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Thread: Extended Offices Mod

  1. #121
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Stalin View Post
    I've downloaded that mod and I'm gonna see if that works... yet I'm also gonna change the places and conditions for acquiring the legatus ancillaries. I've ssen that Atraphoenix used places where the legions had stationed for long - I'm going to change it to places where they had been levied and in more "historical" order.
    Thus the EOM's Legio XVI (Legio VII Paterna Claudia Pia Fidelis) will be the first one to be levied (first I wanted to renumber the legions and their banners, also with changing descriptions, buty it seems much easier to change the conditions for getting the Legati.
    However, the legionary ancillaries will not be restricted to Marian reforms, they will rather be tied to some number of captured provinces (as V.T. Marvin proposed), yet not as regularly; and some of them will be available "at instant".
    do not forget to change ancillary images names. at the moment legates have their own image like image
    LegioI belongs to Legio I Legio I Adiutrix

    here is the full list of images(banners) of legates:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Ancillary Name Ancillary Descriptions file name in UI Ancillary Folder
    {Legatus_of_legioI} Legatus Legionis Per Legio I Adiutrix LegioI.tga
    {Legatus_of_legioII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio I Germanica LegioII.tga
    {Legatus_of_legioIII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio II Adiutrix LegioIII.tga
    {Legatus_of_legioIV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio II Augusta LegioIV.tga
    {Legatus_of_legioV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio III Augusta goes on like this...
    {Legatus_of_legioVI} Legatus Legionis Per Legio III Cyrenaica
    {Legatus_of_legioVII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio III Gallica
    {Legatus_of_legioVIII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio III Italica Concors
    {Legatus_of_legioIX} Legatus Legionis Per Legio II Traiana Fortis
    {Legatus_of_legioX} Legatus Legionis Per Legio I Minervia
    {Legatus_of_legioXI} Legatus Legionis Per Legio IV Flavia Felix
    {Legatus_of_legioXII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio IV Scythica
    {Legatus_of_legioXIII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio IX Hispana
    {Legatus_of_legioXIV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio V Alaudae
    {Legatus_of_legioXV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio VI Ferrata
    {Legatus_of_legioXVI} Legatus Legionis Per Legio VII Claudia Pia Fidelis
    {Legatus_of_legioXVII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio VII Gemina
    {Legatus_of_legioXVIII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio VIII Augusta
    {Legatus_of_legioXIX} Legatus Legionis Per Legio VI Victrix
    {Legatus_of_legioXX} Legatus Legionis Per Legio V Macedonica
    {Legatus_of_legioXXI} Legatus Legionis Per Legio X Fretensis
    {Legatus_of_legioXXII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio X Gemina
    {Legatus_of_legioXXIII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XI Claudia Pia Fidelis
    {Legatus_of_legioXXIV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XII Fulminata
    {Legatus_of_legioXXV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XIII Gemina
    {Legatus_of_legioXXVI} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XIV Gemina
    {Legatus_of_legioXXVII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XV Apollinaris
    {Legatus_of_legioXXVIII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XVI Flavia Firma
    {Legatus_of_legioXXIX} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XV Primigenia
    {Legatus_of_legioXXX} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XXII Deiotariana
    {Legatus_of_legioXXXI} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XXII Primigenia
    {Legatus_of_legioXXXII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XXI Rapax
    {Legatus_of_legioXXXIII} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XX Valeria Victrix
    {Legatus_of_legioXXXIV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix
    {Legatus_of_legioXXXV} Legatus Legionis Per Legio I Italica

    As I expressed in my first page my mod is not save game compatible with previous versions. So I advice anyone not to load a save game. Start a new campaign.

    P.S. I will work on Hayasdan and Carthage that have no offices. So I will not add any more offices for romans. I should find a phoenician dict. and a good book on Hayasdan Government. İf any idea plz help.

    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 04-06-2009 at 08:32.

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  2. #122
    Member Member Darth Stalin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Atraphoenix
    do not forget to change ancillary images names. at the moment legates have their own image like image
    LegioI belongs to Legio I Legio I Adiutrix
    Yes, I've noticed that and made a list for my own... however it seems that it doesn't matter, in which order the ancillaries appear, am I right? (I still dunno what the attribute "electability" is used for), thus the easiest way will be to change conditions for ancillaries to be achieved - for exaple if I set conditions for LegioI = Legio I Adiutrix to be available when Rome has >50 provinces and an FM is in Segestica, while Legio VII Claudia Pia Fidelis (= LegioXVI) will be available in Capua and if Rome has >3 provinces, then I suppose that Legatus_of_LegioXVI will appear BEFORE Legatus_of_LegioI.
    And that will be OK for me.
    DARTH STALIN - Lord Generalissimus of the Union of the Socialist Sith Republic

  3. #123
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    you do not have to change anything except the line:

    and I_NumberOfSettlements seleucid > 49
    if you do like that you do not have change the order and you can code their occurance order.

    for city it is easy :

    and SettlementName Taras
    just change the city name.

    for electability: mostly it is for avoiding getting another ancillary. for detailed info you can ask ancillary guys. I keep it because my module for my mod was written by EB Team for Roman Governors and Seleucid Satraps. I just deleted trait triggers but I did not touch roman goverment and seleucid satrap section.

    do not forget if you change EDA you should start a new campaign. the save games works with previous ancillaries but you will not get any more ancillaries, tested confirmed. I have not gotten any ancillary for more than 10 years (40 turns) after I changed EDA on a save gave.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 04-06-2009 at 14:37.

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  4. #124
    EBII Bricklayer Member V.T. Marvin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Stalin View Post
    I still dunno what the attribute "electability" is used for.
    Electability is an attribute used in vanilla (where a Senate faction existed) to detrmine the likelihood that a character will get elected to one of those vanilla senate offices.

    As EB no longer uses this feature, they are free to use it for other purposes. All characters come with electability = 0 by default. The effect of a province or legate ancillary will raise this rating by some number (I guess it does not really matter how much, here at least by 11). Now the trigger to get any of those province or legate ancillaries contain a condition that the character has electability value less than 11 (or whatever). The result is, that a particular character cannot obtain more than one such ancillary (unless you transfer one on him manually), which makes sense and prevent spamming of several such ancillaries on one man when other conditions are met.

    At least this is my understanding of the use of this attribute. I admit it has puzzled me too for quite a while.

  5. #125
    Member Member Dutchhoplite's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Hi all :)

    What's the difference between Extended Offices Mod V.2.2 and Extended Offices Mod V.2.1b

    Thanks :)
    Last edited by Dutchhoplite; 04-10-2009 at 10:05.
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  6. #126
    EBII Bricklayer Member V.T. Marvin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Basically the Extended Offices Mod V.2.1b gives you legionary ancillary since the beginning of the game (Camillan era) allowing you to have one legion for every three provinces conquered. Tha ancillaries look all the same, they differs only by legion number inscribed on them and gives you the names (in the ancillary description) in no particular order, just to keep track of your legions. Suitable for role-playing campaigns that do not dwell too strictly on historical timelines.

    The Extended Offices Mod V.2.2 gives you beautiful RS ancillaries for legions from Marian era onwards, with detailed historical descriptions matching the regions where each particular legion was originally raised or deployed. Suitable for those who love to re-play/re-create historical Roman Empire.

    In other respects the versions are identical IIRC.

    You could also download both, check the files and than decide which suits more to your preferences and install that one.

  7. #127
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Marvin is right my own version is based on historical order. his adaptation is based on geographical order. Namely I stress time he stresses place.

    BTW, I just came to say hello as I made another mod that was too easy to mod even I do not count it as a mod then just a bit modification.

    I hope you all liked my mod. I will not here until Juli because of my vital exam.

    so Zoroaster returned his cave again...

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    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  8. #128

    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Atraphoenix View Post

    Let me explain I abondoned the marian control for my legion commander offices, instead I triggered them with 50 city ownership. so you do not need marian reforms for my roman offices.

    but I modded my EBBS script for marians for 50 provinces so ın my PC when I get marians I get my roman offices too.

    as EBBS scripting is not the scope of my mod I do not add EBBS file cos I have no backup for it and it will make my mod a nightmare to download. EBBS is around 6-7 MB my mod is just only 1.6 MB.
    so you can change marians yourself. If you are happy to get my offices with 50 cities and marians with 90 cities there is no problem. otherwise there is a lot of threads that explains how to change romani reforms. very simple for me : find EBBS

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ;Unconditional Player Reforms
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType seleucid
    and FactionIsLocal
    and I_CompareCounter Romanii_Reform = 1
    and I_NumberOfSettlements seleucid > 49

    set_counter Romanii_Reform 2
    set_counter MarianReformsAdvisor 1



    if you change this trigger like that you make marians to be triggered with 50 cities.

    I hope it helped.
    how do I install your mod?

  9. #129
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    For Download:

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    For my last version : Extended Offices Mod V.2.2

    For the adaptation of V.T. Marvin : Extended Offices Mod V.2.1b


    -download and unrar it has no password

    -use my backup ancillary files or back up your own files.

    -copy export_descr_ancillaries file into Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data folder say yes to overwrite.

    -copy export_ancillaries file Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\text folder say yes to overwrite.

    -copy the the ancillaries folder into Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\EB\Data\UI\ folder; I have included all the images now so you can either copy all the images or just in short the folder itself


    Please send your feedbacks if you like my mod. I will be appreciated if you will add screenshoots of your game play.

    For barbarian, in fact whatever they are I will add tribal system, I need to read more to get info on what kind of govermnent system they use, any link reference will be appriciated.
    Just check first message

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    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  10. #130
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    I have included Hayasdan with the last version after I decided to used old persian titles that thay may have used in the court.

    for last updates please check the first message.


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  11. #131
    Member Member Darth Revan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    I discovered that your mod does'nt work for Makedonia...........anyway to fix this problem......

  12. #132
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Revan View Post
    I discovered that your mod does'nt work for Makedonia...........anyway to fix this problem......
    I could not see any problem. Do not forget, you need cities to get offices . Large towns cannot give offices. Also you need patience, game engine is not so generous on giving ancillaries.
    As you see I have waited until 260s BC.

    Plus I am thinking to get offices in an easier way. but I have system for this mod that EB team developed so I do not wanna change it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	RomeTW-ALX 2009-05-23 15-09-31-74.jpg 
Views:	7899 
Size:	98.6 KB 
ID:	158  
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 05-23-2009 at 15:18.

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  13. #133
    Member Member Darth Revan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    I guess it worked in your case.......My problem is a little different.....First of all, let me tell u what I m using it with.......I have EB 1.2 with Alex engine, allied armies mod, & force diplomacy, some trait changes...........I will wait till 260's B.C. but the problem is that it is hard to reach that year, because when I end turn, sometimes I encounter a CTD.......I reload a previous savegame & I endturn......than it worked for a couple of turns......however, last time when I encountered the CTD it was when Arche Seleukia (AI) were playing there turn, it could'nt be resolved by I had to replace your files & only than, I was able to continue my campaign.......Is there some compatibility issue ??????

  14. #134
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Revan View Post
    I guess it worked in your case.......My problem is a little different.....First of all, let me tell u what I m using it with.......I have EB 1.2 with Alex engine, allied armies mod, & force diplomacy, some trait changes...........I will wait till 260's B.C. but the problem is that it is hard to reach that year, because when I end turn, sometimes I encounter a CTD.......I reload a previous savegame & I endturn......than it worked for a couple of turns......however, last time when I encountered the CTD it was when Arche Seleukia (AI) were playing there turn, it could'nt be resolved by I had to replace your files & only than, I was able to continue my campaign.......Is there some compatibility issue ??????
    my mod is save game compatible, but it will have some bugs, so I advice new campaign.
    Plus you should check wether allied armies mod used ancillaries.
    Are you changing both export_descr_ancillaries in data folder and export_ancillaries file in text folder of EB Data folder. if you forgot to change one of them you will get a certain CTD, you can be sure of it.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 05-24-2009 at 10:06.

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  15. #135
    Member Member Darth Revan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Oh, man thats the solution.......I did'nt change the ancillaries in text folder......Thanks for the help man........

  16. #136
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Revan View Post
    Oh, man thats the solution.......I did'nt change the ancillaries in text folder......Thanks for the help man........
    Mate, if you forgot it; you are quarantined to have CTD

    I have good news for you, I had just 1 trigger for each ancillary so I am planning to add at least 3 triggers to get ancillaries. The more trigger, more chance, but it is a very time consuming activity.
    and am planning to add culture to triggers so romans cannot get satrapies, and hellens cannot get pahlavan ewenbed, hazarbed, etc.

    I hope it helped.


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  17. #137
    Member Member Darth Revan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Atraphoenix View Post
    Mate, if you forgot it; you are quarantined to have CTD

    I have good news for you, I had just 1 trigger for each ancillary so I am planning to add at least 3 triggers to get ancillaries. The more trigger, more chance, but it is a very time consuming activity.
    and am planning to add culture to triggers so romans cannot get satrapies, and hellens cannot get pahlavan ewenbed, hazarbed, etc.

    I hope it helped.

    Till now my campaign is progressing smoothly......unfortunately, I don't have a city yet so there are no ancillaries..........I noticed one thing in the screenshot you posted.....the same guy is Diolketos, Archstrategos, & satrapeia makedonias......I recommend that in your update on this mod.....use triggers such as the dude who is the governor of pella gets the satrapeia makedonias ancillary, just like the attuned governor trait......& the dude who has the most command stars should be the Archstrategos (management in case of Diolketos).........

  18. #138
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    "pella gets the satrapeia makedonias ancillary"
    Infact only General in Pella gets its satrapy. But because of endless war with epirot, KH, pontos, then AS.... no one got any chance to live and womanize in their satrapy
    To add influence, or other conditions just make harder to get ancillaries. So I am happy with the current status. Even now it is a nightmare to get them .

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    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  19. #139

    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Thanks for taking to the time to make this, I'm going to include it in my just about to hit Marians Roman campaign, and keep it for all the new ones! Great stuff
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  20. #140
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    thanks, I hope you enjoy playing

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    My AAR/Guides How to assault cities with Horse Archers? RISE OF ARSACIDS! (A Pahlava AAR) - finished
    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  21. #141

    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    I've been using this mod while playing a Baktrian campaign, and many of the ancillaries work fine. However, the only governor ancillaries I've gotten are for Baktria and India. Shouldn't there be two more?

    The other cities I own are definitely large enough.

  22. #142
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Unfortunately, game engine is not so generous on giving ancillaries, so I advice 2 things :
    1-Put different generals who has no experience (no or a few ancillary) to the cities that triggers them or send lots of them to that city to increase the chance to get the ancillary.
    2-use this code:
    give_ancillary "character name" "catamite" gives a spy or assassin this ancillary= +1 subterfuge
    give_ancillary "character name" "courtesan(ancillary)" gives a spy or assassin this ancillary= +1 subterfuge
    You should check names as you know ethnic system is very complex in EB.

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  23. #143
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Wink Re: Extended Offices Mod

    ;Baktrian Satrapal Government Triggers
    Trigger acquire_baktrian_archistrategos
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition FactionType romans_brutii
    and EndedInSettlement
    and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
    and IsGeneral
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
    and Attribute SenateStanding < 11
    and not FactionwideAncillaryExists baktrian_archistrategos
    and RandomPercent > 90

    AcquireAncillary baktrian_archistrategos Chance 100
    Affects NumAncillariesAcquired 1 Chance 100

    Trigger acquire_baktrian_dioiketes
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition FactionType romans_brutii
    and EndedInSettlement
    and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
    and IsGeneral
    and not IsFactionHeir
    and not IsFactionLeader
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
    and Attribute SenateStanding < 11
    and not FactionwideAncillaryExists baktrian_dioiketes
    and RandomPercent > 90

    AcquireAncillary baktrian_dioiketes Chance 100
    Affects NumAncillariesAcquired 1 Chance 100

    Trigger acquire_baktrian_satrapy_baktria
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition FactionType romans_brutii
    and EndedInSettlement
    and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
    and IsGeneral
    and not IsFactionHeir
    and not IsFactionLeader
    and SettlementName Baktra
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
    and Attribute SenateStanding < 11
    and not FactionwideAncillaryExists baktrian_satrapy_of_baktria
    and RandomPercent > 90

    AcquireAncillary baktrian_satrapy_of_baktria Chance 100
    Affects NumAncillariesAcquired 1 Chance 100

    Trigger acquire_baktrian_satrapy_india
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition FactionType romans_brutii
    and EndedInSettlement
    and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
    and IsGeneral
    and not IsFactionHeir
    and not IsFactionLeader
    and SettlementName Patala
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
    and Attribute SenateStanding < 11
    and not FactionwideAncillaryExists baktrian_satrapy_of_india
    and RandomPercent > 90

    AcquireAncillary baktrian_satrapy_of_india Chance 100
    Affects NumAncillariesAcquired 1 Chance 100

    Trigger acquire_baktrian_satrapy_arachosia
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition FactionType romans_brutii
    and EndedInSettlement
    and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
    and IsGeneral
    and not IsFactionHeir
    and not IsFactionLeader
    and SettlementName Alexandropolis
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
    and Attribute SenateStanding < 11
    and not FactionwideAncillaryExists baktrian_satrapy_of_arachosia
    and RandomPercent > 90

    AcquireAncillary baktrian_satrapy_of_arachosia Chance 100
    Affects NumAncillariesAcquired 1 Chance 100

    Trigger acquire_baktrian_satrapy_daha
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition FactionType romans_brutii
    and EndedInSettlement
    and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
    and IsGeneral
    and not IsFactionHeir
    and not IsFactionLeader
    and SettlementName Nisa
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= governors_palace
    and Attribute SenateStanding < 11
    and not FactionwideAncillaryExists baktrian_satrapy_of_daha
    and RandomPercent > 90

    AcquireAncillary baktrian_satrapy_of_daha Chance 100
    Affects NumAncillariesAcquired 1 Chance 100
    reducing thered and omitting the blue in theory may increase your chance to get ancillary.

    but EDA (export_descr_ancillaries.txt) does like touching her.
    A new campaign is necessary or you will get some funny ancillaries, it mixes them like traits.

    so do not surprize to see this if you do not open a new campaign:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    BTW you have Nisa and Alexandropolis, don't you?
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 06-10-2009 at 17:22.

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    My AAR/Guides How to assault cities with Horse Archers? RISE OF ARSACIDS! (A Pahlava AAR) - finished
    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  24. #144

    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    The funny offices would be given only to AIcharacters or to player's characters too?

    EDIT- i'm going to download the "cursus honorum" mod, is this compatible with your mod?
    Last edited by Mikhail Mengsk; 06-15-2009 at 11:58.

  25. #145
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhail Mengsk View Post
    The funny offices would be given only to AIcharacters or to player's characters too?

    EDIT- i'm going to download the "cursus honorum" mod, is this compatible with your mod?
    This mod is compatible with all submods for EB 1.2. Because, so far I am the only modder who modded ancillaries for EB. But my other mods except realist movement mod, are mostly built on alex EB and only works under alex.exe and does not work with other mods except LZ3's minimod.

    My Submods for EB
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    My AAR/Guides How to assault cities with Horse Archers? RISE OF ARSACIDS! (A Pahlava AAR) - finished
    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  26. #146

    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    PErfect. Another question: the new "ancillaries" could exceed the maximum number of available ancillaries for each character? And is it possible for a character to give those "ancillaries" to another character?

  27. #147
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhail Mengsk View Post
    PErfect. Another question: the new "ancillaries" could exceed the maximum number of available ancillaries for each character? And is it possible for a character to give those "ancillaries" to another character?
    yes you can, for example if you want to give an ancillary to a certain FM who has already 8 ancillaries transfer one of his ancillary to another FM then give him the ancillary you want to give . just click and and hold over other FM then release mouse

    My Submods for EB
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    My AAR/Guides How to assault cities with Horse Archers? RISE OF ARSACIDS! (A Pahlava AAR) - finished
    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  28. #148
    Σέλευκος Νικάτωρ Member Fluvius Camillus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Hello Atraphoenix!

    I am sorry to bother you with this in this thread. But I am unable to find the mod which makes the land look like that in your preview pictures. I searched for land mod but was unable to find anything. What is the name or link to the eb mod which makes the land look like that?

    Sorry for the off-topic...

    Last edited by Fluvius Camillus; 06-18-2009 at 12:46.
    Quote Originally Posted by Equilibrius
    Oh my god, i think that is the first time in human history that someone cares to explain an acronym that people expect everybody to know in advance.
    I lived for three years not knowing what AAR is.

    Completed Campaigns: Epeiros (EB1.0), Romani (EB1.1), Baktria (1.2) and Arche Seleukeia
    1x From Olaf the Great for my quote!
    3x1x<-- From Maion Maroneios for succesful campaigns!
    5x2x<-- From Aemilius Paulus for winning a contest!
    1x From Mulceber!

  29. #149
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluvius Camillus View Post
    Hello Atraphoenix!

    I am sorry to bother you with this in this thread. But I am unable to find the mod which makes the land look like that in your preview pictures. I searched for land mod but was unable to find anything. What is the name or link to the eb mod which makes the land look like that?

    Sorry for the off-topic...

    you mean campaign map?
    I use RS textures, here is the link :

    included in minimod pack of LZ3 as optional.
    just copy paste DESCR_AERIAL_MAP_GROUND_TYPES.TXT and other tga files but do not forget to delete previous tga files.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 06-18-2009 at 17:52.

    My Submods for EB
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    My AAR/Guides How to assault cities with Horse Archers? RISE OF ARSACIDS! (A Pahlava AAR) - finished
    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  30. #150

    Default Re: Extended Offices Mod

    Sorry, i'm using the mod, i've started a Baktrian campaign and i would like to see that new "ancillaries".

    I have a great FM who has 10 menagement and 10 influence, with 5 command stars, and still don't get any office...

    I've conquered the eleutherioi's cities between the old Seleucid border and the indian cities, reaching the persian gulf, and 2 seleucid cities (before attacking them, i've forced them to rebel thanks to my spies) Alexandreia Ariana and Propthasia.

    Why aren't my FM getting any office? THey have less than 8 ancillaries.

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