Despite being a politics student, I've never actually used my right to vote, and I don't plan to in the coming election either.
At the end of the day, all the major parties are made up of career politicians. There are no ideological differences any more, just a few minor differences that you would have to be an expert economist to understand the consequences of.
And even then you can only see that if you wade through all the that is being churned out by the leaders during their campaigns. The Chanell 4 stuff they are doing with the alternative look at the elections gave some good insight into things, really highlights how it is all about rhetoric and never substance.
Not that this is all bad for me. IMO, apathy is a sign of a healthy democracy. If you live in a country that is stable enough that the differences between the major parties are nothing but purely symbolic and emotional symbolism based off their histories, then great!
But I'm just going to let the career politicians get on with it, I won't be wasting any of my valuable daytime TV time going to the ballot box for them (on that point, I am very angry that have cancelled some programmes for election stuff ).
But for the politically-aware orgahs of the Backroom, do you vote?