Hi, I would like make a humble suggestion to the staff of EB 2 to mark my arrival to EB 2.
Now, EB is by my opinion the best mod ever to be introduced into the world of gaming, the only mod that can be mentioned in the same sentence is the "Battlegroup 42" mod for battlefield 1942.
Now the most shocking thing about a mod as complex as EB is that it's free, but that also means that the development of the EB 2 entirely depends on the good will of the developers to use their precious free time to use their divine mod skills without any payment. . .wich is the main reason the project lasts so long.
What I propose is to do the same thing as the "Arsenal of Democracy" team did for Hearts of iron 2: develop the game as a mod(or expansion in the case of AoD) and put a humble price of some dozens of dollars to the download of it.
By doing that the developers would get the reward/money they more than deserve and every EB fan would gladly pay such fine because of the most important thing and that is the development itself would significantly speed up and the fans would get EB 2 far sooner.
Hope im not offending eventual opensource fanatics in the team