I think it's too late to make any big claims on RTW in general, but perhaps some things could be put into a Add-on or something else.

Both, the Germanics and the Celts have their Origin in the Aryan Invasion of 1800 B.C. .The "native Europeans", the Megalith Cultures have been pushed into the north (Megalith's Decandands today: Samens, Samojans, Estonians and Fins). This causes that the Celtic and Germanic Cultures were quite equal to each other (the Romans at first did not see any diffrence).

The Aryans were Steppe People coming from the Territory of the nowdays Iran (yes Dubya, Axis of Evil). They were deeply Influented by their Neighbours who held high Cultures, which were the Babylonians, the Persians and the Hindi. Some pieces of these Cultural Elements will play a important role later...

The Introduced Troop Type of the Aryans was this:


A mounted Spearchucker. Primitive, but effective. Through the Megalith could not breed and not ride Horses AND couldn't work with Metall they were simply slaughtered. The Mounted Spearchuckers used a hit&run tactic which made them quite effective for their time. While the Celts "forgot" this old Unit and the Hit&Run Strategy with Time, the Germanics used it further. The Movie "Druids" with Christopher Lambert shows them quite well...


This is a Sword of Type between 1800 B.C. and 500 B.C. used by Celts and Germanics. Neat, huh?

Later this ones became more important and replaced the old one ->

The Sax:

The Germanic Sword:

The Celtic Sword:

The Sax was invented by the Saxons and spread as a succsessful Tool around the Germanic Tribes. It was only sharpened at one side and used twiche: As a Weapon and as a normal Knife. It was for example used by Butchers or just in the Kitchen. The Sax was the "Peasant Sword" and mostly used by poor Farmers going to War...

The Germanic Sword is a development from the Celt's Iron Sword. Later on, the germanics also developed Steel and continiously improoved it. When they learned how to produce Damascus Steel in Dark Age, the germanic Sword became Stronger than the Gladius of the Romans.

The Celtic Sword is an indirect copy of the Gladius, through Gauls learned to produce Iron from Massala (Greek Colony) the todays Masseiles. The Main Diffrence is that the Celtic sword is larger and has this sweet little Man as the Grip. In Fact the Celts gave the Sword Grips the Shape of their Gods... Perhaps this explains the expression "Soul of the Sword" I read in the Finn MacCool Legend...

The Sax, Spears and Axes (all things used in daily life) were used by Germanic Peasants as Arnament. They also used Wooden Shields, which became a real Classic and were indeed used until Gunpowder reached the Battlefield. I think all know it:


But Germanics weren't only rude Bastards going to War (and they were very good at this point) but also CULTURAL People. As we found this:


The Germanic Priests and the Celtic Druids had a high knowledge of the Stars, even if the Dish looks Dork but it is indeed important. The Celts and the Germanics had no Calendar, a roman Invention, so their Priests watched the Stars and with their Changeing Position and formations the knew how late it was in the year. This Way they could tell the Farmers when they should seed (Similar happened 3000 years before the Germanics in Egypt, the Nileflood was announced through observation of Stars).

The "Thing" needn't be explained I hope, through it is the most important Element of Germanic Culture. "Germani consilium habet" is a sentence that you will oftenly read in roman sources. It was the Council of the Villagers and decided who would be the Village Chieftan and how the region should act in politics. How that developed? Easy, I guess you all did it: Political Discussions in Pubs. Imagine the Discussions and their Results would be gouverment of a small region, then you know what the Thing is.

Like the "Democratic Vision" in early rome moralised the Romans, the Thing was great involver of Germanics to their Duke's politics. As divine Law, the Result of the Thing which was held by Presence of Aristocraths and Priests, it was obviously that all followed the track that was once decided.

Runes were first used as Oracle Signs. When the Romans reached Germania the Germanics developed them to a writeable Script which is saved until today. Click on the Link to get it as Font here (saved as "älteres Futhark"):


They also have acient Greek Script as Font, so perhaps a good Link for Rome-Friend too.

So I'd please CA to put in following things to RTW...

Starwatch - Religious Building for Gauls, Germanics and Brits

Thingsquare - Exclusive Building for Germanics with bonus on Loyality of the Region and Unit Morale

Mounted Spearchuckers - Unit for Germanics

Edeling Infantry and Edeling Cavallary - Units for Germanics (these are Chieftans -> Knights of the Germanics, ELITE)

A small Campaign with Arminus - Varusbattle and forth...

Employ some Runes as Symbols for Germanic Units... In Battle there are Flags for the Units to seperate them more easyly, so why not put some Runes in for Celts/Germanics? Would be Realistic since it were, as said, Oracle Signs...


I'd hope ShadeFlanders was here, he could add a lot of this else...

What do you say?