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  1. #1
    Master Procrastinator Member TevashSzat's Avatar
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    Default The Gaming News Thread about a thread containing gaming news? There have been a couple lately that have caught my attention.

    Potential Half Life 2 Episode 3 News

    Essentially, the wait for Episode 3 will be longer than the wait from Half Life 2 to Ep 1 and Ep1 to Ep 2 which may not be good news. Valve may give a general release date at the end of the year:

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    Interview with Valve's Dough Lombardi
    Kikizo: When are we going to start to hear about Episode Three? Because the gaps seem to be quite long based on the first couple of episodes.

    Lombardi: Yeah, the next time you play as Gordon will be longer than the distance between HL2 to Ep1, and Ep1 to Ep2.

    Kikizo: Won't you announce or show anything on Episode 3 this year?

    Lombardi: We may at the very end of the year.

    Kikizo: What do you think about the distance between the episodes, though? Is there a benefit to having a longer wait?

    Lombardi: I think our philosophy was that, we spent six years on Half-Life 2 and upwards of $40 million, and basically 80% of the company ended working up on it for a good chunk of that time. And that was just too much; nobody wanted to do that again. There was this trajectory with Half-Life 1 costing a lot less than that, and taking two years or whatever it took. HL2 was six years and a lot more money, so if we were to keep going down that path it was going to get more expensive, and take even longer. And what we wanted was an alternative to that. We wanted to deliver the games more quickly, and we didn't want to be taking the risk of $40 million or $50 million to make the thing, because at that point you're like, "oh my god we have to sell 2 million copies or else we're having non-consensual sex", right? [laughs]

    So I think we were successful in that it's been less than four years since Half-Life 2, and we've gotten two episodes out; each of them had new technology, each of them had new gameplay - arguably Ep2 had more new gameplay than Ep1, but I think that we were successful in giving players more time with Freeman, more time with Alyx, giving them new experiences, telling them more of the story, in a much quicker fashion. I mean, "episodic" conjures up this notion of television where it comes once a week for 12 weeks or whatever, and so maybe there's a better word for what we're doing! You know what I mean? But I think the goal is to get away from that 'half a lifetime, mountains of money' to produce the next thing, and we've succeeded in that - and maybe we could have chosen a better word to describe what we were doing.

    Kikizo: In fairness though, these episodes are kind of five to ten hours each, depending on how bad you are...

    Lombardi: And I mean to be truthful, games that aren't calling themselves "episodes" are kind of getting around the same [length]!

    Kikizo: Exactly.

    Lombardi: So I think while we maybe didn't choose the right word, our intentions were... we were trying to be honest, and saying we're not giving you the fifteen plus hours that we gave you in Half-Life 2; we're giving you a little less and we're going to give it at a more rapid pace, and we're going to move the price to be more according.

    Kikizo: I think people are happy with that. Well, we could talk all day, because you know I'm a fan, but we'll leave it there. Thanks for your time Doug.

    Starcraft 2 Trilogy

    Thats right, starcraft 2 will be a trilogy. Essentially, there will be one game for each race. Each game will have a full campaign of like 35 missions and will feature one faction. Unfortunately, it seems like each campaign will be just different views of the same event...

    I don't know what to think of this. I'm grateful that Blizzard is attempting to polish the game slowly rather than rush it out, but I'm kinda thinking that they're trying to milk Starcraft 2 for as much money as possible

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    Blizzard's Rob Pardo reveals sci-fi RTS will now be three separate products; Terran campaign Wings of Liberty will arrive first.
    ANAHEIM, California--For many, this morning's keynote address from Blizzard president Mike Morhaime was a bit anticlimactic. After revealing Starcraft II, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, and Diablo III at three consecutive events, Blizzard had nothing new to report on a new game from the company. That changed during the Starcraft II panel, as Blizzard's Rob Pardo revealed that rather than a single real-time strategy game, Starcraft II will now be released as a trilogy.

    After bemoaning the fact that Starcraft II was shaping up to be an undertaking far larger than the previous game, Pardo said the first game in the series--subtitled Wings of Liberty--will focus on the Terrans. Specifically, it will seek to resolve the conflict between Jim Raynor and Kerrigan, which was the crux of the original Starcraft. The second game, Heart of the Swarm, will focus on the Zerg, while the final game, Legacy of the Void, will be devoted to the Protoss.

    Pardo noted that each release will be a fully fledged campaign, featuring 26 to 30 missions apiece. The celebrity World of Warcraft designer also noted that while the ending of each game will be set, the middle of the game will play heavily to player choice, allowing for branching storylines. Pardo also said that the second two releases could be considered expansion packs, but that "we really want them to feel like stand-alone products."

    Unfortunately, Pardo did not reveal when the first game in the trilogy will arrive. For more on Starcraft II--now the Starcraft Trilogy--check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

    Diablo III's new class

    Well....its a wizard. Don't really know why they wouldn't just keep the sorceress, but whatever...
    Wizard Gameplay Trailer

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    In its first panel, Blizzard explores in depth the newest class as well as the top-level skill system for third installment of seminal dungeon crawler.
    ANAHEIM, California--Blizzard president Mike Morhaime didn't have much to reveal during his opening remarks this morning. However, what news he did have to offer pertained primarily to Blizzard's newest game, Diablo III. Of note, the developer took the lid off of the third of five classes that will appear in the final version of the game: the wizard.

    As shown during the brief trailer for the class earlier this morning, the wizard will resemble in large part the sorceress from Diablo II. Area-of-effect magic that damages multiple enemies at a time appears as if it will be the wizard's specialty, and the teaser cinematic highlighted damage spells that radiate out from the player as well as ones that jump from one monster to the next.

    Not skipping a beat, Blizzard returned to the stage in Hall A of the Anaheim Convention Center to give eager attendees a look at Diablo III's class design. The session offered deeper looks at the newly unveiled wizard, as well as the previously announced barbarian and witch doctor. Lead designer Jay Wilson, lead technical artist Julian Love, and technical game designer Wyatt Cheng began with what everyone wanted to know: Who is the wizard?

    Wilson, Love, and Cheng.

    In short, the wizard class is an iteration on the sorceresses from Diablo II, according to Cheng, who said that her specialty lies in channeling the powers of the universe to wreck destruction from afar. One of Blizzard's primary challenges in creating this class, noted Cheng, was creating a class that was familiar to those who enjoy playing the role of "blaster cannon," but also bringing some innovation to the ranged-damage class. Blizzard's answer here was to invoke a caster class that was rooted in pen-and-paper-style wizards, one that draws power from the universe, as opposed to aligning with good or evil, summoning, or pure elementalism.

    Cheng also expounded on the wizard's character philosophy. "She's super ambitious, smart, and powerful," said Cheng. "She's the kind of person that would drop out of college to start a dot com."

    The first of the wizard's spells shown was one that Dungeon & Dragons acolytes will know well: the magic missile. Functionally, it acts similarly to the firebolt in Diablo II. However, Cheng noted that giving players a raw-power spell as their first introduction to the wizard sets the tone of universal power. The technical designer then explained electrocute, which is an elemental spell in the vein of chain lightning.

    Next up was slow time, which Cheng said would be a component of the reality-control kit. Slow time presented numerous challenges to Diablo III's design, he said, noting that it could really wreck multiplayer matches. The solution, then, became to implement the spell as a bubble effect emanating outward from the wizard.

    Cheng then introduced the disintegrate spell, which he described as "a real face-melter." Again a callback to pen-and-paper forerunners, the disintegrate spell was actually a failed experiment with the barbarian class. It uses a charge mechanic in which players hold down a button and then sweep their mouse across the screen to aim the ray of power. The longer an enemy is targeted by the spell, he said, the more damage it will do.

    Cheng then handed the presentation over to Jay Wilson, who spoke at length about Diablo III's skill system. Wilson began by explaining Blizzard's process in arriving at the skill system as it is in its current state. That process involved analyzing what worked in the original Diablo and Diablo II, as well as World of Warcraft. From Diablo, Wilson noted that skills were obtained from books, and though that system was exciting, it presented a number of challenges, including low class differentiation and character customization.

    Moving on to Diablo II's skill tree, Wilson said that though it resolved the problem of class differentiation, it forced players to focus on only a few skills that were often unimportant. He also bemoaned the lack of a re-spec option, which would let players easily reset how they had divvied up their skill points. As for World of Warcraft's system, itself an evolution of Diablo II's skill tree, it didn't create the immediate impact on a character that Blizzard sought for DIII, among other detriments.

    So as for what Blizzard sought to do with Diablo III, Wilson said that such a system must be simple to understand, compelling for both the early game and when players move on to hard difficulty modes, allow for a large variety of character-build options, and support six active skills. Those being the top-level goals, Wilson then regaled the audience with failed ideas, ranging from skill rings, to radial beads, to a skill wheel, to the Horadric skill cube.

    "A lot of these turned out to be different ways to do the same thing," Wilson noted. "Different, but worse isn't better; better is better." From these experimentations, Wilson said that the folks at Blizzard arrived on two ideas they liked: randomly dropped skills, and modifying skills through item drops.

    As it stands today--and to be clear, Wilson noted that this system is far from final--Blizzard is currently leaning toward a skill system that is an evolution from Diablo II that incorporates active and passive skills, synergies, skill runes, and the ability to re-spec a character. This system has several issues that have yet to be resolved, he said, bringing up such challenges as the intimidating number of choices and skills. Likewise, assigning skills is still unintuitive, and there is no way to enhance skills beyond their initial power level.

    Wizard concept art.

    Returning to the idea of modifying skills through item drops, Wilson unveiled the rune system. This will represent a deviation from how runes worked in Diablo II; randomly dropped runes will enhance spells in Diablo III. As one example, Wilson said that the witch doctor's base skull of flame spell lets players toss a flaming head at enemies. With a rune of multistrike, the skull will bounce instead of explode on impact, hitting more foes. If you add a power rune, the skull explodes and leaves a burning flame pit on the ground to do additional damage.

    Finally, Julian Love described how special effects will factor into character skills. From an art perspective, the formula is divided into two components: "stuff you do, and then what monsters do as a result." In the case of the wizard, they wanted the class to be a light show in which all of her abilities create screen-illuminating effects. As for how monsters react to these skills, Love said that monsters can die in several different ways, and those include being eaten alive by the witch doctors' swarm or exploding after what he called a "critical death." Diablo III will also feature hand-crafted deaths along the lines of what was seen in Diablo II.
    Last edited by Kekvit Irae; 11-11-2008 at 19:15.
    "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." - Issac Newton

  2. #2
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TevashSzat View Post about a thread containing gaming news?
    *stupid political impersonation*
    I'm Kekvit Irae, and I approve of this message.

    Seriously, though, we do need this kind of thread. Kudos on the initiative.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Well I now am adding blizzard to my black list, for sucking as much mula outa the starcraft croud as possible. :/ Stupid game companies... cant they be content with just making good games with out making them rentals or 3 seperate mini games that cost 50$ a peice. Rage end.

    Other than that I like the new idea of a news thread.

    Hope to see some good stuff come out of it.
    Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
    By the livin' Gawd that made you,
    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
    Quote Originally Posted by North Korea
    It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt.

  4. #4
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Sure makes sense to have a thread like this than dig up old threads just to add an update.

  5. #5
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Veho Nex View Post
    Well I now am adding blizzard to my black list, for sucking as much mula outa the starcraft croud as possible. :/ Stupid game companies... cant they be content with just making good games with out making them rentals or 3 seperate mini games that cost 50$ a peice. Rage end.
    From what I hear each one will cost less than 50$, perhaps 30 or so, overall that would still make the game more expensive though, but if the content fits the price one might forgive that.

    "Topic is tired and needs a nap." - Tosa Inu

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    World of Warcraft: 3.0.2 Wrath prepatch released today (15/10/08)
    Common Unreflected Drinking Only Smartens

  7. #7
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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  8. #8

    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar View Post
    From what I hear each one will cost less than 50$, perhaps 30 or so, overall that would still make the game more expensive though, but if the content fits the price one might forgive that.
    I put a single copy on reserve at my local Game stop. I went in and asked if i was still only reserving one copy or if it went to 3 seperates. They said only one copy and I would need to fork up some more cash if I wanted to reserve the other two. I said heck to the no and asked for my 10 bucks back. It bought me lunch
    Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
    By the livin' Gawd that made you,
    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
    Quote Originally Posted by North Korea
    It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt.

  9. #9
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    While I like BioWare products, I must admit that I'm getting really sick of the Aurora Engine in all of its incarnations. I don't find it to be a very user-friendly engine.

  10. #10
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    I live in my home, don't you?

    Default THQ sues Activision

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  11. #11
    Master Procrastinator Member TevashSzat's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    World of Warcraft hits 11 million

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    Blizzard's monstrously popular MMOG reaches new subscriber milestone two weeks before launch of second expansion.

    Blizzard Entertainment is just over two weeks away from releasing the second expansion pack to its genre-dominating massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King. And despite increased competition this year from the likes of Funcom's Age of Conan and EA Mythic's Warhammer Online, Blizzard has managed to continue to stave off WOW fatigue to usher in that expansion's arrival.

    Today, the Irvine-based developer said that its worldwide subscriber base had exceeded 11 million. Adding a little color to that number, WOW's citizenship would rank just higher than the total population of Greece, according to the Central Intelligence Agency's World Fact Book.

    As revealed in Blizzard parent company Vivendi SA's recent financial reports, World of Warcraft has been on the cusp of hitting 11 million subscribers since July. Today's milestone comes just over 10 months since Blizzard touted WOW's 10 millionth subscriber in January.

    As Blizzard uses a variety of payment plans in different countries, the publisher defines "subscriber" thusly: "World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last 30 days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules."

    World of Warcraft subscribers hail from a number of countries and regions, including North America, Europe, China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Chile, Argentina, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. Most recently, WOW was launched in Russia and Latin America.

    That is simply crazy......11 million without including those who have stopped. The thing is, WOTLK will probably be bringing alot more people back into WoW so 12 million might not be far off
    "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." - Issac Newton

  12. #12
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Apparently we shouldn't militarize space because it's a real downer.

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  13. #13
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    I hope you guys like Planescape: Torment because we're getting a new game in its style:

    Not even a day after it went live the project has been fully funded. And it still has the full 30 days to go.

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  14. #14
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    I hope you guys like Planescape: Torment because we're getting a new game in its style:

    Not even a day after it went live the project has been fully funded. And it still has the full 30 days to go.
    I got in around the 600k mark.

  15. #15
    Nobody expects the Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Looks like the new Sim City is exactly as crippled as we expected.

    So many news items about this mess, hard to choose one, so instead I'll link to the Google News feed.

  16. #16
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Most issues have been fixed, they are working on it and give buyers a free game as a mea culpa. Have been treated worse.

  17. #17
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    Looks like the new Sim City is exactly as crippled as we expected.

    So many news items about this mess, hard to choose one, so instead I'll link to the Google News feed.
    I didn't post anything about this because it's been everywhere, I don't think there's anyone satisfied with how the launch has turned out. It's gotten so bad EA is now limiting game features to lighten the load on their servers. It's a goddamn disaster.

    I was involved with a number of the beta versions of Sim City. It really didn't take a fortune teller to predict some of the problems the game was going to have but EA (or Maxis, it was hard to tell) didn't seem too interested in taking feedback in regards to the always on DRM or the city size limits, which have turned out to be the two biggest negatives for the game.

    Though, if you would have told me Sim City would have a worse launch than Diablo III, I would have said you're exaggerating. The deed and the damage are done, unfortunately.
    Last edited by Monk; 03-10-2013 at 07:52.

  18. #18
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    Looks like the new Sim City is exactly as crippled as we expected.

    So many news items about this mess, hard to choose one, so instead I'll link to the Google News feed.
    On that note I'd like to share these if you haven't seen them yet:,64545/

    Last one is a german joke (short) review where they rate the graphics and controls of the error messages because they couldn't play the game.

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  19. #19
    Enlightened Despot Member Vladimir's Avatar
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    In ur nun, causing a bloody schism!

    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Read about it. Now I'm in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    I hope you guys like Planescape: Torment because we're getting a new game in its style:

    Not even a day after it went live the project has been fully funded. And it still has the full 30 days to go.

    Reinvent the British and you get a global finance center, edible food and better service. Reinvent the French and you may just get more Germans.
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil_Maniac From Mars
    How do you motivate your employees? Waterboarding, of course.
    Ik hou van ferme grieten en dikke pinten
    Down with dried flowers!
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  20. #20
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

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  21. #21
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooahguy View Post
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  22. #22
    Nobody expects the Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    The cool thing is that due to always-on DRM, SC is difficult to play now, but guaranteed to be impossible to play in the future. EA is under ZERO obligation to maintain servers going forward, and thry have deliberately created a crippled app that cannot function as a standalone exe.

    And Frags, you do realize that giving you an unlock code to an unspecified older game costs EA nothing, right?


    Public (but anonymous) letter from an EA employee. Couldn't say it better meself.

    To the executives at EA, from one of your employees

    I am deeply embarrassed by the troubled launch of Sim City and I hope you are too. When I walk around our campus and look at the kind of talent we’ve collected, the amenities we have access to and the opportunities working at such a big company affords us, I can’t imagine how for release after release, EA continues to make the same embarrassing, anti-consumer mistakes. We should be better than this. You should not be failing us so badly.

    Another thing I see when I walk around our campus are massive banners that display what are said to be our company values. They are on posters on every floor, included in company-wide emails and hanging above the cafeteria in bright colors. You even print them on our coffee mugs so we see them every day. But somehow when planning the launch of Sim City, you threw them all out the window.

    Most important of the values you are ignoring is Think Consumers First. What part of the Sim City DRM scheme, which has rendered the game unplayable for hundreds of thousands of fans across the globe, demonstrates that you are thinking about consumers before you are thinking about yourselves? Does “first” mean something different in boardrooms than it does to the rest of us? Does the meaning of that word change when you get the word “executive” in front of your title?

    You can’t even pretend that you didn’t know consumers would be angry about this. Common sense aside, consumers complained about this during your public betas. In fact, when one of them posted his criticisms on the forums, he was banned! You tried to silence your critics. The same thing is happening now as users write in to demand refunds. What part of this behavior aligns with our company value to Be Accountable?

    What you’ve demonstrated with this launch is that our corporate management does not believe in our core values. They are for the unwashed masses, not for the important people who forced this anti-consumer DRM onto the Sim City team. This DRM scheme is not about the consumers or even about piracy. It’s about covering your own asses. It allows you to hand-wave weak sales or bad reviews and blame outside factors like pirates or server failures in the event the game struggles. You are protecting your own jobs at the expense of consumers. I think this violates the Act With Integrity value I’m looking at on my own coffee mug right now.

    On behalf of your other employees, I’d like to ask you to fix this. Allow the Sim City team to patch the game to run offline. If Create Quality and Innovation is still a core value that you believe in, then this shouldn’t be a hard decision. Games that gamers can’t play because of server overload or ISP issues are NOT quality. Be Bold by giving the consumers what they want and take accountability for the mistake.

    Finally I’d like to ask you to follow the last company value on the list in the future: Learn and Grow. When you made this mistake with Spore, the company and all your employees suffered for it. You didn’t learn from that mistake and you are making it again with Sim City.

    So please, learn from this debacle. Don’t do this again. Grow into better leaders and actually apply our company values when you make decisions. Don’t just use them as tools to motivate your staff. With the money, talent and intellectual property available to EA, we should be leading the industry into a golden age of consumer-focused game publishing. Instead we’re the most reviled game publisher in the world. That’s your fault. Things can only change if you actually start following the company values and apply them to every title we launch.


    A Disappointed But Hopeful Artist at EARS
    Last edited by Lemur; 03-10-2013 at 16:16.

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  23. #23
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    If you missed the news coverage, Richard Garriott has started a kickstarter for a new Ultima game. Personally, the Ultima universe is no longer exciting for me, and that's coming from someone who played a lot of the SP games and put a good two years into UO. That said, his ideas about a hybrid SP/MMO system are crazy enough to be interesting. I'd say it's likely to be a train wreck and I'm not going to join the kickstarter, but I'll follow its progress with interest.

  24. #24
    Nobody expects the Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Just to beat up on EA a little more, a network/database geek has some informed hypotheses as to how/why the server architecture for SimCity is breaking down.

    Okay, I'm looking for input on this working theory of what's going on. I may well be wrong on specifics or in general. Some of this is conjecture, some of it is assumption.

    What we know:

    • The SimCity servers are hosted on Amazon EC2.
    • The ops team have, in the time since the US launch, added 4 servers: EU West 3 and 4, EU East 3 and Oceanic 2 (sidenote: I would be mildly amused if they got to the point of having an Oceanic 6).
    • Very little data is shared between servers, if any. You must be on the same server as other players in your region; the global market is server-specific; leaderboards are server-specific.
    • A major issue in the day(s) following launch was database replication lag.

    This means that each 'server' is almost certainly in reality a cluster of EC2 nodes, each cluster having its own shared database. The database itself consists of more than one node, apparently in a master-slave configuration. Writes (changes to data) go in to one central master, which performs the change and transmits it to its slaves. Reads (getting data) are distributed across the slaves.

    • The client appears to be able to simulate a city while disconnected from the servers. I've experienced this myself, having the disconnection notice active for several minutes while the city and simulation still function as normal.
    • Trades and other region sharing functionality often appears to be delayed and/or broken.
    • While connected, a client seems to send and receive a relatively small amount of data, less that 50MB an hour.
    • The servers implement some form of client action validation, whereby the client synchronises its recent actions with the server, and the server checks that those actions are valid, choosing to accept them or force a rollback if it rejects them.

    So the servers are responsible for:

    • Simulating the region
    • Handling inter-city trading
    • Validating individual client actions
    • Managing the leaderboards
    • Maintaining the global market
    • Handling other sundry social elements, like the region wall chat

    The admins have disabled leaderboards. More tellingly, they have slowed down the maximum game speed, suggesting that—if at a city level the server is only used for validation—that the number of actions performed that require validation is overwhelming the servers.

    What interests me is that the admins have been adding capacity, but seemingly by adding new clusters rather than adding additional nodes within existing clusters. The latter would generally be the better option, as it is less dependent on users having to switch to different servers (and relying on using user choice for load balancing is extremely inefficient in the long term).

    That in itself suggests that each cluster has a single, central point of performance limitation. And I wonder if it's the master database. I wonder if the fundamental approach of server-side validation, which requires both a record of the client's actions and continual updates, is causing too many writes for a single master to handle. I worry that this could be a core limitation of the architecture, one which may take weeks to overcome with a complete and satisfactory fix.

    Such a fix could be:

    • Alter the database setup to a multi-master one, or reduce replication overhead. May entail switching database software, or refactoring the schema. Could be a huge undertaking.
    • Disable server validation, which consequent knock-on effect of a) greater risk of cheating in leaderboards; b) greater risk of cheating / trolling in public regions; c) greater risk of modding / patching out DRM.
    • Greatly reduce the processing and/or data overhead for server validation (and possibly region simulation). May not be possible; may be possible but a big undertaking; may be a relatively small undertaking if a small area of functionality is causing the majority of the overhead.
    • Edit: I just want to add something I said in a comment: Of course it is still entirely possible that the solution to the bottleneck is relatively minor. Perhaps slaves are just running out of RAM, or something is errantly writing excessive changes, causing the replication log to balloon in size, or there're too many indexes.

    It could just be a hard to diagnose issue, that once found, is a relatively easy fix. One can only hope.


  25. #25

    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    EA sucks and needs to be removed as a power house in the gaming world.
    Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
    By the livin' Gawd that made you,
    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
    Quote Originally Posted by North Korea
    It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt.

  26. #26
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    Just to beat up on EA a little more, a network/database geek has some informed hypotheses as to how/why the server architecture for SimCity is breaking down.

    Okay, I'm looking for input on this working theory of what's going on. I may well be wrong on specifics or in general. Some of this is conjecture, some of it is assumption.

    What we know:

    • The SimCity servers are hosted on Amazon EC2.
    • The ops team have, in the time since the US launch, added 4 servers: EU West 3 and 4, EU East 3 and Oceanic 2 (sidenote: I would be mildly amused if they got to the point of having an Oceanic 6).
    • Very little data is shared between servers, if any. You must be on the same server as other players in your region; the global market is server-specific; leaderboards are server-specific.
    • A major issue in the day(s) following launch was database replication lag.

    This means that each 'server' is almost certainly in reality a cluster of EC2 nodes, each cluster having its own shared database. The database itself consists of more than one node, apparently in a master-slave configuration. Writes (changes to data) go in to one central master, which performs the change and transmits it to its slaves. Reads (getting data) are distributed across the slaves.

    • The client appears to be able to simulate a city while disconnected from the servers. I've experienced this myself, having the disconnection notice active for several minutes while the city and simulation still function as normal.
    • Trades and other region sharing functionality often appears to be delayed and/or broken.
    • While connected, a client seems to send and receive a relatively small amount of data, less that 50MB an hour.
    • The servers implement some form of client action validation, whereby the client synchronises its recent actions with the server, and the server checks that those actions are valid, choosing to accept them or force a rollback if it rejects them.

    So the servers are responsible for:

    • Simulating the region
    • Handling inter-city trading
    • Validating individual client actions
    • Managing the leaderboards
    • Maintaining the global market
    • Handling other sundry social elements, like the region wall chat

    The admins have disabled leaderboards. More tellingly, they have slowed down the maximum game speed, suggesting that—if at a city level the server is only used for validation—that the number of actions performed that require validation is overwhelming the servers.

    What interests me is that the admins have been adding capacity, but seemingly by adding new clusters rather than adding additional nodes within existing clusters. The latter would generally be the better option, as it is less dependent on users having to switch to different servers (and relying on using user choice for load balancing is extremely inefficient in the long term).

    That in itself suggests that each cluster has a single, central point of performance limitation. And I wonder if it's the master database. I wonder if the fundamental approach of server-side validation, which requires both a record of the client's actions and continual updates, is causing too many writes for a single master to handle. I worry that this could be a core limitation of the architecture, one which may take weeks to overcome with a complete and satisfactory fix.

    Such a fix could be:

    • Alter the database setup to a multi-master one, or reduce replication overhead. May entail switching database software, or refactoring the schema. Could be a huge undertaking.
    • Disable server validation, which consequent knock-on effect of a) greater risk of cheating in leaderboards; b) greater risk of cheating / trolling in public regions; c) greater risk of modding / patching out DRM.
    • Greatly reduce the processing and/or data overhead for server validation (and possibly region simulation). May not be possible; may be possible but a big undertaking; may be a relatively small undertaking if a small area of functionality is causing the majority of the overhead.
    • Edit: I just want to add something I said in a comment: Of course it is still entirely possible that the solution to the bottleneck is relatively minor. Perhaps slaves are just running out of RAM, or something is errantly writing excessive changes, causing the replication log to balloon in size, or there're too many indexes.

    It could just be a hard to diagnose issue, that once found, is a relatively easy fix. One can only hope.


    Well, EA's made their bed and now they have to lie in it. A recent tweet from the SimCity devs sheds a small amount of light about the future of their game: (this was in response to someone asking them when they might provide an offline mode)

    It's literally history repeating itself, first Diablo III is made for Multiplayer because "no one plays singleplayer," and now Sim City (a traditionally singleplayer game) is admitted by the devs to be solely played as a multiplayer experience. Let's just forget the fact that the actual multiplayer functions are incredibly shallow. I don't know where this idea that forced co-op should be a feature entered into the major publisher minds, but I'd really like to see it gone.

    Don't be surprised if in 8 months EA releases a statement declaring "More people like singleplayer than we thought." It has happened before. It shall happen again.
    Last edited by Monk; 03-10-2013 at 23:18.

  27. #27
    Arena Senior Member Crazed Rabbit's Avatar
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  28. #28

    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    So this is kind of big news. EA has been lying through its teeth about Sim City and its always online requirements.

    Finally a source from inside Maxis confirms the lies. Lets hope this kind of backlash hurts EA in a way that bleeds.
    Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
    By the livin' Gawd that made you,
    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
    Quote Originally Posted by North Korea
    It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt.

  29. #29
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Veho Nex View Post
    EA has been lying through its teeth about Sim City and its always online requirements.
    In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.

    The online requirement is straight up DRM coupled with planned obsolescence.
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    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Gaming News Thread

    Failpad version is pretty good

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