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Thread: How to use Horse Archers

  1. #1
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Post How to use Horse Archers

    How to use Horse Archers
    The text before you is a short guide on how to use one of the most trickiest units in Medieval Total War: the mounted archer. The information in this text has been gathered from these two threads:
    -Teach me how to use HA
    -Horse Archers
    The following members have contributed to these threads: Aelwyn, Crash, Doug-Thompson, Fruitfly, Ichi, Katank, mbrasher1, mfberg, Oleander Ardens, PseRamesses and others. I thank them for sharing their wisdom and hope that their combined knowledge will prove useful for countless of players.

    • How to use Horse Archers
    • Hierarchy of Horse Archers
    • Horse Archer Statistics
    • Ichi's Guide on How to Kill high valour Kataphraktoi
    • Useful replays

    How to use Horse archers
    Tips to start with:
    1) Take them of the skirmish mode because the AI probably will do more harm than good. Control them yourself. You might want to leave skirmish mode on if your micro-management skills are not that good, but prepare for some nasty surprises then. Also, skirmish mode will be turned off if you order the HA to attack with alt-click or if they are caught by enemy units. Do not forget to switch it on again.
    2) Start small. Using HA requires serious micro-managing and you don’t want to overload yourself so use one team of two or three units at most. Do not be afraid of the pause key. This may not be realistic but you need to compensate for the AI’s stupidity. A number of HA are also impetuous so you need to keep an eye on them. If you use multiple teams of HA, you will have to use pause key since it’s almost impossible to micro-manage them all.
    3) Formation is a moot point. Open formations are cumbersome but allow for more freedom of movement. Deeper close formations are compact and can turn more easily which is important if you have skirmished near the edge of the map. Thinner close formations (2 ranks) do not get an accuracy penalty and can make a 180 degrees turn faster. You can also use wedge to turn fast and then switch back to close again.
    4) Most HA have very poor morale, so build them or retrain them in a province with morale upgrades. The second most important upgrade is armour.

    To learn how to use HA, you can start a campaign as Hungary. The Early campaign gives you many spearmen and peasants to use as target practice.

    Correct use of Horse Archers
    1) Use multiple ones. Use one to draw the enemy and then run them past other HA, which are sitting still. The enemy takes a while to switch to chasing the static ones that are closer in which case your baiting and shooting HAs switch roles. After a bunch of flybys, their units will be run ragged and shot to bits.
    2) Isolate units by drawing them away and then attempt to get one HA between that unit and their army. Exhaust them by having them chase your HA all over the map. Eventually, you should get them surrounded by your HAs in which case they charge towards a HA only to have them run away and are shot by the other circling HAs and then try another only to have the same thing happen. See frogbeastegg's unit guide for an example of varangians shot up in this situation.
    Finally, if they are isolated, worn out and have lost their formation you can charge in with your HA or other units, or go harass another enemy.
    3) Avoid foot archers like a plague. At least don't missile duel them. If forced to fight them, hold down alt to force melee and charge them. Beware of strong melee archers, though.
    4) On the other hand, the mere presence of units in the enemies back already gives a morale penalty, so it not always necessary to charge.
    5) Avoid enemy light cavalry and pincer movements. This is a good reason to not use skirmish as you would end up skirmishing into your own units and get sandwiched or even into their main battle lines
    6) HA make excellent rout-chasers because they are speedy and their low melee capability don’t matter much when the enemy doesn’t fight back.

    The essential point about horse archers is NOT the casualties they cause. It is the disruption.

    HA are not light cavalry who can do some ranged damage. They are to lure the enemy away, string them out, tire them and throw them into confusion. Melee fighting should be used only as a last resort, with a few exceptions. If you have to close in, rely on the charge and don’t get stuck in a slugfest. That is not what cavalry, and least of all missile cavalry, is meant for. You can use hold formation, hold position and (sometimes) ctrl + W to disengage easier. Then you can attack again or run away, whatever takes your fancy. But be careful with the low morale-horse archers.

    Fruitfly added this specific tactic:
    There's generally a lot of unused width on the battle map when you're fighting the AI, so if I've got plenty of HA, I'll group them into two pairs on either flank. One pair sits in front of the enemy, out of range and just off to the side to bait them, while the other pair does a wide arc to get behind them without attracting too much attention. Once they're in place, I'll get one of the pair in front to advance towards their flank and try to lure the end unit or two into attacking by peppering them with arrows.

    If you can co-ordinate this approach on both flanks of the enemy (which needs 6-8 units of HA in total to be most effective), then the AI will be uncertain how to split its forces and you'll get a few units randomly breaking away from the main bunch to fight you. Once that happens, your HA are perfectly placed to encircle them and kill them off quickly and efficiently, before returning to repeat the process.

    I find it impossible to co-ordinate more than two HA raids like this without using the pause button, but if you're able to skirmish with the enemy from all four sides, you can break up their formation in no time and end up with isolated units scattered across the entire map.

    A note for the players of Shogun Total War: the tactics described in this guide also work for the two horse archer units in Shogun. In Shogun there is not such a pressing need to get behind the enemy because units do not have a shield modifier. However, the morale penalty still applies.
    The Japanese Cavalry Archer has a strong charge and a good morale, but its melee capabilities are unimpressive and it isn't faster than Japanese Heavy Cavalry. Mongol Light Cavalry is speedier, more powerful, has a better morale and a good charge too.

    Hierarchy of Horse Archers by Doug-Thompson and Katank
    Strong horse archers
    1) Russian Boyars — The best unit in this category. So good, it's scary: they are heavily armoured can take equal valour Kataphraktoi in melee. If the unit is a general, it can be used to pepper enemy from behind your lines. Very costly: 550 to buy, 105 to keep, requires armourer's guild and horse breeder's guild, but well worth it.
    Speed: Normal for cavalry.

    2) Turkish Sipahi of the Porte — Very good in combat, but difficult to obtain. Also, more mass in the unit would be nice. If this unit is a general, use as support fire. Requires a master bowyer and a master horsebreeder.
    Available only in late. Speed: Normal.

    3) Steppe Heavy Cavalry — The best missile cavalry unit you get in a regular playable faction. Heavily armored and competent in melee, and can win a missile fight with foot archers under the right circumstances. Available in Muscovy, Chernigov, Ryazan, Volga-Bulgaria, Kiev, Pereyaslavl and Khazar to all factions.
    Requires armourer's guild and horse breeder's guild. Speed: Normal.

    4) Egyptian Mameluk Horse Archers — This unit is above of the Faris, but only because a valour bonus is available in the Sinai. Build this unit there. If you get some that aren't from there from a Jihad, for example, retrain them there.
    Requirments: bowyer's guild and horse breeder's guild. Speed: Normal.

    5) Byzantine Cavalry — I have to put this one also above the Faris because this unit has good melee, which is important if they get caught. Faris have a better charge. The unit is disciplined too, which is very helpful in the hit-and-run, independent role of the HA. It does have a slightly higher upkeep cost than the Faris.
    Requires a horsebreeder, a swordsmith's workshop and a bowyer's workshop. Speed: Normal.

    6) Faris — HA with a good charge but less-than-outstanding melee. Think of them as Armenian cavalry with bows. The lower melee value hurts them a bit in chasing routers, too. If you're an Almohad train them in a province with an armourer and a weaponsmith to boost their melee. Available to the Egyptians and the Almohads.
    Requirments: same as Byzantine Cavalry. Speed: Normal.

    Fast horse archers
    1) Hungarian Szekely — The best HA unit that you can get early. Low building requirements (horse breeder) compared to other good HA. Decent morale, good melee (equal to faris) and fast, fast, fast. The combination of speed and melee makes them the best routed unit-chasers in the game.
    Speed: FAST.

    2) Golden Horde Horse Archers — Not available unless you mod the game or bribe them. However, bribery can get you a very worthwhile number of them if the Horde goes rebel. They have ridiculously low upkeep and are slightly weaker but also faster than mameluke horse archers. Even without much valour, they're disciplined and first-rate rout-chasers.
    Speed: FAST.

    3) Turkish Turcoman Horse — This unit needs retraining in a province with a ribat ASAP to boost their morale. After that, they're OK as long as they're not in a melee. Watch out for their impetuousness. They can chase routers well enough. If they aren't from Tripoli, which gets a valour bonus, retrain them there.
    Requires a horse breeder. Speed: FAST.

    4) Turcopoles — Well, at least they're better than vanilla HA. Be sure to get the valour bonus from Antioch, if possible. Only HA available to Catholic factions, in Antioch, Edessa, Syria and Tripoli. The HRE gets them at a discount.
    Requires a horse breeder. Speed: FAST.

    5) Generic HA — Replace them with something better at the first opportunity. Their morale stinks and they rout if they're touched. Great for taking over early rebel provinces, though. They shoot up peasants and spears wonderfully. They can chase routers but aren't very good at it. Available to Byzantium, Turkey, Hungary and Russia/Novgorod.
    Requirements: horse farmer. Speed: FAST

    Special category (no ranking)
    • Jinettes — These units should be used in pairs or to shoot at units pinned by other units. Use one Jinette to melee or lure, one to kill if there are no other pinning units around. Get in close and hit with those javelins. Javelins are armour piercing, so they are deadly to the Catholic forces, including royal bodyguards. You don't have to be afraid of a fight. Jinettes are also excellent melee cavalry for the price and great rout-chasers. One of the best affordable all-round cavalry units. TAKE THEM OFF THE SKIRMISH MODE
      Available to all Catholic factions and Russia/Novgorod in Navarre, Aragon, Leon, Castile, Valencia, Cordoba and Granaga. Requires: horse breeder. Speed: FAST.
    • Mounted Crossbowmen — I don't like this unit as much as many other players. Their rate of fire is too slow for hit-and-run horse archer skirmishing. However, they can be devastating to a bodyguard unit stuck in melee with something else, especially if the mounted crossbowmen get around to the back. You can also use them as flankers and rout-chasers, but their melee ability isn’t very impressive. They are also impetuous, so take care. One of the few anti-armour units available early with low tech requirements, and the only mounted archer in the VI campaign. Available to the HRE, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Russia/Novgorod and the Picts (VI).
      Requires: horse breeder. Speed: FAST.
    • Almohad Berber Camels — Anti-cavalry: think of them as a slow unit that doesn't have to worry about being charged by light cavalry. Get the valour bonus in Morocco and beware of foot archers. The big camels are vulnerable and they can't escape as quickly. Almohad only, in Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia and Cyrenacia, and requirements are a bit steep: you need a bowyer's workshop.
      Speed: SLOW.

    Horse Archers Statistics
    Name......................Cost (upkeep)*...Speed**...Bonus***..Armor...Morale.....Ammo
    Berber Camels............300 (30).........9/14/16.....2/0/0..............2.........0.............28
    Boyar..........................550 (105).......9/20/22.....4/3/5..............5.........6.............28
    Byz Cav.......................400 (85).........9/20/22.....2/3/3.............4.........4.............28
    Faris............................375 (70).........9/20/22.....4/3/1.............3.........4.............28
    Golden Horde HA.........375 (30).........9/24/26.....2/3/1.............3.........4.............28
    Horse Archers..............250 (40).........9/24/26.....2/-1/0............2........-1.............28
    Jinetes.........................250 (50).........9/24/26.....2/2/2.............3.........2..............4
    Mamluk HA...................375 (70).........9/20/22.....2/3/1.............3.........4.............28
    Mounted Xbows..........300 (50).........9/24/26......2/0/2.............3.........2.............28
    Pict Mtd Xbows............300 (35).........9/24/26.....2/0/2..............3.........2.............28
    Sipahi of the Porte......500 (53).........9/20/22......4/3/6.............7.........6.............28
    Steppe Heavy Cav.......450 (45)........9/20/22......2/3/4.............5..........4............28
    Szekely.......................375 (50).........9/24/26......4/3/1.............3..........4............28
    Turcoman HA...............300 (40)..........9/24/26.....2/1/0.............2.........-1............28
    Turcopole....................300 (40)..........9/24/26.....2/-1/1............3..........0............28

    * # ##At normal unit size
    ** # Walk/Run/Charge
    *** Charge/Melee/Defence
    (Courtesy of Ichi-san)

    Ichi's Guide on How to Kill high valour Kataphraktoi
    In every game there comes a time when I find myself fighting the Byzantines and their high valour Kataphraktoi generals. These guys are tough, and can easily handle low valor spears, swords and other cavalry.

    Here I have told a unit of Jinetes to melee with a Kataphraktoi unit, and then immediately pulled that unit back. When the Kataphraktoi chased, I surrounded it with 3 other Jinetes and made very quick work. This exploits the Kataphraktoi's one weakness, which is their slow speed. #This screenshot is from the end of the game, when all that was left was the Byzantine general.

    Here I have done essentially the same thing, but with Turcoman Horse Archers. The Turcomen are set on skirmish (as were the Jinetes) so not a lot of micromanagement.

    Elsewhere on the field at this time my other 12 units where in standard formation (missiles in front, infantry to the rear, cavalry on the flanks) holding a small knoll against the other Byz units.
    (Link to the original thread: How to kill high valor Kataphraktoi without getting mauled)

    Useful replays
    SeljukSinan's Turkish Cavalry Tactics
    This Winzip archive contains three replays made by SeljukSinan. In these replays he show some basic horse archer tactics. Turcoman Skirmish shows how a few Turkish HA trow a Byzantine army into confusion and negate its terrain advantage. Isolate gives an example of how a powerful army can be torn into pieces. Encirclement shows a back-attack by three Turcoman horse.

    Warning: these are MTW replays and do not work on VI. It is possible to make them accessible with VI by changing their extension from '.mrp' to '.vrp' but when attempting this I experienced some trouble with MTW and with Windows XP. Try this at your own risk.

    If you know other replays which show how to use horse archers and would like to share these, you can leave a message in this thread so I can put it here and other players can benefit from it.
    Last edited by Ludens; 10-14-2005 at 18:55. Reason: Wrestling with the lay-out
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  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    This is the summary of the horse archers threads. If somebody feels that something has been left out, feel free to point it out, but remember this is a summary, so keep it short.

    I would be very much obliged if somebody could give me the links to a few educative replays, or give me specific tactics for jinettes / mounted crossbowmen.
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  3. #3


    cool. thanks for putting it all together. and kudos to the original authors as well, ofc.
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  4. #4
    Typing from the Saddle Senior Member Doug-Thompson's Avatar
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    Excellent, Ludens. Boils down almost 200 posts on those other threads into something useful. It's all there, too. Good job.

    "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns."

  5. #5
    Ceasar Member octavian's Avatar
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    all i can do is say what doug said, excellent job
    60+ new units – including the mighty Indian War Elephants, Persian immortals and Indian naked female archers.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    very nice job. I must say that I would personally put GH HA and Faris above Mamluk HA but that's about it.

  7. #7
    Typing from the Saddle Senior Member Doug-Thompson's Avatar
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    I'd agree with you, katank, if that valor bonus wasn't available in the Sinai.
    "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns."

  8. #8
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    true enough so Faris is debatable. but GH HAs still are faster and to me, speed is highest thing for HAs provided they have decent morale.

    otherwise, without valor, statistically, GH HAs and mamluks are equal.

    after all, HAs depend upon mobility and you want something that could outrun heavy cav so you don't even have to test your other stats ie. melee.

    the fact that you need to stop to shoot means that fast is almost a requirement when you are fighting enemy cav with HAs.

  9. #9
    Typing from the Saddle Senior Member Doug-Thompson's Avatar
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    Ah, but Mameluke HA have a shield.

    GH-HA are definitely faster, though. That is a big advantage.

    All in all, I think the better melee of the Mamelukes makes them a more versatile unit than then GH-HA, which is more of a pure HA.
    "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns."

  10. #10
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    I personally like pure HAs and would put szeks above Steppe Heavies for same reason.

    just my 2 cents. prefer speed to power although I do have a weakness for boyars.

    after seeing them take down a katank unit in melee, I'm a convert.

  11. #11
    Typing from the Saddle Senior Member Doug-Thompson's Avatar
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    For all practical game-playing purposes, Szekelys are the best HA. The only reason they are not on the top in my list is because the proving ground performance of the other units is better.

    Well, Ottoman Sipahi aren't even available until the Late Era. Boyars ought to be better -- two of them cost as much as three Szekely and their maintenance cost is twice as high per unit, if memory serves. The building requirements are also a lot steeper.

    Steppe heavies are also more expensive than Szekely, although their maintenance cost is slightly less. However, building requirements are also high, and they can only be built in provinces that are going to be overrun by the Golden Horde unless you base your whole strategy about seizing, fortifying and defending Khazan.
    "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns."

  12. #12
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    well steppe heavies aren't bad. and are easier than boyars.

    I always fortify khazar and kiev and fight the horde since it's fun

    I like 16 szeks running around but only the Huns can access them.

  13. #13
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Katank, I have already made clear that this list was just one man's preference. It is obvious that Doug-Thompson prefers horse archers that are good at melee to the faster types. Anyone who thinks differently can easily spot from his list what kind of HA he or she should aim for.

    If you do think that this list is no good, post your own one with explanation, and I might add it. I am sorry, but I cannot do anything with the loose remarks you posted here.
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  14. #14
    Ceasar Member octavian's Avatar
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    Ludens, i dont think this was a criticism of your work rather, two players disscussing the merits of different HA
    60+ new units – including the mighty Indian War Elephants, Persian immortals and Indian naked female archers.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    ok ludens: my preferences:

    much in the spirit of Lady Froggy's light cav discussion, I find it useful to treat HAs as different categories.

    Strong and powerful (can be hybrid medium or heavy cav with 20/22 normal cav speed):

    1) Russian Boyars — Best unit in this category. can take equal valor katanks in melee and heavily armored. Completely over powered in early but gets weaker relatively as time goes on. good as general to pepper enemy from behind lines. Very costly with 550 which is more than most cav and upkeep of 105 equal to feudals. well worth it though.

    2) Steppe Heavy Cavalry — The best missile cavalry unit you get for any faction. Heavily armored and competent in melee, can be fine medium cav and armor makes ok for missile dueling although it's a bit of a waste.

    3) Turkish Sipahi of the Porte — awesome in combat but available only to Turks in Late with fairly high build reqs. THe numbers in this unit is also a bit underwhelming. If general, use as supporting fire.

    5) Egyptian Mameluke Cavalry — Equal stats as Faris except for 2 less chage but with valor bonus from Sinai, that is made up and more. Only available from High onwards though.

    6) Faris — HA with a good charge and decent attack but slightly lacking in defence. Armor them up and add some weapons if Almos and can conquer Iberia.

    6) Byz Cavalry — better defence than faris. disciplined and a must have for the Byz with nice attack. Huge upgrade over vanilla HAs. However, their support of 85 is higher than faris and mamluks which have 70 and cost wise, I rate them as lower.

    Fast (pure HAs often melee is less strong but makes up for it in mobility with fast cav speed of 24/26):

    1) Hungarian Szekely — Speedy demons. equal to faris except for higher speeds. best pure HAs IMO. 4 morale and elite is great. Unfortunately, it's uncontrolled but that's not too bad. Build reqs are scandalously low at only a horse breeder. Use them all you can.

    2) Golden Horde Horse Archers — Same stats as Mamluks except without a shield but makes up for it by faster speed. Can oly be modded or bribed from mongols. Nice in combination with assasinate Khan trick.

    3) Turkish Turcoman Horse — Worst dedicated HA. Have -1 morale just as vanilla ones. At least you have valor bonus in Tripoli and try and get them a mosque and ribat ASAP before worrying about armor. Fast though and can harass the Byz well. Turk's best bet against Byz tanks in early.

    4) Turcopoles — Better than Vanilla at least. valor bonus in Antioch and discount for HRE. redeeming quality is that it's the only HAs available to many catholic facitons except for Steppe Heavies and Crusader provinces are GAs anyhow. can help as some of the first troops up there to aid in defence and works in the desert fine due to low armor and complements your crusader troops.

    5) Generic HA — horrible due to junk morale and bad melee but best you got for a few years. kill rebel peasants and spears and drag some low level infantry across the field or just to add bullk to your mobila missile cav force if you can't field many dedicated HAs.

    Special categories (no ranking)

    Jinettes — killer melee light cav. Iberia should be taken if Catholic just for those boys in addition to farming and iron. AP ability makes assasination of royals a distinct possibility. using them in pairs is essential. Other HAs would benefit form squads but this especially due to very short range. fast and good attacker which means good router catcher too.

    Mounted Crossbowmen — available only to Germans, Italians, Poles, Huns, and Russians. Low req early skirmisher. AP is its best point and two or three cna kill impetuous RKs easily using their bolts. I call them battlefield assasins since they are so effective. After melee closes, use them to charge flanks and later chase routers. they have melee not as good as jinettes but still far better than vanill HAs. fastest for chasing routers.

    Berber Camels — Goofy unit. unique in being anticav HA. they can easily demolish light cav. they can shoot but can't get away from archers as easily. Heavy cav can also be surprised although this unit will lose. Ideal as early counter to jinettes for the Almos. Available to all Muslims and bonus in morrocco. build req a bit steep for the efficiency.

  16. #16
    Member Member ah_dut's Avatar
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    Great work Katank and Ludens

  17. #17
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Great work, Katank.
    I am a bit in two minds about what to do with it. I can just add it, but it seems rather silly if you have two rankings of best HAs. Perhaps I could merge both lists, using Katanks classification and the comments of you both.
    Do you agree with that, Katank and Doug-Thompson?
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  18. #18
    Typing from the Saddle Senior Member Doug-Thompson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Perhaps I could merge both lists, using Katanks classification and the comments of you both.
    Oh yeah. That suits me. Katank and I aren't having an argument, just a debate. A rather pleasant one at that.

    I like the idea of following froggy's lead and having strong and slow or light and fast categories. That gives newcomers a lot more detail than my simple top-10 type of list.

    I'd almost argue that the Szekely transcend the categories. They're fast AND strong.

    Also, all Muslim factions can make Bedouin camels but I think only Almos can make Berbers.

    I'll look up the building requirements of each type of HA. That ought to be included on the list because some of the requirements are quite steep.
    "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns."

  19. #19
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    yeah. I like the idea.

    personally, Doug and I have just been having a healthy discussion on the nature of HAs.

    build reqs.

    1. boyars-armor guild and horse guild

    2. steppe heavy- armor and horse guild

    3. siphai of porte master bow and master horse

    4. mamluk HA- bow guild and horse guild

    5. faris - bow shop, sword shop, horse breeder

    6. byz cav - same as faris

    7. szek- horse breeder

    8. GH HA- not buildable

    9. turcoman horse- horse breeder

    10. turcopoles - horse breeder

    11. vanilla HA -horse farmer

    12. jinettes - horse breeder

    13. mtd x-bows- horse breeder

    14. berber camels - bow shop.

  20. #20


    Bump. Can someone send this over to guide please?
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  21. #21
    Member mercian billman's Avatar
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    Sezkely are great units in MP. Their almost equal to FK in head on combat and their speed gets them out of a nasty situation. I like to use three Szekely, which allows me to keep one in reserve or Pav rush when, my opponent is focusing on the other two.

    Boyars are okay but, I don't like them in MP (I haven't used them much) they lack speed, and in a MP game speed is crucial to victory.

  22. #22
    Member Member Oleander Ardens's Avatar
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    Great summary Ludens

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]1) Hungarian Szekely — Speedy demons. equal to faris except for higher speeds. best pure HAs IMO. 4 morale and elite is great. Unfortunately, it's uncontrolled but that's not too bad. Build reqs are scandalously low at only a horse breeder. Use them all you can.
    Could not agree more. Since my first Magyar VI game I love these guys. Definatly OP in SP due to the redicolous reqs and the combo of speed and power. Togheter with Mounted Crossbowmen they will teach the Katanks and Royals a bloody lesson....

    You can build them also ASAP in a iron province - this allows them to become even more powerful as you tech up.

    "Silent enim leges inter arma - For among arms, the laws fall mute"
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  23. #23
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Edited the hierarchy. Thanks again, Katank.
    Now if somebody could point me to some replays, the guide would be complete. Oh, and is there a difference between the ordinary mounted crossbowmen and the VI (Pictish) mounted crossbowmen?

    BTW, Mameluke HA are available in early. Ordinary Mamelukes are restricted to high and late.
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  24. #24
    Chief Sniffer Senior Member ichi's Avatar
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    Excellent work Ludens.

    Note to all MP players Those Szeks I have stationed out there are just fast - not really very strong - just fast - so don't worry about them plowing into the melee or getting behind you - they are weak


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  25. #25


    i have Sinan's replays from his posts Learning how to use HA's. Where do you want me to put it/send it (if you're interested of course) ?
    Therapy helps, but screaming obscenities is cheaper.

  26. #26
    Tired Old Geek Member mfberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Ludens @ June 18 2004,10:39)]Oh, and is there a difference between the ordinary mounted crossbowmen and the VI (Pictish) mounted crossbowmen?
    Pictish mtd x-bows are the only mounted missiles in Viking era (making you as the picts unstoppable). Other than this they are identical to mtd x-bows.

    It is not complete until the overwieght female vocalizes.

    Pinky : Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
    Brain : The same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world!

  27. #27
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Blodrast @ June 18 2004,20:40)]i have Sinan's replays from his posts Learning how to use HA's. Where do you want me to put it/send it (if you're interested of course) ?
    Off course I am interested in the replays of an expert. Thank you very much .
    Unfortunatly, I do not have hosting space, or know how to host. Is it possible to upload them to the Org?

    mfberg, thanks, it has been added.

    Ichi, I've added your guide. Thank you too.

    And thanks octavian, ah_dut, mercian billman and Oleander Ardens for your compliments as well.
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!

  28. #28
    Chief Sniffer Senior Member ichi's Avatar
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    I posted this also a long time ago.

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    Stay Calm, Be Alert, Think Clearly, Act Decisively


  29. #29
    Ceasar Member octavian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (frogbeastegg @ June 18 2004,04:07)]Bump. Can someone send this over to guide please?
    u got ignored again froggy
    60+ new units – including the mighty Indian War Elephants, Persian immortals and Indian naked female archers.

  30. #30
    Member Member ah_dut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (octavian @ June 19 2004,22:36)]
    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (frogbeastegg @ June 18 2004,04:07)]Bump. Can someone send this over to guide please?
    u got ignored again froggy
    froggy do you want me to Pm the mods here (done)

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