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Thread: MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

  1. #1
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Default MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

    I am a huge fan of Total War series as all of you, I wish to mod my favourite game ever: the legendary MTW1... Simple game, but amazing! It was my first total war and I still love it.

    I wish to mod the game and a part from adding new textures, new portraits, titles, buildings, units, factions, animations, colours etc. I want in addition to that make even something more a part from the classic mod adding just new units, textures and stuff...

    I want to make an ultimate mod with all the old mods together and the more recent ones with all the content together... and make a diplomacy mod in order to add new diplomacy options and improve the alliance system and the overall mechanics, of course always respecting the engine limits. But I think we can expand the diplomacy and the diplomatic AI in a better way... I will call this huge project as the Ultimate MTW mod

    I have some questions:

    1) how to bypass the unit limit of 256 in prod file? In order to add more than 200 new units to the already existing ones? I think we can easily improve that just duplicating the code of existing units and keeping the same unit card but changing slitghly the stats, cost and attributes....

    2) how to improve diplomatic options? expand it with alliance script where if someone the player or AI break an alliance got a big penalty on influence and got a mass revolt in his empire just to prevent the AI to betray you at every point?
    I want to add more options to the already existing alliance, ceasefire and bribe... I want to add the possibility to have client states or protectorates like MTW2, the option to ask the enemy to retriete and offer money in exchange or give some regions or buy some enemy regions, military access, trade alliance, make dinastic unions (tweak the henrit lands system from the princess marriage mechanic) and all new stuff to the diplomacy? Is it possible to find a way for adding something like this

    3) Add a population mechanic like MTW2? it would work well in MTW engine... considering features like the burn population inquisition and stuff like that...

    4) Improve the AI and the terrain system like it was in STW, where you can choose in which terrain to fight without the casual terrain system... but fithing in an area where the terrain matches the place where your army is... something like that? Or at least make only 2-3 terrain options for every province in order to increase the chance to fight in similar terrain

    5) Add cities along with castles, making a province grow with the population and using both castle and city at the same time as even have militia troops from cities and elite from castles

    6) add many new textures, units, titles, factions, features, names, colours, portraits, trade resource, buoldings, soundtrack and new regions as well

    last bonus one: Add a family tree using the portraits of existing player faction's heirs and sons/daughters... and the possibilty to change the heir at throne like RTW? I mean, it should be too hard to do

    I whish to contact BKB and Viking Horde two great modders maybe we can organize a developing team together in the future and somehow work for an ultimate super mod for MTW adding even those new features that MTW never had?

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaTheGreat View Post
    I whish to contact BKB and Viking Horde two great modders maybe we can organize a developing team together in the future and somehow work for an ultimate super mod for MTW adding even those new features that MTW never had?
    Hello Nikola, welcome to the .Org

    I like your ambitions, but I fear that a number of your ideas are impossible to accomplish. As a general rule, modders cannot add new features to a game. They can only make creative use of existing ones. So changing units and graphics is easy, and added more of those is feasible (within limits); but adding a population mechanic is not, as nothing like this is present within the original game. Adding such a thing would require modifying the game's .exe file, and that is incredibly difficult (as well as legally dicy).

  3. #3
    Member Member Leith's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

    Hello and welcome, Nikola! I like your spirit and optimism. I fully support your initiative. I also suggest creating a brand new theme instead of revisiting old ones, like BKB and VikingHorde mods. They are great mods but why not use some of their innovative ideas to create your very own innovative mod? Once you have made up your mind about the kind of mod you would like to create, I will be happy to help.

  4. #4
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Thank you for the welcome, you are very kind :) I see, but of the features I said do you think at least half of those 7 can be possible to improve? I don't say change the game engine because of course of legal reasons, and how complex it is... but... I mean, try to add more diplomatic options and stuff like maybe break agreement of alliance or ask a faction trade rights instead of trading automatically with all neighbouring factions who are not at war regardless of the rights on trade?

    Or just add a client state thing where you can ask someone to become your vassal and such things or henrit his lands making dinastic union and something like that, at least make the henrit lands system by marriages better working... because that last one is actually in the game.

    I want to add the sabotage buildings feature for assasin or spies, sabotage settlment like in RTW and MTW2, even though maybe exporting some features from STW, maybe some videos change them with a medieval theme and such things... or improve terrain system just adding the possibility to fight in the area that matches the terrain instead of casual terrain for same province 3-4 battles.... Maybe fighting in one terrain for every province like STW, at least you can choose where to fight and the whole system would be better instead of having palms in Milan and casual things :)

    I mean, about the unit limit prod file is it possible to bypass and add more than the 256 recruitable units limit (excluding ships, agents) for a campaign era? Like try to boost it at 320-340 units having more variety? I heard in the past we can bypass it with some tricks?

    Or just add strentgh factor for ships in order make caravel less vulnerable to storms than longboats? same as maybe improve the map and make it cooler?

    Sorry for the too many questions, but I'm curios what is possible to achieve in all of that? I wish to make a good mod improving vanilla MTW and add more features, better diplomacy (if not new options at least better alliances modyfing the system or add possibility to break alliance with emissary without declaring war, or henrit lands as it written on files) etc. However, of course it's not like BKB and XL, I will take some ideas, units, buildings and factions from it as the goal to achieve the best for MTW1 but even fix the bugs, improve allies making the AI respecting those, improve marriage henrit system, make puppet and client states options, military access for alliances and maybe add the option to change the faction heir improving some small tweaks, a part from obviously add units, textures, portraits, agents, buildings, factions etc. as the other mods already did.

    Even add new regions, improve the map making it cooler and make it more colours, adding more elements to the map making the terrain match the are where you fighting as MTW2, in STW it was different and more similar to the TW engine 2, it wasn't casual terrain like in MTW so I want to improve that.

    At least if all of that is not possible, at least change the faction heir with a small button on the heir interface and add that many variety of units, factions, buildings, regions etc. :)

  5. #5
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    In few words, do the same things as other mods along with more ambitious small ideas, in the limit of the possible.

    I think about diplomacy, unit limit something is achievable..
    Last edited by NikolaTheGreat; 01-10-2020 at 03:02.

  6. #6
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    I will call it the Ultimate MTW mod, i would like to add more richness and life to the medieval 1 interface, map and portraits and colors adding interesting drawings and medieval frescoes... it's hard that's sure but to me with the knowledge and technology we have today we could easily do that

    I will tell you my ideas, then you can mention which things are possible and which not, i will write a list down below

    1) As the other mentioned mods, tweak the AI recruitment system in order to avoid too many peasants armies by AI and force them to recruit more elite or at least decent troops not always militia, peasants etc. And then change the recruitment system allowing to train some units only in homelands regions and then rely on mercenaries outside as in Medmod by the mighty Wes Witaker :)

    2) Add frescoes and colours to the map and the interface, add new music tracks from MTW2 and its mods and other games....

    3)Improve diplomatic AI making it more balanced between passivity and agressive just to find a compromise so that the allies will not betray us that easily and add diplomacy scripts and functions like making the betrayer ally faction a penalty of 2-3 influence points so that the region will lose loyalty beacuse of the treachery! And along with that maybe add some diplomatic options: ask the enemy to retreat from a besiege province, but in exchange to money, ask the other faction to be your vassal when you are at the point to almost vanquish them... and at least improve the henrit lands system marriage and make some factions henriting lands with marriages or even make a client state possibility with marriages... If it's impossible to add anything like that at least make the marriages more useful as an act useful to henrit land if the other faction is eliminated

    4) Add new units tweaking the 256 unit limit in prod file and find a way to add more of them at least 40-50 working extra units, new textures, buldings, portraits, factions, agents, ships etc.

    5)new agent missions like sabotage for spies or assassins, or use a spy to contaminate the food of a city or an army in order to slow the movement of the army avoiding it's march for the current year/turn or weakining their morale for 1 turn...

    6) 3 different eras to choice and play: Ultimate Early, Ultimate High and Ultimate Late... extend to end date passing 1453 year maybe until 1530 like medieval 2 with starting in 1080? Of course some units will be available only in some datas and eras and regions... reflecting the realism as it always was in other mods

    7)Add new characters, heroes and add traits vices for agents and admirals! Add pagan sciamans and witches! Add witches and heretics agents and give the possibility to inquisite burn them with inquisitors...

    8)Add papal election and cardinal collegium list where you can elect pope or have candidate cardinals for that... or maybe add a faction rankings scroll seeing graphics of which faction is stronger with a graphic? In few words improve interface, options etc.

    9)Add dismounting artillery in order to move them in the battle field, and add the possibility to dismount artillery before battle when needed

    10) Add the possibility to change faction heir at throne just using a small button in the heir interface, add it and it's done?

    11) change some starting position for some factions and give them more buildings and troops but without removing the existing ones from vanilla. It's a expanded content mod not a revisit of what we got

    12 and bonus thing: Add special abilities to units like: cantabrian circle, fire arrows, longbow stackes, warcry, schiltrom or pike wall :)

    Considering all I said, what is doable?

  7. #7
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Of course I want to improve textures and animations for secondary weapon for infantry and cavalry, like cavalry using swords after charge? Tyberius did that with old XL mod

    Thanks in advance :)
    Last edited by NikolaTheGreat; 01-10-2020 at 03:02.

  8. #8
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    So I told you all I think, say me what is doable and what we can achieve

  9. #9
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaTheGreat View Post
    Considering all I said, what is doable?
    It's been a long time since I played M:TW, so I am not sure what the limits are any more. However, as a rule of the thumb: if something was possible to improve via modding, then modders would have likely done so already. So check your features against existing mods: if something like it has been implemented before, it's possible. If not, then it's likely impossible.

    Changes to the diplomatic A.I., changes to the unit limits, or changes that would require additional interface elements (for example Papal elections) are likely not possible.

  10. #10
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    It's been a long time since I played M:TW, so I am not sure what the limits are any more. However, as a rule of the thumb: if something was possible to improve via modding, then modders would have likely done so already. So check your features against existing mods: if something like it has been implemented before, it's possible. If not, then it's likely impossible.

    I understood now. Well, in BKB super mod and xl tyberius they did changes to provinces, map graphics, animations secondary weapons, and BKB rouglhy excedeed the unit limits of 256 unit you can recruit in a campaign, allowing some units to be available only in some eras in order to expand the total number to over 330... That's what he did so he basically passed the unit limit even weren't all available in all eras

    Changes to the diplomatic A.I., changes to the unit limits, or changes that would require additional interface elements (for example Papal elections) are likely not possible.

    I seen in XL and medmod they improved terrain system a bit? If I remember correctly?

  11. #11
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    It's been a long time since I played M:TW, so I am not sure what the limits are any more. However, as a rule of the thumb: if something was possible to improve via modding, then modders would have likely done so already. So check your features against existing mods: if something like it has been implemented before, it's possible. If not, then it's likely impossible.

    Changes to the diplomatic A.I., changes to the unit limits, or changes that would require additional interface elements (for example Papal elections) are likely not possible.

    I understood now. Well, in BKB super mod and xl tyberius they did changes to provinces, map graphics, animations secondary weapons, and BKB rouglhy excedeed the unit limits of 256 unit you can recruit in a campaign, allowing some units to be available only in some eras in order to expand the total number to over 330... That's what he did so he basically passed the unit limit even weren't all available in all eras

  12. #12
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Well, it would be better to change plans and go to MTW2 making a mod with MTW1 style, units, features and gameplay. MTW2 is vastly more easy to mod with less hardcoding imho

    As I read there MTW1 has a lot of annoying limits, don't know what the others can suggest me i will wait leith and other users replies about that

  13. #13
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaTheGreat View Post
    Well, it would be better to change plans and go to MTW2 making a mod with MTW1 style, units, features and gameplay. MTW2 is vastly more easy to mod with less hardcoding imho

    As I read there MTW1 has a lot of annoying limits, don't know what the others can suggest me i will wait leith and other users replies about that
    That's probably the best solution. M:TW1 is a great game, but does not allow much to be modified. M2:TW is much more flexible.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    That's probably the best solution. M:TW1 is a great game, but does not allow much to be modified. M2:TW is much more flexible.
    I tought about it and I decided... I will go to MTW2 i will call it "regnum opus dei" and it's a conversion of MTW in the MTW2 engine and graphics

    That's it then!

    I haven't any experience on modding, could someone help me possibly? Where we should start? I really want to learn but don't know where to start, I will use MTW2 and make gameplay, atmosphere and art style like MTW1
    Last edited by NikolaTheGreat; 01-11-2020 at 15:41.

  15. #15
    Member Member Leith's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

    Hello, dearie! I wish you luck on your project. As for modding, there are many guides on this forum for most if not all the Total War games. Good luck!

  16. #16
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: MTW Ultimate mod- new project ideas... come and let's talk together

    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaTheGreat View Post
    I haven't any experience on modding, could someone help me possibly? Where we should start? I really want to learn but don't know where to start, I will use MTW2 and make gameplay, atmosphere and art style like MTW1
    A good place to start would be our M2:TW Learn to Mod forum. That's where you will find our guides. I hope you find what you are looking for. If you need someone to ask questions to - I am afraid our fora are very quiet these days, but you'll likely find help over at the Total War Center.

    Also, if I may: what you are planning is very ambitious. It's a total conversion of M2:TW to M1:TW. Transferring music and some of the art won't be that hard; but converting the campaign will take significant time. Most work, however, will probably go into recreating all M1:TW units in M2:TW. I don't know how flexible the M2:TW unit graphics are - but if you want unique units, it will take multiple years for a single person.

    So I recommend that you start with something smaller and more manageable - to avoid getting overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes to create a total conversion.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    A good place to start would be our M2:TW Learn to Mod forum. That's where you will find our guides. I hope you find what you are looking for. If you need someone to ask questions to - I am afraid our fora are very quiet these days, but you'll likely find help over at the Total War Center.

    Also, if I may: what you are planning is very ambitious. It's a total conversion of M2:TW to M1:TW. Transferring music and some of the art won't be that hard; but converting the campaign will take significant time. Most work, however, will probably go into recreating all M1:TW units in M2:TW. I don't know how flexible the M2:TW unit graphics are - but if you want unique units, it will take multiple years for a single person.

    So I recommend that you start with something smaller and more manageable - to avoid getting overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes to create a total conversion.
    Thank you guys for the support :)

    Yeah, after the first steps i will try to find someone who might help me in this project so we don't take forever.

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    I will show my work after some months in order to give you an idea of my mod development, i will find some people helping me in the project, leith maybe when i learn and when i start you could help me in the future if you are interested? Of course, not now but in the near future when i will starting the project directly. Why not?

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    However, a part from the MTW1 conversion of MTW2, i have another small project involving improve MTW with new units, textures, graphics and improve animations of cavalry and infantry which have secondary weapons (like primary lances and then switch to swords), like Tyberius did with good old XL. They did that so it's completely possible, so MTW1 conversion in MTW2 plus a new mod for MTW1 adding only new units, textures, buildings, shields, colours, factions, graphics etc. But improving the animations for secondary weapons and maybe try to improve the henrit land system from marriages. They are in the game but they are only quite rare, so being in the game already we can make them more often and frequent I think? Considering henrit lands as feature exist?

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    P.S=Last thing, make aggressive factions more passive in the files is possible in order to avoid backstabbed alliances be to often?

    I heard you can mod it in the files I think

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by YanBG View Post
    You want to change the game mechanics and design, that would require coding and programming skills. You are better off making your own game with MTW1 graphics as placeholder and releasing it for free.

    I didn't like the style of MTW2(and any later title) as much as this one, also the long loading times need to be addressed. But i like some of your ideas, i can imagine a medieval setting with turn-based multiplayer(like HOMM3). You'd need a game developing studio not a mod team though.

    Does it possible to make a mod in MTW2 with MTW1 gameplay and features, options with the new options, sieges and graphics of mtw2? mtw2 is quite moddable and make a mix beetween the first and the second game using second game engine? Or it would be better if I make my own game or release it as an update of the existing medieval total war if ca give me the rights so they keep the same game but allow the game design changes? they got only benefits from it they would sell more, it's like MTW1 remake made by me? and then just allow the ca to change the code release the source code and update the game engine with my ideas... fixing the crash in modern computers so people can buy the game and not have problems to get it works plus have better diplomacy, terrain and new mechanics? It should be brilliant

  22. #22
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YanBG View Post
    You want to change the game mechanics and design, that would require coding and programming skills. You are better off making your own game with MTW1 graphics as placeholder and releasing it for free.

    I didn't like the style of MTW2(and any later title) as much as this one, also the long loading times need to be addressed. But i like some of your ideas, i can imagine a medieval setting with turn-based multiplayer(like HOMM3). You'd need a game developing studio not a mod team though.

    The only thing is i want to keep the game as it is only adding those new mechanics and features for my own game, just change the name of the game to not have copyright problems... but keep the rest plus changing the engine and adding the new things... it would be possible for my own version of the game? I don't want multiplayer it just for singleplayer campaign with total conquest or GA as the original game, with better terrain system, interface, mechanics and diplomacy system more factions and units and good moddability


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