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Thread: Realist Movement Mod

  1. #1
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Realist Movement Mod

    Realist Movement Mod for EB:

    last updated: 14.06.2009

    This is my last submod for EB. I have no plan to modding again until Juli for I need to prepare myself for my vital exam at the end of June.

    It took me to some time to test but in theory it should be save game compatible.

    I used RS limit namely 260 for movement points. Default value for EB is 80. I pıt backup for both this mod also for the optional 0 Recruitment Mod.


    Download the mod from here:

    link updated.

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    after download just replace descr_character file in EB/Data folder and sp game edu backup folder otherwise no change. I have backup do not worry

    then have fun


    I put 0 Recruitment Mod for you it depend on you to use it or not. But I like 0 recruitment although I never recruit more than 3 unit in one turn except emergencies. Do not forget EB Team scripted AI Recruitment as without losing any population, use wisely.


    replace EDU file in EB/Data folder and sp game edu backup folder otherwise no change. I have backup for it too, do not worry


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    Please wish me good luck for my exam cos I will not here until Juli. I will miss your support. Though It is a mod, I do not count it as a mod it took me less than half an hour to mod, Frapsing, filefronting, and writing here. You can call this as modlet I count it like that! My previous mod took my 2 months!


    P.S. I tested on alex. RS team uses this system with RTW, BI, alex. so do not worry, if you have some error message at the beginning that means you have forgotten to replace files in sp game edu backup folder.

    A bientout! J'espere....
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 06-14-2009 at 11:49.

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  2. #2
    Unoffical PBM recruiter person Member /Bean\'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Hmm, mixed feelings on this one. I like the idea of not taking a year to traverse Italy. However I do not like the idea of enemy armies coming from miles away in one turn, if you get me. Of course they would in reality be able to move that far in such a space of time, but then I would also be able to intercept them in that amount of time, and, as we all know, the campaign map is not RTS.

    Oh, I almost forgot: Good luck!
    Last edited by /Bean\; 04-22-2009 at 20:46.
    Look out for the upcoming Warriors of the La Tene PBM, a new style of interactive EB gaming rising from the ashes of BtSH and WotB!
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  3. #3
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    thanks mate,
    do not let the green colour confuse you. you are in the middle of green area so you need 6 months (2 turns from Massilia to taras) not just 3 months from massilia to taras but in fact I am sure Romans were capable of marching from Massilia to Taras less then 3 months.
    Also AI is capable to use same movement points, so more challenge!
    I advice everyone to use optional 0 recruitment otherwise your campaign will be a suicide...

    tomorrow is official holiday here so I will be conquering the world tonight
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 04-22-2009 at 21:04.

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    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  4. #4

    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    I just tried it but the game isn't working now, was there meant to be a descr_character file in the sp game edu backup already? Because I didn't see one in there.
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  5. #5
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    In EB folder there is a folder called as "sp game edu backup" there is a file called "descr_character" the same file is also included in the EB/Data folder YOU HAVE TO REPLACE BOTH OF THEM OR THE MOD DOES NOT WORK!

    Please read the instructions first then ask, and I will not be here about 2 months. I have no chance to answer you for a long time plz ask EB team or the people who knows how to mod.

    If you have some missing files that means you have corrupted copy of EB that also means you need to reinstall it. there should be "2" "descr_character" files one in EB data folder one in "sp game edu backup" folder.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 04-23-2009 at 15:23.

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  6. #6
    is on the outside looking out Member PraetorFigus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    I've tried this and my saved campaigns got a little buggy with army movement (had something on rebel's turn I could not get past). So, I went to the scriptorium and checked to see what has been found before on this and I found a thread by Myrddraal that warns of having a value above 100. Here is the thread

    This may affect most the RTW engine then BI and ALX from what I see, but what have those who play RS say about stability of the game with the 260 points?
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  7. #7
    Member Member seienchin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Cool Idea, makes it even more important to protect your boarders

  8. #8
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    I am playing with this mod without any problem with pahlava.
    So I think ı must advice you start a new campaign if you have buggy issues. when I conquered whole mesopotamia I will add my screenies. so the most logical choice for now start a new. sorry
    I can assure game engine can handle it. I had read the thread but RS uses it so do I without any problem.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 05-01-2009 at 09:33.

    My Submods for EB
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  9. #9
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    I started a new campaign with pahlava now I am around 260s. I use the most tactics :
    wait 20 30 secs after battles and exit and restart RTW not just main menu completely.
    and of course save regularly in every 2 or 3 hours.

    I just met one CTD after I forgot the last that I passed 4 hours so at least exit and restart in every 3 hours but 2 or 2.5 is advisable especially after late campaign period become rather instable. as u know reforms, yuezhi and casse invasions etc.
    and use alex my best engine until now. I even hate M2TW and kingdoms for they unabled to assign faction heir and city view in campaign map without battles.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 05-03-2009 at 12:19.

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  10. #10
    is on the outside looking out Member PraetorFigus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Just updating on my use of this mod.

    This is working with Alex, currently in year 257 as Seleucids and no problems yet related to this change
    "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." Oogway, Kung Fu Panda

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  11. #11
    Member Member fightermedic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    the download link is broken
    maybe somebody could re-upload?
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  12. #12
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Wink Re: Realist Movement Mod

    link updated, I do not know why frontie keep deleting my files
    you can download from main page.

    My Submods for EB
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  13. #13
    Member Member fightermedic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    thanks a lot
    Gott mit dir, dem Bayernvolke,
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    This is an interesting mod. I like the idea of more realistic movement but as far as game play and as Beanerz said it makes it difficult to intercept armies and defend. Have you thought about implementing more realistic movement speeds from the other direction? Instead of increasing movement points, decrease turn time. I.e. 12 turns per year, this would be much more difficult to mod but would solve the super speedy roadrunner army problem.

  15. #15
    Devout worshipper of Bilious Member miotas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    This looks like a very useful mod, it should make roleplaying much easier being able to have FM's move at a more reasonable pace. I'm assuming that it's not possible to make this player only or you would have done it, but is there a way to make this FM only?

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  16. #16
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    RTW does not allow you to define each unit's movement.
    if you think a monthly system that can be scripted easily but that means more than 10.000 turn
    and you can have only one winter month because you cannot give more than one winter turn. when you press end turn after winter season your FMs gets another age. namely they get older after winter turns not yearly process.
    so if you think it is logical to have just one winter month you can script it. but I chose the logical way because most of the EB maps under snow more than 6 months.
    but FMs can get movement traits that helps a bit. but I do not want to touch traits because when I tried to add religion to EB religious traits destroyed my installation. so I leave the traits alone.
    You can have religion in EB without traits but it is illogical so I quit it. and I am against safe but too valuable ancillaries to use as religious modding.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 06-19-2009 at 09:57.

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    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  17. #17

    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    I am getting a CTD whenever I try to use the optional 0-turn recruitment mod. The Realistic Movement one works fine, but if I add the other it starts CTD'ing immediately upon startup - it gets to the very first screen that says "Europa Barborum; Quisque est barbarus alio" and such and then immediately crashes back to desktop.

    Even when I try to restore it from backup, it continues to crash in the same way until I reinstall EB. I have repeated this process several times and I'm almost sure I'm installing it correctly. I has a confus
    Emendator, the only submod for teachers and librarians!

  18. #18
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    you must be using other mods as well that increased or modded EDU file. for example my 0 recruitment mod is not compatible with my RS Legions Adaptation for Alexander EB.
    as you may know modding EDU is very popular so I advice you not to use it with other mods or stick to vanilla EB.
    Also my mod files for 0 recruitment may be corrupted. so do not worry use your mods then change recruitment time to 0 in the EDU file yourself you will just replace nearly 560 entry it does not take 15 mins.
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 06-29-2009 at 16:51.

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  19. #19
    Not at all like my Avatar Member gamerdude873's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    What would go well with this "modlet" I think is one that makes armies much more expensive, thus preventing "stack attacks" and making an open field battle's success critical. It would slow down the play to counter the increased movement. Anyone got a few months on their hands to burn :D?
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  20. #20
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    if the aging was not hardcoded with winter I would mod a monthly script but if you mod monthly system you will have 11 summer months and 1 winter month so I gave up it.

    My Submods for EB
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  21. #21
    Guest Azathoth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    What exactly do you have to change if you want to do this manually?

  22. #22
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    you mean 12 turn per year, you have to code EBBS script there was a script generator for RTW forgot the name but you can search in modding tools. it automatically produces turns peryear but you have to copy the script part into 4 turn per year section that is in the very end of the EBBS script.
    but as you have to change all reforms (that wwas triggered with turn number) or you will get them very early that means you may get even imperials before 200 BC. as EBBS is around more than 1000 turns so you basically will make a script that will have more than 7-8 000 turns. so why ı gave up.
    I mostly conquer half of the world before 300. turn.
    What shall I do with the remaing 6500 turn!

    P.S. If you decide to code manually beware you need just 6 months, while script generator handles it in less than 5 mins. :-)
    Last edited by Atraphoenix; 07-10-2009 at 11:29.

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    No, I meant the increased movement rate, what has to be modified?

  24. #24
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Azathoth View Post
    No, I meant the increased movement rate, what has to be modified?
    character.txt file should be modified.

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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    So it's descr_character and I change starting action points to, uh, what number do you use?

    Sorry for pestering you so much.

  26. #26
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Atraphoenix View Post
    if the aging was not hardcoded with winter I would mod a monthly script but if you mod monthly system you will have 11 summer months and 1 winter month so I gave up it.
    that would explain Zhanguo TW 1.7-they have 12 month a year turns, and only one (december) is winter.
    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

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  27. #27
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Azathoth View Post
    So it's descr_character and I change starting action points to, uh, what number do you use?

    Sorry for pestering you so much.
    I used 260 same as Roma Surrectum used. After I had some enormous value "350" but it was too effective on game play though it is realist. strong factions dominated the game.

    like you can easily destroy pahlava just in the first turn if you play AS.

    According to Achaemenid resources it took only 13 days from Persepolis to Susa via Royal road.
    if I do apply this because of we have 3 months just in one turn you can move an army from sardis to baktria.

    My Submods for EB
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  28. #28
    Xsaçapāvan é Skudra Member Atraphoenix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Ibrahim View Post
    that would explain Zhanguo TW 1.7-they have 12 month a year turns, and only one (december) is winter.
    if someone had helped me with months I could make a script with monthly turn easily.
    it is quite easy in fact with script generators. but with generator it will says just summer for 11 month.

    My Submods for EB
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    My AAR/Guides How to assault cities with Horse Archers? RISE OF ARSACIDS! (A Pahlava AAR) - finished
    History is written by the victor." Winston Churchill

  29. #29
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Atraphoenix View Post
    if someone had helped me with months I could make a script with monthly turn easily.
    it is quite easy in fact with script generators. but with generator it will says just summer for 11 month.
    as I said, there is only one winter, and 11 summers, sping, and fall months in Zanguo. i.e there isn't much you can do.
    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

    my 4 year old modding project--nearing completion: (if you wanna help, join me).

    tired of ridiculous trouble with walking animations? then you need my brand newmotion capture for the common man!

    "We have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if we put the belonging to, in the I don't know what, all gas lines will explode " -alBernameg

  30. #30
    Guest Azathoth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Realist Movement Mod

    Thanks, Atra, but I feel kind of embarrassed for not noticing it in the first post.

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