Quote Originally Posted by King Orko
Europa universalis got too many nations I remind you, each nation of the world that times is in the game
There is no such thing as too many possibilities. It makes me sick that the likes of Ireland has been summed up into one rebel city, instead of Leinster, Munster, Tyrone, etc.

The Holy Roman Empire is supposed to be MANY nations, with an emperor governing them and generally disciplining them as well. I dont see Burgandy anywhere, which just pisses me off, considering that they were fairly large by 1450.

Speaking of idiotic design decisions, has anyone noticed that you can play as spain? Spain, people. Spain didnt exist, as far as I know. Aragon and Castille existed, but not Spain.

Also, Morocco, Tunesia, Tripoli, Algiers, should all be playable factions.

Lets see here... The Mongols are a decent addition, but they should be a standard faction, and playable. Speaking of which, the map should be extended to Japan at the very least, and include areas such as Timbuktu.

This game just sucks, man. The only thing worth playing it for are the battles, and the worst AI ever created ruins that.

All I can do is wait and whine until MTR comes out, I suppose. RTR was pretty good, and this should be even better, provided that it doesnt get screwed up with this nonsense of "Gameplay". Ugh. Fricken gamers.