I got bored with studying this Saturday so I decided to have a shot at the Mapuche which Fili already did a really good job skinning. We will end up using whichever models we think best for the final release. Thought I'd post my go here for you to see. ;) After all, what is a weekend, without a preview?

First up is the inexperienced, but hearty (and hardy) Novice Warrior.
What he lacks in armour, weaponry, and skill he makes up for with incredible courage and brute strength!

Many years of hardship and experience teach Novice Warriors (the hardway) wisdom, skill (that was given to them in training), and discipline. These Elder Warriors (while not as Hardy as the Novice Warriors) are a well disciplined force that is bad news for any enemy force!

Bola's anyone? Again you will notice that the unit is holding their (stiff) bola's like clubs, that is because they are now actually club warriors. They will be bola warriors in the release. ;)

While the Mapuche Bowman's bow may not pack a load of punch against armoured opponents, it is lethal against the predominant unarmoured troops of the area.

The Mapuche Skirmisher on the other hand is immensly effective even against the most heavily armour troops of the area. As with all Mapuche troops, they have a barbaric but brutal club to fall back on.

Bring on the man-boobs!! :P
Here are the stone-clubman of the Mapuche army. One hit from their stone club can crush a man's head in!!

The stone-axemen (while still having the same man-boobs :D) has the advantage of being able to pierce even the armour of Spaniard Conquistadors!

The manboob brigade is back again, but this time with a massive skull-crushing stonehammer!!

The MBB recieves an advantage in distance with these fearsome spearmen!

MASSIVE clubs and decrative ponchos! The ladies can't resist these guys!!

The going gets sexier with these Mapuche Elite Spearmen! BAMBOO!!

Finally, the man who commands all of these warriors: The General himself!!

Notice the detail of the axe!

I think I will post a few more. Sorry, but I really like these guys. ;)



Hope that you enjoy. ;)