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Thread: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

  1. #31
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry lifts an eyebrow as he hears the answer of Duke de Rohan.

    "It seems like that letter was yet another example of my father's idiocy."

    Thierry sighed and looked at de Rohan's poodle.

    "I prefer to stick my 'sword' into beautiful girls, you can have your dog, if that's what you like, seigneur," Thierry said, while smiling innocently.

    EDIT: as he hears the words of the Prince, Thierry nods in prince Louis' direction.

    "My apologies, seigneur, I didn't mean to cause any trouble in your noble presence."
    Last edited by Andres; 07-21-2009 at 15:45.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  2. #32
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Christophe nods his in deference to the Prince.

    As you wish, my Lord, though I doubt that anything the honorable Sir de Rethel could do would even qualify as "fighting."

  3. #33
    Loitering Senior Member AussieGiant's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    "Louis, ze German's are goers...I tell you man, they 'ave some impressive skills."

  4. #34
    Chretien Saisset Senior Member OverKnight's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow View Post
    Christophe nods his in deference to the Prince.

    As you wish, my Lord, though I doubt that anything the honorable Sir de Rethel could do would even qualify as "fighting."
    Hugues smiles

    Well Sir. . .Christophe. . .is it? We won't know until the Tourney, and then that's only a shadow of the real thing isn't it? I'm quite interested to see how my man and you fare.

    Hugues turns to Louis

    Your Highness, are you a betting man?
    Chretien Saisset, Chevalier in the King of the Franks PBM

  5. #35
    Cthonic God of Deception Member ULC's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Gaeten raises an eyebrow to Christophe's comments.

    "Are you trying to goad me into an outburst, dear seigneur, by attacking my word? I find it funny that my original assertion the devil blessed your tongue to be quite correct. Not once did I imply that it was okay to attack someone defenseless, but you are willing to step into the tourney, without sword, without lance, without shield, and so that I may not have an advantage over you, would do away with the same things - I could do no less, and nor do I think could anyone of the Fleur de Lys."

    "I think, seigneur, where your confusion doth lie, is the degree of separation when to people are considered armed, and the interpretation of the code. You prefer to take it literally, to mischievous ends, where as I take it in spirit. If you wish to continue to take it literally, the Oath requires that I never attack an unarmed foe - it does not say I cannot defend myself from one."

    Grabbing hold of a chair and twisting it around so the rear faced towards Christophe, Gaeten sat himself down and rapped his fingers upon the backing of the chair.

    "I do so love to match wits with another."
    Last edited by ULC; 07-21-2009 at 16:10.

  6. #36
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry bursted out in laughter as he was watching the duel of words between Gaetan and Christophe.
    Last edited by Andres; 07-21-2009 at 16:09.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  7. #37
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Christophe's face widens in an expression of sudden enlightenment.

    Good Sir Gaetan, thank you for explaining how it is honorable to take an oath "in spirit." It never occurred to me before that there was such an easy and acceptable excuse for violating one's word. I shall keep that in mind in the future. I expect, of course, that you will be the first to rise to my defense if ever the "spirit" of my actions does not conform to the specifics of my oaths. We will surely be the best of friends!
    Last edited by TinCow; 07-21-2009 at 16:17.

  8. #38
    Cthonic God of Deception Member ULC's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Gaetan bursts out into bawdy laughter at Christophe's response.

    "Oh come now, see, your only objective is to slander - your no fun at all. Your not matching wits, your trying to hide yours behind literalism and shallow reasoning. I would hate to see you upon a battlefield, and I pity any men under your command for such a narrowminded way of thinking. Come now, I am sure you could logically debate the whole charter, instead of dodging."

    "Although I must admit, you'd make an absolutely stunning politician."

    "If you have anything to say of some value, say it, otherwise, be silent - your souring the mood in the bar with your literalism. Have fun Christophe - here, I will buy you a drink if you want."

  9. #39
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry followed the discussion closely.

    "Seigneur de Rethel, it is common knowledge that peasants who wish to challenge their rightfull lords' authority, use their tools as weapons. But tools are not really weapons, are they? So rebelling peasants are, in fact, unarmed. And they certainly are unarmed in the so-called spirit of your flowery Order. A peasant in rags carrying a rusty dagger while facing an armoured chevalier, is as much armed as a peasant in rags fighting that same chevalier with his bare hands. "

    Thierry smiled at Gaetan.

    "So, the members of this flowery Order cannot suppress rebellions, since peasants with rusty daggers cannot be considered armed in the spirit of your rules. If all noblemen would follow the so called "spirit" of your flowery Order, then there would be no more noblemen, since the first rebellious peasant would simply kill all noblemen while they are very busy being very chivalrous by not defending themselves."

    Thierry laughed shortly and then stared Gaetan into the eyes.

    "It is our God given right to kill rebellious peasant scum, armed or unarmed. Your Order rules are all nice and shiny but it won't work in the real world, seigneur."
    Last edited by Andres; 07-21-2009 at 16:35.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  10. #40
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Christophe wears an injured expression on his face.

    Oh, please do accept my apologies, I did not intend to spoil a good night of drunken whoring. Believe what you will about me, but that is most certainly the truth. Buy me a drink indeed, and let us together raise our glasses in celebration of flexible oaths!

  11. #41
    Cthonic God of Deception Member ULC's Avatar
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    Gaetan rolls his eyes to both Theirry and Christophe.

    "Come now gentleman, you truly want to play the game this way? All weapons are items, and as items, they are neither good, nor evil, weapon, nor tool, until a human hand touches them. And thus, it is the intent of the wielder, that determines weapon from tool."

    "And yes - I would not attack my own peasantry, nor commoners, until they had moved against me, and I have every right to defend myself, and those in danger. Twist the words however you please, since you will do so anyway."

    "And Christophe, don't sound so bitter. You make it sound as if the world had wronged you."

  12. #42
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    "I see."

    Thierry pauses and then speaks again.

    "Well, seigneur de Rethel, it seems like you and me are... different. I just hope the principles and the spirit of the flowery Order don't drag our Kingdom down."

    Thierry shrugged and turned his eyes towards Christophe de Peronne.

    "And it seems like you and me are... similar."
    Last edited by Andres; 07-21-2009 at 16:55.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  13. #43
    Loitering Senior Member AussieGiant's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Rolling his eyes Alain.

    "My god, can we please end this debate and 'ave a drink. It's like a never ending story!


    Alain points to one of the girls he brought in.

    "Go and sit on that man's lap, and trying and stop 'im talking!"
    Last edited by AussieGiant; 07-21-2009 at 16:56.

  14. #44
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry points at the poodle Madoc.

    "And you, go sit on that man's lap (points at Duke de Rohan)."

    Thierry laughs.
    Last edited by Andres; 07-21-2009 at 16:59.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  15. #45
    Cthonic God of Deception Member ULC's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Gaetan shrugs at Theirry's comments.

    "Theirry, you at least have a sense of humor, and can have a drink without remorse - I think there is hope for you yet! I have yet to see the dour faced bureaucrat before me so much as even enjoy himself!"

    "Duc Alain! Is there yet more wine to be had? I could use a glass or two!"

  16. #46
    Loitering Senior Member AussieGiant's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Medoc bounds across the room and plants himself squarely on the Dukes lap, knocking him, the table and everyone else onto the floor.

    Laughing the Duke shouts.

    "Nice work de Roc'efort!

    Give this dog some ale, that way 'e can smell the Englis' and kill them."

  17. #47
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry laughs loud when he sees the Duke falling on the floor.

    While he's laughing, Thierry notices that his handsome features are drawing the attention of several girls in the tavern. A young brunette servant girl in particular catches his eye and he stands up, looking her straight in the eyes.

    "Well, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me. The tournament starts early tomorrow and I could use some more exercise."

    Thierry leaves the tavern. The brunette girl follows him silently but hardly unnoticed.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  18. #48
    Prince Louis of France (KotF) Member Ramses II CP's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Prince Louis observes the escalating war of words with a faint grin, all the while freely availing himself of the charms of the lasses on his lap and the libation on his table. When the Duke's dog upsets the table he stands, this time dumping both girls onto the floor, and shouts,

    "Ale for the dog the Duke said! Quickly now, and in quantity!"

    Turning to the Duke the Prince continues in a wry tone,

    "Now then, did you bring a bitch for your beast? Surely you've not turned to English customs already and were planning to share your own with 'em?"

    Again Louis roars with laughter at his own joke, and in swinging his arm wide upends one of the half empty wine bottles on his table. The barkeep makes a face as the bottle smashes to the floor, revealing just how precious the contents must have been. Frowning at the mess the Prince calls, in a less pleased voice,

    "Boy! Where'd my lad go?"

    As a server in the bar moves to wipe up the mess the thin man whispers in the Prince's ear, likely explaining what some others may have noticed already; that the page boy had handed the young girl what the Prince gave him and left with her while the two nobles were engaged in their debate. In an overloud whisper which perhaps indicates that the Prince had begun drinking well before his arrival at the bar he replies,

    "Wher... 'ey went? Not supp... 'eave w'out me! ... watch!"

    At which point the thin man successfully turns the Prince away from the bar to conceal the remainder of their discussion. The Prince soon returns to his seat with a bemused look, and the girls return to his lap, laughing gently at what they've overheard of the discussion and his roaming hands.

  19. #49
    Loitering Senior Member AussieGiant's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Straightening himself up the young Duke scowls at Madoc sending it to the corner of the tavern. He then replies.

    "There's not need for me to worry about that my Prince. The damn 'ound will rodger anything I tell it too, including Englis'men!"

  20. #50
    The Count of Bohemia Senior Member Cecil XIX's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    A herald enters La Taverne, bearing the colors of the Duc de Bourgogne

    "Let it be known that Duc Raymond de Provence of Bourgogne hereby accepts the challenge issued by Raoul de Châtillon during the Tournement. The Duc also offers to allow the challenger to name the time and place, if he would prefer to do so."

    With a bow to La Taverne as a whole, the herald leaves.

  21. #51
    Saruman the Wise Member deguerra's Avatar
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    Duc Raymond, it is an honour. I don't care much for time
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    (OOC: I'm online a fair amount, at least once a day. Tomorrow isn't particularly great for long availability, but on Friday I could be there all day say, if we want to get it over quickly. Keep in mind I'm on eastern Australian time)
    . As to place, I have no preference either. Somewhere with a crowd/
    Saruman the White
    Chief of the White Council, Lord of Isengard, Protector of Dunland

  22. #52
    Loitering Senior Member AussieGiant's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    "ow about the Council Chamber?!"

  23. #53
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry enters the tavern and hears the conversation between the noblemen.

    Why don't you guys do the fighting in this place? I suggest you both wear a jester uniform and use pitchforks as weapons. It would make for quite a few good laughs to divert us during more serious matters.

    Thierry sits down and shakes his head. He calls a waitress and orders a large goblet of water.
    Last edited by Andres; 08-05-2009 at 09:08.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  24. #54
    Saruman the Wise Member deguerra's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Raoul gives Thierry a fiery stare. If that was your way of asking for a beating, get in line.
    Saruman the White
    Chief of the White Council, Lord of Isengard, Protector of Dunland

  25. #55
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry looks at Raoul and bursts out in laughter.

    You can take your chivalrous act and shove it, seigneur. I don't see why I would keep myself busy with playing soldier to impress peasants and some deluded noblemen. But go ahead, if you want. Swing your sword chivalrous. Just make sure you don't hurt yourself in the process.

    Thierry laughs again and sips from his goblet.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  26. #56
    Saruman the Wise Member deguerra's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    What, you would rather have a bar brawl like a common drunkard? Name the bar, Thierry, and I'll be there to stuff your arrogant mouth.
    Saruman the White
    Chief of the White Council, Lord of Isengard, Protector of Dunland

  27. #57
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Thierry laughs again.

    Really, dear seigneur, you're hilarious. If you manage to defeat every chevalier in the Royaume and therefore won't find a master to swear an oath to, you should consider a career as jester.

    Thierry drinks some more water and then stares at Raoul, an amused expression on his face.

    The Romans had duels too, you know. But they were fought by slaves, for the amusement of both the plebs and the nobles. If you insist on acting like a fool to amuse us, then by all means, go ahead. But don't complain if some of us are having a few good laughs at your expense.

    Thierry smiles.

    You really don't want to reconsider the jester suit and the pitchfork? That's... disappointing.

    Thierry laughs once more and takes another sip from his water.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    OOC: note: my avatar is drinking water!
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  28. #58
    Saruman the Wise Member deguerra's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Raoul walks up to Thiery and looks him in the eye briefly. He grins.

    Normally I would bash your loud, arrogant head in for the filth spewing from your dirty mouth...

    he turns away, adding:

    ...but I do not beat children.
    Saruman the White
    Chief of the White Council, Lord of Isengard, Protector of Dunland

  29. #59
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    As Raoul turns away his head, Thierry grabs his goblet and hits Raoul on the head with a devastating blow. While Raoul, who didn't quite expect this, goes down, Thierry jumps on him and starts to punch the older chevalier, who is bleeding heavily from the back of his head, wherever he can hit him.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    EDIT: This is a little co-op with deguerra, for your amusement
    Last edited by Andres; 08-05-2009 at 11:27.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  30. #60
    Saruman the Wise Member deguerra's Avatar
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    Default Re: La Taverne (KOTF IC Thread)

    Dazed, Raoul tries to fend off the blows from the younger man. Giving off a cry of anger and pain, he rallies his strength and starts fighting back. Despite his injuries, his size and weight pay off and he lays some heavy punches on Thiery as they roll on the tavern floor.
    Saruman the White
    Chief of the White Council, Lord of Isengard, Protector of Dunland

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