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Thread: Unofficial Retail Patch for Win10/Modern Systems

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Unofficial Retail Patch for Win10/Modern Systems

    I thought I had no chance of running this on my tablet's Intel Atom (Bay Trail) CPU due to Intel HD graphics not supporting pre-DX9 games and I thought the steam update was just to get it to run ok on Windows 10 with widescreen resolutions so I never bought that version — thought I'd have to stick to playing the game on my ancient and noisy desktop pc. I have now realised that the steam update "DX9-ified" the game, allowing it to run perfectly even on low-power cpus with built-in Intel graphics chips (as long as you set the game's resolutions to the same as your desktop to avoid crashes). What's more, it is possible to "patch" the retail version to the steam version. I have a guy on the steam forums to thank for this. He made a patch to do just that. [if you try downloading that you may find that a number of spam webpages open up before the download link actually works, so close these when they open and retry]

    I used that patch myself on the retail version I had copied over to my windows 10 tablet (i use it as a desktop, i.e. with kbd/mouse/monitor plugged in) and started a new campaign to put it through it's paces. As I like a challenge I went for an Expert Early HRE campaign and I'm letting the AI do all the building & training (ticked all the boxes in the settings that slide out from the mini-map). The battles are working fine too — just fought two against the Danes following their invasion of Saxony. Unfortunately my first attempt at relieving the siege failed and I lost my Heir but my Emperor got his revenge the following year and wiped out the Danish Royal Family!
    Now I'd better go and invade the rebel Denmark before the faction reappears...

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  2. #2
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    Great news scowie .
    I think its also a good idea if you could upload the files here at the org so they are alongside all other ones to this grand old game.
    Im going to buy a second habd laptop to install MTW into .
    Im just wondering which one's are the best suited ?

  3. #3
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    Maybe I shouldn't say that but this co called "patch" can make any version running even illegal ones (I know, it's not a big problem for such an old game). Btw you don't need the whole patch, "exe" is enough (other files are created during first run). It's because Steam version of Medieval_TW.exe has absolutely no protection. It's just a pure compiled game code.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

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  4. #4

    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    If it's of questionable legality I guess an upload here wouldn't be welcome then. I guess it would be kind of like uploading one of the old hacked no-cd executables, so best not.

    As for a suitable laptop... if my tablet's Atom cpu (the 1.33Ghz Z3735F) can run this game smoothly then I guess just about anything can, as long as it's not too old. The good thing for me about running old games like this on such a thing is how quiet it is. No fans whirring in the background. I have been replaying the old Baldur's Gate on this too and I swear I've been hearing sounds I never heard before; much more atmospheric! :)

    If you fancy something similar in a laptop you might wanna look out for ones that have a CPU with a low TDP (Thermal Design Power). You could probably go higher than what my Atom is though (2.2W). Anything 15W or less would probably be very quiet. Intel do an N-series of pentiums/celerons with a TDP of 6W/7.5W: N3150, N3520, etc, that might be of interest. I've been considering getting either a quiet second-hand laptop or mini-pc myself as there is some software that my Atom does struggle with that I fancy being able to use on something quiet instead of my noisy desktop pc. An Intel N3710 or AMD A4 6210 would probably be a minimum for me, but you could probably go lower/cheaper than those (btw can be handy for comparing cpu performance). If you do get an N-series one, make sure it begins with N3 though at least, as the N2's are older and can be slower than my Atom so I cant guarantee they could hack it. If you want a bit more power though, Intel do some low-TDU versions of their core i3/i5 processors that end in a U, e.g. i3 4005U, i5 4210U. Those have a 15W TDP. Dunno if they have fans in them but if they do they would probably be very quiet ones. The Celeron 2957U might also be worth looking out for in a second hand laptop (similar generation as N35#0 and core i 4000s).
    Last edited by scowie; 08-27-2017 at 19:58.

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  5. #5
    Member Member LordK9's Avatar
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    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    The no-CD executables weren't a bad thing if used right. Since the idiot game makers don't allow a back up copy, using one after buying the game is merely using the original CD as a backup. Really, disallowing a backup is illegal in itself but they all get away with it.

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  6. #6
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    Great readi g guys , good that you both chimed in with good input .
    I must be honest and say im not technically minded .
    Anyway , scowie the laptop that i have the opportunity to buy is a HP Elite Book , i will get the specs tonite n list them down .
    If you could gloss over them n let me know if good old MTW will run on it .

    Intel Core i5 CPU
    M,580 @2.67 Ghz
    RAM 2 GB
    ,64 bit
    Windows 7 Pro SP1
    Last edited by dimitrios the samian; 08-28-2017 at 08:13.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    oh, i missed that you'd updated your post with the spec... yeah that should run it just fine. It's much more powerful than my Atom.

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  8. #8
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    thnx scowie , for havin a quick look & going of topic here .....
    I will be borrowing that laptop for a trial run , I will be installing MTW & hope its as smooth or better than my ancient desktop .

  9. #9

    Default Re: Retail version running perfectly on Intel HD gfx & Windows 10 with this patch

    Actually, my Atom Z3735F doesn't quite run it "perfectly" as there is still some slowdown during large battles, but they are still very playable.

    In my HRE campaign after holding back a mass of rebels in Norway for years I decided it was time to attack. The 4* (5* with title) Viking landsmenn unit that the AI trained for me in Denmark persuaded me :) (my other starred generals were all engaged in war with the Hungarians) This battle chugged a bit at the start when both armies were moving en masse. Not sure whether it got better by the time we were engaged in battle or whether I had just got used to the reduced frame rate by then. It was certainly very playable though and made for a good close battle; had some of my units rout but my landsmenn made the difference and won the day.

    Anyway, dimitrios, your laptop should do much better as it's at least twice as fast as my Atom.
    Last edited by scowie; 09-04-2017 at 21:14.


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