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Thread: Roman Allied Legions

  1. #31
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    The Bruttians, Lukanians and Samnites in this mini-mod do not represent their different nations but Italian allies in general. The idea to create an allied wing of the Roman army for the early periode that works bascially the same as the Roman core, but looks different and has different stats too. The Polybian Reforms in this respect would also repesent a further step in uniformation and Romanization of these provinces and their armed forces.
    Last edited by konny; 04-28-2008 at 11:03.

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  2. #32
    Member Member Reno Melitensis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    So konny when are you going to release an update of this minimod?.


  3. #33

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Until you release an update of this minimod, how could I alter the files so as to replaced Camillan Triarii with Samnitici Milites instead of Classical Hoplites? I don't know much about modding.

  4. #34
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    update; see first post

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  5. #35

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    wow...great job konny!
    Those who would give up essential liberties for a perceived sense of security deserve neither liberty nor security--Benjamin Franklin

  6. #36

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Excellent! Thanks konny!
    All Republican units, including Polybians, that are recruited outside Rome are now named after their home province!
    Does this mean that two same units (ex. Hastati) recruited in different cities cannot be merged together?

  7. #37
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    No. The naming does not affect the way the unit works. You can merge them with units from other towns and you can retrain them in other towns. I use this feature to help me tracking units in a miltia recruitement enviroment like the Roman Republic. Since there are no allied units for the Polybian times, it also helps to identify units, or better entire Legions, as "allied" and "Roman".

    Some bizzar effects that I have noticed: even units that are spawned as rebells or recruited as mercs in these provinces are assigend names and numbers. I am not sure wether there is a limit of Roman numbers in RTW and if after that the counter starts again with "I" or if that is limitless by the engine composing the Roman numbers by itself.

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  8. #38

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Hello konny,

    first of all i want to thank you for your efforts making the romani campaign even more realistic. Very welcome.

    Is it normal, that after conquering a town on the peninsula (Bononia for example) i get no homeland ressource; the former homeland resource is still there and cant be destroyed, also i can not build any roman barracks, only allied ones. I have established a IV building with a local governour in those cities.

    I am in the year 268.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by julianus apostata; 05-20-2008 at 10:30.

  9. #39
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    Yes, that's the way the Roman reforms work:

    - Camillan (272 - c 240BC): You can recruite Romans in your starting provinces plus Segesta (EB 1.1) or plus Taras and Rhegion (this mini mod)
    - Polybian (c. 240 - c. 100 BC): You can recruite Romans in all homland provinces
    - Marian (c. 100 - c. 30 BC): You can recruite Romans on half of the map
    - Augustan (c. 30 BC - 14 AD): Same as Marian plus some fine Auxilia

    Technically it is the respecitve reforms marker that triggers the recruitment: To build a Camillan barracks you need in this settlement a) a level 1 government (homeland only) and b) the marker "Camillan Military Periode". That way you are not able to build any Roman barracks in Bononia for example in Camillan times even though it is homeland.

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  10. #40

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Thanks konny for the quick answer.

    But why i get no marker "homeland ressource" in Rhegion, Taras and Bononia altough the regions are already pacified and an IV gouvernement is established.
    BTW the marker from the previous culture is still there.

  11. #41
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    I take it you are not meaning the marker but the government building? That would be something like "Epeirote Garrisoned Territory". You need to destroy it, afterwards build "Military Pacification" and then your government (should always be level 1 in Taras and Rhegion).

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  12. #42

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    A last question konny,

    is this normal:

    Why i have a marker for an celt culture in Bononia, and an Homeland resource for western greek; a roman type IV gouverment has already been established? I can only build regional MICs, no native ones (or is this caused by the level IV Gouverment)

    Nearly the same in Rhegion: Western greek homeland resource an only regional MICs that can be build (Level IV gouverment too)

    Last edited by julianus apostata; 05-20-2008 at 20:41.

  13. #43
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Only being able to build regional barracks is a consequence of the government type; you can only build factional ones with a type I government.

    The marker will be there, that's normal. Same as the Carthaginian reform ones will pop up in Lilibeo, Karali and Alalia.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  14. #44

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions


    i tested it a few minutes ago. I have build Roman gouverment Level 1 in Taras and still can not build any native MICs.
    It seems that factional recruitment in Taras and Rhegion is not enabled for me

    Maybe i have to wait for the first reform to occur?

    I just put back the original EB 1.1 edb and i still can´t build factional MICs in Taras, Rhegion, Bononia, even with type I government.

    If i destroy the level I buildung in Capua for example and than rebuild it it´s possible to establish both MICs (with konnys edb and with EB original edb)

    I have dowloaded version 1.1 of konny´s mod and installed it over EB 1.1 with the force diplomacy mod already installed

    Hope i don´t have to reinstall EB, i have no explaination for this new feature
    Last edited by julianus apostata; 05-20-2008 at 22:36.

  15. #45
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Even with a type I government, you can't get factional troops in all of Italy until after the Polybian reform.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; 05-21-2008 at 08:25.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  16. #46
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    Ah, now I see what you mean with the "Greek Homeland". No, that's just the marker, what is the same for all factions, beeing asinged to one of the cultures. The "Western Greek" does not affect your ability to build Roman structures there. The Celtic Reform marker is supposed to be there. It allows Celts to build their units if they take that settlement. It has no effect on your government.

    Using this mini mod you should have a "Camillan Military Periode" marker in Taras and Rhegion and none in Segesta. Is that so in your game?

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  17. #47

    Default Re: AW: Roman Allied Legions

    D@$# it! I haven't even started my new EB 1.1 Luso campaign and you are already making my NEXT Romani campaign even MORE enticing!

    Woe is me that I should have this problem!

    But I do have a specific question. I am finishing off my Romani 1.0 campaign, and I noticed that Karali has a population of 45,000. The second biggest city in the empire - after 47,000 in Athens (Rome is a mere 32,000) So ... I am thinking of adding someone's (please forgive my present ignorance) Population Mod. My question is thus ... will that Mod work with your Allied Mod in EB 1.1?

    Thanks in advance and this looks like a fantastic mod!
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    Long may the barbarians continue, I pray, if not to love us, at least to hate one another,seeing that, as fate bears remorselessly on the empire, fortune can offer no greater boon now than discord amoung our enemies - Tacitus

  18. #48
    Member Member Darth Stalin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Quote Originally Posted by Konny
    This change is compatible with the 1st Legion feature for post-Marian Legions (this download also fixes the broken 1st Legion feature as per EB 1.1).
    Two questions:
    1. what is "the 1st Legion feature"?

    2. What is broken in EB 1.1 that Your mini-mod "fixes"?
    Which are the files responsible for "naming legions" and "the 1st Legion feature"?
    DARTH STALIN - Lord Generalissimus of the Union of the Socialist Sith Republic

  19. #49
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Stalin
    Two questions:
    1. what is "the 1st Legion feature"?
    1st Cohort - my fault.

    They are numbered and add troop moral to nearby units. In this mini-mod I had not assigned troops from Latium a name so they are numbered only. This way the "first legion" (Marian periode) works as expected. Otherwise they would all be called "Latium".

    2. What is broken in EB 1.1 that Your mini-mod "fixes"?
    There was a (nearly empty) line missing in descr_regions.

    Which are the files responsible for "naming legions" and "the 1st Legion feature"?
    In EDU you have to give the unit the ability "legionary_name" and in descr_regions you'll have to assign a name:

    legion: >>insert name or leave blank<<

    Be sure to use a valid name that is in ...regions_and_settlement_names.txt(?). I had used the name of the province itself.

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  20. #50

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    What if I want to get rid of this modification to install another minimod can i just install over or what?

    thanks in advance
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  21. #51
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    @ Disciple of Tacitus & We shall fwee...Wodewick

    Depends on what files are changed by the other mod.

    >>> export_descr_buildings: Changed recruitement for the Roman allied. Overwriting will return Roman recruitement to EB default

    >>> export_descr_units: Changed voices for the Bruttians and legionary_name for the Romans.
    Overwriting will let the Bruttians respond in Greek and wont enable named units for the Romans

    >>> export_descr_regions: Assigned names for Roman units.
    Overwriting will show the word "Legion" as assignement for Roman units only, no names no numbers.

    None of these should harm your game in any way. And as long as you do not play the Romans you won't see any difference.

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  22. #52

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    The name for the units is not appearing, i deleted map.rwm, i tihnk, which file do i find that in, and are there other solutions or issues?

  23. #53
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    Where did you raise the units that are not named? In Rome herself they do not have names, only in the other towns.

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  24. #54

    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    I raised them in Capua and Arretium, i believed i enabled the script, i was just testing and may have forgotten, does that even matter?

  25. #55
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    I've a question... so in polybian times there are no allies??
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  26. #56
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    No, with the existing units impossible to do because we don't have something that would pass for "Italian Polybian Principes".

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  27. #57
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    Quote Originally Posted by ||Lz3|| View Post
    I've a question... so in polybian times there are no allies??
    Later Polybian times, not all of it. As konny said, we have no units to represent later allies, without just using the standard Roman units. A simple milestone for when this change should take place is the defection of Capua in 211BC
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  28. #58
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    well... there is empty espace for new units with alex.exe , so I guess I could do some changes to existing principes, hastati and triarii , (or even better yet , find someone who actually knows how to do it )

    what changes do you think would be a good idea?
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  29. #59
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Roman Allied Legions

    Hastati Samnitici can be used like Polybian Triarii (tactical that is), Pezoi Brutti might pass as an equivalent to Polybian Hastati. But for the Principes you would need to make a new skin for the chain mail swordfighters that could be used on a copy of the Principes model.

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  30. #60
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Roman Allied Legions

    and how would be that new skin? what could be changed? a logo on the shield?
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    Mini-mod pack for EB 1.2 for Alexander and RTW
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