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Thread: Suggestion Box

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    Default Suggestion Box

    Trawling through the various popular threads in teh forum, there are lots of people making suggestions, having ideas, and generally thinking up things they would like to see in the mod.

    Some are good ideas, some are nice if we could do them ideas, and some are pie in the sky impossible ideas. But...they are all ideas!

    Trouble is, things tend to get lost as a forum grows. Lots of suggestions are in the Eye Candy thread, others are in the faction threads ...but all run the risk of vanishing!

    Thats what this thread is for:

    Post your ideas here.... but DO NOT POST COMMENTS ON OTHER PEOPLES IDEAS. This is not a discussion thread..just a place to drop ideas that we may or may not be able to use. I will edit the threads to comment if an idea is possible or could never be done, and I will remove any posts that are not ideas....but are merely comments on someone else's idea.

    This is purely for Brainstorming ... and you never know when a crazy of the wall idea might just end up possible!

    Suggestion Summary:

    Ellydog: Strong generals.
    Possible, and something that will be worked in as our way of representing heroes and champions.

    Bloodclaw: Building names.
    Probably Possible. We are somewhat limited in terms of cultures as to how much building variation we can have. We will try to make buildings as unique as possible in terms of names, but there may be some generic naming forced upon us.

    Jargon: a few suggestions!
    Possible. A light missile unit for the mounted marauders is already made. This is listed under the armybook units as an allowable variation. Axes will be the weapon of choice, with a throwing spear to open the battle. Unit names are working titles, and will probably be fluffed up a little

    Dr Zoidberg : Thread to collect names for characters.
    Possible. Feel free to start one!

    Taranaich: Lots of Lizardman ideas!
    Need to research a little more before I can say how much of tis we can do. Whatever, the ideas you outlined will be helpful when we plan the makeup of hte Lizards armies. Lots of units suggestions which we will make use of!
    The animated mouths may or may not be possible in the way you outlined...but I have done lots of things like that before.

    KrazySigmarite: Officers as Heroes.
    Possbile...and almost certainly the way we are going to approach this for the campaign play.

    Dead Guy: Traits idea.
    Meneldil has answered this one for you..and he is the guy whi is working on this element for us :D. This will be in there.
    Last edited by Bwian; 06-01-2007 at 13:46.
    Careless Orc Costs Lives!


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