would Mongol's light cav recieve Any big bonus like in accuracy and/or rate of fire?
It seem lke that if they are about the same as japanese cav Archers then they can't really be the backbone because they are really short on staying power.

Also what about Mongol light Cav's unit size. I really don't mind if they are smaller sized, because, it seems like that smaller sized units are easier to manuever on the battle field then a unit of bigger size.
Although they must pack at least the firepower of a comparative "bigger" japanese unit so that the much vaunted Mongolian Shoot -and-Scoot will work.

I am a bit worried at the Mongol Light Cav/heavy cav Combo, if they are aren't any Much better then Japanese units in quaility, they may be destroyed very quickly... especially on blood consuming missions such as beach assauls and Bridges.

remember much Vaunted Takeda CAvalry? Stick in 2 Ashiguru in front of them and they are pinned.

[This message has been edited by Kelvar_Mongol (edited 04-17-2001).]