As I have loved creating fantasy worlds since I was a kid and have created numerous board/paper wargames to fight I them I wished to open up an exchange of ideas for my benefit and enlightenment. Feel free to discuss ideas and theory or related thoughts.
One thing about doing historical is that one does need to be accurate. We enjoy the 'what if' situations a lot BUT, different systems of warfare, different armies and methods evolved as a response to many influences, such as terrain, politics, economy, history, etc. So to me when dealing with fantasy warfare it has to make sense, no medieval armies battling and then someone rolls up in a tank, unless you have time travel lol. In other words there have to be rues and things have to work constrained by them.
There's also economic considerations. Can the kingdom afford to raise, train, pay and supply those troops. And do the troops work well together as a force. Politically, can the kingdom keep that army in the field for however long its needed etc etc etc.
Anyway, just a few beginning thoughts, add as you will. Would love to see a book or site comparing the armies and warfare of different fantasy worlds, any suggestions appreciated.