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Greece is not my area so my answer will be limited.
The chremonidean league economy was historically not exactly flourishing either for a few reasons:
- Alexander and the Diadochii favoured mass emigration, depopulating many cities
- The allegiances near the provinces were very fragmented, meaning that both camps had "enclaves" alligned with the opposite one within their territory. While they were not military significant they were detrimental for trade.
- The whole area was subject to intermittent conflicts every few years, meaning impoverished farmland.
- Greek were increasingly reliant on mercenaries, both as fighters and source of income during peace years. Sparta especially (Xanthippus being the best example) was pretty heavy on that.
- Last but not least, Ptolemaic support was often effectively distrupted by the macedonians, not to mention that the ptolemies had their own fronts (Cyrene, Seleucids) to deal with as well.