Hi guys good to see the Org back. Like the new site very nice.

as promised, here is a detailed explanation of the league table calculations:

Shogun honour calculations.

A players current honour score is the running average of the honour score he achieved in his last 30 battles.

For a single battle a players honour score is calculated as follows.

Winners honour = ((average of all losing players current honour) capped to within 50 of winners current honour) + 50
Losers honour = ((average of all winning players current honour) capped to within 50 of losers current honour) - 50

All players start with a current honour score of 100.

If a players has not yet played 30 games then his honour score for every game he has not played is assumed to be 100.

So if a player had played 1 game and achieved a score of 120 for that game his current honour would be (120 + (29 * 100)) / 30.

So to push your honour up you must keep playing and beating good players. If you only ever play people with an honour of 50 and beat them every time your honour will only ever be 100. To get your score over 150 you must consistently beat players with a score greater than 100. And so it goes on. To get over 200 (very difficult) you must consistently beat players over 150.

So if you find your honour going down even though you are winning it is because you a playing poor opponents and dragging down your average.

So that should explain why your honour may drop some times eevn if you are winning!
We are trying to get honour displayed in the chat server for the next patch!
hope that helps guys!

The Shogun
Bringinng wisdom in an unwise world