As a long time Baldur's Gate saga fan, I'm wondering about making a mod based in the Forgotten Realms universe in Faerun. I would need some help with it ofcourse, but myself I can mod many of the features.

The basic idea for such a mod would be to include such factions as: Amn, Tethyr, Cormyr, Calimshan, some Sword Coast factions, some elf and orc/goblin factions. The idea I have is not to make a great many of them, rather to have them diverse enough to present different gameplay.

The work with modding human kingdoms would be easy, as most of the current game models for units can be adapted for human forces. The other races would require more work, and for that, involvement of people who can mod new unit models, is essential.

The world of Fearun is similar to the medieval Old World, with the most pronounced difference being the use of magic. For the battles I think it would be best not to include any magic using units, and rather have mages or wizards as priest/merchant campaign map characters. In my idea any of the 'magic' would be executed on the campaign level, and the only impact on battles would be if generals possesed some magic artifacts adding to their 'power' in battle. Eg. Ankheg Armour would increase survivability, Shroud of Protection would decrease chances of being assassinated etc. etc.

Any opinions about the idea please? Anyone interested to join me making this mod?