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Thread: Russians from early era?

  1. #1

    Default Russians from early era?

    How do I mod MTW gold so that I can play as the Russians, starting from the early period?

  2. #2
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Novgorod is essentially the Russian faction in Early. I think all you need to do is to change the startpos file for early (from the base MTW install directory, campmap\startpos\early.txt). There are a block of lines that start with SetActiveFaction. Change the one that says:
    SetActiveFaction:: FN_NOVGOROD		FT_MINOR
    SetActiveFaction:: FN_NOVGOROD		FT_MAJOR
    I think that's all you need to do. To the best of my knowledge, the unit files are set up so that everything the Russians get later, the Novgorod faction also gets.

    Hope that works for you. Welcome to the .Org! (love the nick, KFM was hilarious)
    Last edited by drone; 09-29-2008 at 22:44. Reason: spelling
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    If I werent playing games Id be killing small animals at a higher rate than I am now - SFTS
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Yes, play as Novgorod. You can mod the Russians playable in early by adding their starting positions for their leader and giving them a province or two (Kiev and a few others are best bet) but in general Novgorod are much more interesting to play.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Thankyou. The russians are my favorite faction but I usually get wiped out by the mongols, starting in early will give me time to get my defences ready. Thankyou for the welcome, I am a convert from RTW.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    good stuff to know.
    havent tryed tinkering with stuff till now.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Gold might be different from the original MTW, but you may need to mod the offices in as well; just copy/paste the offices from Russia to the bottom of the Early section for office and rename it to Novgorod.
    Ja-mata TosaInu

  7. #7
    Toh-GAH-koo-reh Member Togakure's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Quote Originally Posted by HopAlongBunny View Post
    Gold might be different from the original MTW, but you may need to mod the offices in as well; just copy/paste the offices from Russia to the bottom of the Early section for office and rename it to Novgorod.
    [Lurking in the ghost town that is sadly now, necromanger Toga grabs his grim wand and casts Raise Dead Thread...]

    Hi there. I've recently reinstalled MTW Gold from Steam and was wanting to play the Russians in Early era. I've successfully modded the Startpos.txt file as this thread describes, with one exception--scrolls of Office to bestow upon my worthy generals and administrators are not appearing as they should. I'm sure I did exactly what HopAlongBunny has described, above, but when I built my first Royal Palace, the Chamberlain office scroll (+2 Loyalty, +2 Acumen) did not appear.

    Any ideas as to what to mod to get this to work properly? I've looked through the file and nothing is jumping out at me. Any help would be much appreciated.

    My campaign is running smoothly otherwise. We just repulsed a panic attack by the Polish in Lithuania as they tried to preemptively strike whilst at the same time avoid a large German crusader army passing through their territory, headed for Novgorod. The Germs got spanked in Lithuania also, despite their 2 to 1 advantage, the following turn. Now they're both licking their wounds while my Novgorodian vikings chortle (haha--my current Prince of Novogrod is named Chort!).

    Hope you all are well. Happy Holidays!
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  8. #8
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Can't get search working, but I think you need to set the given titles for the offices. Look for the AddOffice lines in Early.txt, there are entries for FN_RUSSIAN but not for FN_NOVGOROD. You should also enable Princesses for the Novgorod faction in the unit_prod file.
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    If I werent playing games Id be killing small animals at a higher rate than I am now - SFTS
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  9. #9
    Toh-GAH-koo-reh Member Togakure's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Thanks for the Reply, Drone. First I modified the FN_RUSSIAN lines in the AddOffice section to FN_NOVGOROD, but this crashed the game: it wouldn't launch. So I deleted the modified startpos.txt file, replaced it with my backed up original file, and did exactly what HopAlongBunny suggested: copied and pasted the FN_RUSSIAN lines to the bottom of the Addoffice section and changed all instances of FN_RUSSIAN to FN_NOVGOROD. The game launched and played without issues, but the Chamberlain title scroll didn't appear when I completed my Royal Palace.

    It's not a big deal really. Still playable, just have to manage without titles, at least for now.

    Appreciate the tip about Princesses. They do help with Loyalty issues, especially early on. Thanks again. Hope you are well.
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  10. #10
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    There was a more detailed thread about how to get this working, but I can't find it. You may also need to add the title names into the Loc/Eng/names.txt file. There is a code block with the comment // OFFICE NAMES, you can see the entry for the Russians:
    ["Chamberlain of the Great Palace"]		{"Chamberlain of the Great Palace"}
    ["Grand Warder of the Kremlin"]			{"Grand Warder of the Kremlin"}
    ["Grand Marshal"]						{"Grand Marshal"}
    ["Chancellor Of All The Russias"]		{"Chancellor Of All The Russias"}
    ["Metropolitan of Moscow"]				{"Metropolitan of Moscow"}
    You would need to copy this block and adjust the names to be more "Novgorodian". I don't know how these get indexed by faction though. It might just be that the text from the AddOffice line (ex. Chamberlain of the Great Palace) must match the title in the names.txt file. Not 100% that this will fix it, my modding has been limited to small tweaks, this question is more for the people who do new campaign mods.
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    If I werent playing games Id be killing small animals at a higher rate than I am now - SFTS
    Si je n'étais pas jouer à des jeux que je serais mort de petits animaux à un taux plus élevé que je suis maintenant - Louis VI The Fat

    "Why do you hate the extremely limited Spartan version of freedom?" - Lemur

  11. #11
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Quote Originally Posted by drone View Post
    this question is more for the people who do new campaign mods.
    You rang, sir? (Drat, where's the Igor smiley?...)

    My first thoughts are the translations - generally best to copy and paste your startpos.txt label into the names.txt label in case there are unseen discrepancies. The most irritating errors usually arise from a , where there should be a . or vice n virtue, no, no, vice versa. Also depending on your text editor there are different versions of " with different ANSI codes. Can be most problematic if you're using a spreadsheet (a great way to stack up lots of data like faction name lists, but use the wrong " and it will crash or deliver gobbledegook names at best)

    Also ensure your building name is correct - I've killed things before by using 'BUILDING1' instead of 'BUILDING' etc.

    And also ensure you have enough 0s for the attributes you've not set for the office, it's easy to miss one. Final thought for now, check the final punctuation mark on the PREVIOUS entry in your office list in the startpos.

    If you're still stuck, try posting up your relevant sections

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    Toh-GAH-koo-reh Member Togakure's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Thanks for your Reply and advice, macsen rufus. I'm not a modder. I was a professional IT developer back in the day but have been retired for a long time. I just used notepad to do the edits; the wrap-around made it difficult to consistently check issues like what you've described. I'll give it another look when I return to that campaign.

    I was able to change a few of the provinces surrounding Novgorod from rebel to the Novgorod faction successfully. I left the buildings and default units as is. It was a bit expensive when I started the campaign but I just looked at that as a challenge and had to manage my economics carefully early on. The main remaining issue is to get the standard offices that apply to Russia in the High Era to apply to my modified Novogorod faction in the early era. Though it seems I've done exactly as HopAlongBunny has advised, and the game launches and runs properly, the office of Chamberlain still doesn't appear when I complete my first Royal Palace. This is the first of the available offices so I'm assuming the problem still remains for the other offices as well. Not a game-breaker, but it would be nice to figure out what's missing. I have a feeling it's a very small thing, just need to identify it. Again, thanks for your input.
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  13. #13
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Quote Originally Posted by Togakure View Post
    Thanks for your Reply and advice, macsen rufus. I'm not a modder. I was a professional IT developer back in the day but have been retired for a long time. I just used notepad to do the edits; the wrap-around made it difficult to consistently check issues like what you've described. I'll give it another look when I return to that campaign.
    Likewise, I do use Notepad, and generally turn off word-wrap as it's bit of a pain with it on. (It's still bit of a pain with it off as well, but slightly easier to manage....)

    I've just taken a look at the early.txt in the vanilla files, and it strikes me as odd that there are no offices declared for FN_Novgorod (which is an active, though 'minor') faction, yet they are declared for FN_Russian which is inactive. It's so long since I've played vanilla around these regions I can't really remember whether or not Novgorod is usually bereft of offices, but at first glance here, I can't really see how they could have any.... unless of course there's something 'under the hood' in the .exe that ties FN_Russian titles to FN_Novgorod in this era, you know, the sort of thing where the 'grand design' changed and all the loose ends never got tied properly in development.

    Sooooo... on the grounds that I don't recall anyone ever complaining of a lack of Novgorod offices before, it might just be worth trying a new campaign (you won't be able to alter an existing one, alas)* with your newly declared FN_Novgorod offices removed and the pre-existing FN_Russian ones restored.

    *once offices are declared at the start of the game they are baked into your campaign save files, iirc, so changes here will only show in a new campaign.

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    Toh-GAH-koo-reh Member Togakure's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Good suggestion to try a new campaign. I went in to EARLY.TXT first and successfully activated the provinces I wanted Russia to have, put in and took out buildings, put in and took out troops, got everything dialed nicely. I was able to verify that the offices are now working as I put a Royal Palace in Novgorod at the beginning of the game and it shows up with the proper scrolls. Princesses and heirs seem to be working normally.

    Made me laugh to be reminded that word wrap can be turned off. DOH! Was just a bit easier to check things after.
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  15. #15
    The Tame Berzerker Member Age's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Librarian View Post
    Thankyou. The russians are my favorite faction but I usually get wiped out by the mongols, starting in early will give me time to get my defences ready. Thankyou for the welcome, I am a convert from RTW.
    They are easy to beat if you use the right units and have enough. You should have time to build up before they show up.

  16. #16
    Member Member Gilrandir's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Quote Originally Posted by Age View Post
    They are easy to beat if you use the right units and have enough. You should have time to build up before they show up.
    If one starts in early, it leaves him plenty of time to get ready for the Horde. Starting in high is more challenging, though but manageable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Suraknar View Post
    The article exists for a reason yes, I did not write it...

  17. #17
    The Tame Berzerker Member Age's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilrandir View Post
    If one starts in early, it leaves him plenty of time to get ready for the Horde. Starting in high is more challenging, though but manageable.
    It is always best to start early which what I always do .

  18. #18
    Member Member Gilrandir's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russians from early era?

    Quote Originally Posted by Age View Post
    It is always best to start early which what I always do .
    It depends. For me, starting early means having a complete domination by the end of high (mostly) so I lose all interest in the game through the absence of global challeneges.
    Quote Originally Posted by Suraknar View Post
    The article exists for a reason yes, I did not write it...


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