Friends, Gauls, Countrymen, Listen to me.

It is 270bc and never before has our 5-yearly grand meeting been held in such dire circumstances. There are only 7 of us present here and two of them have had to make long dangerous journeys through rebel-held territory just to be here in Alesia. I salute them.

For, since our last meeting, two cities have rebelled, cutting our fair country in two. Aid to Patavium and Mediolarium is cut off and they will stand or fall on their own merits – I have confidence in the two Governors however and, providing they return safely I am sure they will be able to rise to the situation.

The fate of our governors in Lugdunum and Massilia are unknown, we pray that they met honourable deaths unlike the governor of Samarobriva who had his legs tied to two separate chariots, which were then driven apart. The perfidious Britanii sent me his remains and they were buried with all due respect.

For the Britanii now hold Samarobriva on our northern flank – A territory which is rightly ours. From there, unless halted, they will be able to assemble large armies against us – even here in Alesia. They appear to be holding back, but there is no doubt that they will come. When they do, we must be prepared.

To the East lie the Germanii – fellow barbarians like us, but they attack in warbands with long spears held in front of them. They even bring their women along to exhort them to frenzied acts of bravery – who knows what happens after the battle if they win. They may try and attack us here in Alesia – or even move South and go after Patavium or Mediolarium – they have the advantage of being centralised – we are spread out.

Numantia must hold Rianorix! Strategically we MUST keep the Spanish from uniting their country. If we succeed, then I expect only small forces will march against you – but if they Unite they will take it and then they will come pouring over the Pyrennees. I suggest using small raiding parties to prevent the Spanish uniting their armies. The people from across the sea hold the Southern town of Corduba, but it heaves with rebellion. Leave it alone for now, maybe make peaceful overtures to them and let them also draw the ire of Iberian infantry.

Our first priority must be to recapture those two rebel towns. Brennus – take the forces here in Alesia and retake Lugdunum. Virex – recapture Massilia. The people have been misled by their leaders, show them mercy and they will rejoice in being welcomed back into the fold.

Once we have re-unified Gaul then we MUST expand. Other tribes and Nations are arising. If we do not strike first we will be first struck. I have heard reports of strange warlike savages called Romans, south of our two southern cities. Send our diplomat to talk to them in peace, but also to find out what he can of their strength. We do not want them assaulting our fair towns. Italy is rich – at the moment the Romans are enjoying the bountiful harvests, but they should rightly be ours.

As for the future. I foresee a time, maybe not in our lifetime, when all the coasts of the Southern Sea will be under our sway. ‘Mere notre’ will bring peace and prosperity to our people. I pledge my honour before our gods, Esus, Epona, Teutatis and Abnoba that our quintennial meeting in 50 years time will be attended by 100 representatives. Let them guide us in this noble quest.

Gentlemen – destiny is holding out her hand. Seize it!