I just started a campaign (vh-h) with the Ptolemaious, I decided not to use Phallanxes since phallanx vs. phallanx is (for me of course) propably the most boring kind of battle. I had a rather slow start since I disbanded all my phallanx units and used most of my cash on an early lvl 4 MiC in Alexandreia thus almost 10 years in the campaign I have only just started building my first mine.
I lost Side but I controll the Levant plus Edessa, I am now at war with the Seleucids (duh) and Carthage (they were trying to take Libya). The reason I decided to post a thread about this is that I'd like some advice 1) generally about the Ptolemaioi (did I mention it's my first Ptolemaioi Campaign?) 2) a possible mid to late game army composition.
Right now I use Thureophorous and Ioudaious Taxeis in a chessboard formation, 2 skirmishers - a combination of Toxotai/Spendonetai/Peltastai - plus 2 Cav Units (1 Prodromoi and 1 Gen Unit)
My house rules are:
- max. 15 Units in one stack
- max. 1 unit of toxotai kretikoi per army
- no mass elite
- max. 1 unit of elephantes