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Thread: Army Lists

  1. #91
    Shae'en M'taal Member Andreas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army Lists

    It's a good thing to have you too

    Supporter and retired teammember of the Wheel of Time mod.

  2. #92
    Shaidar Haran Senior Member SAM Site Champion Myrddraal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army Lists

    I think thats the best way to describe them.

    Short ranged, innacurate in the extreme, but powerfull.
    In that sense they can't really be compared to being "better" or "worse" than the average shortbow, they're just different.

    Remember that thats whats great about total war (especially MTW) The units didn't really have an order of "goodness" they are all different and have different abilities. A huge part of being a good tactician is when to use which units...

    Group HUG!!!
    Yes Team, we are the best

  3. #93

    Default Re: Army Lists

    As an archer with a golf course pretty much in my back yard lol I can shoot an arrow from a recurve bow about 200 yards around every 5-6 seconds with decent accuracy...Now if I lived in the WOT im pretty sure i'd be practicing a lot more then I am now considering im a freshman in college and not at home to much...So i'd assume that a trained archer with a group of a hundred people starting 300 yards away would prob be able to pick off around 7-8 of them b4 they got to to him and thats him yea definitly make the archers more powerful and accurate and all

  4. #94
    Emperor of Seanchan Member DragonR.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Army Lists

    Yes, but can you fire an arrow every 5 seconds for three hours without stoping with enough strength to pierce armor?

    Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.
    Once for mourning, once for birth.
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    In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the shadow.

  5. #95
    WoT fanatic Member 4th Dimension's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army Lists

    And also not everyone aims the diferent target. But yes, accuracy and power of the shot definitly should be increased expecialy for Two Rivers Men.

  6. #96
    Child of the Light Member GreyHuntr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army Lists

    Historically, armor piercing arrows didn't go all the way through the armor. Usually they punched a small hole in it, forcing some of the metal inward so that it badly scraped the person inside, making it difficult to breath. Now imagine being bumped up and down on the back of a horse with a chees-grader strapped to your chest. Ouch
    "The Children have authority where there is Light. Where the Light is not, we bring it!"

  7. #97

    Default Re: Army Lists

    The Faction with Perrin should have wolves. It would be cool if Perrin's "bodyguards" were "elite" wolves. The wolves would have to not have human trainers, just Perrin. Just an idea...

  8. #98

    Default Re: Army Lists

    I think that the Knife Hands should be a type of Assasin,
    And the Dawn Runners could just be faster than everyone else???

  9. #99

    Default Re: Army Lists

    Not sure if it has been brought up, didnt check all posts but wouldnt aes sedai three oaths wouldnt stop them from weaving stuff unless in melee combat? not to mention the ashaman slaughtering armies without blinking an eye.

    aiel shold be like forester warbands. bow, spear, hide everywhere, maybe etw style moving while hidden, perhaps unlim stamina? and trollocs too with unlim stamina with no discipline so they attack as soon as they can the enemy. would it be possible to add a berserker like guy (myrdraal) to the trolloc band so if myrdraal dies trollocs die? or atleast weaken a lot.

    What about athan'amiere something? Like them being a faction or having some 1337 mercenary ships that join the dragon after some certain event?


    out of ideas for now =)
    "We'll drink the wine till the cup is dry,
    and kiss the girls so they'll not cry,
    and toss the dice until we fly
    to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

    There're some delight in ale and wine,
    and some in girls with ankles fine,
    but my delight, yes, always mine,
    is to dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

  10. #100
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army Lists

    Hello Trifle, welcome to the .Org .

    I fear, though, that the Wheel of Time project has long been abandoned. You can find alternative mods in the RTW mod and hosted mod sections.
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!

  11. #101

    Default Re: Army Lists

    Oh should have checked the date. a shame it got abandoned :/

    Thanks for the welcome =)
    "We'll drink the wine till the cup is dry,
    and kiss the girls so they'll not cry,
    and toss the dice until we fly
    to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

    There're some delight in ale and wine,
    and some in girls with ankles fine,
    but my delight, yes, always mine,
    is to dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

  12. #102

    Default Re: Army Lists

    regarding the aiel o think they should be mostly skirmish units weak to bow/crossbow fire when in the open.
    they could have the ability to hide almost anywhere and so the basic aiel tactics would be a harass/ambush type strategy.

    they would have strong spear units no swordsmen(duh) and normal archery units no cavalry though.

    they would also be weak to heavy cavalry if they were charged but as i said, skirmish units with great stealth.

  13. #103
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Army Lists

    I am sorry to disappoint you, darkraven, but this project is dead. No new threads have been started since 2007. There appears to have been an alpha release, though I don't know if the download links still work.
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!

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