.0, so don't use it with the acutal EB 1.1 release. Unfortuantly I didn't found the time to make a 1.1 version of it.

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  12. #12
    Barely a levy Member overweightninja's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Shame, well cheers for quick response anyway, I'll just crack on with your allies mod then
    Cheers again

  13. #13
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    are you planing to do a 1.1 version?
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  14. #14
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Not planned now.

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  15. #15
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    aww thats a shame... It seems it's a great minimod ,it would benefit my romani campaing a lot...

    well...If you ever make a version for 1.1 I'll be more than happy
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    Mini-mod pack for EB 1.2 for Alexander and RTW
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  16. #16
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    If a version comes out for 1.1, that will be the time when I start a new, fully bug-fixed, optimised scripted and otherwise dandy M/M Roman game. Where I'll be adding money to the Rebels properly.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  17. #17
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    would it help if I told you that if you make an update for all of us roman players I'll gladly become a Konny worshiper

    seriously we're begging you

    c'mon konny

    (let me know if you read this :p )

    or at least how can I do it myself? (I dont think I'll be able though :P )
    Last edited by ||Lz3||; 06-03-2008 at 04:24.
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    Mini-mod pack for EB 1.2 for Alexander and RTW
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  18. #18
    Member Member Medical Toaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I have made these changes myself in my 1.1 game. The changes are pretty easy to make for yourself. Make sure you use a good test editor (I use textpad but as long as you don't use windows notepad it will work.) Download Konny's mod and open up the export_descr_character_traits file. Then open your 1.1 version in another window. Search for blooded. Copy the section with these traits up to seen the elephant. Paste over the same section in the EB vanilla file. Repeat for lover of beauty, patrician/plebian and senate offices (I did these one at a time in case they added to the section in the new version of eb.) Just make sure the formating looks the same and back up your files first because if it is wrong at all EB will not work.

    After the trait file is changed; change the export_VnVs file in the text folder the same way. As long as you copy and paste correctly (copy the spaces and the text in each block) it will work.

    Good luck

  19. #19
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I'm afraid konny's link is dead

    could you please upload your files?

    If you do I'll construct a monument for you my friend
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    Mini-mod pack for EB 1.2 for Alexander and RTW
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  20. #20
    Member Member Medical Toaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I will make a new file for you that uses the current EDCT that fixes client rulers for the new streamlined script. Since you have to start a new campaign I figure if I post this it should be completely up to date. Also I think it is only proper I ask for Konny's permission to update his work in case he has an advanced version in the works or otherwise disagrees. So as soon as I get Konny's go ahead I will post a 1.1 version of his traits fix.

  21. #21
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    Yes, do as you like. It should be safe to copy all changed lines from the 1.0 version over into the 1.1 because none of these traits did cause any trouble or underwent a major change from 1.0 to 1.1 (I think the changes of the CH traits are all already in this mini-mod).

    I had planned to make new triggers and effects for the tactical/strategical/leadership traits but unfortuantly didn't found the time so far.

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  22. #22
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I dont mind doing it manually either way

    I've spent a lot of time making a lot of mini mods compatible that I've spent hours in the codes alredy

    thanks a lot
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    Mini-mod pack for EB 1.2 for Alexander and RTW
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  23. #23
    Member Member Medical Toaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I'll have the changes posted sometime tonight. Its working time in the USA.

  24. #24
    Member Member Medical Toaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I unfortunately seem to have deleted Konny's original files when I was cleaning out my folder the other day. As I have made my own changes to the Cursus Honorum I am not comfortable posting these as an update of Konny's mod. I have made all of the changes to the command stars (command experience stars and removal of the lover of beauty penalties) as well as the patrician/plebeian influence changes.

    I have posted what I have done at

    When the server that is holding Konny's original comes back on line I will make the full corrections for EB 1.1 with all current patches.

  25. #25
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I'm eagerly waiting for the 1.1 version of this great mod!

  26. #26
    Member Member Medical Toaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    If anyone can post the original files I can make a complete version for 1.1 in about five minutes. I've made my own about ten times (I originally used notepad so it kept CTDing on me and I couldn't figure it out.)

  27. #27
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I'm afraid we need konny for the original files...

    well...we'll have to wait..
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    Mini-mod pack for EB 1.2 for Alexander and RTW
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  28. #28
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    I am sorry, I don't have the old version anymore either. I had so many versions of EDCT floating around on my hardrive that I had accidently deleted this one.
    Last edited by konny; 06-07-2008 at 17:38.

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  29. #29
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)

    umm that's bad , don't you have any em updated version of it?

    @ medical toaster I can't see any changes in your character trait file
    It's just that I cant afford to overwrite the whole file anymore ,I have so many minimods alredy that I need to do all of these things manually
    where did you placed the changes?
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    Mini-mod pack for EB 1.2 for Alexander and RTW
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  30. #30
    Member Member Medical Toaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum)


    If you get a chance just post what you remember for the individual steps for the cursus honorum and I will encode it for everyone. I know that this is nearly the work of putting it in the file but it is a little easier than getting all the formating down so that it works. I think the changes to the bonuses is of most interest as the EB 1.1 election results seem to be working pretty well (at least in my current campaign.) I do remember that for all of the ex-traits you went with influence bonuses only (except for military tribune.)


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