This thread is for the listing of settlements and castles to be noted on the Narnia TW map. Officially, these number c.25 if one is generous with the term "settlement", but around 80-100 are needed for a map that takes a decent time to conquer.

The distinction between settlements and castles is made because their populations will grow differently. Castles will have very low population growth, but start off with better walls, and the option of building higher-end buildings.
Settlements will be ordinary RTW cities. Incidentally, could someone contact the Chivalry TW team, to ask how they made their castles on the battlemap?

Right then... the list begins... Note that these are not time-zone specific, and occur throughout Narnian history. Most are official settlements (mentioned in the books), but I have extrapolated a few from notable landmarks that would have settlements/landmarks.
Anvard (Archenlander castle)
Avra (Lone Island settlement on the island of the same name)
Azim Balda (Calormene settlement)
Beaversdam (Narnian settlement)
Beruna (Narnian settlement)
Redhaven (Lone Island settlement on the island of Brenn)
Burnt Island village (Lone Island settlement, needs a name)
Cair Paravel (Narnian castle/settlement depending on timezone)
Calavar (Calormen province, needs a capital city)
Castle of Miraz (nerve centre of Telmarine Narnia - probably a settlement)
Chippingford (Narnian settlement)
Dancing Lawn (Narnian settlement - I did say I was being generous with the term)
Deathwater Island (Lone Island settlement - of course a village would be placed there, to take advantage of the magic-gold-lake. Gold mines, anyone?)
Narrowhaven (Lone Island settlement on the isle of Doorn)
Felimath (Lone Island island/settlement)
Galma (Lone Island settlement - ship handling bonuses if poss.)
Harfang (Castle or settlement for the Harfang Ettins)
Ilkeen Palaces (Calormen settlement on the shores of lake Ilkeen, where Ahoshtah Tarkaan has his palace. The sentiment given is that there are others too.)
Merzeel (Calormen settlement near the Valley of the Thousand Perfumes)
Muil (Seven Isles settlements)
South Hall (Archenland settlement, capital of the Southern Marche)
Tashbaan (Calormen capital city)
Teebeth (Calormen settlement)
Tehishbaan (Calormen settlement)
Westhold (Narnian settlement, capital of the Western Marches)
Zalindreh (Calormen city)
Bearswick (Narnian settlement, based on the Home of the Bulgy Bears from PC) - if ZoR is used, where Bears would be recruited from?
Underhold (Narnian settlement, based on Trufflehunter's Cave from PC) - if ZoR is used, where Badgers would be recruited from?

Incidentally, there is an extrapolated map of the world of Narnia at
thanks to the lads from NarniaMUSH