A new mod for vanilla M2TW being brought to you by Bwian, just as soon as he gets around to finishing it! Since my enforced break from mossing and the ending of my involvement with the Warhammer mod, I had been mucking around with a few odds and ends, and generally trying to come up with something that interested me to work on. I had found the restrictions of working on a 'known' subject problematic, and wanted to go my own way and design something that would be different and steer clear of accepted source material. This is the result:


Once, the world knew peace. Kings ruled as was the wont of kings, and the peasants toiled in the fields. All was as it should be. The wise Brothers in their mountain fastnesses studied the secrets of the universe, and the Emperors gazed out over a world where all knew their place and all was at peace. It was long since war had troubled the lands, and few could recall the days when the barbarians raided. The emperors troops kept all at peace.

But, from the far reaches of space, the Warp-Storm came. All it touched were tainted with corruption, and foulness. Evil beasts arose in the far corners of hte world, and even the dead knew no peace as the order of hte world fell away. The Brothers locked their keeps and strove to preserve the purity of the race, while the Emperor struggled to hold what he could as his people dissolved in strife. And over all, the Warp-Storm raged in the heavens and shut the world away in chaos and death.


Brotherhood of the Pure.
The military force of the Brotherhood is made up of heavily armoured knights skilled in certain disciplines. Each discipline can be identified by the colours their armour is painted. Their aim is to preserve the purity of the race and destroy the tainted creatures and men who roam the wastes. Fanatical and skilled in battle, their numbers are few and they increase only gradually. They are strong defensively, but must be lead wisely, for over-rapid expansion may leave them spread thin.

The Tainted.
Maddened by the warp storm, and twisted by it's power, they see it as a source of power. Their Shamans connect with it, bringing corruption and evil. They live only to kill, and respect nothing but power. They boast impressive foot soldiers and melee troops but are weak in missile troops and have limited cavalry.

Beast Masters.
Primitive nomads from the northern wastes, these barely human creatures roam the wastes as hunter-gatherers. Drawn by the Warp-Storm, vast beasts from the dawn of time have arisen once more, and these wanderes have tamed them to use as mounts. The rich southlands await, and the power of the beasts shall bring ruin on the civilised world. Limited in melee troops, these supreme hunters have fine missile troops and ride to battle on huge warbeasts.

The Mystics.
Drawing the earth power to hold back the Warp-Storm, these reclusive mystics can raise the elemental powers and spirits to battle their foes. Weak themselves, and reluctant to fight in combat, they can summon mighty powers to battle for them. Weal at first, if they are given time to consolidate the resources they need, mighty creatures can be brought forth to slay any opponent.

The Restless Dead.
Even the dead cannot hide from the warp-storm. The lands where they rested have been tainted by the warp, and now foul spirits inhabit the bodes of the dead. Now they rise from teh grave to spread ruin and slaughter to those who yet live, swelling their own ranks. Weaker than most, what they lack in combat power, they make up for in sheer terror and numbers. They care not how many they lose in battle, for there will always be more! Rumours abound of mighty warriors rising again to lead the fell troops of the undead.

Steel Brethren.
These reclusive people inhabit the mines and factories of the Empire. Weakened and poisened by a live of slavery in foul conditions, they have plotted in secret to rise up and overthrow their masters. When teh war came, they siezed their chance. Deep below ground, they fared better than most, and have brought forth their secret engines to claim the fresh air and clean lands they once knew.

Imperium Mechanica.
The Emperors finest. Armed with glittering engines of destruction and the matchless gunners of the Empire, these men kept an Empire safe and it's enemies subjugated. Weak in hand to hand, their artillery and firearms are the finest, and the engines that power their mechanical cavalry are known throughout the world. Will it be enough to hold back the tide of foes that the Warp Storm has unleashed?

More detailed unit lists have been drawn up, and the modelling is well underway. A full camapign map will be done, with a fantasy based world.

A key feature will be the variety of troop sizes and shapes, with heaps of custom animations and skeletons to give some really unusual units. Already in place are wheeled and tracked units, mechanical units, beasts of various shapes and sizes as well as chariots and animated bowstrings forthe foot-archers. More features to come.