First I would like to say Hi to all the Total war fans and this community.I would also like to say how cool I think this mod is. Warhammer and total war mixed together seems like a great combo and I wish the mod team luck on it.Now on to what I propose.Recruiting Orcs and goblins just dosen't seem right.In warhammer,A warlord wouldn't train his boyz,They would just flock to him,on account that he was the toughest and meanest orc around.Maybe this should be represented in the mod.You could represent this in-mod by allowing Orc generals(warlords) being able to recruit his troops mercenary style.I know that this probably isn't something that can be done.But at least make the regions around areas with high orc and goblin populations rich in troops for hire.(areas like the badlands,worlds edge MT.s,forests).This would give the mod a more realistic feel.