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Thread: Army lists

  1. #1
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Army lists

    Here I'll post the latest internal versions we had. To be updated.

    - [MAJOR.MINOR] Units with same major number before should have same unit entry in descr_units file. Units with same major number but different minor numbers refer to them having different skins, but they still have same unit entry in descr_units file. If the "minor number" is an X it means the unit will use same skin for all factions that use it.
    - A unit with "M" in front of it should be recruitable for all factions in the descr_units file entry for that unit - even if they aren't listed under each faction in the lists below.


    M[1] Fyrd archers (bow and scaramax)
    M[2] Fyrd slingers (sling and scaramax)
    M[3] Saxon Fyrd (spear and round shield)
    M[4] Northrumbian Fyrd (light axemen)
    M[5] Mercian Fyrd (long knife)

    [6] Select Fyrd (more professional fyrd)
    M[7] Burwaran (short spear infantry, cheap garrison unit)
    M[8] Seamen (burwaran from coastal areas)
    M[9] Saxon light cavalry (spear and javelin)

    [10] Butescarles (viking auxiliary huskarls, heavy axemen)
    [11] Saxon Thegns (armored "knights" of very low quality)
    [12] Lithsmen (high quality heavy spearmen)

    [13] Saxon Huscarles (local saxon huskarl force, cheaper and easier to recruit than butescarles)

    M[14.1] Ceitherne (spear and dart levies)
    M[15] Pictish gaenaghta (light spearmen, small round shield)
    M[16] Pictish taghnaghta (light axemen, small round shield)
    M[17.1] Soaighdier (militia archer, can hide in long grass)
    M[18.1] Sleanaghta (spear, heavy throwing spears, large round shield, leather helmet, leather vest/coat)

    M[19.1] Tuanaghta (axe, heavy throwing spears, large round shield, leather helmet, leather coat)
    M[20] Regyddite bognaghta (archers, ZOR southern Scotland)
    M[21.1] Guirran (light cavalry, overhand spear, large round shield, javelins, leather helmet, leather coat)

    [22.1] gaemornaghta (long two-handed spear, phalanx, leather helmet, leather coat)
    [23.1] claiomhnaghta (mid-length swordsmen, javelins, large round shield, leather helmet, leather coat)
    [24] ridire (heavy infantry, axes, large-ring chain armor, large round shield, iron conical helmet, throwing spears)
    [25.1] amguirran ridire (heavy cavalry, axes/swords, lance, large-ring chain armor, large round shield, iron conical helmet without nose guard, very expensive)

    [26] criosionaghta (crossbowmen, leather armor, iron helmet, cudgel/mace backup)
    [27.1] arras (foot nobles, longswords, chain armor, large round shield, iron conical helmet, javelins, expensive)
    gaelo-british arras (two-handed axe, no shield, otherwise much like arras)

    M[14.2] ceitherne (spear and dart levies)
    M[17.2] soaighdier (militia archer, can hide in long grass)
    M[28] maiobhanaghta (slingers, small round shield, knife backup, better than the soikernbannal)
    M[18.2] sleanaghta (spear, heavy throwing spears, large round shield, leather helmet, leather vest/coat)

    M[19.2] tuanaghta (axe, heavy throwing spears, large round shield, leather helmet, leather coat)
    M[21.2] guirran (light cavalry, overhand spear, large round shield, javelins, leather helmet, leather coat)

    [22.2] gaemornaghta (long two-handed spear, phalanx, leather helmet, leather coat)
    [23.2] claiomhnaghta (mid-length swordsmen, javelins, large round shield, leather helmet, leather coat)
    ridire (heavy infantry, axes, large-ring chain armor, large round shield, iron conical helmet, throwing spears)
    [25.2] amguirran ridire (heavy cavalry, axes/swords, lance, large-ring chain armor, large round shield, iron conical helmet without nose guard, very expensive)
    [29] rastriagha (fanatics)
    [30] caeisornaghta (macemen, round-headed mace - not flanged, like medieval period mace, round shield, throwing spears, leather helmet, padded armor)

    [27.2] arras (foot nobles, longswords, chain armor, large round shield, iron conical helmet, javelins, expensive)
    inishnaghta (heavy cloaks, no armor, large round shield, bipenne axe - two blades, heavy throwing spears, leather helmet, painted skin)

    M[31] Cymri Dynne (short bows of very good quality)
    M[32] Welsh Skirmishers (low defense, low attack, good charge, short spears, javelins, not that much anti-cav bonus)
    M[33] Welsh Spearmen

    M[34] Cymri Dynneabhr (longbowmen, long range, armor-piercing, fast fire rate)
    M[35] Welsh Warband (medium defense, medium attack, good charge, longer spears, javelins/darts)
    M[36] Welsh Axemen (axe and javelin, medium shield, good attack, can hide in long grass)
    M[37] Welsh Cavalry (spear and javelin, light cavalry)
    [38] Dumnonian Cavalry (good medium/heavy cavalry however no match for the best feudal or frankish knights, better than saxon sergeants in meleé but less impressive than the best saxon knights, ZOR west wealas, removed by script after early period)

    [39] Early Teulu (spear and javelins, chainmail, helmet, shield, almost equivalent to frankish knights but the small unit makes them weaker in total, expensive)
    [40] Welsh Bandits (axe or sword and bow, medium shield, can hide in long grass)

    [41] Teulu (lance, chainmail, helmet, shield, almost equivalent to feudal knights but the small unit makes them weaker in total, expensive)


    The skins could be different for the factions Normandy, WFK, CFK, EFK, but they should all have same unit entry in the descr_units file
    M[42] Coloni Spearmen (cheap levies, light wooden spears)
    M[43] Coloni Slingers
    M[44] Liberi Spearmen (spears and large shields, medium spearmen)
    M[45] Liberi Archers
    M[46] Pueri (light scout cavalry, sword and throwing spears)
    M[47] Early Norman Milites (Normandy only, viking-looking militia)

    M[48] Early Carolingian Milites Pedites (heavy armor, axes, low discipline)
    M[49] Early Carolingian Milites (heavy cavalry, spears and swords, large shield, very good morale, elite, low discipline)
    [50] Early Comes (heavy cavalry, spears and swords, armored, very good morale, elite, low discipline, requires feudal province)

    M[51] Late Southern Milites
    M[52] Late Southern Milites Pedites
    M[53] Late Northern Milites
    M[54] Late Northern Milites Pedites
    M[55] Breton Devroet (spear and javelin, fast medium cavalry, ZOR: Britanny)
    M[56] Flemish infantry (fast, good morale, ZOR)
    [57] Late comes (heavy cavalry, spears and swords, armored, very good morale, elite, low discipline, requires feudal province)
    [58] Feudal Milites (Normandy only, requires feudal province)
    [59] Urban militia (HRE only)
    M[60] Genoese crossbowmen (very good crossbowmen, long range and good penetration, very slow fire rate, ZOR: Genoa area)

    [61] Paladin (heavy cavalry)
    [62] Knights Templar (WFK only, 3 turns training, ZOR Jerusalem and France only, unlocked by event)
    [63] Knights Hospitaller (CFK and EFK only, 3 turns training, ZOR Jerusalem, France and HRE only, unlocked by event)

    [64] Ballista
    [65] Mangonel

    Stipendarii (heavy cavalry)
    Italian Mercenary Archers
    Italian Mercenary Pikemen



    TO COME - but we need help with research for this faction first!


    M[66] Slavic Spearmen
    M[67] Alan Archers (no armor, ZOR: north and southeast of Caspian sea)
    M[68] Slavic Archers (no armor, short range, ZOR: western provinces)
    M[69] Alan Cavalry (high-quality light cavalry, anti-cav bonus, low to medium morale, ZOR: provinces north of Caspian sea)
    [70] Khazar Auxilia Horse Archers (light horse archers, low morale, bad meleé)

    M[71] Arsiyah Spearmen (equivalent to normal spearman unit, ZOR: Khazar core provinces)
    [72] Khazar Archers (light armor, cost more than the alans, longer recruit time)
    M[73] Bactrian camels (anti-cavalry bonus, slow, not overly impressive stats, fairly expensive, maybe small unit to limit their effectiveness and desirability, ZOR: provinces north of Caspian sea)
    [74] Khazar horse archers (bow and sword, pretty good also in meleé, good morale)
    M[75] Arsiyah Cavalry (heavy cavalry, expensive, ZOR: Khazar starting provinces)

    [76] Khorasian Guard Spearmen (heavy spearmen, chainmail, very expensive)
    [77] Khorasian Guard (heavy infantry, chainmail, very expensive)
    [78] Musicians (no fighting ability, unnerve opponents)

    [79] Khazar Royal Cavalry (very expensive, chestplate horse armor, armored rider, bow and sword)

    [64] Ballista
    [65] Mangonel
    [80] Heavy Mangonel

    M[81] Kabarok (very light horse archers, bow, fast, good stamina, removed by Christian conversion)
    M[82] Besenyok (very light horse archers, bow, fast, good stamina, Christian appearance, unlocked by Christian conversion)
    M[83] Magyar foot archers (light archers, limited melee ability)

    [84] Early Vitézek (light horse archers, bow, greater range, sword backup, removed by Christian conversion)
    [85] Late Vitézek (see above, unlocked by Christian conversion, same as early vitézek but with more Christian appearance)
    [86] Koplyások (medium cavalry archers, short bow, lance and small round shield, leather armor, removed by Christian conversion)
    [87] Várjobbágyok (medium cavalry archers, short bow, lance and small round shield, leather armor, fairly good in melee, unlocked by Christian conversion)

    [88] Szekely (sword and bow, elite, small unit, ZOR: pannonian region)
    [89] German knights (heavy cavalry of eastern frankish appearance and stats, unlocked by Christian conversion)

    [90] Köplények (heavy cavalry, chainmail, lance and sword, removed by Christian conversion)
    [91] Varjág Testorök (heavy cavalry, lance, shield, short shafted axe, chainmail, unlocked by Christian conversion)

    M[66] Slavic Spearmen
    M[92] Slav Javelinmen (short spears and javelins, quite fast moving)
    M[68] Slavic Archers

    [93] Imnnik (armored spearmen, fairly long spear, shield, maybe phalanx formation)
    [94] Bulgar Swordsmen (maybe to be called chigot instead?, medium infantry, armed with sabers, light to medium armor)
    [95] Bulgar Archers (high-quality composite bow archers, wearing a conical hat with fur on it)
    [96] Bulgar Druzhina (medium cavalry, spear and round shield)
    [97] Zera (light cav archers, conical helmets, leather armour, composite bows, sabers, weak melee)

    [98] Bagaturs (heavy lancers with sabers, rider looks much like katapraktoi riders, horse armored only with chestplate, faster than kataphraktoi)

    [99] Bulgarian Boyars (heavy cavalry, saber and bow, elite unit, very expensive)

    [64] Ballista





    M[101] Peltastoi (skirmishers, javelin and spear)
    M[102] Psiloi slingers
    M[103] Psiloi Toxotai (archers)
    [104] Skoutatoi (spear and sword, large shield)
    M[105] Trapetzitoi (light cav, lance, sword)

    [106] Skutatoi archers
    [107] Sagittoi (horse archers, bow and sword, also known as "Hippeis Toxotai")
    M[108] Thematic Kataphraktoi (lance and sword, ZOR: armenian provinces)

    [109] Heavy Skoutatoi (spear and sword, large shield, chain mail)
    [108] Tagmatic Kataphraktoi (lance and bow)
    [110] Klibanophoroi (lance and mace)
    [111] Menavlatoi (sword and pilum)
    [112] Early Varangian Guard (axe and shield, chainmail, one of the best shock infantry units in the game, so very good attack stats and morale)

    [113] Immortals (very heavy cavalry, very expensive)
    [114] Late Varangian guard (axe and shield, chainmail, one of the best shock infantry units in the game, so very good attack stats and morale)

    [64] Toxoballista (it's the same as the ballista, but for byzantines it has a different name)
    [65] Manganika (same as the mangonel, but for byzantines it has a different name)
    [80] Spendones (same as heavy mangonel, but for byzantines it has a different name)


    [115] Trell Hunters (low-quality archers)
    [116] Trell Spearmen (very low quality spearmen)
    M[117] Bondi Spearmen (spearmen)
    M[118] Svirrur (javelinmen)

    [119] Viking Spearmen
    [120] Viking Archers
    [121] Leidangsmen (militia and garrison infantry, also known as "landsmen")
    Karls (high quality bodyguard unit)
    [122] Gestr (medium to heavy infantry, frightens infantry)

    [123] Geirrmen (armored spearmen)
    [124] Huskarls (the best of the karls)
    [125] Hirdmen (elite unit)
    [126] Hird Archers (elite unit)
    [127] Bersekers (requires pagan religion)
    [128] Horsemen (very weak cavalry, unarmored but still slow, low stats)

    [129] Birkebeiner Spearmen
    [130] Birkebeiner Archers
    [131] Joms Vikings (ZOR: Jomsborg)
    [132] Danish Thanes (Denmark only!, danish "knights", small unit, weaker than most other knights)

    Last edited by Rodion Romanovich; 03-06-2006 at 13:28.
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  2. #2

    Default Re: Army lists


    Abstract of my proposal for an Asturias army.

    T: type; N: number; A: attack; C: charge; M: missile; D: defence; W: weapon; H: helmet; Ar: armour; S: shield; Mo: morale; St: stamina; Co: cost.

    To see shield forms:
    almendrado: almond-sheeped; adarga: round

    Magnates palatii: T: heavy cavalry (royal bodyguard) N: 12-18, A: strong; C: very strong, D: good; W: spear, sword or axe, H: iron northern-style. Ar: mail coat, S: almond, painted, Mo: excellent, St: good, Co: non-recruitable/very expensive.
    Nobiliores: T: medium cavalry, N: 24, A: good; C: strong, D: good, W: spear, sword, H: iron, Ar: mail coat, S:almond, painted, Mo: very good, St: good, Co: expensive.
    Infanzones: T: light cavalry, N: 40, A: average; C: good, D: average, W: spear, sword, H: leather, Ar: leather or mail coat, S: round, plain, Mo: good, St: good, Co: average.
    image of infanzon:
    Vilanii equites: T: missile cavalry, N: 40, A: weak, C: average, M: good, D: weak, W: javelin, sword, H: leather, Ar: leather, S: round, Mo: good, St: good, Co: cheap (for cavalry).
    Pedones: T: spear infantry, N: 120, A: average, C: weak, D: good, W: spear, H: leather, Ar: leather, S: almond, plain, Mo: average, St: average, Co: cheap. Can make shield wall. (You can use as levy troops)
    picture of cristian pedon
    Concilium militia: T: spear infantry, N: 80, A: good, C: average, D: good, W: spear, H: leather or iron, Ar: mail coat, S: round, plain, Mo: good, St: average, Co: quite expensive. Can make shield wall
    image of a concilium militia:
    fideles nobiliores . T: Heavy spearmen, N: 60, A: very good, C: good, D: strong, W: spear, sword, H: iron, Ar: mailcoat, S: almonded, Mo: Very good, St: good, Co: expensive/very expensive.
    This unit is equal to "dismounted nobles", represent the personal infantry guard of nobles and fill the gap caused in the asturian army due to its lack of heavy reliable infantry. Fideles nobiliores were the heirs of gardingii or bucelarii of germans and later romans: a personal warband loyal to a lord or noble. In other words, the best infantrymen avalaible, the hard nucleus of a warrior line and rare and unusual (no more than 1 unit in an average army, thats because they shuold be expensive in recruit and manteinance).
    Here you have some images: (black and white image)

    Asturianii montanii: T: swordmen infantry, N: 80, A: good, C: strong, D: weak, W: sword, H: no, Ar: no, S: round, Mo: very good, St: excellent, Co: quite cheap. Battle cry
    Vascones tribus: T: missile infantry, N: 80, A: good, C: strong, M: good, D: good, W: javelin, sword, H: leather, Ar: leather/no, S: Oval, painted (with tribal-celtic signs) Mo: excellent, St: excellent, Co: average. Battle cry
    Sagitarii: T: bowmen infantry, N: 80, A: weak, C: average, M: average, D: weak, W: Frankish Bow, short sword, H: No, Ar: No, S: No, Mo: weak, St: average, Co: quite cheap.
    Pastores: T: slinger infantry, N: 80, A: average, C: average, M: good, D: weak, W: sling, stick, H: No, Ar: No, S: No, Mo: average, St: good, Co: cheap.

    Asturianii and vascones can be recruited as mercenaries (Asturianii at Gallecia and Legio-Asturias, Vascones at Castilla and Navarra). As well as pastores or vilanii equites at all provinces.
    Pastores are slinger shepherds recruited for war, so their appearance should be similar to any sheep shepherd.

    I only found this page about vascones appearance
    IMO they must be something similar to scutarii falcata of RTR, but dressed in fashion of IX century, not in fashion of III BC century.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Army lists


    My proposal for andalusian army.

    T: type; N: number; A: attack; C: charge; M: missile; D: defence; W: weapon; H: helmet; Ar: armour; S: shield; Mo: morale; St: stamina; Co: cost.

    Arab noble cavalry: T: heavy cavalry (royal bodyguard), N: 20, A: good, C: very good, D: very good, W: spear, curved sword, H: iron, Ar: mail coat, S: oval, Mo: excellent, St: good, Co: very expensive.
    Arab light cavalry: T: light missile cavalry, N: 40, A: average, C: good, M: average, D: average, W: arab bow, curved sword, H: leather, Ar: leather, S: round, Mo: good, St: good. Cost: expensive.
    Andalusian cavalry: T: medium cavalry, N: 40, A: good, C: very good, D: good, W: spear, curved sword, H: iron, Ar: mail coat, S: round, Mo: good, St: average, Cost: expensive.
    Berber cavalry: T: missile cavalry, N: 60, A: average, C: good, M: excellent, D: average/weak, W: javelin, sabre, H: no, Ar: no/leather, S: oval or bilobed, Mo: good, St: excellent. Co: average
    Image of berber cavalry:
    Negros: T: heavy Sudanese swordmen (personal guard of calipha), N: 60, A: very strong, C: strong, D: strong, W: curved sword, H: iron, Ar: no, S: no/bilobed, Mo: excellent, St: excellent, Co: very expensive
    Mamaliks (slave professional warriors): T: heavy slavic spearmen, N: 80, A: strong, C: good, D: strong, W: spear, sword, H: iron, Ar: mailcoat, S: round, Mo: excellent, St: good, Co: expensive.
    Image similar to mamaliks: (coloured paint)
    Murtazika: T: heavy berber spearmen, N: 80, A: good, C: good, D: very good, W: spear, sword. H: leather, Ar: leather, S: bilobed, Mo: good, St: good, Co: quite expensive.
    Muttawia: T: light berber infantry, N: 120, A: weak, C: average, M: good, D: average, W: javelin, spear, H: no, Ar: no, S: bilobed, Mo: average, St: good, Co: cheap.
    Muyahids (jihad warriors): T: swordmen infantry, N: 80, A: good, C: strong, D: average, W: sword, H: leather/no, Ar: no, S: oval/bilobed, Mo: very good, St: very good, Co: average. Religious boost morale when combat christian or pagan
    Rigal (andalusian line infantry): T: medium spearmen, N: 80, A: good, C: average, M: good, D: very good, W: javelin, spear, sword, H: leather/iron, Ar: mailcoat, S: round, Mo: good, St: average, Co: a bit expensive. Can make shield wall
    Image of andalusian rigal:
    Rabita (frontier levy troops): T: light infantry, N: 120, A: average, C: average, D: good, W: spear, sword, H: leather, Ar: leather, S: round, Mo: average, St: average, Co: average. You can use as levies.
    Image of rabita:
    Rumat al-sinniya: T: Bowmen infantry, N: 80, A: weak, C: average, M: good, D: weak, W: Frankish bow, short sword, H: leather, Ar: no, S: oval, Mo: average, St: good. Co: cheap/average

    Cavalry spear or lance: rumh
    Heavy spear: qanah
    Mail coat: mudarra
    Round shield: turs
    Oval shield: daraka
    Javelin: mazarik
    Catapult: arrada
    Heavy Onager: Manchaniq.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Army lists

    i suggest a new unit for al andalus
    mawaly heavy cavalry:there parent was slave of the umayades and the ummayade give then there liberty,we cal then in arabic 'mawaly bani umaya'
    they preserve there loyality to the ummayade.
    N: 40, A: good, C: very good, D: very good, W: spear, curved sword,H: leather, Ar: leather, S: oval, Mo: excellent, St: good, Co: expensive.

  5. #5
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Ive got a new unit for Al-Andalus.
    Mercenary Tuaregs. Berber camel infantry with strong attack, these were nomadic camel warriors that made their lives raiding caravans on the sahara and were hired as mercanaries for their amazing skill in battle. In fact, when the Ottomans tried to occupy most of Algeria and Libya, they subdued all of the tribes except for the tuaregs whom they feared more than anyone else.

    And one for the Abbasids.

    Hashishin, or "assassins". Originally being from the persian Nizaris or sevener shiism, They were belived to smoke hashish to get in the mood for killing. Their weapon of choice was the dagger and made their fame known across both the christian and muslim world for their inept ability for assassination. In fact the name "assassin" is derived from their original farsi name (I can't remember it now )

    Ya Misr!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Army lists

    this is some almoravides units
    if some one want add almoravide faction or add some almoravide unit
    Comparsa Almoravides

  7. #7
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Here are some artifacts I found, the 9 swords of Muhammed and Ali, They were housed by the Sherif of Mecca until the Turks took it from them along with other artifacts.

    Ya Misr!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Army lists

    very nice

  9. #9

    Default Re: Army lists

  10. #10
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Can you give us some info on Almoravid/Almohad units?
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Army lists

    ok.i'm searching.

  12. #12

    Default Re : Re: Army lists

    Almoravides:is a Berber dynasty from the Sahara which nder this dynasty the Moorish empire was extended over Morocco, Mauritania, Gibraltar, Tlemcen (in modern Algeria) and a great part of what is now Senegal and Mali in the south, and Spain and Portugal in the north. The name is derived from the Arabic Murabit, variously translated as religious ascetic or warrior monk like the order of templar or teutonic khnights.there units were very fanatics and brave(the "al motamid" the king of sevilla(taifas)say 's to alphonse VI that almoravides can aete rock).
    The most powerful of the invading tribes was the Lamtuna (some scr arabic They claim descent from Himyar yemen, one of the South Arabian eponyms. Genetic evidence suggests they may be descended from Arab invaders).

    The Black robed Murabbitin or Lamtuna were noted for their clothing, which could be green, but was usually black and their discipline. Christians and Arabs alike were terrified by their complex manoeuvres to the sound of pounding drums. The armies had a high standard of tactics and some high quality cavalry and infantry. Notably the Black guard, which consisted of a cavalry formation and fierce Negro infantry in Black robes. They also introduced the 'Deguello' the spine tingling, strident bugle call for no quarter used at the start of modern bull fights.

    Camels are not extensively recorded outside of Africa although some historians record their use at the Battle of Sagrajas, where an Almoravide/Andalusian alliance annihilated the Christian army and set the seal on a continued Almoravide presence in Espana.
    if we wan create knwon type of unites who had used by al moravides we must read some resources about the great battle of zallaqa,this battle was won by the almoravides:


    The armies appear to be comprised of various groups (Kennedy, 1996): Al-Murabitun, Mercenaries, Slave soldiers, Andalusian Volunteers, Guards.

    Al-Murabitun. Berbers of the Lamtuna, Guddala and Massufa, but possibly any Sanhaja.

    Andalusian Volunteers (Muttawia) or mujahidin also monk warrior.

    Christian. The Murabitun employed Christian mercenaries and converted prisoners (Nicolle, 1988).

    Guards. Ibn Tashfin formed a guard of slave soldiers - 2,000 blacks, 500 uluj, and Andalusian horsemen (Kennedy, 1996; Nicolle, 1988). Nicolle says the blacks were horsemen, but Kennedy only says the Uluj were. Nicolle also says the uluj were non-Berber including Arabs, Turks and Europeans, but Kennedy suggest they were probably of Frankish origin. .

    The Murabitun used camels - later armies had 30,000 available - although as time when on they relied more on cavalry (Nicolle, 1988).

    The mercenaries and slave soldiers adopted the veil in imitation of the Al-Murabitun .

    Most Al-Murabitun fought on foot with a front rank of long spears and javelinmen behind (Kennedy, 1996; Nicolle, 1988). The commander of each unit carried a flag that was used to direct his men: stand when the banner is up and kneel when the banner is lowered. Under Ibn Tashfin and subsequently Murabitun made use of war drums (Nicolle, 1988).

    The Al-Murabitun armies could reach 20-30,000, but were usually smaller, for example, in 1058 Abu Bakr led a force of 400 horsemen, 800 camel men and 2,000 foot . The invasion force of 1086 had 12-20,000 men. 4,000 men were sent to the siege of Aledo. Even provincial forces were up to 5,000. In 1102 the Al-Murabitun had 17,000 horsemen in Al-Andalus: 4,000 in Seville, 1,000 in Cordoba, 1,000 in Granada, 4,000 in the Levante, and the remaining 7,000 distributed along the frontier. These figures are for horse only and it is unclear how many foot were maintained although it is worth remembering that foot considerably outnumbered horse in Al-Murabitun armies.

    Although powerful in the field, the Al-Murabitun were reliant on their Andalusian allies for expertise in siege work.

    1-the black guards:the majority was recruited from the senegal there charge were very strong,excelent defence and attack,they fight in monted horses but in the battle of zalaqa yussef ibn tashafine order they to fight on foot,i suggest that we can give the player before the battle the possibility to dismout them.(the black guards is the best unit of the almoravides)weapons :Indian swords and long javelins very heavly armored .one of them hit alphonse the VI in the battle of zallaqa.

    2-the lamtuna infantry:they like fighting a pied,heavy spearmen infantry unit,disciplined,good defence,good attack,routing for then is shame->they prefere death to run.the amir al muslimin youssef ibn tashafine were from this tribe.

    3-al moravides drummer:extra Drummer scare horses and all soldiers the almoravides use drumer in the battle of zallaqa.
    4-al moravides cammel reader:scare horses and they have bonus when attaking attaking cavalery in zallaqa they plays a great role because the cristians before that didn't see camels.weapons:indian sword or cimeter and long spear.
    5-al moravide warrior:sword man,with shield.
    6-almoravide javelin man:armed with javeline
    6-berber auxilaries:the loyality to the almoravide is not good.
    7-arab cavalry:heavy cavalery.
    8-Andalucian cavalry:medium cavalery.
    9-sudanese archer:recruited fromsenegal
    10-sudanese warrior.
    the flag i suggest this:
    i need your suggestions to develop this unit list.

  13. #13

    Default Re : Re: Army lists

    some al moravide sword

    some tuareg:the almoravides was the ancetre of tuareg

    Last edited by almazor; 04-03-2006 at 21:06.

  14. #14

    Default Re : Re: Army lists

    ifound this about almoravide unit:

  15. #15
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Those units above are all tuaregs, they still use the same unique swords even unto today. They are most noted for their sworsmanship and their swiftness and dextirity.

    Ya Misr!

  16. #16
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Very nice info Almazor.

    What about the Fatimids?Can you provide for them also?
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  17. #17

    Default Re : Re: Army lists

    thanks ,yes i can provide something about them i need time .

  18. #18
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re : Re: Army lists

    Ok there are so many units for Al-Andalus and Almoravids now. Which would be the most important 10-20 units from those lists?
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  19. #19

    Default Re: Re : Re: Army lists

    for andalucians army i think the unit list who provide nachera is a good one,if we add another heavy cavalry it would be great,i suggest:
    mawaly heavy cavalry:mawaly bani umayya,they play a great role in the history of andalucia,we find in history somes vizirs and great generals like "ghalib al nassiri" and we find abu jaafar al meshafi was a hajib of the caliph "al hakam II"
    the provenance of mawaly is from the east they was slavs of the ummayad emirs and after the fal of the ummayades caliphat they migrate to andalucia,the ummayade give them there liberty but they continue serving the caliphate.
    i think the unit list who provide nachera is good

  20. #20

    Default Re : Re: Re : Re: Army lists

    Rumat al-soudan(archer,bow)
    rumat al siniya(archer,now)
    Berber cavalry(cavalry,javelin,sabre)
    Arab light cavalry(light missile cavalry,arab bow,curved sword)
    6-berber infantry:(light berber infantry,javelin, spear,)
    Andalucians Auxilaries(light infantry,spear, sword,round shield,You can use as levies.)
    al moravide camel raiders:bonus againt horses,can rout heavy cavalry,they will probably the most powerfull camel in the

    game.armed with spear and oval shield.
    andalucians cavalry(medium cavalry, spear, curved sword, mail coat,round shield,expensive)
    the lamtuna(heavy spearmen,spear, sword,round,excellent,expensive.Can make shield wall)Religious boost morale when combat

    christian or pagan
    al moravide warrior(swordmen infantry,sword,Religious boost morale when combat christian or pagan)
    al moravide horsmen(medium cavalry,spear, curved sword,round shield,expensive)Religious boost morale when combat christian or

    al moravide spearmen(heavy spearmen,spear, sword,quite expensive)Religious boost morale when combat christian or pagan
    the black guard(heavy cavalry (royal bodyguard),spear, curved sword,mail coat)
    Last edited by almazor; 03-29-2006 at 18:06.

  21. #21

    Default Re : Re: Re : Re: Army lists

    What about the abassides did you set up a unit list?

  22. #22
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Army lists

    no, not a final one yet. Can you suggest one?
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  23. #23
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Hey, can't we put Palissa to work on some "civilised" guys?
    And did you receive Scion's work?

    Also, I am talking with Agraes about the agreement.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  24. #24
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    Hey, can't we put Palissa to work on some "civilised" guys?
    What do you mean? He's working on al-andalus and almoravids right now afaik...

    And did you receive Scion's work?
    Not yet...

    Also, I am talking with Agraes about the agreement.
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  25. #25

    Default Re: Army lists

    me and almazor nearly finished the almoravides.

    I think missing just pair units, and retune a berber i think.

    Did also 6-7 fatimids units, and a pair al andalus.

    Not bad for 2 weeks work!

  26. #26

    Default Re: Army lists

    My proposal


    LEVEL 1
    Pedones (light spearmen) Levy militia
    Asturianii montanii (light swordmen)
    Vascones tribus (missile infantry)
    Pastores (slingers)

    LEVEL 2
    Concilium militia (medium spearmen)
    Sagitarii (bowmen)
    Vilanii equites (missile cavalry)
    Infanzones (light cavalry)

    LEVEL 3
    Fideles nobiliores (heavy spearmen)
    Nobiliores (medium cavalry)

    LEVEL 4
    Magnates palatii (heavy cavalry) Royal bodyguards


    LEVEL 1
    Rabita (light infantry) Levy militia
    Rumat Al-sinniya (bowmen)
    Muttawia (berber light infantry)

    LEVEL 2
    Rigal (medium spearmen)
    Muyahids (swordmen)
    Arab light cavalry (missile cavalry)
    Murtazika (berber spearmen)
    Berber cavalry (berber missile cavalry)

    LEVEL 3
    Mamaliks (heavy spearmen)
    Andalusian cavalry (medium cavalry)

    LEVEL 4
    Negros (heavy swordmen)
    Mawaly/arab noble cavalry (heavy cavalry) Royal bodyguard

    IMO the three berber units (muttawia, murtazika and berber cavalry) should be recriuted at a special berber barrack, due to they are not mercenaries, not natural from Spain. They used to install as a military colonies at some provinces with their families.
    Last edited by Nacheras; 04-03-2006 at 17:50.

  27. #27

    Default Re : Re: Army lists

    i willchage my unit list level for the common unit who appear in the unit list of almoravides

  28. #28
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    Almazor, apart from that, can you check all of the unit lists so they are perfectly accurate?
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  29. #29
    protector of Taxandria Member Marcus Furius Camillus's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Army lists

    Great idea, adding Normandy as an independant faction. But, why not adding Norman noble cavalry, according to the Bayeux tapestry and Wace ( chronicler who wrote about Hastings and the accession of William the Bastard ( AKA William the Conqueror )) , Norman cavalry must have been an elite cavalry in the Northwest of France.
    -Once killing starts, it is difficult to draw the line

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  30. #30
    protector of Taxandria Member Marcus Furius Camillus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army lists

    -Once killing starts, it is difficult to draw the line

    - C. Cornelius Tacitus

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