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Thread: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

  1. #1
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    As you may guess from my screen name here, I happen to be a big TES fan. I admit, I came to the scene rather late, I didn't get Morrowind until about 2006. I bought it second hand at a local store known as Bookmans (a poor video game addicts dream, by the way. Return a game in 7 days if you dont like it, no questions asked.) I had heard about it, vaguely, but didn't really know the actual content of the game.

    So I took it home, threw it on the hard drive and, about twelve hours later, realized I had to pee really badly.

    Morrowind has many flaws, I admit. Its graphics are not top-notch, although with some texture packs things look pretty decent even by todays standards. It's got a terribly primitive dialogue display. I mean, really, HYPERTEXT? And the interface really could be better.

    But, at the same time, its strengths, and they are many...oh so many...make it one of my favorite games of all time.

    First off, the dialogue. Yeah, it's primitive, but you know, I like it more than Oblivion's system. It's particularly jarring when you speak to some old beggar woman who just recently addressed you in tones suitable for an eighty year old, only to have her suddenly change vocal chords and speech patterns with a young woman from England.
    The text nicely circumvents that, and allows far more OPTIONS. I like asking people about rumors and not getting the same three lines of text over and over. Morrowind had at least five :P

    That brings me to the voices...oh, the voices.
    Morrowind got things RIGHT. Wood Elves were annoying little buggers, but they're supposed to be. Dark Elves and Khajit were BRILLIANT, completely and utterly perfect.
    By comparison, Oblivion's voice actors are rather dull. Dark Elves do have a trace of that husky accent, but it's not nearly as pronounced. The Khajit were toned down as well. And, in my opinion, the High Elves sound just a touch less arrogant and condescending.
    And, of course, the insults. I loved it when I got called a 'swit' or an 'n'wah'. Those words engraved themselves in the same part of my brain as Thief's 'taffer'.
    Oblivion lacks these lovely creative insults. Instead we get "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM."
    What is this, a 70's cop drama?

    Closely related to that is the culture. Morrowind featured a vibrant island setting, with a massive amount of history, which WORKED. It was quite clear, to me at least, that all of the old forts were designed to be lived in. All the tombs had the appropriate decor you'd expect. The cities were a bit sparse, yes, but I can forgive that in the face of all the interesting things in them.
    The religion, and the conflict between the colonial Imperials and their own religion, was clear and well played out. The Dark Elves are not happy about all these dirty foreigners and most of them aren't bothering to hide it, even if they tolerate you.
    And the architecture...oh my, the architecture. Morrowind was ORIGINAL there, at least, fairly original. Each clan had its own unique style, from the adobe buildings of the Hlaalu to the Redoran crabshells to the Telvanni giant-plant-things. Even better was the jarringly out of place Imperial architecture, all hard edges and greyness.

    Oblivion seems to take place in Generic Fantasy Land #425. I mean, the Imperials are supposed to be (sort of) based on Rome, right? But, of course, somebody decided to cut that out and turn them into something else. I, for one, would have far more liked to see a Roman-based Cyrodill than the silly mishmash that we got.
    Worse, NONE of the dungeons in Oblivion seem to be practical. The deserted towers only feature beds or any sort of indication that they were designed for human inhabitants when they're home to raiders or Goblins. Apparently, in fact, they were mostly built to put dead people in, to judge by the number of tombs in them.
    The same goes for the Aylied ruins. Big rooms, almost always empty or full of traps. People talk about the 'mystery of the Aylieds', but is it really a wonder that an empire vanishes when its architecture features pitfalls and deadly gas vents in every room?

    Pacing is a big factor as well. Oblivion is just too fast.
    I'd use a metaphor here, but I might get banned, so I wont.
    Anyway, Oblivion hurls you right into the main quest with the imminent threat that THE WORLD IS GOING TO DIE IF YOU DONT ACT NOW. Of course, it doesn't, but that's not the point. The premise is that the city is going to get EATEN BY MEHRUNES DAGON RIGHT NOW, even if it isn't, and I feel like kind of a jerk for not getting on it right away.
    Morrowind, by contrast, hands you a note and tells you to go talk to some jerk in some city. The jerk in question turns out to be the resident crazy old man (on first appearance) and sets you to running some basic chores for him. No need to rush, it's not like
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    There's a giant bronze golem and an insane demi-god planning to ethnically cleanse the entire island. Oh and the gods aren't real. Or something.

    Long story short, Oblivion hurls you directly into a mess. Morrowind is content to let you wander about without making you feel like a jerk.

    Now, here's the sticky bit. Many people derided Oblivion for its compass and arrows...and I kind of agree. Yeah, the directions in Morrowind were terrible, usually, but they were often exactly the kind of directions people really give. A map with directions of some kind would have been nice...especially considering all the paper lying around, but hey, what'cha gonna do?

    Lastly, a personal issue, thievery. My main complaint, besides the whole 'Medieval LOJACK' with which every owned item in Cyrodil is equipped, was the worthlessness of items in Oblivion. You could break into somebodies house and steal all the silverware and come out with about 30 septims for it. Which is, approximately, enough to buy a bent spork from your local shop in the same game. In Morrowind, being a thief was wonderfully, but not overly, profitable venture. Especially fun once you got the skills to start breaking into stores, which had stock and didn't keep it suspended below the floor in an unpickably locked chest. A fact somewhat countered by many stores actually employing GUARDS and not relying on their owners ability to manipulate spacetime.

    Anyway, let the TES fanboy battle begin! Engarde!
    Last edited by frogbeastegg; 04-21-2009 at 13:29. Reason: fixed the broken spoiler tags for you :)
    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  2. #2
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I like Morrowind better as well, it's a more interesting place. The world of Oblivion is so monotone, same architecture everywhere, same landscapes. Morrowind was much more diverse, really felt like traveling to different places, world of Oblivion may be larger but it doesn't feel like that.

  3. #3
    Oni Member Samurai Waki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I know exactly what you mean. After I bought Oblivion some number of years ago...was it '06-07'? I played through the main quest, and was completely disappointed. Actually maybe only two months ago, I re-downloaded morrowind, found all the old mods I really liked for it, and I'm still working on beating the game, I'm working on the Five Shrines Quest up in Solstheim.

  4. #4
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I never played the first two games, but between Morrowind and Oblivion, Morrowind is the clear winner for all the reasons you give. Unfortunately, it will probably retain that title forever, because a lot of the things that made Morrowind better have now been permanently 'retired' by Bethsoft.

  5. #5
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Morrowind with Oblivion's graphics...

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  6. #6
    Misanthropos Member I of the Storm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Not really a fanboy battle to expect here. Morrowind wins. It's better. It's virtually bugfree and was so on release. It's got the better story. It had two wonderful expansion packs. It let's you immerse. It's more interesting. It's funnier. It's ... I'll stop here.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I have this game but could never really get into it. After clicking through tons of dialogue and wandering about for hours I simply gave up on it. The combat system is awful as well. It involves running up to the enemy and clicking as fast as possible, any kind of dodging or circling is pointless. However you've almost inspired me to give it another go with this thread and it does run under wine.

  8. #8
    Misanthropos Member I of the Storm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    The combat system is a little more complex than that. Although there is one clickable option somewhere that enables and disables some sort of simplified combat system. Just make sure you don't have the simple one enabled. IIRC combat is similar to Oblivion, apart from the blocking (automatic based on skill) and the archery. And you can dodge, both blows and most spells.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I once spent a weekend in Morrowind diving for pearls and hunting mudcrabs to earn money for my new character. It's actually one of my fondest memories of the game; never done anything like it in another game, never been able to.

    Other times I remember the cliff racers. Most of my time in the game was spent without the cliff racer removal mod.

    Oblivion did a few things better than its predecessor. I liked seeing non-hostile wildlife as I wandered. I did like the compass; seeing unknown blips appear and being tempted to divert from my journey to see what they were, instead of heading out on dedicated exploration trips. Obviously the graphics. And ... er ... at this point I struggle. There were probably some others. It's been several years since I played Morrowind and a year since I completed Oblivion, so it's a bit hard to remember what belongs to which game.

    I hated the way enemies levelled up with you. I hated the way this made the already dangerously gamey character building system completely broken - playing the whole game at level 1 was the best way to make a powerful character! I disliked the way horses were added in and in the same breath made completely pointless. The loss of options and variety on all fronts was a sore point. Oblivion gates, need I say more of them? The world itself was not as interesting. Everything was pasted in a nasty bloom effect, and parts of the world were simply twee. Oblivion is the game which introduced NPC schedules to the series, isn't it? I hated them too. Nice idea in theory; in practice I ended up wasting infuriating amounts of time looking for people because they had moved.

    Morrowind did have a better sense of place. More coherant, less generic. That counts for a lot. Its factions were much more varied and more meaningful.

    Then there are the issues which are in both games. The poor writing and plot, the unbelievable characters, the large number of fetch quests, the tunnel dungeons, the AI break downs, the dull combat, the decidedly average voice acting, the dull conversations. I'm not fond of the character building system in the ES series. It's another case of nice idea in theory, bad idea in practice. At least for me.

    The one major, major advantage the ES series has - and the thing I like them best for - is that there is nothing else like them available. No other RPG (excepting Fallout 3) drops you off into a massive world and lets you to do whatever you like to this extent. For that I shall always play and like them, warts and all. I just won't love them until they remove some of the warts.

    And why does it rain so often in ES-land? I swear the place should be flooded by now ...
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  10. #10
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    It makes sense that it rains in Morrowind a lot, I mean, half the island is swamp :P

    But yeah, one of the things I liked about Morrowind was the unbelievable characters. Remember Crassus Curio? And his first quest?
    Good times.
    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  11. #11
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Have you ever tried the Gothic series?
    Morrowind was nice but I never finished it because it was huge and tedious as well and i kinda lost track of the main quest.

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  12. #12
    Just another Member rajpoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Morrowind with Oblivion's graphics...
    That'll be beyond awesome. I liked Morrowind's detail, but I just couldn't bear it's graphics and animation......normally I on't mind graphics so much, but when I started on Morrowind, after finishing Oblivion, first I was thrown by the lack of the minimap, and quick travel, (which made Oblivion very easy and comfy), and next I was depressed just looking at the charecters and some of the scenes.....

    However, work is on on the Tamerial (that's what it's spelled as no?) project, they're creating a larger gameworld as mods for TES3. When that's out, I'll dust the box once more.

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  13. #13

    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheogorath View Post
    It makes sense that it rains in Morrowind a lot, I mean, half the island is swamp :P.
    Swamp? It (and Oblivion's theme park) should have been Atlantis.

    Sunshine, so rare, so precious ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar
    Have you ever tried the Gothic series?
    The third game has just had a major patch too. Bugs fixed, issues purged, loads of balancing, from what I hear it's a vastly improved game. Can't wait to start a new character and jump in ... er, once I finish some of my other RPGs. The only shame is that the fans had to it it instead of the developers.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  14. #14
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    There's some mods, I think, that either change the weather patterns or let you control the weather. For both games, actually :D

    I never really liked Gothic. The TES series is, IMO, superior simply because of its moddability. Balmorra became the biggest city in the world in my game :P

    Speaking of cities, there's another annoying bit about Oblivion. For me, none of the cities really felt city-like. Especially Imperial City. Supposedly the capital of the continent-spanning empire, with its population of, say, fifty. Ish.
    The imperial palace consist of, apparently, the council chamber and some guard barracks. And whats more, there's nothing of real value in there besides some trinkets in the imperial battlemages quarters.
    Considering how common enchanted weapons are, you'd figure all the guards in the barracks would be issued with +5 Swords of Fiery Pwning. Instead they can just kick your ass because they're always twenty levels above you no matter what.
    Balmorra is probably the best example of what FELT like a 'real' city. The Hlaalu council hall had everything a council hall should have. It was all arranged in a manner not-quite standard to what a modern human would expect, but you could certainly see a bunch of Dark Elves appreciating. It was even surrounded by noblemen's houses. As I recall, Cyrodill doesn't apparently HAVE noblemen besides the counts who rule the cities.
    Last edited by Sheogorath; 04-21-2009 at 18:05.
    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  15. #15
    Enlightened Despot Member Vladimir's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I never played Oblivion because I didn’t like the departure from Morrowind. Even the X-box version of Morrowind was phenomenal. There was a real sense of peril at times. Yea, my characters died a few times. Sometimes I would “walk” by the cave entrance of a difficult enemy and just look at the door, hatefully, for a little bit, thinking about what I needed to do to clear the area. I wonder how long save games last on the X-box. I have my strongholds setup exactly as I want them. A real work of beauty, all of them; except for the vagrant character I created who just has various squats around the island.

    Then there was the time I accidently finished the main quest. That was funny.

    Good times!

    Reinvent the British and you get a global finance center, edible food and better service. Reinvent the French and you may just get more Germans.
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil_Maniac From Mars
    How do you motivate your employees? Waterboarding, of course.
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  16. #16
    Gangrenous Member Justiciar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I believe Oblivion's map was larger than Morrowind's.. but it never felt so vast. I'd be able to spend hours just plodding about the Ashlands*, staring in awe at everything around me, and barely seeming to move. That didn't really feature in Oblivion, for reasons already stated.. it was just tedious in comparison.

    I'm told Daggerfall was better, but I've yet to buy it.

    * The most memorable landscape in any game I've played.
    Last edited by Justiciar; 04-22-2009 at 03:37.
    When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman? From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men. For if God would have had any bondsmen from the beginning, he would have appointed who should be bound, and who free. And therefore I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recover liberty. - John Ball

  17. #17
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by Justiciar View Post
    I believe Oblivion's map was larger than Morrowind's.. but it never felt so vast. I'd be able to spend hours just plodding about the Ashlands*, staring in awe at everything around me, and barely seeming to move. That didn't really feature in Oblivion, for reasons already stated.. it was just tedious in comparison.

    I'm told Daggerfall was better, but I've yet to buy it.

    * The most memorable landscape in any game I've played.
    Oblivion was bigger, but, it seemed, had less stuff in it. In Morrowind, pretty much every corner had a well placed egg mine or tomb tucked away somewhere. Or there was a lovely mudpit or some other terrain feature. got trees. Lots and lots of trees.
    Most of Morrowind's dungeons were smaller too, I think. The tombs were, certainly. Which kind of makes sense, especially when compared to the Aylied 'cities', which were apparently ALL tomb. Some of the Dwarf ruins were pretty big, of course, though.
    The one thing I did approve of in Oblivion was the 'surface' levels of dungeons. You could walk around the open ruins of the towers and find things...not much, but it was something.

    Speaking of the towers, that's another thing that bugged me.

    The Empire can apparently afford to maintain a massive military presence in Morrowind, complete with a large number of forts and a couple cities, plus an outpost all the way in freakin' Solestheim (however you spell that), but has, apparently, allowed EVERY defensive outpost in the heart of the empire to fall into total disrepair and, in some cases, become occupied by bandits?
    This is the continent-spanning empire which, although corrupt, is capable of kicking the Dark Elves in Morrowind into submission, thrashing the psychotic cannibal wood elves and has lasted for hundreds of years? The Imperial Legions which took on Morrowind can't deal with a bunch of BANDITS?
    (Alright, understandable, sometimes those bandits were wearing Daedric equipment...goddamn leveling.)

    Also, to those who were talking about Morrowind with Oblivion graphics, I believe somebody discovered that it was possible to run Morrowind's data files through Oblivion, and they're currently working on a project to get it functional (since all the text and such has to be converted to Oblivion's system).
    Google "Morroblivion", I think it was.
    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheogorath View Post
    The Empire can apparently afford to maintain a massive military presence in Morrowind, complete with a large number of forts and a couple cities, plus an outpost all the way in freakin' Solestheim (however you spell that), but has, apparently, allowed EVERY defensive outpost in the heart of the empire to fall into total disrepair and, in some cases, become occupied by bandits?
    The forts in Morrowind felt practical. They were designed to hold off an assault, and featured most things you would expect to see: living areas, towers, armouries, a courtyard, etc.

    The forts in Oblivion never felt like that. The surface areas were a bunch of ruins which didn't look like they would convert into a fort if you rebuilt all of the walls, and the areas below ground were just another set of tunnel dungeons complete with traps and mazes. They weren't forts; they were a combination of a crazy warehouse and a cave.

    Don't forget the patrols keeping the roads clear for travellers. A mighty 1 guy on a horse at maybe 3 points in the entire road network.
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  19. #19
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by Justiciar View Post
    I believe Oblivion's map was larger than Morrowind's.. but it never felt so vast.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheogorath View Post
    Oblivion was bigger, but, it seemed, had less stuff in it.
    Actually, Oblivion's was smaller. I don't remember the figure I was told, but it's something like 20% smaller. That wasn't what made it seem smaller though. Fallout 3 is in turn about 50% of the size of Oblivion, but seems a lot larger than Oblivion because there are so many unique locations and places to explore. Oblivion's problem was that nearly every dungeon was generic and forgettable. While this was true for much of Morrowind as well, at least Morrowind had those unique dungeons scattered about with unique treasure and non-scaled monsters. The varied terrain had a great impact as well, with the swamps in the west, desert in the north, fertile land in the south, mountains in the center, not to mention all the different architecture. Oblivions simply seemed the same everywhere you went, with very minor exceptions. This is one of the reasons I think the Unique Landscapes mod series is one of the best improvements for Oblivion. It gives an actual sense of size to the game that wasn't present OOB.

  20. #20
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg View Post
    The forts in Morrowind felt practical. They were designed to hold off an assault, and featured most things you would expect to see: living areas, towers, armouries, a courtyard, etc.

    The forts in Oblivion never felt like that. The surface areas were a bunch of ruins which didn't look like they would convert into a fort if you rebuilt all of the walls, and the areas below ground were just another set of tunnel dungeons complete with traps and mazes. They weren't forts; they were a combination of a crazy warehouse and a cave.

    Don't forget the patrols keeping the roads clear for travellers. A mighty 1 guy on a horse at maybe 3 points in the entire road network.
    To be fair, the fine men of the Imperial Legion are basically demigods in unmodded Oblivion outside of that emberassing little episode at Kvatch and whenever they're scripted to be on your side :P

    But it's like I said in the OP. In Morrowind, buildings were designed to be lived in. In Oblivion, everything but houses is basically a dungeon. The forts and ruins are both nothing but tombs, which is a nice excuse to fill them with zombies and all, but Morrowind pulled that off nicely with buildings that actually were tombs.

    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow View Post
    Actually, Oblivion's was smaller. I don't remember the figure I was told, but it's something like 20% smaller. That wasn't what made it seem smaller though. Fallout 3 is in turn about 50% of the size of Oblivion, but seems a lot larger than Oblivion because there are so many unique locations and places to explore. Oblivion's problem was that nearly every dungeon was generic and forgettable. While this was true for much of Morrowind as well, at least Morrowind had those unique dungeons scattered about with unique treasure and non-scaled monsters. The varied terrain had a great impact as well, with the swamps in the west, desert in the north, fertile land in the south, mountains in the center, not to mention all the different architecture. Oblivions simply seemed the same everywhere you went, with very minor exceptions. This is one of the reasons I think the Unique Landscapes mod series is one of the best improvements for Oblivion. It gives an actual sense of size to the game that wasn't present OOB.
    I understand it works like this:
    Morrowind's overall map size is larger, HOWEVER, Oblivion has more actual land, as Morrowind's map is like, %30 water (and, as I recall, basically goes on forever).

    Either way, Morrowind FELT bigger. As you said, variety of terrain and culture made Morrowind great, whereas in Oblivion it's basically all the same. Yeah, the towns change architecture, but it either feels same-y or forced, like Bravil.
    An entire town of slums? Why would ANYBODY choose to live there when there are nicer towns a few hours walk away? With good roads, no less.
    At least Morrowind had the good sense to isolate it's shanty towns, or make them ports.
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  21. #21
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheogorath View Post
    I understand it works like this:
    Morrowind's overall map size is larger, HOWEVER, Oblivion has more actual land, as Morrowind's map is like, %30 water (and, as I recall, basically goes on forever).
    Yeah, that could very well be true, but even the water was fun. Once I figured out that shipwrecks were marked on the paper map that came with the game, I spent a lot of time and money to get equipment/spells sufficient to let me dive on the deeper ones, just to see what was down there. It was great fun getting out to some of the really remote islands as well. I think that only other game I've ever played that made pure exploration so much fun was Ultima Online in the early days when there were very few houses and being able to teleport was rare.
    Last edited by TinCow; 04-22-2009 at 17:29.

  22. #22
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow View Post
    Yeah, that could very well be true, but even the water was fun. Once I figured out that shipwrecks were marked on the paper map that came with the game, I spent a lot of time and money to get equipment/spells sufficient to let me dive on the deeper ones, just to see what was down there. It was great fun getting out to some of the really remote islands as well. I think that only other game I've ever played that made pure exploration so much fun was Ultima Online in the early days when there were very few houses and being able to teleport was rare.
    Ah, the joy of finding Mai'q the Liar on his little island :P
    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  23. #23
    Enlightened Despot Member Vladimir's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheogorath View Post
    Ah, the joy of finding Mai'q the Liar on his little island :P
    And some great armor on an island in the southwest.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Evil_Maniac From Mars
    How do you motivate your employees? Waterboarding, of course.
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    Member Member Decker's Avatar
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    This place called Mars... do you know of it?

    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I would slaughter whole towns and use them as stashes for all sorts of things lol...
    That was a great game, and exploring never got old..
    "No one said it was gonna be easy! If it was, everyone would do it..that's who you know who really wants it."

    All us men suffer in equal parts, it's our lot in life, and no man goes without a broken heart or a lost love. Like holding your dog as he takes his last breath and dies in your arms, it's a rite of passage. Unavoidable. And honestly, I can't imagine life without that depth of feeling.-Bierut

  25. #25
    Mercury Member Thermal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    How could I chose? Don't have morrowind anymore but wish I did

    Presently On Obvilion I'm playing as a level 21 High Elf called Gion Pesa who is the mages guild leader, fighters guild leader, thieves guild footpad, dark brotherhood assassin, and arena champion (too kind to kill the grey prince ) Barely started the main quest, just looting places, enchanting endlessly at the arcane university & exploring the shivering isles, that expansion is so good!

    Well though a high he's deadly with illusion, alchemy, destruction. But also heavy armour and blade

    Just thought I'd give a life story.

    I haven;t played on morrowind for over a year but I long for it ( I have the consoles versions see and don't have original xbox anymore) is morrowind on xbox xbox360 compatible?

    Still gotta love oblivion, so amazingly graphically awesome and huge......
    Last edited by Thermal; 04-23-2009 at 02:04.

  26. #26
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    See, that's another great thing about Morrowind. You CANT do everything and be everything. Becoming a member of one of the great houses, at some point you're going to end up breaking the quests for the others. As I recall, the mage and fighter guild quests eventually became mutually exclusive, and if you were a thief you couldn't be a mage, since a bunch of thieves guild quests involved stealing from the mages.
    Still, one thieves guild quest let you loot an entire mages guild. Good times. Oblivion's thieves guild is watered down and silly by comparison.
    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  27. #27
    Oni Member Samurai Waki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    plus in Morrowind you had the option of Joining the Tribunal or the... Whatever the name of the Imperial Church thingy was. You could physically join the Imperial Legion, and join one of the great houses. Thats a lot more options rather than the basic 4 that you have in Oblivion. There were also some great mods out there for Morrowind that made it so you could or couldn't join certain factions if you were already in another one.

  28. #28
    Just another Member rajpoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Right that I agree to......somehow Oblivion does not give you much incentive to stick to one kind of combat, and some of them are downright useless.
    No matter how I start off, I almost always end up being a kind of uber battlemage character with maxed out destruction and blade skills. Makes the game slightly monotonous at times.

    The horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

  29. #29
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    Quote Originally Posted by india View Post
    Right that I agree to......somehow Oblivion does not give you much incentive to stick to one kind of combat, and some of them are downright useless.
    No matter how I start off, I almost always end up being a kind of uber battlemage character with maxed out destruction and blade skills. Makes the game slightly monotonous at times.
    Probably due to the over-generalized skill system. Suddenly, 'blunt, axe, spear, short blade, long blade, hand-to-hand and marksman' got reduced to "Blade, blunt, marksman, hand-to-hand'. And, of course, they eliminated the medium armor type. Hence, no need to specialize.
    Not to mention full access to all the trainers in every guild...ahhhgrghfdgf.
    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  30. #30

    Default Re: Why I'll always say Morrowind is the best TES game

    I've been thinking about loading up Morrowind on my laptop for those overnighters with work, can anyone suggest some good mods for it?

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