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Thread: 1.2 Docudemons

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member Caliban's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia

    CA 1.2 Docudemons

    Hi Guys!

    I have posted the docudemon files for 1.2 on mediashare if anyone is interested. Also posted on the TWC.
    Heres a bit of a rip from my post there:

    Good afternoon ppl!

    With the leak of the recent 1.2 patch, we have decided to release the updated docudemon files for mod developers.
    You can download them from mediashare here:

    To clear a few things up, there are a few rumours about the recently available patch. It is indeed one of our builds, it was not stolen or hacked. It was sent to some file mirrors early in anticipation for the official patch release. Some sites released it early when reports from Sega came that there may be some issues. We are currently reviewing these issues and looking into claims of major bugs from the community and QA departments. There should be an official announcement about the patch in the coming days.
    For those that couldn't wait and have installed the early 1.2 patch, please send any bug details to "bugs ' at'" along with any supporting files such as replay files, screenshots, save games etc. I'm also keeping track of the new 1.2 unofficial bug list thread.

    Thanks again to everyone that has helped us track down these bugs and thanks to the moderators and admins for updating and maintaining the public bug lists.


  2. #2

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Thank you

  3. #3
    Relentless Bughunter Senior Member FactionHeir's Avatar
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    London, UK

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Nice to hear something from you guys :)
    Are you just looking at the TWC buglist or also the ORG one?
    Want gunpowder, mongols, and timurids to appear when YOU do?
    Playing on a different timescale and never get to see the new world or just wanting to change your timescale?
    Click here to read the solution
    Annoyed at laggy battles? Check this thread out for your performance needs
    Got low fps during siege battles in particular? This tutorial is for you
    Want to play M2TW as a Vanilla experience minus many annoying bugs? Get VanillaMod Visit the forum Readme
    Need improved and faster 2H animations? Download this! (included in VanillaMod 0.93)

  4. #4
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Thanks a lot Caliban, you are all too kind

  5. #5
    Amphibious Trebuchet Salesman Member Whacker's Avatar
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    in ur city killin ur militias

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Errmm.. Thanks, but any chance of us getting the complete documentation? I just checked and a number of commands are missing, like add_money and process_cq.

    "Justice is the firm and continuous desire to render to everyone
    that which is his due."
    - Justinian I

  6. #6
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Console commands aren't in there. The same was true for 1.1
    Would be useful to have them, but maybe the new demon doesn't generate info about it.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Wonderful news, thanks Caliban!

    The following events were added in docudemon_events.txt:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Identifier:         BattleArmyHalfDestroyed
    Event:              Half of an army has been destroyed
    Exports:            army
    Class:              ET_BATTLE_ARMY_HALF_DESTROYED
    Author:             MarkT
    Identifier:         BattlePlayerArmyHalfDestroyed
    Event:              Half of the player's army has been destroyed
    Exports:            army
    Author:             MarkT
    Identifier:         BattleEnemyArmyHalfDestroyed
    Event:              Half of the enemy's army has been destroyed
    Exports:            army
    Author:             MarkT
    Identifier:         BattleArmyTired
    Event:              The whole army is tired
    Exports:            army
    Class:              ET_BATTLE_ARMY_TIRED
    Author:             MarkT
    Identifier:         BattlePlayerUnderAttackIdle
    Event:              An idle unit is under missile fire
    Exports:            unit
    Author:             MarkT
    Identifier:         BattleWinningCombat
    Event:              A team has gained the advantage in combat
    Exports:            army
    Class:              ET_BATTLE_WINNING_COMBAT
    Author:             MarkT
    Identifier:         BattleTideofBattle
    Event:              A different team is now the strongest
    Exports:            army
    Class:              ET_BATTLE_TIDE_OF_BATTLE
    Author:             MarkT
    [QUOTE]Identifier:         InterFactionMarriage
    Event:              A marriage has occured between two factions.  gets fired for both factions involved
    Exports:            faction, target_faction, target_religion
    Class:              ET_INTER_FACTION_MARRIAGE
    Author:             ScottL

    The following conditions were added in docudemon_conditions.txt:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Identifier:              HighestAttSharedChar
    Trigger requirements:    character_record
    Parameters:              attribute type, character type, logic token, level
    Sample use:              HighestAttSharedChar piety priest >= 5
    Description:             Is the highest attribute rating of any character of the same faction sharing the same tile higher than specified?
    Battle or Strat:         Strat
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL
    Identifier:              I_FactionLeaderTrait
    Trigger requirements:    
    Parameters:              faction type, trait description, logic token, level
    Sample use:              I_FactionLeaderTrait england BadCommander >= 2
    Description:             Test a factions leader traits
    Battle or Strat:         Either
    Class:                   I_FACTION_LEADER_TRAIT_TEST
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL
    Identifier:              I_FactionLeaderAttribute
    Trigger requirements:    
    Parameters:              faction type, attribute description, logic token, level
    Sample use:              I_FactionLeaderAttribute england Chivalry >= 2
    Description:             Test a factions leader attribute
    Battle or Strat:         Either
    Class:                   I_FACTION_LEADER_ATTRIBUTE_TEST
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL
    Identifier:              FactionAILabel
    Trigger requirements:    faction
    Parameters:              faction type, ai_label
    Sample use:              FactionAILabel catholic
    Description:             test faction ai label
    Battle or Strat:         Strat
    Class:                   FACTION_AI_LABEL
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL
    Identifier:              I_FactionAILabel
    Trigger requirements:    
    Parameters:              faction type, ai_label
    Sample use:              I_FactionAILabel england catholic
    Description:             test faction ai label
    Battle or Strat:         Strat
    Class:                   I_FACTION_AI_LABEL
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL
    Identifier:              NumFactionMarriages
    Trigger requirements:    faction, target_faction
    Parameters:              logic token, number of marriages
    Sample use:              NumFactionMarriages > 0
    Description:             Test the number of inter faction marriages between two factions
    Battle or Strat:         Either
    Class:                   NUM_FACTION_MARRIAGES
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL
    Identifier:              I_UnitExists
    Trigger requirements:    
    Parameters:              Faction, Unit type
    Sample use:              I_UnitExists England Spear Militia
    Description:             Does the faction own any of these units?
    Battle or Strat:         Strat
    Class:                   I_UNIT_EXISTS
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  Mark
    Identifier:              I_HotseatEnabled
    Trigger requirements:    
    Sample use:              I_HotseatEnabled
    Description:             Is this currently a hotseat campaign game
    Battle or Strat:         Either
    Class:                   I_HOTSEAT_ENABLED
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL

    The following commands was added in docudemon_commands.txt:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Identifier:         set_event_counter
    Parameters:         event type, counter value
    Description:        Changes the value of an event counter.
    Sample use:         set_event_counter holds_cairo 0
    Class:              SET_EVENT_COUNTER
    Implemented:        Yes
    Author:             Mark
    Identifier:         link_faction_ai
    Parameters:         faction, ai_label
    Description:        links specified faction to specified ai label.
    Sample use:         link_faction_ai england catholic
    Class:              LINK_FACTION_AI
    Implemented:        Yes
    Author:             ScottL

    The most potentially interesting additions have to do with new-fangled ai-labels, and "HighestAttSharedChar" (for custom scripted promotions of your own).


    EDIT: I also direct your attention to this nice new condition (present since M2TW v1.0):

    Identifier:              I_SettlementUnderSiege
    Trigger requirements:    
    Parameters:              Settlement name
    Sample use:              I_SettlementUnderSiege London
    Description:             Is the named settlement under siege?
    Battle or Strat:         Strat
    Class:                   I_SETTLEMENT_UNDER_SIEGE
    Implemented:             Yes
    Author:                  ScottL
    Last edited by SigniferOne; 04-12-2007 at 03:20.

  8. #8
    Amphibious Trebuchet Salesman Member Whacker's Avatar
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    in ur city killin ur militias

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Alpaca, my apologies for the confusion, there are some valid console commands listed in the docudemon stuff, or at least they also work in the console.

    It would be very nice to get a list of console commands as well. For example, if there is a means to trigger a disaster manually, etc etc etc.

    Thank you.

    "Justice is the firm and continuous desire to render to everyone
    that which is his due."
    - Justinian I

  9. #9
    EB Traitor Member BozosLiveHere's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Still no easy way to spread traits 'up' the family tree. Oh well.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Senior Member Caliban's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Sorry about the lack of console commands guys, They arn't generated in our docudemons. I'm looking at a way to get these to yas soon.

  11. #11
    Amphibious Trebuchet Salesman Member Whacker's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    in ur city killin ur militias

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Thanks Caliban.

    I actually went into the .exe with a hex editor and ripped out what I think is the console command section. It's ugly but I parsed and cleaned up some of it. Still working on cleaning it up now.

    In the interest of time and expediency, could I post this and perhaps get some comments and feedback on it? The main thing I'm curious about is a number of these commands do not work at all, meaning the engine does not recognize them as valid and the '?cmd' option does not produce any results. Are some of these perhaps disabled in the build that's shipped to us? Is there some kind of command-line option for the medieval2.exe that enables these?

    Thank you and regards.

    Edit - OK, here's the list. I pulled some items that didn't appear to be valid, I still have the "raw" dump in an rtf in case anyone wants it.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    # MedievalShell console command listing ##

    Multiple word names should be wrapped in quotes. Use '?cmdname' to retrieve help for a command.

    MedievalShell command listing:

    Use 'logon <password> to enable with an administrator password. Logon console currently disabled for hotseat multiplayer, no commands available.

    add_money <opt:faction_type> <amount> : adds an amount of money to a faction's coffers, can be negative, default is player faction

    add_population <settlement_name> <amount> : adds an amount of population to a settlement, can be negative

    move_character <name> <x>,<y> : moves named character to position on campaign map

    auto_win <attacker/defender>: the attacker or defender wins the next autoresolved battle

    create_unit <settlement/character_name> <unit_id> <opt:how_many> <opt:exp/armour/weapon>: creates one or more units of the specified type

    toggle_fow : toggles the fog of war on or off

    toggle_restrictcam : toggles camera restrictions on or off

    save_battle_replay : saves battle replay in file replays/<name>.rpy

    give_ancillary <charactername> <ancillary name> : gives the character an ancillary

    remove_ancillary <charactername> <opt:ancillary name> : removes ancillary from the character an ancillary (default = all)

    give_trait <charactername> <trait name> <opt:level>: gives the character a trait at level (default = level 1)

    remove_trait <charactername> <opt:trait name>: removes a specified trait from the character (default = all)

    disable_vnvs: toggles whether to disable game applying traits and attributes

    process_cq <settlement>: Completes all (possible) construction pending in queue

    character_reset : resets the character back to it's start of turn settings

    show_cursorstat : shows the cursor position and region id

    toggle_terrain <opt:region/tiletype/climate/choke/landing/frontier/features/frontier_defend> : toggles the terrain to display various data sets, no param resets to normal

    bestbuy : sells units cheaper

    oliphaunt : the biggest around

    jericho : and the walls came a-tumblin' down

    write_ui_cache: writes out the ui texture cache to disk

    give_trait_points <charactername> <trait name> <points>: gives the character points for trait

    list_traits : lists all the available traits

    list_ancillaries : lists all the available ancillaries

    mp <charactername> <amount>: gives the character movement points

    list_characters <opt:faction_type> : lists all the characters in the world or those belonging to a faction

    show_landings <opt:cursor/region_id> : shows the landing positions available to the ai from a given region, default hides them

    filter_coastlines : applies filter to world map coastlines

    toggle_coastlines : toggles strategy map coastline display

    set_building_health <settlement_name> <building_chain> <final health percent>: sets health of a building of the specified type (eg core_building) in a settlement, so that the final health percentage is as specified; for
    building chains see export_descr_building.txt

    ai_turn_speed <multiplier> : sets the maximum speed of turn processing during the ai round

    amdb_min : sets aerial map overlay depth bias for min zoom

    amdb_max : sets aerial map overlay depth bias for max zoom

    amdb_offset : sets aerial map overlay offset towards camera

    zoom : zooms to specified aerial map

    set_ranking_interval : sets the denominator of the faction ranking graph interval which is calculated as (number_of_turns / denominator). If set to 0, then the denominator will be set to number_of_turns, giving an interval of 1

    regenerate_radar: Does what it says on the tin

    adjust_sea_bed : adjusts whole sea bed to specified height

    reload_shaders : reloads all vertex shaders

    reload_textures : reloads all textures


    toggle_perfect_spy : toggles everyone's spying ability to perfect and infinite range, and off again

    reset_display: Forces a display_close(); display_open() display reset cycle

    process_rq <settlement>: Completes all (possible) recruitment pending in queue

    force_diplomacy <accept/decline/off>: Forces the negotiator to accept or decline a proposition

    diplomatic_stance <faction_a> <faction_b> <allied/neutral/war>: Set the diplomatic stance between the two factions

    invulnerable_general <character_name> : makes that named general invulnerable in battle

    test_ancillary_localisation : Toggle display of simple performance times of game update vs display perf_times

    burn_piggies_burn <on/off> : ignite all the piggy winks

    test_message <event_message_name | all> : Test the event message specified in descr_event_enums.txt

    Test event movie: test_movie <mission_type> <movie_name> <result>

    show_terrain_lines <duration> : display defensive terrain features

    message_collation_set : Set the message collation on or off (sets all factions)

    show_all_messages : Show all messages to all factions (on/off)

    clear_messages : Clear all the current stacked messages


    upgrade_settlement <settlement name> : upgrade settlement level

    toggle_wireframe : Toggle wireframe rendering


    toggle_flowing_water : toggles display of campaign map flowing water
    nw_stats: toggles display of network stats.
    toggle_pr: toggles pr mode.

    list_units <character/settlement name> : lists all of the units in an army, with details.

    victory <faction> <short>: show victory message for faction for short or long campaign.

    trigger_advice <thread_name> [<advice_index>] - triggers an advice thread

    damage_wall <settlement> <gate> <breach>: Damage wall of settlement. Forces 40% damage to a random gatehouse and a nearby straight section. Destroys gatehouse if 'gate' parameter present; breaches wall if 'breach' present

    test_victory_scroll <faction victor> <short campaign (true/false)>: Opens up the victory scroll declaring that the given faction is the victor. If no faction is declared then the 'timeout' scroll is displayed.

    date <year> : changes the campaign date to the given year

    season <season> : changes the campaign season to the given season

    force_battle_victory <opt:capture_percent> : forces the local player's alliance to win the battle, completely destroying the enemy alliance or optionally capturing a percentage of the enemy alliance

    force_battle_defeat <opt:capture_percent> : forces the local player's alliance to lose the battle, completely destroying the local alliance or optionally capturing a percentage of the local alliance

    output_unit_positions <filename> : output the positions of all units in the battle to the specified file
    output_unit_positions %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d
    Format:- alliance_index, army_index, unit_index, formation_origin_x, formation_origin_y, rotation_in_degrees, unit_width_in_metres, unit_width_in_men

    zoom_to_unit : zoom the camera to a unit of a specific id

    show_battle_marker <x> <y> <t> <h>: display a marker at (x, y) for t seconds of height h

    show_battle_line <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <t> : display a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) for t seconds

    show_battle_circle <x> <y> <r> <t> : display a circle at (x, y) of r radius for t seconds

    kill_faction <faction_type> : removes the faction from the game

    diplomacy_mission <ai_faction> <target_faction> <mission_type> <opt:mission_target> : creates a diplomacy mission

    event <start_year[:end_year]> <category[:type]> [<x,y> <scale>] : creates an event

    kill_character <character_name> : kills a character with the given name

    control <faction_type> : switches player control to specified faction; old faction may not act correctly as ai faction

    create_building <settlement_name> <building_level_id> : creates a building of the specified type in a settlement; for building level id's see export_descr_building.txt

    capture_settlement <settlement name> : evicts any resident characters and armies and gives the settlement to the local player

    disable_ai [opt: tac | sub | dip | name | priest]: disables all (default) or part of the ai for all factions

    halt_ai <opt:factiontypename> : halts the turn sequence just before the start of the specified faction's turn, or the current faction if no faction given

    run_ai [opt:x]: re-starts an ai turn sequence after disableai or haltai has been triggered; use x to also re-enable all parts of the ai which have been individually disabled

    surrender_regions <opt: horde> <opt:faction_type> : gives all this faction's regions to the slaves. "horde" surrenders regions for all factions that can be hordes

    toggle_chat_log : shows or hides the multiplayer chat window

    bounds : toggle display of bounding objects

    lights : <merge> <used> <auto>

    set_option <opt_name> <opt_value> : Set new value for specified option (use 1 and 0 for boolean options)

    capabilities <settlement_name> : list details of the recruitment capabilities of a settlement
    capabilities * unit(%s), initial_size(%f), replen_rate(%f), max_size(%f), exp(%d),

    recruitment_pool <settlement_name> : list details of the current recruitment pool of a settlement
    recruitment_pool * unit(%s), available(%f)

    diplomacy_costs <receiving_faction> <proposing_faction> <opt:target_faction> <opt:settlement_name> <opt:payment_amount> <opt:payment_years>: displays
    a list of raw and perceived diplomacy items costs from the perspective of the receiving faction.
    Demand Attack Faction: %d, (raw:%d)
    Demand Cede Region: %d, (raw:%d)
    Demand Yearly Payment (%d over %d years): %d, (raw:%d)
    Stopping Demand Payment (%d): %d, (raw:%d)
    Demand Map Information: %d, (raw:%d)
    Demand Military Access: %d, (raw:%d)
    DemandCardinal Vote: %d, (raw:%d)
    Demand Recommunication: %d, (raw:%d)
    Demand Protectorate: %d, (raw:%d)
    Demand Payment (%d): %d, (raw:%d)
    Declare Cancel Trade Rights: %d, (raw:%d)
    Declare Cancel Military Access: %d, (raw:%d)
    Declare Nullify Alliance: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Threat of Attack: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Attack Faction: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Cede Region: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Yearly payment (%d over %d years): %d, (raw:%d)
    Stopping Offer payment (%d): %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Map Information: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Military Access: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Trade Rights: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Ceasefire: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Marry Leader to Princess: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Marry Heir to Princess: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Marry Leader: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Marry Heir: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Cardinal Vote: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Recommunication: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Alliance: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Protectorate: %d, (raw:%d)
    Offer Payment (%d): %d, (raw:%d)
    Balance Owed: %d, (raw:%d)

    reload_diplomacy_db: Reloads the diplomacy database.

    reload_campaign_db: Reloads the campaign parameter database.

    reload_sett_mech_db: Reloads the settlement mechanics database.

    reload_colour_db: Reloads the UI colour database.

    toggle_demeanour: Toggle whether to show the calculated demeanour values in the diplomacy scroll.

    create_mission <sent_faction> <mission_id> : Attempt to create and add a mission to the specified faction

    toggle_HUD_mode: switches between full and minimal HUD during a battle.

    print_shortcuts: prints all the keyboard shortcuts for the current handler to documentation/current_handler_shortcuts.txt

    logon <password> : enables console with an admin password

    logoff: logs out administrator to disable console

    clear_password <faction_label> : clears the current password for a specified faction

    set_password <faction_label> <password> <password>: sets a new password for a specified faction

    set_email <faction_label> <address>: sets a new email address for a specified faction

    Last edited by Whacker; 04-17-2007 at 03:40.

    "Justice is the firm and continuous desire to render to everyone
    that which is his due."
    - Justinian I

  12. #12
    Senior Member Senior Member Caliban's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Quote Originally Posted by Whacker
    Thanks Caliban.
    I actually went into the .exe with a hex editor and ripped out what I think is the console command section. It's ugly but I parsed and cleaned up some of it. Still working on cleaning it up now.
    In the interest of time and expediency, could I post this and perhaps get some comments and feedback on it? The main thing I'm curious about is a number of these commands do not work at all, meaning the engine does not recognize them as valid and the '?cmd' option does not produce any results. Are some of these perhaps disabled in the build that's shipped to us? Is there some kind of command-line option for the medieval2.exe that enables these?
    Yep definatley post them if you wish. Alot of the commands are only available to us in debug mode, the retail.exe will only support a few.
    I pretty much started with the same list you have there and then went through and checked which ones worked in retail mode.

    This is the list I found worked with retail medieval2.exe (1.2 leak):

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    clear_password - hotseat only
    logoff - hotseat only
    logon - hotseat only
    set_email - hotseat only
    set_password - hotseat only

  13. #13
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Keep in mind that almost all commands are available through the console_command script command (gosh I never thought I'd be able to use the word command three times in one sentence).

  14. #14
    Relentless Bughunter Senior Member FactionHeir's Avatar
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    London, UK

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Quote Originally Posted by Caliban
    So uh what do those do?
    Want gunpowder, mongols, and timurids to appear when YOU do?
    Playing on a different timescale and never get to see the new world or just wanting to change your timescale?
    Click here to read the solution
    Annoyed at laggy battles? Check this thread out for your performance needs
    Got low fps during siege battles in particular? This tutorial is for you
    Want to play M2TW as a Vanilla experience minus many annoying bugs? Get VanillaMod Visit the forum Readme
    Need improved and faster 2H animations? Download this! (included in VanillaMod 0.93)

  15. #15
    blaaaaaaaaaarg! Senior Member Lusted's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    There is only one way to find out you know, try them and see!

  16. #16
    Amphibious Trebuchet Salesman Member Whacker's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    in ur city killin ur militias

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Some of them don't appear to do anything, like the "bestbuy" one, at least not that I can notice.

    Caliban, from that list you posted, are all of those ones that we peons can expect to work compared to the larger list I found earlier?

    Also, are there any plans in the future to enable the other commands or finding some way of enabling them for our use?

    Thank you.

    "Justice is the firm and continuous desire to render to everyone
    that which is his due."
    - Justinian I

  17. #17
    Senior Member Senior Member Caliban's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Those are the commands I got from our debug console. You may have discovered some I'm not aware of, might be an idea to test them.

    I know what puppify_my_love does :) but not the others, sorry. I'm guessing they are left-over from RTW.

    If you think there is something you guys might need in those commands, I could ask about it. I'm collecting a mod wishlist to be reviewed internally, so It might be a good idea to add it to the community wishlist thread.

  18. #18
    Amphibious Trebuchet Salesman Member Whacker's Avatar
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    in ur city killin ur militias

    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    I didn't go through them all, but comparing what I scrapped together vs. the list you gave us, the list you posted seems to be roughly the only ones that work for us in our retail exe builds.

    As for the modding requests, I think it's a pretty safe bet we would all like to have full access to all available console commands through the shell. Some of those would be insanely useful. The two that have come to mind recently for me at least are 1. being able to create a disaster and 2. full and absolute control over the buildings/culture/religious aspects of a city. On the latter, an example would be being able to manually take an islamic huge sized city, knock the population back down to say 500, and set the wall level to be the northern european wooden palisade, and also set the province to be 100% christian.

    Something that you might want to consider in the future is also simply give us the ability to do a docudemon/command shell dump listing through a command line parameter that we feed to the exe. It'd save you the trouble of having us breaking down your doors to get this info, and just be convenient if we don't have/deleted/don't have internet access to the files you posted online.

    Thank you.

    "Justice is the firm and continuous desire to render to everyone
    that which is his due."
    - Justinian I

  19. #19
    Senior Member Senior Member Jambo's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons


    toggle_perfect_spy would be invaluble for modders as would diplomacy_costs
    =MizuDoc Otomo=

  20. #20
    Member Member Re Berengario I's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    toggle_perfect_spy does work but only if launched inside a script.

  21. #21
    Senior Member Senior Member Jambo's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Ok, that's good to know! I take it one could do that by simply putting toggle_perfect_spy at the start of the campaign_script?

    Once in, can one toggle it off from within the game? I presume not since it has to be in the script to function in the first place.
    =MizuDoc Otomo=

  22. #22
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambo
    Ok, that's good to know! I take it one could do that by simply putting toggle_perfect_spy at the start of the campaign_script?

    Once in, can one toggle it off from within the game? I presume not since it has to be in the script to function in the first place.
    You have to put in console_command toggle_perfect_spy
    If you take the time and learn a bit of scripting, you can also find ways to switch it off again using shortcuts or buttons

  23. #23
    Senior Member Senior Member Jambo's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Quote Originally Posted by alpaca
    You have to put in console_command toggle_perfect_spy
    If you take the time and learn a bit of scripting, you can also find ways to switch it off again using shortcuts or buttons
    Thanks alpaca. Just how easy or difficult will it be to develop a script to allow toggling of perfect spy on and off? Are we talking a couple of lines of code or hours worth of work here?
    =MizuDoc Otomo=

  24. #24
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1.2 Docudemons

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambo
    Thanks alpaca. Just how easy or difficult will it be to develop a script to allow toggling of perfect spy on and off? Are we talking a couple of lines of code or hours worth of work here?
    Since we're lacking a lot of tutorials, you'll have to dig through most stuff yourself.
    I'd do it by adding an advice thread, hooking it up to a show_me script and trigger on the construction scroll help request or something like that.
    The old RTW tutorials about scripting should tell you how to make a show-me, but you also have to edit descr_advice_timings.txt by adding an entry so the text will actually show.
    All in all it's quite a non-trivial task for starting to mod


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