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Thread: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

  1. #91
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Howdy Mac ......
    Yeh .... I know why you used that Bif & its all good mate , like u say "thems the ones we got thems the one we use"
    & as mentioned if they had some crests they would look even better .
    I don't mind drawing in 200 odd crests onto them next winter & even touching up the other antenna like feather crests on the other Roman bif also .
    I do hope Yan can pull of some magic & give us all a Roman circa Julius Caesar ... be really great !
    I reckon Jupiter is calling also .

    oops ...hamata it is

    Last edited by dimitrios the samian; 12-08-2016 at 11:05.

  2. #92
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    We're too early for the lorica segmentata - it's hamata for our guys

    I've given Yan an outline for what's needed, and I'm sure we'll see a great improvement over our ersatz Romans...

    Time for bed

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  3. #93
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Quote Originally Posted by macsen rufus View Post
    re Parthians - this will be a cav-heavy faction (or infantry-deprived if you prefer...), the main components being light horse archers and a few flavours of cataphract. For now, I'm using the vanilla 'boyar' body for the cataphracts as it has the basics for Parthians - ie armour and pointy helmets.
    macsen , I remembered a discussion I had with Leith quite a few months ago now .
    Parthian Cav related
    Its over at his VI III thread .
    Very nice Heavy Cav which you may want too look at .

  4. #94
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Found these shields , on the Patrician Bif .....
    Worth a look ...... ?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	curved sheilds.JPG 
Views:	175 
Size:	45.1 KB 
ID:	19265


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  5. #95
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Everything's worth a look

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  6. #96
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    I've been a bit quiet online recently, but work proceeds on the RCW scenario.

    I've been bringing the Ptolemies up to date, and have done a fair bit of work on the Numidians, too with quite a few new units. I've just about wiped the map in my current Numidian campaign, so they are viable contestants, although the naval side is a bit tough for them.

    I also need to modernise the Gauls (and Galatians) a bit more, and the Lusitanians probably need a further tweak, though they're nearly finished. Once the units are all sorted out, there'll be a few more map tweaks to finish off, and then all the historical heroes, and then we should be getting close to a release

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  7. #97
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Quote Originally Posted by Macsen Rufus
    The biggest problem with this scenario is how to deal with 'royal families' for the two Roman factions, as both were really run by collections of 'heroes' - it might be I need to implement the Caesar side of things as a dynasty, but the Optimates really need Pompey etc just being hero-generals with a fairly anonymous 'Consular family' heading up the faction. I'll keep mulling it over, but it's going to go way off the historical line anyway.
    I have now decided the way I'm going, and I'm glad to say it's working so far...

    The Julio-Claudian dynasty has proved quite easy to model once I discovered that most of them were actually called Gaius Julius Caesar, with just the cognomens being more individualised. Which is probably why we popularly know them by slightly incorrect names nowadays. Using a twist on the trick I used for the Ptolemies in the Successors scenario in ATW2:EE, I have managed to get an accurate portrayal of the first four generations of the dynasty, and the fifth is nicely lined up to roll over when my current Caligula karks it... and after that there is just Nero to come

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ju_cl_dyn.jpg 
Views:	188 
Size:	96.3 KB 
ID:	19339

    For the Optimates, I am going with the 'anonymous consular family' idea, plus a good dose of heroes, but I haven't worked on them much yet, just Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus who is one of the starting heroes. The Populares, of course, start with Marcus Antonius and Gaius Antonius, and there are more to add.

    The whole Roman naming thing plus their Republican system of government really does push the bounds for the MTW engine, so I'm quite happy to have at least one dynasty working out in order, if not exactly true to history

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  8. #98
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Fantastic news macsen ......
    Perhaps with a bit more work you will get the Optimates to roll correctly ?
    Either way , positive progress has been made .
    Keep up the great work .

  9. #99
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Nah, the Optimates simply can't roll correctly - two new consuls each year, then they got beaten by Caesar. It's all fantasy history for them beyond a few heroes

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  10. #100

    Default Re: UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    I always enjoy coming back to this mod, even to replay Egyptians over and over and over.......great job!

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  11. #101
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Ahrens View Post
    I always enjoy coming back to this mod, even to replay Egyptians over and over and over.......great job!
    keep coming back LA .....
    There is going to be lots of new & re skinned troops appearing in upcoming releases .

    "fantasy history" ... sounds like fun mac with lots of room for experimentation !

    Last edited by dimitrios the samian; 01-12-2017 at 05:34.

  12. #102
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Thanks, Lord Ahrens

    It's good to know people are still enjoying it. Don't forget to check the Downloads thread for the latest editions.

    @DtS - for a lot of the factions, their development in the game will also be fantasy history, because most of them were about to become destroyed or subjugated by the growing Roman Republic/Empire in the real timeline:

    - Gauls - really should have been subjugated already, but I'm giving them a chance as a sort of uprising...
    - Dacia - King Burebista was really the high point of their history, but chose to ally with the wrong side in the Civil War
    - Ptolemies - already fading rapidly before becoming a client kingdom, and soon thereafter a Roman province
    - Armenia - changing so many times between loyal client and upstart rebels they earn themselves a place as a faction here
    - Lusitanians - a good case can be made for them as a 'catch-all' faction for independent-minded Iberian tribes
    - Galatians - really there to add some chaos to Asia Minor (FN_07), but eventually came under Rome
    - Bosporus - historically were already Roman clients, but I'm giving their Pontic royal house another shot at glory
    - Numidia - Also at their high point under King Juba, riding high after the Jugurthine War, but soon became clients
    - Palmyra and Nabataea - here to represent restive local populations and to add some spice to the Middle East
    - Parthia - a rare faction that persisted a long while yet in real history...
    - Illyrians - the confederation of Dalmatian/Pannonian/Paeonian etc tribes caught between Rome and Dacia, fighting for survival

    Latest progress:
    • Ptolemid royals set up
    • More heroes for Optimates and Populares
    • Dacian royals and heroes set up
    • Some economy tweaks to help balance out starting positions
    • Made some corrections to battle maps re terrain/rivers etc

    I've been giving the Gauls a whirl recently to watch the other changes play out in-game, and everything seems to have worked out ok. The Optimates have become more dynamic now they have some heroes (including a hotshot Emissary called Marcus Tullius Cicero ) Also the two Roman factions have got into a proper war this time around, and the Optimates have come out on top. My Gallic kingdom has grown nicely, but I'm looking at that sea of purple and thinking I don't have the troops to expand my borders much more. Once I go up against the Optimates, I think I'm in trouble....

    EDIT to add: no need to go up against the purple kingdom-eaters, two civil wars in four years have about finished the Gauls' chances
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 01-12-2017 at 18:06.

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  13. #103

    Default Re: UPDATE 6th Jan: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Thanks and downloading Bronze age now

    BTW you are making a full world Roman Campaign? Would be sweet..
    Last edited by Lord Ahrens; 01-13-2017 at 01:09. Reason: Trump made me do it.

  14. #104
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    @LA - RCW has the largest map in the Roman Wars mod - from Lugdunensis in the NW across to Elymais in the SE.

    Britannia 43AD uses the Viking map, and Punic Wars is centred on the Western Med.

    I'm not sure there's much new in the current Bronze Age mod - and the Punic and Alex campaigns have been removed and tranferred to ATW2 and ATW3 respectively. ATW1 still needs bit of an overhaul, but I'm concentrating on the other two for the time being...

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  15. #105

    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Ok great stuff, whatever you guys do is always high quality. BTW I was wondering if you all have time some day for a new modding adventure revolving around the B.C. era warring states of China...Its one mod that has been talked about but I have yet to see anything done for it. I ask you all because your models and animations are very good, so the mod could use someone with your expertize. I have fairly modded text, maps, and some modeling so could use help in the future.

  16. #106
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    BTW I was wondering if you all have time some day for a new modding adventure revolving around the B.C. era warring states of China...

    It would be nice if someone did one, but it won't be me, alas. I've only got so far with Ancient because of the great legacy of units created by the HTW team, and I don't have enough knowledge of the place/time for the Warring States. Really I think it might be a project that could spin out from the Samurai mod as the units there are more suitable for East Asian armies, I expect....

    Anyway, once Ancient is wrapped up satistactorily, I have another project in mind, which many have uttered and no-one has actually done (for MTW, anyway...) But if that happens, well, you'll only know when it's released...

    And back to the regular programme:

    I have been running a Parthian campaign these last few days.

    It was a touch and go start, struggling for money to defend long borders with a very limited troop roster - even with some of the map's richest provinces under our control. Having fought our way out of our remote corner of the map, we could finally start recruiting some infantry to back up the oh-so-expensive armoured horsemen for which we are rightly famed. Although the Empire expanded, the new lands were not rich, and supply lines were long. First we made the Armenians bend the knee, and the Galatians had to be wiped from the map as they were troublesome neighbours. The Palmyran camel-botherers were despatched more easily than swatting the flies that follow their noisome beasts.

    Syria was a rich prize, but Caesar's forces had it well guarded. Ach, how we need those Phoenician shipyards! Caesar and the Senate seem to have agreed to divide the Republic, for there is no sign of the fighting our spies had predicted between them. An uneasy truce settled across Anatolia as our armies lined the Halys, and the Republic's thousands of legionaries stared across at us. Still, some of our younger princes ventured north to the empty grasslands and caught the Bosporans asleep in their beds. The northern tribes are passing fair on horseback, and it takes but a few coins to drag them and their poor relatives on foot into our royal army. They helped us greatly when the riches of Dacia were needed to bolster our groaning treasury!

    The peace with Rome did not hold. They tried to storm our strongholds asross Asia Minor, and we fought for our lives. Some outposts fell, but our great hero Surena was a lion on the field and his men were fierce as demons. Thousands of the Romans died in that battle, nor did we spare the survivors. Our swift horses ran them down in the hundreds upon hundreds as they fled our arrows, and an example was made of their heaped skulls.

    War rages still. We push them back province by province, but their navies are everwhere. We cannot leave a coast undefended and cannot launch a single ship without it being lost immediately. Wisdom would suggest an alliance with Caesar, but those Phoenician shipyards are too great a prize to ignore. Having taken Aegyptus from the Senate we were able to turn back upon Caesar's garrisons in Judea and Syria. The sieges continue, but soon they will fall....
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 01-16-2017 at 11:27.

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  17. #107
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Wow !! ...
    It sounds like you have quite a challenge on yr hands .
    Great narrating also mac .
    Let us know how it goes ....

  18. #108
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Syria fell, the shipyards are ours and the shipmen hoisted our banners atop their masts. They are too few to fight the colossal Republican fleet, but their swiftness enables them to distrupt enemy shipping and foil any plans for invasion. Our coasts secure, our armies can march ahead, across the Balkans, into Italy and Greece.

    As the hooves of our horses thunder through Europe, Caesar and the Senate finally come to blows. We shall watch them fight as our troops regroup and rest their horses. Italy is vulnerable when our forces arrive, and tumbles quickly. Soon the Senate rules little more than the stable yard of a final stronghold, and Caesar's dreams are dust blowing over the Alps, never to return.

    In Africa, Ptolemid pretenders sprout like mushrooms in the dungheaps of Libya, but Aegyptus is ours and the false Pharoahs are stopped at the Nile by our withering arrow fire and stout spears. The fields of the delta grow fat on their blood and our treasury is secure for our final push into the west.

    Only the barbarous Gauls stand in our way, but not for long! The light of Ahura Mazda shines over lands cleansed of all their false gods, and our weary warriors now rest beside the Western Sea, wondering what may lie beyond the waves....

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  19. #109
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Another little taster from the RCW campaign - the arch-enemies meet!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	caesar_v_pompey.jpg 
Views:	205 
Size:	106.5 KB 
ID:	19404

    Now for the main news: v1.5 has been released

    There's a link to the new version in the downloads thread. This includes the RCW campaign and the new legionaries (and auxilia) based on YanBG's new model, plus all the tweaks and changes I've mentioned above.

    It has been tested as a re-install, and seems to be working properly, but as ever, there's always a chance that one of the 3,700 seperate files may have been misplaced or not updated or whatever, so please let me know here if there are any problems.

    Requires a clean copy of MTW:VI as usual, check the text box during install to see a list of files that can be deleted before you continue.
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 01-20-2017 at 19:23.

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  20. #110
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Well done Mac !
    I'll download it soon ....
    Unfortunately , I wont be playing any campaigns until I finish & deliver at least half of the bifs I'm currently working on .
    But I'll most certainly be having a few Custom Battles as soon as time permits , to check out those lovely new Romans by Yan .
    Would have been an easy victory for you in this battle

  21. #111
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    As expected, I found a couple of glitches in that some old files have persisted and need to be removed. It's not a major breakage, but makes things look a bit odd at times on the battlefield, because it places some extra shields on figures.

    Simple fix: go to Textures/Men/Items/Shield6
    • Delete SamniteAUX folder
    • Open GallicAUX folder and delete all files EXCEPT fight.txt

    Would have been an easy victory for you in this battle
    Yup, and I got my revenge in first, because that 4* under Pompey was Marcus Junius Brutus

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  22. #112
    Member Member Leith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    This is a great mod. I hope it will be further developed in the future. Cheers!

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  23. #113

    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    I just started a game as the Ptolemies and it's been pretty fun! I've expended into Asia minor and beaten the Nabateans. Maybe I have an old download of the game but all the Ptolemaic kings have the same name lol. I'd loving the units as Egypt and it's been fun to expand and see the world change. So far the Purple Romans are super powerful and have a strong fleet, hopefully they won't attack me or I'll lose all the money I'm making at sea haha!

  24. #114
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaiser20 View Post
    Maybe I have an old download of the game but all the Ptolemaic kings have the same name lol. I'd loving the units as Egypt ......
    Good too see you download & play a different Ancient Mod .
    Im sure macsen will drop in soon & check into this "glitch" with the kings .
    We have new units planned for this Mod also , so expect an update by mid year or perhaps before ...

  25. #115

    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Yeah this mod works for me! it's been a blast trying to make Alexander's empire again with the Ptolemaic dynasty. I'm so glad these kind of mods exist for this game, I love managing my character's loyalty and the civil war mechanic. The only thing that I find that I dislike a bit is the building icons. It's kinda hard to see what is what and they aren't even in colour. Granted now that I'm use to them a bit it's easier to manage.

  26. #116
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Hi Kaiser,

    Hey don't blame me, the Ptolemies were especially unimaginative in their naming By this time, we're past the majority of the historical dynasty, so once you're past Ptolemy Caesarion all you get is the number.

    As for the icons, they're mostly legacy items from the old Hellenic which provided the springboard for these mods, and I've consciously kept the same overall 'look'. Actually, that's what started me on the long road to modding myself, as the original HTW sets didn't distinguish between levels, so I found out how to edit BIFs and started adding stars for higher level buildings, and all the rest is.... well, history

    I've recently played a Ptol campaign myself, and that has revealed a coule of missing files in the latest install - you'll probably notice this if you take thureophoroi into battle... I'm working on a patch

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  27. #117

    Default Re: Ancient TW3 - Roman Wars

    Alright awesome! I'm enjoying the mod so far, I killed off the Galatians and then they came back a few years later under a new king with three whole stacks. It was like another wave of gauls migrating into Anatolia! Pretty cool experience. Thanks for taking the time to make these kind of mods!

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