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Thread: STW mod for MTW_VI

  1. #1
    warning- plot loss in progress Senior Member barocca's Avatar
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    Hi Guys,

    there will be a slight delay in my planned release of a full version of the mod,
    not giving up - this is a dream of mine and i want it finished,
    uncertain of timeframe, see below.

    my current work assignement requires me to leave home at 5:30 am and i get home at 8:30pm (earliest - up to midnight some days) (mon to fri), this is expected to continue until the end of january.

    My plans at this time are to get the online versions of the Sengoku and Mongol Invasion campaigns finished before EA shut down the Shogun server,

    i truly appreciate everyones ongoing bug reporting and researching for solutions to long standing issues (the deadpages for example),
    I am also hoping to get some rudimentary castle maps finished featuring Shogun castles and buildings.

    There will be 3 planned releases, Shogun Online - for ONLINE (naturally),
    Single Player Shogun and Enhanced Single Player Shogun - all can co-exist, none will interfere with the others,
    Strongly recommend only campaigns marked as "Online" be used for online play.

    Tasks to do to accomplish release version of Shogun Online
    Finish the STW_MI version Mongol unit artwork, decide and make artwork for any new Mongol units considered essential to play balance (ie. foot archer unit).
    Add in the three factions i have already prepared.
    Chase up 2 clans who were invited to submit factions.
    Make a basic Model Pack,
    **MAKE a campaign that allows Mongol arrival in a similar fashion to Warlords, (this is a biggie - allegedly do-able, but as yet untried)
    Make some basic buildings for Mongols - these will simply be "unit outfitting", meant to recreate re-organising and equipping fresh troops sent over by the Kahn, also some "income generating" buildings.
    Fix some naming issues and add in all heroes.
    Adjust and define starting kings for all factions.
    OPTIONALFinish a fresh Samurai unit bif, (25% complete to date)

    ** NOTE if the Mongol campaign arrival issue becomes a problem i WILL split the release into 2 sub packs, so that we can at least have all viable units and factions (meaning mongols) in play before the server shuts down,
    IF i am forced to split the release pack then EVERYTHING below ** becomes part of the new pack.

    Tasks for relese version Single Player Campaigns
    Make castle maps,
    Make a definative Model Pack,
    Define as many maps as being suitable for shogun atmosphere (I would appreciate someone sending me a list of all currently available converted Shogun Battle Maps.)
    Comprehensively define which leaders should be "Daimyo's" for which era's/campaigns.
    Make artillery units - these are possible, i may need to reskin some existing artillery models, am hoping to simply use some pre-existing models.

    Tasks for enhanced single player campaigns
    CRITICALFinish a fresh Samurai unit bif, (25% complete to date)
    Finsih/add artillery if unable to do so for SP release.
    Finish/add all desired clans.
    Add in the Gempei War Campaign.
    Add in as many Sengoku start position campaigns as possible.
    Add more unit options to all factions, and maybe some more Mongol units (chinese etc.)

    These will be listed in the campaign selection screen as seperate campaigns,
    if you have all 3 you can still play against players who have only Shogun Online

    The winds that blows -
    ask them, which leaf on the tree
    will be next to go.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member Lord Krazy's Avatar
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    Not sure why this was not a sticky, but it is now.


  3. #3


    Just a few thoughts regarding Artillery, Mongol in particular. If you do get around to adding seige weapons, the existing Ballista, Catapult, and Trebuchet choices are relatively accurate to the weapons employed by the Mongols during this period. A huge Crossbow type machine ( ballista ) initially and also, when they arrived with Catapults was used by Hulegu against the mountain strongholds of the Assassins. Earlier, during the Khwarazmian Campaign, smaller Traction Trebuchets and their Chinese engineers were used. During the Invasion of Japan and the naval battles in south east Asia, Muslim Counter Weight Trebuchets were sent on Qubilai's request. There was a particular type used on an experimental basis from the Mongol ships. This type of machine was used to devastating effect when the ammunition was the Thunder Crash Bomb. These were large cast iron explosive projectiles that were flung at the enemy lines, rolling downhill etc causing much devastation. There is even some record of early timed fuses where explosive devices were hidden much like modern land mines, waiting for the unsuspecting enemy.

    Exploding treb ammo would be kind of nice to see ....if possible ofc


  4. #4


    Hi, I am new to the MTW mod scene so excuse me if the question is kinda ridiculous...Why are u using the MTW:VI to make a Shogun mod rather than the original Shogun game itself? Is the MTW game engine better than Shogun or is it easier to mod stuff with this engine?

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  5. #5


    I believe it's both


  6. #6
    Senior Member Hopefull Member MiniKiller's Avatar
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    ya and this way we can have shogun and medieval together
    *Bows. Turns to return to darkness...bumps head...looks around, pretends noone saw. Dissapears in shadows while cursing at self*

  7. #7


    Played it this weekend,very nice Barocca,any progress update...


  8. #8
    Member Member Thoros of Myr's Avatar
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    For people like myself Barocca's excellent conversion is the only way I can play Shogun becuase it will not run properly on my computer due to it's problems with newer video cards.

    Great work Barocca I'm eagerly awaiting the finished product.

  9. #9
    Lord of All Under Heaven Member The Sword of Cao Cao's Avatar
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    it is a beautiful mod, and when I get VI, I will try this. It does homage once again to the greatest warriors ever known. the Samurai. excellent work, and I have a suggestion for a new unit, since Medieval basically had a whole shitload of them.

    I call them the Tetsubo Bushi.
    they would function similar to JHI, Varangian gaurd and Abbysinans. they were the strongest samurai, and used a long wooden club studded with iron spikes called a tetsubo. in STW:WE during the credits, one of the pics shows a samurai using one. they would be very fun to use IMHO. I have a link showing a samurai using one, so I will try to find that, and post it here.

    could you please possibly stick them in?

  10. #10
    Senior Member Hopefull Member MiniKiller's Avatar
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    could u guys post some pics or tell me where i can find alot? erm of the map, units and abattle or two? all the good stuff thanks.
    *Bows. Turns to return to darkness...bumps head...looks around, pretends noone saw. Dissapears in shadows while cursing at self*

  11. #11
    Blue Eyed Samurai Senior Member Wishazu's Avatar
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    Please forgive me for sounding thick but is there a playable version of this mod at all yet? if so, where can i get it? thanks
    "Wishazu does his usual hero thing and slices all the zombies to death, wiping out yet another horde." - Askthepizzaguy, Resident Evil: Dark Falls

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    Blue eyes for our samurai
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  12. #12
    Member Member Balmont's Avatar
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    Here you go, mate. :)

    There are some pictures, I think the link to the download is on the 7th page. Not sure on that, sorry.

    You need a clean installation of MTW, Viking invasion, and version 2.12 (i think)

    Hope that helps, all your questions should be answered in that thread.
    "Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy."

  13. #13
    Senior Member Hopefull Member MiniKiller's Avatar
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    I hope it stays true to the orignaly stw in terms of factions/colors (looking good) and the map (sweetness) and the starting locations. Also there are now titles for leaders? hmhhm this is looking sweet.
    *Bows. Turns to return to darkness...bumps head...looks around, pretends noone saw. Dissapears in shadows while cursing at self*

  14. #14
    Blue Eyed Samurai Senior Member Wishazu's Avatar
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    Thanks balmont, i`ll check it out
    "Wishazu does his usual hero thing and slices all the zombies to death, wiping out yet another horde." - Askthepizzaguy, Resident Evil: Dark Falls

    "Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical"
    Sun Tzu the Art of War

    Blue eyes for our samurai
    Red blood for his sword
    Your ronin days are over
    For your home is now the Org
    By Gregoshi

  15. #15
    Member Member Satake's Avatar
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    Great mod... ofcourse there is no doubt which faction i will be playing :D

    (harsh commentary on the clan... pfft ;) :P )

    cant wait to get my hands on the next release.

    Imagine a mod like this being made on rome aswell :D

  16. #16
    Member Member Griefmaker's Avatar
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    I'm getting the impression that you can install this mod and still play the org mtw and vi campaigns aswell is this right? If so, is it easy to uninstall aswell?

    Just want to know if i should make another ver of mtw just for this mod. Which i did for ntw.

    This is a fantastic idea to put stw into mtw. Tis a pitty about the movies but atleast they've learnt and rtw will have them again

    When you see dedication like this i laugh when i read ppl say that mtw will die when rtw comes out. Any real strategy gamer knows that good strategy games last the test of time no matter what the graphics/sound is like compared to future products.

    Keep up the good work barocca

  17. #17
    Member Member Thoros of Myr's Avatar
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    No need to make another install for Barocca STW mod Griefmaker.
    It fits quite nicely into your existing one

    Good point about great games standing the test of time, I know i'll still be playing some of these incredable mods after RTW is out. Who knows...the day you get RTW you might boot up MTW to compare and find you like MTW better...stranger things have happened

  18. #18
    Member Member Random Ronin's Avatar
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    Three guesses!


    Personally I always lamented the lack of certain obvious refinements that STW ought to have had ages ago, such as the Spearmen code, siege weapons, and if this MOD works out as well as it is looking/sounding, the only thing I will still find wanting for is the addition of a "mongol archer" code, which has the mongol archers to operate more reastically (They didn't volley fire, march in perfect formations during battle, or stand still to fire).
    Vive La France For the knights will crush you under hoof and Lance Draw the blades Slash Gut Hack AHUHUHUHUH MAGNIFIQUE

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Random Ronin @ Feb. 14 2004,10:03)](They didn't volley fire, march in perfect formations during battle, or stand still to fire).
    Something we've all longed for, sadly we have to wait for RTW before we get true skirmishing

    The chance to try a decent Mongol Invasion campaign will do for me


  20. #20


    This is Great mod for MTW I always loved STW more than MTW, maybe because of atmosphere and Japan units and stuff.
    This gave new dimension to MTW.
    I even started remaking some stuff with mod to look more like STW. I put old Unit info pictures in duotone, and put old unit icons in review panel, made flags for new 5 clans. Great work you made Barrocca.

    Btw, anybody knows where I can find comprehensive guide step-by-step for making mode?

  21. #21
    Lord of All Under Heaven Member The Sword of Cao Cao's Avatar
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    ummm.... what do all you people think of my Tetsubo samurai unit that I suggested?

  22. #22
    Member Member Gen_Lee's Avatar
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    I already got 4 clean instals of Mtw + vi + 1.02.
    1st for medmod, 2nd for Napmod, 3th for htw and the 4th for Stw.
    Looks amazing

  23. #23
    Lord of All Under Heaven Member The Sword of Cao Cao's Avatar
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    btw, since you want Japanese names for the units, the canons were called Ozutsu (Great Barrell) or Kuni-Kazushi (Country Demolisher).

    Your pick.

  24. #24
    Member Member Gen_Lee's Avatar
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    Played yesterday for the 1st time.
    Nice mod.

  25. #25
    Lord of All Under Heaven Member The Sword of Cao Cao's Avatar
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    also the Japanese ballista was called a Shippu-Rendo, used primarily as a anti-personell piece instead of a siege weapon.

  26. #26
    Clan Takiyama Senior Member R'as al Ghul's Avatar
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    Hi Lord Barocca
    You have your own folder on my Harddrive now, called
    Amazing Mod I love it.
    Could we have some Info about Unit balance? I set up a
    custom battle and was astonished that the AI's No-Dachi
    literarily ate 1 unit of YariCav and had another unit of
    YariSam for dessert. Have they always been this strong?

    Add-On for your ReadMe-File:
    If you own a non-English version you've got to do some things manually during install.
    The content of the Loc folder is to be installed into
    the correct Language folder. For German versions this
    would be Barocca_STW\Loc\German\*.txt.

    Singleplayer: Download beta_8
    Multiplayer: Download
    I'll build a mountain of corpses - Ogami Itto, Lone Wolf & Cub
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  27. #27
    Aktacy Bei Member Eastside Character's Avatar
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    Hi Barocca,
    What do you think about these portraits I made:

    I think they would suit this mod quite well.


  28. #28
    Member Member neogerry's Avatar
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    very nice
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  29. #29


    Very impressive


  30. #30
    ..fears no adversary Senior Member Jochi Khan's Avatar
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    Just one word to describe them

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